A Dog's Day Afternoon

I don't own fallout

…I am hungry… my ears perked up as I leaped off the bed, sniffing the floor for scraps of food. Leaving Tall Girl and Angry Girl in their beds as I looked for food.

I am angry… I have found no food and I am still hungry. And not only that. But Big Bro is missing… he is not in his bed. I sniffed his bed for traces of Big Bro… and followed him to Smokey Girl's closed door… stupid door. How dare it be shut when I am looking for Food!... And big bro…

I clawed the door, "Hey! Hey Big Bro!? I'm hungry!" I sat down on my haunches. Punching the door angrily… I could easily smash it down. But Big Bro got angry the last time I did that. "Hey! Hey Big Bro!"

"Dang it Raid I hear you…" he grumbled quietly behind the door, and soon he opened the door while rubbing his forehead. "Stop barking. I'm awake. Give me a second." He smelled like Smokey Girl…

…Big Bro mated again… good for him! Mating is fun. I danced around him as he tightened his lower covering and headed towards the front door. Moving the blockage out of the way as he grabbed his noise maker.

"Come on buddy." Big Bro said as I followed him outside my feet squishing in the mud. He looked up at the sky as I walked around the ground, sniffing for food. "Hurry up buddy it looks like it's going to rain again." Big bro was right… but it would take me a moment to find food. Big bro yawned and scratched his head, "Come on buddy… hurry up and pee already…"

Pee?... huh… I guess I do need to mark some territory. Lifting my leg on a nearby tree I relieved myself. But when I was done he called me inside. Well… Big Bro calls. I followed him back inside as he scratched my ears… my leg thumped the floor in approval. What can I say? Big Bro gives the best scratches.

"You hungry buddy?"

"Finally!" he smiled and rubbed my head, reaching into his bag of food and giving me meat chunks. My Favorite! Eagerly I ate food as he prepared his own in the fire... it smelled good. I wanted some. "Hey! Hey Big bro! Can I have some?!"

He rubbed my head, I smiled at him. Big Bro is the best. "No." he said. He's not the best. "You already got an entire radstag flank. This is mine." Aw well… I lay my head on his lap as he pet me, because I'm a good boy, and I watched his food cook. I'll just ask for more when he's feeling full. He ate his food in silence, slipping me the last few scraps before frowning into the fire. "…Damn." He mumbled, getting up and throwing on his coverings. Picking up his new noise maker and snapped his fingers.

Time to work.

"Come on buddy." He said, as I followed him outside. "Time to find some meat."

He sent me ahead to find prey, my ears as sharp as my teeth, my nose pricking up traces of prey. "This way big bro!" I darted ahead and found it. The two-headed meat… I licked my lips in hunger as Big Bro's Noisemaker rang out, the meat fell over and didn't move. Big Bro is the best.

"I'm hungry! Let's eat!" I cheered, darting around the meat as he began to drag it back.

"That's not for you…" he laughed as I bit into a leg for a taste, and to help drag it back. "Well, not all of it. This is for later buddy. Who knows how long we'll be stuck on this island." He snapped his fingers, "Find me another Raid."

Well. Big Bro knows what he's doing. So, I went off to find more. Two meals later and Big Bro was already carving up food. By then however Smokey Girl was awake, she even helped him. After of course my customary morning greeting.

"Hey, Raid." She smiled at me, rubbing my head and flopping my ears as I smiled at her. "Who's a good boy?"

I am. I'm a good boy…

"So Swat, any Mirelurks give you trouble?" she said, elbowing Big Bro in the side as I watched them make the big meat into bitesize meats.

"We didn't see any. And there aren't any around or Raid would tell me." Big Bro replied as my tail wagged, he was very specific that I should tell him that I smelled the hardshells. Big Bro hated the hardshells… whenever they used to surprise him he made an awful lot of noise. Often even after he made them very chunky.

"Well of course Raid would…" she smiled as my tail thumped. I liked that tone, it made me happy. "Raid's a good boy."

"I am a good boy!"

Swat rolled his eyes, rubbing my head. "Hey. Go get the girls up alright?" I walked back into the house, sniffing Tall Girl and poking her soft spots with my nose as she giggled but rolled over.

Hmm… this will need all of my talents. I leaped onto the bed with my paws putting my weight onto her as she woke up. "Ah! Raid…" she moaned, laughing as she rubbed my neck. Oh… that's a good spot. My leg thumped the floor as I smiled, "Just five more minutes." She mumbled, I frowned. Nuzzling her with my nose. "Raid…" she mumbled, but sighed, sitting up. "Okay, I'm awake…" I smiled at her wagging my tail at the door and inviting her outside.

"Hey! Angry girl! Get up! Up! Big bro wants you!"

"Shut up dog…" she grumbled from the top bunk, but she too got up. Sighing as she glared angrily at me. "…You're lucky you're cute." She said bluntly, as I went back outside. I am very cute.

"Big Bro they're up! Food?" he tossed me a strip of meat, meat is good…

"Alright. Might as well check if the water level is low enough to cross." He mumbled, "Who wants to go? Who wants to stay?" he asked as Angry girl yawned while Tall girl stroked my tail. I liked Tall girl. Big Bro sighed, "…Okay. I'll go look. Raid protect the girls."

"Kay." he rested his new noisemaker on his shoulder and went south, Smokey girl began storing the meats. Darn. I wanted more.

"He woke us up just for that?" Angry girl asked. "I could've stayed in bed dog."

"Satsuki don't be mean to Raid." Tall Girl said.

"He's a dog. Masha. it's not like he understands." I snorted

"Bless you." Tall Girl smiled, rubbing my head. I don't know why they said that when I did it. But I still liked Tall Girl so it was okay.

"The least you two could do is help me prepare the food." Smokey girl said, "Come on I'll show you how…" I lay down outside, watching for Big Bro as Smokey Girl showed Tall Girl and Angry Girl how to make the food last longer.

But then I heard them. Big Bro's noisemakers. Oh no… Big bro needs me. But he told me to stay… but he needs me! "Shit…" Smokey girl said, grabbing her noisemaker and running off. "Stay there!" she shouted but paused as Big Bro came charging towards her. Shooting his loudest noisemaker over his shoulder

"In the house!" he shouted as Hardshells came by the dozens. His noisemaker killed one, its face shattering as it stumbled, tripping up other hardshells as Smokey girl's noisemaker peppered a another two.

Tall and Angry Girl got their noisemakers… and now there was just noise everywhere as the hardshells fell. I darted forwards, sinking my teeth into one of their arms, taking it down easily as Big Bro put his loudest noisemaker to its face. I chomped its arm off before going after another…

"I!" BANG! "HATE!" BANG! "MIRELURKS!!!" Big Bro roared angrily as the last of the hardshells fell. "Fucking shore herpes! God damn things are everywhere!"

"You alright?" Smokey girl asked as Big Bro took a deep breath.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm cool." He nodded, "Fucking things." He put another noise into one of the hardshell's meat guts.

"Oh come on that's perfectly good crab meat!" Smokey girl said, already carving into the meat as she tore out chunks. "Just find me some mutfruit and I'll fix us something nice for lunch.

"…Food?" I asked. I'm good with food.

"See? Raid Agrees with me." She smiled as Big Bro sneered.

"Whatever. We're stuck here anyway the water level hasn't lowered." He grumbled, "I better make a drying rack. And you get cooking if you're so confident."

"I will." She smiled smugly, Now why don't you take the girls and go… teach them. Something… I don't know. Have them kill a couple of radstags."

Big Bro sniffed and snapped his fingers. I sat down. He wanted me to stay with Smokey Girl. "Masha, Satsuki reload and come with me. You still owe me a radstag."

I watched Smokey Girl go from hardshell to hardshell, carving up meats as I heard Big Bro and his noisemakers making noise. I sighed… lying down as Smokey girl gather up food and began cooking in the campfire outside in a pot…

At least it smelled good… but I still preferred Big Bro's cooking.

End of Chapter.