A Time of Rest... More or Less

I don't own Fallout

"Alright, Jack you know the house rule. Guns on the bed." Swat said firmly pointing to Jack's bed as Shakespeare, Casey, and Jack all placed chairs around Jack's table in his bungalow, a fresh deck of playing cards placed in the center of the table as Raid spun in place, yawned wildly, and dropped abruptly (and adorably) behind Casey's chair as she absently scratched his ears. He hummed happily, leaning into the scratch as she concernedly eyed Swat's broken arm in its sling.

"I've gotten better." Jack mumbled, but Swat eyed him down sternly. "…Fine." He undid his revolver belt and absently placed them on the bed, far out of reach. Then raised his hands in a gesture of mocking submission.

"Rifle too." Swat noted as Jack mumbled indignantly, placing down his Winchester next to the revolvers and pulling out a rack of old casino chips from his trunk. He had gotten them from an underground gambling den in Lone Star Town… which is in point of fact one of the reasons they had the 'house rule'.

"What is the 'house rule?'" Casey asked cooing softly as she continued to scratch Raid's ears.

"Jack can't play with his guns on hand." Swat said notedly, "In the heat of the moment he tends to pull a 'cheatin sum bitch' and promptly shoot the winning player in a rage."

"Hey! That cheatin sum bitch WAS cheating!" Jack roared angrily, handing out stacks of chips to each of them. "He had cards up his sleeves!" he tugged at his own for reference as Swat just glared at him and watched him shuffle the cards, "…So what are we doing about Neapolitan?" the looked at him funny.

"…Neo-what?" Swat asked confused as Jack dealt out two cards to each player.

"Those girls, Chocolate, Strawberry, and Vanilla. The ones that fat waste of space brought with him? Surely you're not taking them with us."

"I was hoping Ranger Andy could keep them here." Swat replied, "I figured he could use the company, and they need to adjust to the wasteland. We're going to war after all and bringing them along would just weigh us down."

"You could train them up like you did the girls. You have the time." Casey said, referring to Swat's broken arm.

"Well, wasteland science is pretty effective all things considered. The doctor says I should be fine by the time we get back to the Salty City."

"…That seems grossly coincidental." Casey smirked disbelievingly as Swat shrugged.

"…It does explain how Vault dwellers walk in and out of shit like it's a skip through a park. But we need to get back to Vault 69 as soon as possible. I don't want the fat waste of space taking up any more of our time than he needs to. We get to the vault, he opens it for us, we kill all the assholes."

"Simple and to the point." Jack said, dealing out three cards onto the table as Shakespeare fiddled with the two between his fingers. But he frowned thoughtfully looking up at his new companions and asking a question.

"Won't they think it's suspicious that he returns without his honor guard? I don't mean to be rude but as an entourage, we would stand out."

"I was going to say we were mercenaries he hired or slavers ourselves and brought us back for our reward or for future business. We'll tell them a story about how the whole affair was just a disaster, even his other slave girls died. And hopefully, they'll let us walk right in. We'll pretend to have caught Satsuki and Masha and then we'll spring the very violent trap."

"It sounds simple." Casey said absently, folding her hand as Jack chuckled happily, "But plans always sound simple. So maybe we take some pulse weapons this time? Or grenades? The Crimson Caravan owes me a couple of favors…"

"That is a good idea." Swat noted, staring Jack down as Jack flipped the last card for Texas Hold-um. "…I was hoping we might get your brahmin back and a wagon, or something."

"What for?" Casey asked as Jack and Swat continued to stare each other down.

Swat hesitated to answer but figured they should just rip off the band-aid. "…Jack won't be able to walk for a long time with that leg." One of the reason Swat and his Mother left Jack in the Mojave while they went to the Frozen North is that it troubled Jack so much... however.

"Oh fuck off, Brat I'll walk just fine on this clunker." He replied, bouncing the false limb on the floor for emphasis, referring to it proudly in a rare event. "Now." He pushed a small pile of his chips into the pot at the center of the table. "Nut up or shut up." As Swat returned the bet.

"I hate to interrupt." Shakespeare began, matching Jack and Swat's wager, "But this means I win yes?"

Jack and Swat stared at Shakespeare's winning hand before Jack's hand twitched at his waist, obviously trying very hard not to shoot Shakespeare with his imaginary gun. Casey watched them carefully for a moment, then said as Swat took the stack of cards and began to shuffle. "…Well if Jack's going to walk do we need a wagon? If I remember correctly it's not exactly a clear road between here and the salty city."

"Well if necessary, I could carry him." Shakespeare said, examining Jack thoughtfully for a moment as Jack shifted under his gaze.

"…Stop looking at me like that, it's weird." He said coolly as Shakespeare shrugged, he was only trying to help.

Suddenly the door opened, and Satsuki stared firmly at Swat as they all stared back. "Do you have any more pellets?" she asked suddenly as Jack blinked and shifted out of his chair, limped to his trunk, reached in and pulled out a fresh tin of BB bullets, tossing them to her as she nodded. "Thanks." She said abruptly, slamming the door rudely to the muffled cheers of girls outside.

"…That reminds me. Was stringing up the guy to let the girls shoot him with a BB gun necessary?" Casey asked. But she didn't really sound like she cared, more like she was missing out and was annoyed.

"Well for the three we're leaving here, yeah." Swat replied with a shrug and folded his hand. "They might never get another chance to shoot someone they hate. It's very cathartic." Then adding a little under his breath, more to himself than anything, "Especially since I think Satsuki might strangle him in his sleep."

"Okay but where did you even get a BB gun?" she asked "It doesn't seem like something you two would just have hanging around. Maybe an anti-material rifle or something." At this Swat smirked knowingly at Jack.

"Yeah Jack. Where did I get it?"

Jack glared at Swat, before looking back at his cards"… It's mine." He said abruptly, "…I've had it for years."

"He taught me to shoot with it when I was a boy." Swat added as Jack glared at him, "He's a softie sometimes."

"…If I had my pistol to hand, I'd shoot you." He stated coldly as Casey hid her smile behind her cards. "I'll have you know, I had just found the stupid thing in a hole in the ground. And I figured I can teach you to take care of yourself before we leave you behind somewhere!"

"Mom wouldn't let you even if you wanted to. Softie." Swat repeated in a sing-song voice as Jack's good eye twitched, Casey giggled as Shakespeare merely frowned at his cards. Quietly folding his hand and smiling as he watched his new friends play the game, Raid rolled over in front of Casey as her surprisingly flexible toes scratched his belly, his tongue lolling almost comically from his mouth as he sighed contentedly.

Many many games later they scrambled out of Jack's bungalow as Casey and Shakespeare waved good night to Swat, Raid and Jack. "So… are you going to break the news to those girls?" he asked, picking up the BB gun lain carefully against the wall of his home. Checked its ammo, Aimed, and fired.

"MMMNNNN!!!!" came a sound from the target as he handed the gun to Swat.

"I did it already. They took it rather well." He aimed and fired at the target as it whimpered piteously. "Seem to like the idea of staying with people who won't be raping them day and night.

"MMRRRRRPPPPHHH!!!" the target squealed as Swat passed the gun back to Jack.

"Ah. Memories." Swat sighed, reminiscing about the first time Jack taught him to shoot with his mom all those years ago. "Didn't think you were sentimental Jack." He said with a soft smile, he always had an inkling, but finding his old toy BB gun in Jack's trunk confirmed it.

Jack just glowered stubbornly at Swat, before lifting the BB gun to his good eye and firing.

"MMMHERHERHER!!!" the bruised and beaten body of Rodney hung from a rope from the second floor of the in, spinning in place a foot off the ground as Jack and Swat hit all the right spots to make it painful. The girls, three of the five having little to no experience in firearms, merely hit his harder, clothed parts: hardly any damage. Jack and Swat being the marksmen they were knew what they were doing. Raid, sniffed beneath his feet as he whimpered, bound and gagged, he lifted his feet as far away from the giant wolf as he could. Only to be shot in the forehead by Swat while he was distracted by Raid. Raid, annoyed that the Fat Pig had made noise while he was sniffing interesting smells, snarled dangerously up at the jiggling mass of useless flesh.

"Bullseye!" Swat praised as Rodney wept openly, shaking wildly in place as he rotated on the rope.

"Ah! You're no fun, Brat." Jack scoffed, yanking the BB gun from a smug Swat's grip, "…I'm going to bed. Rest up and try not to strain your arm." He said, making a rude jerking motion with his hand as Swat lightly shoved the old ghoul's shoulder. Jack's hand promptly switched to a more universal and timeless middle finger gesture.

"Goodnight you old ghoul." Swat replied, walking past Rodney and absently spinning him in place as he whimpered. "Raid." He whistled as Raid ceased growling at Rodney and happily followed Swat up to their room.

As he entered Raid happily skipped inside, his tail wagging suddenly as he yipped. Swat blinked, finding Satsuki absently reading a Grognak comic book at the table, she looked up, then promptly looked back at the comic book as Raid rested his head on her lap, and surprisingly her hand gently pat his head.

"…Did you need something?" Swat asked, trying to unbuckle his vest, flinching slightly as his broken arm laughed at that idea. She watched him for a moment, standing up and approaching him, he froze as her hands began to help him undress. Her brown eyes watched him enigmatically as he allowed her to help him. She gently lied his vest, then his shirt on the table, neatly folded as she then helped him with his sequoia, laying it on his clothes as Raid leaped onto the couch, pawing it like a big cat before dropping down and snoozing almost instantly.

"…Satsuki?" he asked gently, as she placed a hand on his chest and carefully pushed him to the bed. Her lips suddenly pressed against his as her big, heavy breasts, wrapped in her vault suit pressed against his chest. She moaned softly into his lips as he fell back onto the bed, her on top of him as his good hand began to gently rub her shapely body, from the curve of her pressed breasts down her slender waist to her soft curvy rear. She clambered over him, his breasts hanging down before his eyes as she gently smothered him with them. He took in her scent as her soft mammaries molded onto his skin, they were warm and surprisingly smiled like fresh NCR strawberries.

He was surprisingly relaxed regardless of the fact that it was somewhat hard to breathe. But then his eyes opened, and he rolled her over onto the bed. She watched up at him expectantly as he slowly unzipped the vault suit with his good hand. Her heavy, natural breasts burst forth and wobbled into place on her chest as he took on gently in his hand and began to lick her large areole. She panted softly, as his teeth gently nibbled and tugged her nipple, his tongue still doing laps around her pink skin as she cooed beneath him. Her legs rubbed absently together as he gently kissed her nipple, then promptly switched breasts and did the same thing.

She shivered gently, her breasts were sensitive, they would be after years of abuse. Well used to men using them as their playthings, but admittedly, this was the first time someone was gentle with them. She had without question expected Swat to place his cock firmly between them and use them to get off like every other man she had ever been with. She was honestly and pleasantly, surprised that he simply contented himself to suckling them like a newborn babe.

He lied down on top of her, and while she was used to the weight of men on top of her this was different, it felt almost comforting, especially since he continued to suckle her breasts, alternating almost childishly between them as she made an unexpected moan. At the sound, his eyes shot to her face and she blushed, looking away. Neither admitted nor confirmed that she was enjoying herself. He watched her face intently for a few moments, then sliding his good hand down her flat, slender stomach he slipped his hand down the front of her mostly open vault suit. She shivered as she felt his hand rub against her pussy, and sucked in air as she felt two fingers gently push inside her.

She wasn't a virgin. No woman over the age of 17 was a virgin in Vault 69. But she suddenly felt like one. She was simply unused to ACTUAL pleasure, there were a handful of slaves in the vault that enjoyed the constant state of rape and obedience, but they were S class trained, and some would even say broken beyond repair. But the combination of Swat's gentle care, his worshiping of her breasts, and his almost loving petting of her smooth, tight lower lips with his palm and fingers, was simply too much…

She briefly wondered if all those years of petting Raid somehow prepared him for this sort of petting, but that thought was promptly thrown from her mind as a sudden, completely unfamiliar sensation surged through her body and she released a shocked, and pleasured scream. Before she knew it Swat was on her lips as her body thrashed beneath him, her breasts wobbling as her body shook from her first, completely unknown, orgasm rippled through her.

He kept thrusting his fingers as he kissed her, jolts of pleasure rushing through her body as she arched her back, worming her hips to meet his probing fingers as she soon whimpered into his mouth. Her arms, originally splayed out submissively to let him do as he wished with her body, suddenly lashed around him, holding him close as her tongue surge forward into his mouth, surprising him a little as she hungrily lashed it against his tongue.

He pulled away as she gasped for air, her hips still shaking on his hand as he pulled it away from inside her, sliding it up her stomach as she felt an oddly wet fluid along her skin. He smirked at her, and she frowned, grabbing his shoulders and rolling him onto his back. She straddled his legs, and straighten up on her knees slightly to slowly slid the vault suit the rest of the way, revealing her womanhood to him as his length strained against his pants, struggling desperately to break through and greet her body.

Her hands then went to his belt, undoing his pants and tugging them away as his length bounced free against her arms, she strained up again as it twitched, aimed directly at her crotch as she reached up, cupping her massive breasts in her hands as he watched intently. His length trembling in excitement as he watched her mold the huge, natural orbs of flesh in her hands. Completely distracted from the fact that she promptly sat down on his length.

He flinched at her amazing tightness as she threw her head back, gasping as he stretched her. his hand shot to her hip as she trembled, adjusting to his size as he stroked her thigh. She fell forwards slightly, her wonderous orbs hanging over his face as her hands steady herself on his chest. She gazed down at him and began to gyrate her hips, rocking back and forth on his lap as if to let his cock explore her insides. His hand slid up her waist, then to her breasts as he gently tugged them down. He obviously wanted more. She dropped abruptly onto him, smoothing him with her chest again as, unintentionally, she smiled. Finding it hilarious.

But seeing her actually smile, even over her gigantic chest trying to stifle him, his eyes widened in awe at how pretty she was. She blinked, and blushed, looking away as she raised her hips and slapped it down on his length, moaning slightly as he rested his hands on her bouncing rear. His moans of pleasure were effectively muffled as she bit her lower lip, trying to stifle her own sounds of pleasure. Honestly expecting him to quickly release as he had before when she gave him a titjob a week ago.

…But he didn't. in fact, she found herself speeding up on her own, that odd feeling of pleasure surging through her body in tiny spurts as he lay back and let her do what she wish. Content in her breasts, his hot breathing tickling her skin as she slapped her hips down, again and again, her pussy drooling all over his length as he instinctively thrust up into her.

…Suddenly she gasped, eyes widening and arching her back she slammed her hips down on him. Trembling wildly as her hands suddenly wrapped tightly around his head, pulling him deeper into her cleavage as her pussy spasmed around his length. Her whole body trembled wildly at the unfamiliar, and completely welcomed orgasm surged through her. His eyes suddenly popped open, a haze of lust suddenly shading over them as he gripped her rear and began to pump rapidly up into her. licking at her chest as he ravaged her insides.

This is what she was used to, unbridled and rough, the MAN doing whatever he wished with her body.

…So why did it feel so different from before? It felt so much better, she could even admit to herself that she liked it. She had realized, seconds before he had finished, that the reason why this felt better, is because she felt better. She had never actually enjoyed her sexual experiences before, feeling empty and used when her 'owners' were finished.

"Hahhh…" her eyes rolled up into her head as she trembled and she came again. Swat's length, moving like a piston inside her, pushed deep into her body as she collapsed exhaustively onto him shivering in apparent delight.

…And she strangely felt content, his cock still firmly planted inside her as he freed himself from her breasts, gazing up into her half-lidded eyes, and kissed her again. Her pussy clenched tightly around his length, somewhat in surprise, somewhat… aroused as he did. Her body was seemingly intent on instinctively keeping as much of him inside her as it could.

And with that, their eyes closed, and she rested her head next to his. Both drifted off to sleep almost instantly. Still connected; Swat's length gave one last feeble gasp inside her, firing the last drop out before softening and enjoying its warm embrace.

Raid opened one eye on the couch at his longtime companion, snorted with a disinterested sigh, then closed it again.

'Mating was fun.'

End of chapter.