On the Move

I don't own Fallout

Sometime late at night, the water level fell again, and it was early morning when Swat woke up the girls to get them going. Heavy with radstag hide and provisions they made their trek back to the Salty City with hardly an issue. No raiders or ghouls to interrupt them so they made good time. However, as they saw the gates of the city… Satsuki and Masha froze…

About thirty protectrons stood outside the city gates like an army of trained soldiers and just as many guards and militia stood on the walls aiming their tightly held weapons down at the robots as Masha and Satsuki scrambled out of sight, nervously clutching at themselves… fear and terror clear on their faces.

It didn't take a genius to figure out why. "Shit…" Swat mumbled quietly, taking the hides from them and giving them the food. "Listen. LISTEN." He said calmingly, carefully taking Masha's shoulders in his hands. "I'll handle it. Go back to the apartment and wait for us, you know the way right?"

Masha, on the verge of tears, nodded as a stern Satsuki grabbed her hand. Dragging her along back to the apartment and out of sight as Swat sighed. "…Okay." He said, snapping his fingers for Raid as he approached the gates and the small army of protectrons.

"… It's bad isn't it?" Casey said softly, shouldering the rest of the radstag goods as she followed him.

"…Probably." He replied as he approached hesitantly. The protectrons did not acknowledge his presence. And he carefully slipped through their organized lines as the gates of the city opened. Letting them in.

One of the guards, an older man with a squint waved him down. "Swat. The mayor was looking for you."

"What's with the clankers?" he asked calmly as Raid snorted at the robots.

The guard glared at the silent, still machines as the doors shut. "Some… dickhead showed up and demanded to talk to Chet. But Chet was smart enough not to let the bastard in here with an army." He then nodded towards the office. "Which is why the Mayor was looking for you, you might have a job."

Swat frowned, before eyeing Casey, tilting his head towards her "…You mind having a guy help her take this stuff to Sally?" he asked as the man snorted but ordered one of the younger militia to help Casey as Swat whispered to her, "Meet me at the mayor's office when you're done." He said, before snapping his fingers as Raid obediently followed.

Technically he could get a better price if he sent Raid with Casey, but the money wasn't as important as the food they had got.

He was met in the mayor's office by the Mayor, two armed guards with assault rifles, and a rather warlike-looking protectron; it had heavier armor and obviously a Gatling laser on its right arm. Standing beside it was a short, portly, but surprisingly clean man with balding grey hair and a rather velvety-looking purple cape with 69 stitched in gold on the back. He turned to look at Swat and immediately Swat disliked him. Despite the fact that he was noticeably shorter than Swat, he seemed to be looking down his nose at him. Standing smugly, as if he now owned everything in the office and Swat should be impressed.

Mayor Chet sighed in relief "Swat, thank goodness this is-"

"I am SIR Rodney." The man said, his words making Swat feel dirty as soon as they left his obviously pompous mouth. "And this…" he waved a hand dismissively at Chet as he frowned behind his desk, "…Person... told me that you are the finest tracker in this little shithole of a town."

Now that was just not true. Swat could name half a dozen hunters in the town who were better trackers than he was, and Raid was better than all of them, but he imagined Chet just wanted to get rid of this inherently smarmy asshole with the thirty-some-odd protectrons.

"I'm adequate." Swat replied bluntly, crossing his arms. "Why do you want a tracker?"

Rodney sniffed indignantly and said rather pompously. "Some criminals from my vault have headed somewhere in this direction. I aim to retrieve them and punish them… appropriately." He licked his lips. Swat's eye twitched, he was suddenly very irritated and was resisting the urge to vent his anger on someone's face... with his Sequoia.

"So, what does that have to do with me?" Swat replied flatly, playing the fool. He had a feasible idea as to what it had to do with him. Rodney was obviously going to want him to track the girls.

"I want you to track my criminals." He said abruptly, confirming Swat's suspicions "My servants aren't exactly up to the task." He replied, lazily waving a hand towards the combat protectron. "You will be rewarded handsomely with… Caps." He seemed to be trying to restrain a chuckle, but Swat was watching him carefully, studying him.

…And Swat decided to hurry this along.

"Raid?" he said suddenly eyeing his loyal best friend as Raid immediately raised his hackles, his sword-like teeth bared angrily in a dangerous snarl at Rodney who recoiled quickly in disgust and fear at the sudden hostility of the previously passive dog.

He wasn't the only one. Chet and his assistant recoiled in surprise as well. It was not because Raid wasn't an imposing-looking furry monster, he certainly was, it was that he was suddenly so HOSTILE. They had seen the dog playing with young children with no hassle at all, he was normally so loveable. Dangerous, but loveable.

What they didn't know was that Swat had issued a subtle command to his friend. Not that Raid wasn't going to do it anyway.

He did not like the fat slob.

"My dog says 'No'." Swat said abruptly, "Good luck finding… whoever you're finding."

Rodney looked furious. Swat had met his type before. Fuckers who didn't understand or agree with the word 'no'. "You… are going to listen to this… Mongrel!?" he sneered but stood defensively behind his protectron to keep it between Raid and himself.

"Yes." Swat said crossing his arms, "He doesn't like you." But Swat watched him for a moment, "…Who are you looking for anyway? What did they do?"

Rodney scoffed dismissively but spoke degradingly to Swat. "Two worthless Whores who killed my son… they are exquisite looking women and I have no doubt they haven't passed by here."

Swat's mind suddenly whirled and almost immediately a plan formed in his head. "…I saw two women in vault suits heading Northwest." Chet suddenly looked at Swat, confused and concerned. "If they decided to walk around the Salty Lake they might have gone to Spud town." He suddenly shot Chet a very stern look that said many things. The most important of them was-

Shut. THE FUCK. Up.

"…Spud town?" hissed Rodney, spitting out the words as if they disgusted him.

"They used to grow potatoes there." Swat noted, thoughtfully keeping out the fact that there were Deathclaws running the place now with their 'Deathclaw Queen'. "It's pretty dangerous up there…" he said casually, "Some say the Deathclaws took up residence there." And by some he meant EVERYONE. "Have you ever seen a Deathclaw?" he pulled out his claw knife. "They have Claws like spears, teeth like swords, and even just one is a walking disaster, like a hurricane."

Rodney smugly grinned, "I have more than two-score Protectrons at my command…" he said dismissively, "One Deathclaw is hardly an issue…Very well, I will go and see for myself." He shoved past Swat with hardly another word as the combat protectron silently followed.

Swat inwardly smirked but Chet nervously cleared his throat, "…I've never seen Raid act like that to anyone before..."

"Well, you aren't firing bullets at him." Swat replied with a snort, "Anyway Chet. I need a pencil and paper." He then eyed his assistant, "Could you excuse us please?" he asked as Chet handed him the pencil and paper and nodded the assistant out. Swat began to write crudely on the sheet of paper. Then when he was done, he signed it with the picture of a butt. Before folding it up and handing it back to Chet. "Here. Give this back to him after he comes back from Spud Town. IF he comes back." He noted with a knowing smirk.

"…What is it?" Chet asked, about to open it but Swat stopped him, putting it in an envelope.

"It's me sending him a challenge. He's not going to be too happy when he gets back and might just have his robots attack the town. What with me sending him into a Deathclaw Nest and everything…" he tapped the envelope. "This will tell him where I am going, and who I'm going with. You can claim I forced you to listen to me, sell it as a whole strong-arm thing, he should leave you alone."

"Its not much of a sale…" he said sheepishly, "…I guess this means you're leaving?" he said almost sadly.

"I wasn't going to stay forever." Swat replied, and Chet extended his hand. Swat shook it as Chet fondly rubbed Raid's head. "See you around mayor." And without another word the two left his office, leaving the mayor to ponder the envelope.

Casey was loading up her brahmin when Swat found her, he gave Sally a moment to say goodbye to Raid. It was very heartfelt with lots of nuzzling hugs. And after letting Rodney and his Protectrons get some distance away they went to Swat's apartment.

"It was Sir Rodney, wasn't it. Did you kill him?" Satsuki asked immediately as Swat entered, gathering up all manner of gear and ammo to pack on the brahmin as he watched her.

"Seriously?" he asked, "No. I didn't." he said frankly.

"Why?! He's going to follow us!" she shoved him, but he stood firm, "I told you we should've left! And now he's going to find us!"

Swat watched her, before pulling out his sequoia, "…How many bullets does my main gun have?" he asked casually, when she didn't answer immediately he snorted, "Five. I have five bullets in this gun and he had Thirty some odd protectrons. I bought us some time, and more than likely got a few of his protectrons destroyed where I sent him." Casey giggled, he had informed her of his plan on the way. "But if he's not dead he will eventually come after us. No doubt about it." He loaded his boxes of ammo and secured them to the brahmin. "But by then we'll be long in the Mojave and if my plan goes right we'll have another gun." He smirked at her, "Now get packed. We're leaving now."

"That reminds me, James." She said playfully as Swat sighed at another failed attempt at his name, "What's the route?"

"We'll walk the courier path." He said checking his guns, "Southwest along the old-world highways"

She sighed nervously, "…That's a lot of uncovered ground. We'll practically be Raider bait."

"But it's the fastest route." Swat replied, "…Besides… I've walked it quite a few times, I know it like the back of my hand."

"If you say so." She replied casually, lightly patting Masha on the back with a smile as Raid barked the Brahmin along. Soon enough the ruins surrounding The Salty City made way to a long stretch of broken concrete going as far as the eye could see, covered with broken down old cars, their occupants were long gone. In the meta sense, somehow their bones were still bleaching in the sun…

"You think after 200 some odd years they would've turned to dust…" Casey noted, eyeing a long-dead four-person family sadly as Masha and Satsuki did the same, all of them somewhat respectful.

"Keep moving." Swat replied flatly, "…If we keep up the pace we can reach the Mojave in three days."

"Oh goody." Casey replied with a rather humored sigh. "It's going to be one of those trips…" she eyed Satsuki who had fallen behind, staring back towards the Salty City as if suddenly expecting an army of protectrons. "Hey. Satsuki. Better Keep up of Ronald will leave you behind."

"Ronald? Really?" Swat replied, walking back to drag Satsuki along.

"Fine. Reggie." Casey added keeping Satsuki moving. "Am I getting closer?"

"No." Swat replied, whistling softly as Raid charged on ahead as they kept moving forward.


Several hours from the Salty City

Sir Rodney sat in his tent as his blonde slave slurped his pride deep into her talented mouth. With a fistful of her silky blonde hair in his hands, he moved her head rapidly up and down his length as she waited impatiently for the return of his scouting party.

"…Good." He praised absently as her lips tightened around his length, her tongue licking desperately for his release. Without warning he shoved her head down his length, holding her in place as he released his load into her mouth. She flinched slightly in surprise but remained silent as she felt his salty disgusting load fill her mouth. He bobbed her head roughly, making sure every drop was sucked out before ripping her off his cock, and tilting her head back. "Open." He ordered as she obeyed, showing him his pool of seed as I spat a glob of mucus into her mouth. Smirking cruelly as she shivered, "Swallow."

Her lips pressed firmly together as she gulped, her neck pulsing as she struggled to swallow the thick load before opening her mouth again to show for proof. He slapped his wet length against her face before tossing her aside and pointing to his dark skin slave. "You Darkie. Come here." He ordered degradingly as she cringed but crawled towards him as the blonde crawled away. "Give me those milk bags." He ordered zipping down her vault suit to release her large natural breasts, pulling them around his length.

They were warm, and snug, he pressed them firmly around his length as they engulfed him. "Come on." He ordered with a stuck-up snarl, "Get to work." She silently held her breasts around him and moved them up and down, his cock disappearing into her flesh and reappearing in a rhythmic pattern. He sighed contentedly as she hugged his cock with her warm breasts, thrusting up into her cleavage as her chest slapped his lap. "Faster." He ordered abruptly, feeling himself throb eagerly between her tits, ready to release as she obeyed. "Come on." He snarled, standing up and grabbing her breasts roughly in his hands as he thrust rapidly, "Look at me!" he snarled as she looked up at him hesitantly.

He adored that look of regretful submission. There was nothing she could do to him that wouldn't end in her death. He licked his lips hungrily as the thought of absolute power over her entered his mind. Suddenly his cock erupted seed onto her chest as he thrust between her, squirting a pool of cum onto her dark skin as she shivered at the suddenness of it. He pulled out, and stroked himself rapidly with his hand, spurting the last drops onto her face as she frowned disgustedly. "Rub it in your skin." He ordered, watching her cruelly as she hesitated just a moment too long.


The back of his hand crashed against her face as she fell to the floor, shivering as her two slave sisters flinched. "Did I stutter?!" he snarled, looking disgusted at the cum on his hand. "Blonde." He said abruptly as his blonde slave crawled towards him, licking the cum from his hand obediently like a dog. "Rub it in your skin!" he repeated.

He knew how much they hated it. The smell, the feel. And there wasn't a real shower for miles. Their only source of cleaning up was being blasted with a solvent in the protectrons. And it wasn't the most euphoric feeling. But his dark skin slave sat up, and slowly rubbed his seed into her skin. Trying to hold back tears as her skin became sleek and sticky.

"Next time…" he said, approaching her, rubbing his flaccid dick against her face as she shivered, "I won't repeat myself…" he said coldly, and with a finality that told her EXACTLY what he'd do with her if she didn't obey. He smacked her again, but not hard enough to knock her to the floor, just to remind her who she belonged to before walking outside the tent.

"34!!" he shouted impatiently, looking around at the vast potato farmland they had arrived at. "Have the scouts returned?"

34 didn't answer. It seemed to be processing his words for a moment. "…Yes." It said rather abruptly.

"Well? Where are they?"

34 buzzed and beeped for a moment, then he stepped aside as his blood went cold.

A woman in what seemed to be rough animal leathers stitched together and a Deathclaw skull on her face stood before a heap of ten utterly destroyed protectrons. Beside her was a massive muscular, 15-foot-tall Deathclaw covered in scars, and a smaller Albino Deathclaw, absently plucking potatoes from the fields and putting them in a sack.

"…What the fuck?" Sir Rodney said rather bluntly as he stared in fear and fascination.

The hulking muscular Deathclaw lifted the woman onto it shoulders and approached rapidly at dangerous speeds. They stood silently about 12 yards away from his camp as Sir Rodney's remaining protectrons raised their weaponized arms but held fire. Sir Rodney fidgeted nervously as the woman stood majestically upon the Deathclaw's broad shoulder, gazing down at them through her mask.

"I am the Deathclaw Queen of Spud Town." She said, proudly, elegantly. Sir Rodney felt a kindred spirit in her. But he was the only one. His slaves, watching from the tent flap, knew immediately that there was a significant difference between them.

And it was about 15 feet tall with massive razor-sharp claws.

"This is my kingdom. Leave or be destroyed." She spat disgustedly at them. But Sir Rodney, summoning up what little balls he had, managed to hold his ground long enough to ask.

"…Did two women in vault suits… come this way?" he said nervously, eyeing the deathly spear like claws of the death claw she rode.

"None come to Spud Town without my permission. And None have come this way in many months." Sir Rodney frowned, she literally had no reason to lie. That Deathclaw was the ultimate proof, and even if he accused her of it what could he do?

"Begone! Or my kin will remove you… and several body parts." The hulking Deathclaw scrapped the dirt, as if eager to charge.

"We… we will leave immediately…" he said feebly, ordering his protectrons to pack everything quickly. "Curse that Swat." He spat angrily, now knowing without a doubt that he sent him here deliberately to get killed.

Of course, he didn't know exactly why, but the closest thing he had to an idea was the correct one. The girls had obviously bribed him with their bodies to protect them.

It took them several minutes to leave, all under the watchful and terrifying gaze of the massive Deathclaw. Scrapping trenches of claw marks in the hardened ground as they finally walked back the way they came.

The albino Deathclaw, blind in both eyes and carrying the sack of potatoes approached the two silently. "My dear." It spoke amazingly in a low soft growl, "Have they gone?"

"Yes grandmother." The Deathclaw queen spoke calmly, "…Swat apparently sent them this way…" she had excellent hearing.

The albino Deathclaw snorted with a dark chuckle, "Well… he likes his tricks…" she hissed, "Come it is time for dinner. Bring your brother, would you please?"

The Deathclaw queen gently tapped the hulking Deathclaw's cheek as they returned to the nest. Crushing the protectron corpses underfoot dismissively as they did.

End of Chapter

There are talking deathclaws. It's true, look it up. I'm not crazy or taking liberties... I know, I was confused too.

Anyway they're finally heading south to the Mojave, Rodney figured out that Swat trolled him, and now he's down ten protectrons…