The Road to Novac

I don't own fallout, anything in the Fallout universe, or by certain musicians mentioned in passing

"Okay…" Casey began, rolling out a map of the western wastes on a wrecked car hood. "Here's where we are…" she said, pointing onto a long stretch of road, "Yes. If we follow the road, we'll eventually get close to New Vegas. But we might want to go around because those Boomers are freaking mental…"

"Boomers?" Masha asked as Satsuki started out onto the wasteland to the north. As if she was expecting Rodney to suddenly appear over the horizon.

"A pack of Vault decedents that have a fucking artillery piece." Swat noted, "That reminds me." Reaching into his pack he pulled out the pip-boys. Their pip-boys. "You two can put these back on." He said, gently taking Masha's hand and wrapping it around her left arm. "They'll be helpful. And you know…" he fidgeted with the radio for a moment "Entertaining."

'-ever in one place, I roam from town to town' the song began/continued out of the pip-boy as Swat grinned, and walked towards Satsuki, who recoiled at the thing as he approached, so he decided to hold onto it.

"And when I find myself a-fallin' for some girl" Swat sang to their surprise and Masha's honest amusement, he grinned as they watched him. "Yeah, I hop right into that car of mine and drive around the world, Yeah I'm the wanderer, Yeah, the wanderer, I roam around around around around a-"

"A-ROOOOOOOOO!!" Raid howled happily to the song as if singing along, making Masha laugh as Casey quickly approached.

Casey clicked off the radio on Masha's wrist and Swat stopped singing, Raid however moaned sadly as he rested his head on the road. Clearly disappointed that the song was over "Swat. MAP." She said demandingly, tapping the paper as he rolled his eyes, looking it over, and hesitating as he studied it briefly.

"…This is an NCR map…" he said suddenly interested, pulling it more towards him. "And by that, I mean it's a ranger's map, it shows the whole territory this side of the Great Rocks. Where did you get this?" he asked surprised, noting the deep detail. He had seen one like it before, back when he was on good terms with the NCR Rangers… He's not on such good terms anymore.

"I got it off a group of dead rangers…I'm not proud, but it's damn useful." She said with a sad smirk, "Anyway…" she traced the road with her finger again, "We can either go around the Boomers this way, taking the long road around and crossing the Hoover Dam." She tapped then tapped the Hoover dam for emphasis, "And keep going all the way to Novac. Or we can walk along Freeside and hope the raiders have been culled a little."

Swat sniffed. "…I'd rather avoid the Hoover Dam. I heard the NCR started taking tolls to cross it."

"And you're right." Casey said rolling up the map. "Even though the Courier in New Vegas 'owns' it. But I can get us past them no problem." Swat watched her curiously, "I can." She said confidently. "Now. Do we keep moving or do we try to find shelter? We barely got a couple of hours rest the last time we made camp."

"I'm up for sleep." Masha said feebly, stroking Raid's head as she leaned against another ruined car. There was an awful lot of them to pick from. Swat looked up, it was late in the day… and the brahmin was already grazing on what little grass it could find. "…Fine." He said finally, looking around. He found a group of cars, obviously a pretty nasty pile up when they were intact hundreds of years ago, … two stacks of cars surrounding a small clearing in the middle so now it made a pretty good campsite

Apparently, someone else awhile back agreed as there was a pile of stones to act as a firepit. He opened a couple of the cars' doors: the back seats were still intact. "Alright. Whoever wants to take a nap I'm giving you a few hours. But then we're on the move again." Masha crawled into a car, Swat could not help but watch her rear shake as she crawled in, slowly dropping down onto the seat and closing her eyes as Raid lay down outside the door, snorting softly as he began to nap. Satsuki, silent as ever lay down on her back in the car next to Masha's closing her eyes and drifting off.

"I want to get into the Mojave by tomorrow." Swat said abruptly to Casey who had tied her brahmin inside the ring of cars, giving him food as she dumped some kindling and old newspaper into the firepit. "And I don't want a big fire. You never know who's out in the wastes at night."

"You can't see the light in this pile of cars." She replied, but gingerly took out a bit of the fire's fuel. Swat checked some of the car trunks for anything good, but they were picked clean probably years before, or longer. Just old clothes and old-world money that he promptly tossed near the fire as the night began to cool around them…

Masha and Satsuki shivered in their makeshift beds, so he shut the doors, blocking out some if not most of the wind as Raid curled up next to Casey to warm her up. Swat kept looking in the cars, even if there were no guns or food or… anything really. There might be a certain book… maybe in one of the many suitcases, he found in the cars. But no luck.

He sat down on the hood of a car near the opening of the wall of cars, keeping his eyes open and lever action in his lap as he took Satsuki's pip-boy and began to try and find a station. Slowly it buzzed, "-was the Wanderer by Dion" a rather seductive female voice cooed over the radio, "I hope you're all safe out there… but as the light is getting low how about something a little slower… Here's Glen Campbell with Southern nights." And soon the song began to play as Swat hummed along to the melody but he didn't know the words.

"Southern Nights, have you ever felt a southern night? Free as a breeze, not to mention the trees, whistling tunes that you know and love so…"

"Turn it down John." Casey yawned, "Some of us are trying to sleep." He rolled his eyes but complied, the song continuing as he settled himself into keeping watch. "Ronald." She said suddenly.

"Didn't you guess that one already?" he replied, his eyes narrowing out onto the dark night, trying to spot something. But it was pointless, there was no moon tonight and honestly, Raid would alert them long before anything would happen. So sitting down next to Casey he warmed himself by the fire.

"I think Roland was used… oh well, Raul?"

He blinked at her, "Raul? That's a new one."

"Eh I met a ghoul once that was using it. You were raised by a ghoul, so I figured why not?" she snuggled in Raid's soft fur, "…So. Hoover Dam or follow the road?"

"…I think I want to follow the Road, it'll be a long walk around the Dam and we'll want to go straight to Novac."

"For an old ghoul." She added pointedly.

"If Rodney is following us… which I don't doubt he is. I want to cause him as much trouble as possible." He said thoughtfully. "Not even I can take out an army of protectrons on my own. With Jack, we stand a much better chance."

"…But he's an ass." She seemed obligated to note as Swat nodded with a chuckle.

"And I'm not disagreeing. But he's a good shot and we need that…" he sighed, turning up the music a little. "Get some sleep. We'll move out in a few hours."

"…Want to join me?" she asked with a knowing grin. "Some of the old Ghouls around Freeside say that the back seat of a car is where they lost their V-cards…"

Flattered, but knowing better, Swat shook his head, "If we did. We'd be spending the night. And we need to keep moving."

"Right Right…" she waved a hand, rolling over and rubbing her face into Raid's fur. "Novac as soon as possible I know…" her breathing slowed, and she was off to sleep. Blessing of a wasteland caravanner, they can sleep just about anywhere. The music from the pip-boy echoed over the crackling fire.

He jolted awake, he had fallen asleep. "Well fuck." He grumbled, checking the pip-boy clock. Five hours. He snarled to himself and shook Casey, who had transferred to his lap in her sleep.

"Huh-wa?" she mumbled, yawning. "Damn it Sarge, it's my day off…" she groaned, stretching her arms widely as her breasts bounced in her shirt.

"Who's Sarge?" Swat asked as she grumbled.

"This… old retired asshole who used to be a sergeant from the NCR." She mumbled, "Anyway WHAT?" she added grumpily but he pulled her to her feet.

"Wake up Satsuki, I'll get Masha." He said, "We stayed longer than I planned." She sighed and went to go shake Satsuki and frowned.

"…Wait, why did we stay longer?"

"I fell asleep." He noted with an apologetic shrug, "…My bad." He opened the door to Masha's 'bed' gently shaking her.

"Mmnn… Swat not now… Satsuki will hear." She moaned dreamily, not quite awake yet. But Swat was flattered regardless.

"Masha." He said more firmly as she awoke with a start. "Come on we need to get moving again." she rubbed the sleep from her eyes as they began to pack everything up. As they began to walk around the back onto the road, still rubbing sleep from their eyes…

Raid began to growl. Swat reacted much quicker than the girls as a low buzz pierced the night, his lever action up and ready as a handful of bloatflys hummed across the road, uncaring of the humans and animals nearby. Immediately Swat calmed down. Bloatflys, while annoying, were little effort to them and he could save his bullets. "…Come on." He replied, leading the way as the buzzing dimmed. "Let's go." He then nudged Raid, "You're still sleepy…" he mumbled as the big wolf yawned audibly.

The sun was rising as they approached what looked like a checkpoint. Men in brown armor and hats were wandering about a small construction zone, what looked like a tiny crude fort made of scavenged cars and wood… "NCR?" Swat noted a little sourly, "…They've come this far out huh?"

"Been a while since you've been this way huh?" Casey asked, handing Swat the reins of her brahmin. "Yeah. They got checkpoints now. All the Mojave's got the NCR stamp of approval. Except for New Vegas and the Dam, technically. Those are owned by the Courier." She began to approach the makeshift fort, "Let me handle this. I'll be right back." Swat watched and waited as she waved to a few of the troopers, who surprisingly some returned the wave. Others saluted in greeting.

"So… how far is it to this… Novac?" Satsuki asked, reaching into Swat's bag and taking her pip-boy, snapping it onto her wrist.

"…If we're not interrupted we should reach it before nightfall. Ideally anyway." He replied, watching her for a moment. "…You alright?"

"When Sir Rodney is dead, I'll be fine." She said abruptly, walking to stand by the Brahmin and leaving the conversation done as Masha walked to stand by Swat.

"…Don't take it personally." She said hesitantly. Swat didn't, he could tell the type of girl Satsuki was. If he was essentially raped by someone his entire life he'd want to put a few bullets into him too.

"It's fine." He said watching Casey curiously as she spoke to the NCR troopers like old friends. "…What is she saying to them?" he mumbled as Casey waved farewell to them, and quickly returned to the group.

"Okay, we're good. Swat, don't start any shit… they know all about you." She added with a smug smile as the troopers glared at Swat from a distance. An obvious sniper sitting in the lone tower they had managed to build for now.

"Okay…" he noted, watching her curiously as they walked on. "So. Do you want to stop in Freeside?" he asked, "You have an apartment there right? We can take you on the way too-"

"Oh. Don't worry about that. I'm going to drop my brahmin off at the Crimson Caravan on the way. I'll keep you company until the girls are safe."

"…Why would you do that?" Swat asked, suddenly very suspicious.

"Well. Swat." She said confidently, "You guys are interesting and I need a break from caravanning… after what happened to my guys..." then added a little more conversationally, "Besides. I think I can convince you to caravan around with me when you're done with this little quest of yours. You'll be good company." She grinned at him, and Swat brushed it off. He could use the gun he supposed… but something was bothering him, just a little. But that was probably just paranoia, it kept you alive in the wasteland.

They soon passed Freeside, and the outer limits of New Vegas, the lights even brighter in the early morning sun. They passed the gun runners and the clinic. A brief layover at the Crimson Caravan, more than happy to take Casey's brahmin, and some caps, off her hands for a while. Then off down south to Novac they went.

One benefit apparently of NCR control (well mostly NCR control) was a distinct lack of Raiders wandering the old 95 highways… the fiends were pretty much killed off years ago when a courier and a red-headed caravanner went around blasting their brains out. And now a bunch of securitrons were roaming the roads, shouting out 'howdy' as they passed.

"…I didn't think it would be so uneventful." Satsuki said suddenly as a securitron rumbled out a 'howdy' as it rolled past them, a bit too close for her comfort as she brushed up against Swat unintentionally.

"Don't jinx it." Casey noted, "There are Cazadors, nightstalkers… just don't." she added as she looked to Raid, who abruptly yawned widely, and walked a little more ahead…

"The Dry lake is coming up." Swat said, halting as he checked his guns, "Guns out ladies… fire ants." He added as a reason, and the girls promptly pulled out their guns. "Walk ahead." He said, "Keep out of the dust…" he noted as the dry lake came up alongside. "We're almost to Novac…" keeping a wary eye on the dust-covered former lake as he walked slowly just behind Masha…

There was an audible rumble and his sequoia came up. "Go." He said simply as Casey hurried the girls along and a handful of bright red soldier ants crawled from the ground, spitting a torrent of fire into the air as if declaring their attack. The insides of one painted the ground as Swat's bullet ripped through its head, a torrent of fire spewing from the holes as it topped over, very, very dead. Two more were down as Masha and Satsuki killed one together and Casey peppered another with her assault rifle. "Keep going!" he shouted as half a dozen more began to appear. "Run!" he shouted killing the other two solider ants as the new ones gave chase. Reloading his sequoia, he snapped it shut, turning and killing another two.

"Whoever thought fire-breathing ants was a good idea deserves to be shot!" he hissed to himself as the remaining four spluttered a torrent of fire. BANG BANG. Another two went down as he turned and ran for it with the girls.

POP POP… a faint noise pierced the air and the fire ants stopped dead. Swat skidded to a halt and his eyes narrowed thoughtfully ahead. There was the image of a tall dinosaur statue chewing on an equally giant thermometer… Now. The average person couldn't have made a shot like that. But in Novac there wasn't an average person.

They had made it to Gibson's scrapyard. Panting slightly as Swat jogged up to them. Welcome to "Novac." He said, gesturing to the fortified former motel just ahead. "Catch your breaths girls, we can rest when we get there." Sucking it up for just a few moments longer they followed him to the front of the town.

"Well well…" came a condescending voice as they entered. An NCR ranger or at least a former one stared at Swat as he walked in. but his eyes wandered immediately to Casey James. "Ms. James." He said hesitantly, looking around. "Where's your Brahmin?... and your guys?"

"I stabled it with the Crimson Caravan for a while. As for my guys… well. Raiders." She said. Ranger Andy nodded sadly, understanding immediately.

"I'm sorry to hear that. But you." He said, tapping Swat's vest with a finger, "You've got a lot of nerve."

"What did you do?" Casey said with a mocking air, her face twitching while trying to contain a smile.

"He left that old crotchety Ghoul!" Ranger Andy replied, "He's a pain in the ass!"

"That was literally years ago at this point." Swat replied as Raid bounded towards a formerly boarded-up bungalow at the far edge of the 'town' sitting down and wagging his tail. "You needed a new sniper right?… Besides. I'm here to borrow him for a while."

"…Fine." He replied a little bitterly after some hesitation, "He's in his-"

"I figured." Swat interrupted, referring to a very excited Raid. "Girls. Why don't you go arrange some rooms, and I'll go talk to Jack."

"Cliff runs the inn." Ranger Andy provided, with a far friendlier smile to Satsuki and Masha as Swat walked away, "Why don't you have a look around the shop in old Dinky while you're at it?"

Swat stood outside the bungalow as Raid gently punched the door, he took a deep breath, sighed… and pushed it open.

The first thing he noticed was the smell of well-aged whiskey. The second thing he noticed was the old ghoul himself. With one leg, long stringy hair, and a rather bulky frame. Although that could be attributed to the old brown duster he wore that was similar to Swat's. Down to the last ballistically lined stitch. He was tossing card after card into an upside-down cowboy hat on the bed halfway across the room. Jack of Spades, Jack of Hearts, Jack of Spades, spinning vertically in the air as they landed accurately in the hat. His good eye, an odd faint golden one, narrowed on Swat as he entered, the milky white left eye was still in his socket as he coughed and laughed.

"Well fuck me sideways… if it isn't the Brat." He said in a gravelly ghoulish Texan drawl, he tossed another Jack of Hearts easily into the hat. "What are you doing here?"

"I Came to see you Jack." Swat said half-honestly as Raid bounded happily into the room. His tail swayed cheerfully back and forth rapidly as Jack snarled at the big dog. Obviously, Raid was much happier to see him than he was to see Raid.

"Oh you brought the fucking dog?" he grumbled as Raid happily barked, licking his hand as he yanked it away, "God damn it Brat."

"Where's your leg Jack?" Swat said pointedly ignoring Jack as he glared at him.

"…Under the bed." He grumbled absently, "I don't like wearing it when I'm resting." He added as Swat reached under the side of the bed. As his back was turned, and rather subtly, Jack pulled a strip of radstag jerky from his pocket and let Raid snatch it from his hand before he ruffled Raid's head and pointed away. The big dog dropped in a corner as he 'secretly' chewed the jerky. Obviously, they had done this before…

"You should wear it all the time." Swat noted, taking out the crude prosthetic leg and walking towards him. "What if something attacks Novac?"

Suddenly a pair of western revolvers quickly spun into Jack's hands with blinding speed, pointing directly at Swat's face. "Well then I'll introduce them to Smith and Wesson here…" he replied flatly. Swat confidently pushed them away with the back of his hand as Jack holstered them. "So. What the fuck are you doing back in the Mojave? Thought you were heading over the Rockies to go back east."

"I got caught up in something by the Salty Lake." Swat replied, wrapping on the prosthetic leg to the stump of Jack's right leg, just under the knee. The leg was one of the main reasons why Swat and Swat's mother left him in the Mojave… the other reasons were he liked his drink, and he liked his cards, and losing his leg enhanced those particular vices for awhile. But to be fair, ever since Swat came to see him with Raid not too long ago, after the death of his mother, he's gotten better. Swat looked at his mentor as he shuffled the remaining deck of Jacks in his hands: they were a collection of cards from all over the wasteland in casinos from the Heart of the NCR, to the underground casinos in the Concrete Jungle.

Some of those cards were older than Swat himself… a two-hundred-year-old ghoul has been to a lot of casinos.

"Caught up' huh. Who did you piss off this time?" he asked, flicking a few of the cards between his still very dexterous fingers.

"At this point, an Asshole with about thirty protectrons." Swat replied seriously as Jack groaned, getting to his feet as the leg adjusted back to his weight. "He's after the girls." Swat added as the old ghoul uncorked a whiskey bottle from his kitchen counter, took a long sip, then recorked it. Setting it back down.

Believe it or not, that was progress for him.

He turned on the electric stove, grinning as he laughed, reheating a can of beans in a pot as Swat watched. "Power! Bless those bastards in the NCR…" he chuckled, "…Or maybe bless that fucking Courier in the Lucky 38." He frowned as Swat gathered up the cards in the hat, stacking them neatly together and shuffling. "So. What girls are you talking about?" he asked, giving Swat a lecherous tooth grin.

"A couple of vault girls asked me to take them deep into NCR territory…" Swat noted, "…But this Asshole is going to catch up with us before then, I just know it. They're not like the Vault Dwellers we hear about Jack, they can barely take care of themselves."

"So? Not my problem Brat. What do you want me to do about it?"

"…I could use another shooting arm." Swat replied flatly as Jack began to eat his beans. "Someone who can shoot the Combat inhibitor off a protectron while standing in front of it." Swat replied as Jack chuckled.

"Yeah that was fun…" he grinned, "…But no." he said flatly dropping the smile, and tossing the bowl of beans onto the table.

"The girls and I could use your help Jack." Swat said subtly. The song and dance was old but, he still knew the steps. Jack's been getting better, but he was still a little bitter over the loss of his leg.

"Uh-huh. I never took you as the 'epic quest' sort of guy." Jack replied, limping slightly back to his chair. "Joining up with some vault dweller and cleaning up the shithole wasteland." He added, tossing cards back into his hat on the bed.

"They were very convincing." Speaking of convincing.

"Swat?" Masha opened the door, watching us nervously as Jack's card spun and missed his hat as he stared, Jack doesn't miss. "Casey wants to know if we should get three rooms or two?"

"I'm fine with whatever." Swat replied as she smiled politely at the crotchety old ghoul before her pip-boy-covered arm took the doorknob and slowly shut the door again.

He stared at Swat in awe before he pointed at the door with a jack of spades between his fingers, "…You've been walking around the wasteland with THAT smoothskin goddess?"

"…Two of them." Swat noted casually, "…Three I guess if you want to include the caravanner.."

I haven't seen a girl built like that since before the bombs…" he said mouth slightly agape as Swat watched his mind whirl in thought. "…Shit boy you're right, they are VERY convincing." He then eyed his protégé. "…What's the plan?"

"Thirty-some odd protectrons, at least one specifically designed to combat." Swat said, "Ambush tactics are ideal. You, me, Raid and at least Casey."

Jack absently rubbed his wrinkled chin and sighed through his nub nose. "…Fine. I didn't want to go feral eventually anyway. Get my guns brat and introduce me." He said, stomping towards his hat and gathering up his cards as Swat rummaged through his trunk. Taking a weathered and very old Jack of Hearts from his deck Jack slipped it into the tight band of his hat.

This was one-half of his good luck hand that he got from his very first game of 'professional' blackjack. It ended in a very dangerous scuffle. He had a Jack of Hearts and Spades and won the pot but caught the ire of his fellow gamblers. It's where he first met Gladys, Swat's mother.

Now he had the Jack of Hearts. Swat's mother still had the Jack of Spades.

Swat handed him his well-cared-for, classic and original Winchester rifle. If you were to believe him, the last one ever made, as well as his bandoleer belt of bullets that he strapped on. "Let's kill some robots." He quipped, shouldering his rifle.

"…Actually I was planning to stay for at least a night." Swat noted as Jack merely scoffed.

"Then I'll still make a damn fine impression." He said, looking like a '(rotten) cowboy hero of the old vids, and he even had a dashing smile that was… still ruined by most of the rest of his face. But Swat shrugged, and they walked out together.

"I usually got the damn night duty in the big lizard." He noted with a shrug, "I guess we shouldn't leave until then anyway… Now be a gentleman and introduce me to your friends." He noted as Swat rolled his eyes and led his mentor towards the girls, Raid happily yipping at Jack's heels.

"Girls." He began, but Jack shoved past them, took off his hat politely and bowed his head. "…This is One-Eyed Jack."

"Ladies." He said with a rough gravelly voice, then however he eyed Casey. "Oh. It's you…" he mumbled, putting his hat back on.

"Nice to see you to you old ghoul." She replied smugly, "…Don't pinch my ass this time and we won't have a problem."

"This is Masha and Satsuki." Swat interrupted, Satsuki recoiled slightly at Jack, but he apparently didn't take it personally. Masha managed out a polite 'hello' and even kept a polite smile on her face.

"Charmed." He noted, maintaining his gentleman-like persona. "Don't you two fine ladies worry about nothin. With me and the Brat you're as good as gold." They looked at him oddly, and he turned to Swat. "Was it something I said?"

"You called Swat a Brat." Casey noted chuckling, "What's his actual name?"

"Oh, I don't fucking remember. I barely even remember his mother's name. I just called her Gladys, it was easier to pronounce than whatever the hell her yuppie parents named her." Swat just sighed but smirked at a disappointed Casey. Jack certainly DID remember those things, you don't travel with a woman for over a hundred years and NOT know her name. He just liked being an ass.

"Nice try." He said, stretching widely, "But to be fair he's kind of close to it. Now. Get acquainted, I'm going to get some decent sleep."

"We need to arrange who sleeps in which room." Casey noted humorously but Swat waved it off.

"Surprise me." He said, clicking his tongue as Raid followed him. Jack however was trying his best to acquaint himself with the girls.

"If you're hungry I can cook up a mean meal myself." He said, gesturing to lead them towards his bungalow. "Even the Brat likes my cooking." When it's what you had to eat for most of your life, you had to learn to like it.

Raid darted into the room as Swat removed his gear, pilling it up neatly on the table as he dropped exhaustedly onto the bed. Raid rolled on the floor, yawning almost immediately as together… they drifted off to sleep. Not even waking up for Swat's 'roommate'…


Sir Rodney continued to march south towards the Mojave. Well, he wasn't marching. He was carried on a palanquin with his slaves by the protectrons accompanied by his redhead slave. 'Devotedly' servicing him with her mouth as she was allowed to ride with him for the moment. His fist was wrapped in her red hair as he ran her lips up and down his length absently, mildly bored. He watched her face contort as her tongue ran along his shaft in her mouth…

Then the protectrons stopped. "Why are we stopping?" he ordered. Yanking her red hair as he vented his annoyance, she whimpered as #34 approached.

"There are soldiers from the 'NCR'" it replied as if recently registering the name. "Demanding to know your intentions."

"Suck HARDER." He hissed in annoyance at his slave as she teared up, "Fucking…" he growled, wrapping his arms around her head and violently thrusting his fury into her mouth, "WHORE!" he growled. "Swallow!" he ordered as she desperately tried to gulp his cum down…

…But some slipped passed her lips as she gasped in pain… then she shrieked in pain as she was yanked off his cock and slapped violently, to and fro with his hand before being roughly shoved off the palanquin to the rough road, whimpering sadly as the other two slaves shivered. "Cunt!" he barked before reaching out angrily, grabbing the blonde by the hair and dragging her inside, immediately shoving her mouth on his cock. "Tell these… NCR's soldiers that I am searching for escaped prisoners that have committed a crime. Suck." He ordered firmly to the blonde as the redhead crawled hesitantly towards the palanquin, hoping to… anyone else really, that he was done abusing her for the day.

34 walked away towards the checkpoint to deliver the message. Sir Rodney sighed in contentment as the blonde worked, she was his favorite and best slut. "What a good whore you are…" he praised as she shivered, he stroked her hair almost fondly. "Do me a favor…" he said slowly, dangerously, "Train the worthless redheaded cunt when I'm not using you… or I'll have 34 crush her fucking skull…" she shivered as the redhead wept openly, silently affirming her instructions.

The blonde loudly slurped his 'average' length as 34 returned. "Sir Rodney. The NCR rangers would like us to go around their checkpoint. They will not stop our advance, but they must take the precaution of our numbers."

"…Ask them to loan us a guide to hasten our journey." Sir Rodney spat annoyed. "And take more protectrons… because if they say 'no'. Burn their checkpoint to the ground."

"Yes sir." 34 repiled as a dozen protectrons followed him.

Sir Rodney gently stroked his blonde's tight supple ass in the vault suit. "…That reminds me." He began as the screaming began in the distance. "With my son dead, I need a new heir…" his cock hardened in her mouth as the screaming increased. "MMn..." he licked his lips hungrily as her groped her ass, "…You're a fine quality whore aren't you… You'll give me good, strong children…" he smacked her ass hard as she yelped in terror, shoving her face down onto his length as he spilled his seed into her talented mouth. His cock twitched as the screaming stopped…

He turned her head towards him, holding her gaze as she stared at him in shock. "…Yes. You'll do…" he said cruelly as she shivered. "As the mother of my future child you shall be granted a name." he declared as a tear rolled down her cheek in 'happiness.' "…Cum gulper." He said coolly, branding her degradingly as he shoved her back down his length, "Back to work Cum Gulper, you shall be pregnant by the time we return to the Vault."

…Silent tears rolled down her cheeks in response… but then again, that might also have been because of the smell of laser burnt flesh wafting in the air.

End of Chapter.

How's my hate sink holding up? I bet you all can't wait for Swat to put a bullet in his dick… or will he? Yeah, he will probably. Anyway, now Jack's joined the group, and I've gone heavily with a theme on him. In case you weren't aware, Jacks of Hearts and Spades are referred to as 'One-eyed Jacks' see? Savy? Makes sense if you think about it.