Return to the Salty City

I don't own fallout

"Roads go on and on- down from the day where-no that… that ain't right. How did Gladys sing it?" the gravelly voiced ghoul One-Eyed Jack asked as he sat in the wagon.

"I don't remember. It's been awhile…" Swat replied outside the wagon as he kicked the beast of labor pulling it along. "Come on keep it up."

Formerly 'Sir' Rodney of vault 69 hauled the practically empty wagon along as Casey James' brahmin took a rest. Jack, according to Swat, felt uncomfortable walking for long periods of time, and they needed to punish the asshole somehow, so they strapped him up to haul the wagon along at a cripplingly slow pace. He puffed and wheezed, scrapping his shoes as he tried to pull the borrowed wagon given to them by the crimson caravan. Promising all sorts of goods from the vault in return for it… or whatever Swat and Jack managed to scrounge together from Raiders and scavenging.

"Looks like the mule's out of breath." Jack noted sourly as Satsuki, angrily watching Rodney drew her laser rifle and aimed at him.

"Can I put him down yet?" she growled as Rodney desperately tried to pull the wagon.

"Now now…" Jack mumbled, leaping out of the wagon. His prosthetic leg clanking on the moderately smooth road and walking up beside her, "No point in getting revenge right now. Let it linger." He said, glaring at the pompous former noble.

"That's rich coming from you." Swat replied with a smug look, whistling loudly and grinning at the old ghoul. "Anyone who pulls a 'cheatin-sum-bitch' every time he loses at cards is no one to judge on revenge."

Jack rolled his good eye, "Well… Hunting people down for revenge gets you nowhere, when they're right there insulting your intelligence to your face, that's okay."

Raid galumphed towards them, happily grinning at Swat as Swat scratched behind his ears, his rear leg thumping the ground. "Well… nobody up ahead or Raid would be going nuts… I guess we can hook the brahmin back up."

Casey, leading her brahmin towards the front of the wagon scoffed as Rodney collapsed on the road. "Geeze he barely lasted five minutes… I slept with a guy like that once. Puffing and wheezing just like this one."

"I'd like to see you try to pull this you worthless bi-" Swat's boot slammed hard against Rodney's face as crashed to the ground. He whimpered pitifully in the dirt, blood leaking from his nose.

"Funny… did you guys hear something?" he asked dismissively as Satsuki grinned almost giddily at Swat's abuse of the fat man.

"Nope." Jack noted shading his eyes and looking up at the sky, "Nice day for a hell hole…"

"Not really." Casey noted, hooking up the brahmin to the wagon.

"I was reciting sections of hamlet to Masha, I'm afraid I didn't hear a thing." Shakespeare said charmingly as Masha shrugged her own answer.

"Thought so. I was just hearing things." Swat replied dismissively, Raid growling at Rodney before Swat began approaching him. "Get the fuck up and walk." He said abruptly as Rodney crawled slowly forwards and got to his feet. Following them along silently as his nose dripping blood. "Good thing I didn't hear anything… I'd hate to shoot someone for being rude." He noted absently as Rodney shivered.

…He was an idiot, a coward, and a blatant abuser of power and women… but his survival instinct was almost second to none. He lost himself very briefly with the caravanner woman, but Swat brutally reminded him that he was only alive because Swat wanted him alive. They really didn't NEED him or want him alive… he would just make things easier.

"We should reach the Salty City by 6." Casey noted, checking her ranger map and a silver pocket watch. "…Assuming of course you don't want another go at humiliating Rodney." She added with a glance at Swat. Swat leaned next to her, looking at her map as she smiled, a slight red tinge on her cheek as he brushed against her.

"…I'm thinking we blow past it. Get to Vault 69 as soon as possible."

"It was two days from the City when we found you." Masha supplied helpfully, leaning against Swat over his shoulder to look at the map. And Shakespeare looked over her shoulder thoughtfully rubbing his chin at the impressive detail of Casey's map. "…I don't want to tell you what to do, but we could use a good rest there before we head on."

"I agree with Masha." Said Casey as Swat sighed, getting double-teamed by two beautiful women in the worst of ways. Just as Jack looked over Casey's other shoulder, his eyes narrowing curiously as he looked at it.

"Where did you get that? That's an NCR ranger's map…" he frowned, "…And an old one too."

"And how do you know that?" Casey said, elbowing him lightly to step away from her. He had whiskey breath, and it's probably been a while since he's bathed.

"One: I've been alive a long ass time. And two: Gladys and I used to run with a Ranger for a while, way back in the NCR early days." He said, "A Nice guy. Ranger Wolfe…" he suddenly seemed wistful and reminiscent but shaking his head of the nostalgia, his scowl returned. "But how did you get it?"

I found it off a dead ranger" she said suddenly a little stiff. "But regardless of where I got the map, we should rest as much as we can."

"I'm in no hurry to get back to the Vault." Satsuki said stubbornly, but strangely she elbowed her way between Swat and Casey. "And I agree with Casey."

"Well that's fine and dandy but the real problem is if we rest at the Salty City what are we going to do with Rod-" he paused for a second, counting the people surrounding Casey and the map and then asked stone-faced. "…Who's watching the pig?" they all paused and turned, Rodney had made a break for it. scrambling across the wastes as he tried to get away from them. Fueled by sheer terror. Swat sighed at the annoying disruption and whistled sharply.

Raid, cheerily sitting at Masha's side as he watched the cacophony of voices state their opinions suddenly looked like the very definition of a nightmare given life. His fangs bared in an angry snarl and his eyes locked dangerously on the escaping Rodney. Like a bullet fired from Swat's sequoia Raid bounded low and fast, closing the distance quickly and leaping onto the now terrified Rodney's back and tackling him to the dirt as he snapped his jaws close to Rodney's head but not biting into him. His weight was more than enough to keep Rodney pinned, and Swat wanted him alive.

"Get your fat ass back here before I have Raid drag you back!" roared Swat angrily, returning to the conversation.

"We should rest at Salty City." Casey noted giving him a pretty smile, "Come on we can all get a drink before we head out to kill a bunch of assholes."

Jack snorted, he probably wouldn't be drinking. But Swat rolled his eyes, "…Fine." He said as Rodney crawled back towards them Raid snarling behind him to encourage him forward. "…I suppose it wouldn't hurt to sleep in a bed."

"Well, I will be staying in the wagon." Shakespeare said rather reluctantly, "…Large towns and I don't really fit together… And we'll save the caps on stabling your brahmin." He said, patting the large animal fondly as it mooed. "I shall call her Romeo and Juliet." He smiled, scratching both of their chins as they cooed to him.

"Sure." Swat replied, watching him for a second and returning to the others, "We'll regroup in Salty City and head to the Vault afterward. Any objections?" Considering three of them voted to stay there a night he imagined there wouldn't be.

Soon they came to the massive gates of the Salty City. "SWAT!" one of the guards of the city waved to him and he waved back. "Ho-lee Shit welcome back! Hey, open the gates! Swat's back!"

"…Popular around here aren't you?" Jack noted as the gates to the city opened. One of them gestured for them to come inside as Shakespeare took "RJ" off to the side with the wagon.

"Welcome back Swat…" an older guard said as Swat dragged Rodney forward and shoved him down before the guard.

"Hey, can you lock this guy up for me? My group and I are just passing through." The guard signaled to the others and they dragged a slightly relived-looking Rodney away.

"Of course. All you've done for us we can keep an eye on him for the night." He then eyed Shakespeare suspiciously for a moment, "…The mutant with you?"

"He's harmless as long as you don't mess with him." Casey said as they all walked inside, "First rounds on Swat!" she cheered as Swat sighed. Jack snorted annoyed.

"Guess I'll go arrange rooms them… Where's the inn?" he asked the guard as he gestured off into a collection of buildings as Masha skipped to join him.

"I'll go with you. I'll see you guys at the bar." She said waving to the group as they split.

"Good thing too, they'll respond better to a beautiful girl…" Jack replied with a toothy grin as Masha smiled prettily at him. The old ghoul could be charming sometimes.

"Come on, come on!" Casey smirked, wrapping her arms around Swat's and dragging him along as Satsuki, strangely gripped his other wrist. "There is a distinct lack of beer inside me!" literally kicking in the door they ordered a bunch of drinks.

"Here's to us!" she smiled, as Swat rolled his eyes, Raid snacking on a bowl of pretzels on the floor. "Let's not die."

"Agreed." Swat replied as they all clinked their bottles together and drank.

Meanwhile. In the Salty City Jail cells.

"Listen to me. I come from a Vault, where the women are beautiful and cater to my every whim! If you release me and I'll allow you to have your pick of them!" Rodney said to the small group of guards playing cards on a nearby table. Including the older guard that allowed him to be put in here, a middle-aged female, and a younger man.

He sniffed, eyeing Rodney disappointedly as he folded his hand. "…Let me get this straight." He waved his hands to the other two guards playing cards and gestured to Rodney as they also gave him their attention. "You want ME to let you out of your cell, completely disregarding Swat. So I could get laid?"

"Yes." Smiled Rodney, completely relieved that these savages understood him. "Those two women in vault suits? They belong to ME. There are women 10 times as attractive as they are…"

The older guard nodded very slowly, then said, completely stone-faced. "Yeah but I don't want to die." He said flatly as the other guards chuckled at his statement.

"What are you talking about?" Rodney began as the guard dealt out the cards.

"Swat is the deadliest man I've ever met." The guard said flatly, "I've seen him shoot the wings of a bloatfly at a hundred yards and the sun was in his eyes."

"I saw him shoot through a tiny hole of a Sentinel bot's chassis and destroy it with one bullet." Said another guard, the female, grinning as she got in on the tall tale.

"I saw him kill three raiders faster than you could blink. AND he only did it with ONE bullet!" said the young guard added smugly as the female guard across him gasped in mock awe. Stifling her laughter.

"The fact of the matter is-" the older guard said as all three tried to hold back the laughter. "-Shut up." He said to the others as they continued chuckling, their giggles softened at his order, "Is that Swat would kill us. No question. He'd pull out that sequoia…" he made a finger gun, then pulled it back dramatically making a fake gunshot with his lips, "Boom. Right to the forehead. People this side of the Great Rocks know better than to piss off the guy with the giant wolf. So get some sleep, and shut up." He added as he smirked, tossing in an NCR dollar and leaving a defeated Rodney in the cell.

Back at the bar.

"You… have the best boobies I've ever seen…" slurred Casey, resting her face against Satsuki's bouncy cleavage. Her vault suit had opened slightly as they continued to drink. Casey motorboated her giant breasts as Satsuki seemed unconcerned at the sexual assault, still drinking straight from the bottle. "They're so soft!" she mumbled between them as the other bar patrons watched eagerly.

Swat, a little plastered himself, wrapped an arm around Satsuki's waist and dragged her towards him. She blinked hazily at him before resting her head against his shoulders with a relaxed sigh. "You… you need to stop Casey. She doesn't like that."

"Pff!" Casey replied, shifting herself in the booth to lie against Swat's other arm. "She's not complaining!"

"I'm her protector and I'm going to protect…" he said gazing smugly into her eyes. Raid blinked up at Swat curiously, but then went back to his refreshed bowl of pretzels, crunching them with a blissful smile on his doggy face.

"This apparently escalated quickly." Jack mumbled, looking a little jealous. Although whether it was because Swat was surrounded by two gorgeous women, or drunk off their asses it was hard to tell; probably a mixture of the two. He was trying to avoid getting plastered overall.

"Oh… I think they've had too much…" Masha said as she leaned close to Satsuki, trying to pull her away from Swat only to have her moan in annoyance, shaking her away and rubbing her slightly exposed chest against Swat's arm.

Jack sighed, "…Right. Let's get them back to the inn."

"Jack!" Swat cheered as Masha helped Satsuki to her feet, "Jack you… you're my dad." Swat said with a smile, prodding the old ghoul in the cheek as Jack grumbled. I love ya..."

"…I know, Brat." Jack said placatingly as he hauled Swat towards the inn.

"I'll stay here and have another!" Casey grinned as Jack turned towards the rest of the bar and the eager-looking men hoping to… coerce a drunken Casey into joining them for the evening." Jack's dangerous eyes (although only one worked) glanced at them all.

"When I get back here… she better still be there." He said warningly, pointing to Casey… and even under a haze of booze everyone heard the ominously dangerous tone in his voice, and ghoul or not it made him sound like Swat… they all quickly changed their plans. "Hey, mutt." Raid's eyes flicked up to Jack and he panted happily at the ghoul. "Keep an eye on her." he said as Raid snorted in acknowledgment, tail wagging, and went back to eating pretzels.

Jack opened the door to Swat's room, dropping him unceremoniously into the bed. "I'll leave you to it Brat." Jack said abruptly, but he did help Swat out of his coat and boots. Swat, his arms apparently limp and useless scrambled comically onto the bed as he struggled to take off his weapons. Jack rolled his good eye and aided Swat in their removal, lying them all carefully down on the table and eyeing the sequoia just a little jealously. But with a sigh, he left to retrieve Casey and Raid. Leaving Swat snoring blissfully on the bed…

All was quiet for a few moments, if one listened for a few moments you could hear the generators that supported the wind turbines off near the 'power plant' of the city off in the distance… then the door to Swat's room creaked open.

Two pairs of dainty feet stepped into the room. One pair walked on determinedly as the second shut and locked the door. Satsuki stood beside Swat's bed as her vault suit crumpled to the floor, Masha was watching her slightly surprised as she too began to unzip slowly.

Without waiting Satsuki climbed onto Swat, resting her heavy breasts on his chest as she leaned close to his face. Watched him sleep for a moment before she drunkenly began to kiss him. Almost instinctively Swat's hands wrapped around to caress her smooth rear. Her hips slowly ground her crotch on his waist as Masha joined them, just as naked as Satsuki, leaning close to Swat's face to join her sister in kissing Swat.

"Mmm… ummph?" Swat's eyes flickered open to the two beautiful women in his bed. He blinked, and without questioning why he sat up, Satsuki still sitting on his lap as he stripped off his armor and slid out of his pants. With some difficulty, Satsuki seemed determined to stay on his lap… but once freed his erection rubbed up against Satsuki's bare pussy as he gripped her butt cheeks in both hands, easily lifting her up and sliding her down his length as her pussy stretched to accommodate him.

She gasped in pleasure as Masha jealously watched and waited for her turn. Rubbing a hand between her legs as Swat lifted and lowered Satsuki easily up and down his length. Rubbing her big breasts against his chest as her hardened nipple seemed to be trying to pierce through his skin.

"Hah! AH! AH! AHH!!!" Satsuki panted and gasped louder and louder as Swat essentially used her like an ona-hole… Normally she would've been offended at that idea. But now she wanted this… she'd never wanted it before. She began to shiver, the constant steady pumping of her body driving her closer to the once foreign feeling of orgasm as she clutched tightly to Swat's face, pulling him towards her lips as she kissed him, and screamed into his mouth as she came…

But he didn't stop, even as she clutched tightly to him, he continued to lift her up and down like he was lifting weights. Constant, steady, never ceasing he just kept FUCKING her, even as he sensitive body declared her pleasure at the feeling her mind lazily flew away in a daze. She felt his cock pulse inside her, then her mind came flying back as he slammed her back onto the bed, climbing over her as she blinked up at him. Legs spread and submissive she could, and would, do nothing to stop him as he pounded down into her. Gazing into her eyes as he pulled her waist up to meet his deep penetrating thrusts, she could feel his cock throbbing, bulging for release as he sped up.

Her pussy drooled in instinctive anticipation as he wet slapped against her, going balls deep each time as she stared open at him. She opened her mouth, about to tell him to pull out. To cum on her body… somewhere in the back of her mind her 'training' told her to do it… But an odd feeling overcame her and she froze, gazing into his admittedly handsome face… her mouth shut, and she reached up to grab him. Pulling him to her lips as he slammed deep inside her. Her eyes rolled blissfully as a torrent of hot, warm seed flooded her insides… there was no going back now. She belonged to him.

He slammed, once. Twice against her while a weakening stream of his cum shot from his balls deep inside her body. He growled in a drunken haze as he wormed his firmly planted cock inside her. Masha watched in an almost jealous daze... she was happy for both of them. Satsuki for overcoming her distrust of all men, and for Swat for enjoying himself. But she couldn't help but feel left out, after a rut like that Swat was obviously exhausted. Masha suddenly found herself against the headboard of the bed, opposite Satsuki, and gazing in amazement as Swat loomed over her.

She managed one last look at the dazed Satsuki, her legs still spread wide to show off her cum stuffed pussy as Masha's look glanced back to Swat. He was a hungry, drunken animal now, only seeing her as a woman just for him. She trembled slightly at that realization, licking her lips nervously…

And hungrily…

She spread her legs, and her pussy lips with her fingers, offering herself to him like the worshipper of a sexual god. And without even cleaning himself of his and Satsuki's fluids he pushed deep into Masha's pussy as she cried out in pleasure…

…She knew she shouldn't feel this way. She wasn't a sex slave anymore. This man made sure of that. She was free to do whatever she wished. Swat began to pump his hips inside her as she lied her head back, blissfully moaning in pleasure as his lubed-up cock easily claimed her insides. He suddenly grunted annoyed and she shivered in fear, gazing at him terrified. Was she not satisfying to him anymore?

But he gripped her chin, forcing her to look at him as he gave her a charming, but drunken, smirk… she melted before him as their eyes locked on each other. 'Look at me'. He seemed to say silently, his mind far too gone to alcohol and only functioning on lustful instincts. Her fingers slipped from her pussy as his cock ravaged her, her hands wrapping around his neck as she gazed up at him. Shocks and jolts of pleasure surged through her as she gazed into his eyes.

…And just like Satsuki… Masha completely gave herself to Swat. She belonged to him.

"…I'll make you feel good Swat…" she cooed softly as he blinked at her curiously. "Just feel good…" she said grinning up at him. She'd do whatever he wanted, she would serve him for the rest of his-

Her body suddenly surrendered to Swat, she couldn't hold back the scream of orgasmic pleasure as his constant steady pounding finally broke through to her brain as she arched her back. Gasping happily as she orgasmed… then, noticing her weakness, he pressed down on her, moving rapidly like a piston of an old-world Highwayman as he clutched tightly to her. He was an animal, like Raid.

He was a wolf breeding his mate.

"Ah ah hah AH! AH-SWWAATT!!" she screamed her release as another orgasm came ramming through her body. He clutched tightly to her, burying his length inside her as he growled like an angry Raid. Masha collapsed happily gazing up at the ceiling as his thick warm seed flooded her, she gasped as he pumped one last time inside her. Sloppily kissing her as she moaned lovingly against his lips…

She shouldn't feel like a Vault 69 toy anymore… but then… in her lust-filled daze she remembered something important. No one in the Vault ever got her to feel like this… she had never orgasmed like that. Only Swat could make her feel like this. She found herself kissing him passionately again as Satsuki moaned back into unconsciousness. Then a slight fear of him having his attention taken away from her she rolled him over as he chuckled, pinning him to the bed as she continued to kiss him. Leaning away so he could look at her perfectly healthy body as she began to bounce slowly up and down his length. She wanted more… she wanted to give him more. His hands slid onto her waist as he let her work. Satsuki crawled beside him. Her huge breasts swung pendulously between her arms as they hung down.

He clutched a hand to the back of Satsuki's head, pulling her lips to his as Masha moved faster. Trying to draw back his attention. But one firm squeeze of her ass with his other hand told her she never lost it. He pulled away from Satsuki, watching Masha ride herself closer and closer to orgasm as he began to caress Satsuki's body absently… their eyes both on her.

"Watch me. Watch me…" she whimpered as she shivered, gasping in pleasure as her head flung back and her body shivered. "It's cumming! OH!!" she clutched at her breasts as the orgasmic shiver surged through her, smiling beautifully as Swat continued to watch. That only aroused her more. "AH!" she was suddenly shoved away slapping against the wall as Satsuki's heavy breasts wrapped around Swat's throbbing cock. Her legendary breast massage already working its magic as she stroked his cock up and down, slipping her tongue against his tip as it peeked through her flesh.

Masha, secretly annoyed that Swat didn't cum with her pussy again, leaned close to lick at whatever she could reach between Satsuki's tits. They felt his hands rest against their heads, gently petting them as they worked… he started to growl again, pumping his hips into Satsuki's breasts like they were her pussy. Felt just as silky too. Satsuki stared at it reverently for a moment, then closed her eyes and opened her mouth. Letting her tongue lolling out as she continued to caress him with her soft breasts.

Masha, seizing her chance, engulfed his tip with her lips and slurped. He held her firm as she gazed up at him, the salty seed flooding into her mouth as she hummed at the taste. Satsuki realized that she didn't feel the familiar sensation of a facial. Opened her eyes and glared a little hurt, and a little annoyed, at Masha. Clasping her hands at Masha's bulging cheeks she pressed her lips to hers before they began to desperately fight over exactly how much cum they could swallow. Some of his load escaped, dribbling onto Satsuki's generous tit-flesh as Masha began to lick away at it…

Thoroughly spent Swat sighed contentedly, letting his cock drop between Satsuki's warm breasts as he seemed to drift off. But his eyes flicked back open as the two women began to slurp at his length again. but he was tired and getting a headache. He gripped them both by their upper arms, and dragged them up, Satsuki's tits slapping against his chest as they lay down beside him. Then with an animal growl-like warning he wrapped his arms around them and possessively pulled them tightly to him. Closing his eyes as his meaning was taken in.


They slowly rested their heads against his surprisingly muscled arms and held him close as they too succumbed to exhaustion. Twitching slightly as they felt his hands lower to their rears, caresses them lovingly as he began to doze.

Swat's eyes flickered awake and he tried to sit up. But couldn't the sudden jostling of his body forced a ringing out in his mind as the hangover slapped him all over his face. "Fuck…" he groaned, blearily looking around and blinking at the two naked vault girls in his bed. He opened his mouth, surprised and confused, and promptly closed it.

"…How the Fuck..." Did I miss this?!" he mumbled in regretful disbelief, having no memory of last night.

End of Chapter