Monster of the Maze

I don't own fallout.

Jack yawned broadly, stretching on the couch, and opening his eyes to find Swat on a chair by the couch holding his sequoia in one hand. Jack reacted appropriately. "Holy fuck!" he jumped upright, clutching his heart as Swat jumped as well, he was half asleep, holding up his sequoia to the door expecting to be suddenly attacked..

"What?! What it is!?" he jerked as Jack crawled away from him.

"Don't DO THAT!" Jack shouted angrily, glaring at Swat indignantly stumbling from the couch, "I ain't feral yet, Brat!"

"What?" Swat replied, glaring at him sleepily but angrily..

"You're sitting by my bed holding a damn gun! That's just damn creepy!" suddenly Swat was on him, covering his mouth as he stared at the door.

"Shussh…" he hissed slowly, aiming his sequoia at the door as Jack, reached for his revolver. He hadn't heard anything, but if Swat was being cautious, then having a gun in hand is probably a good idea.

Nothing but silence. But Swat's eyes were wide and focused, glaring at the door. Jack pulled Swat's hand away and glared at him with his good eye. "Get off me Brat. I don't hear anything." Swat's eye twitched but he backed away. He watched the door hesitantly as Jack retrieved his hat from the floor, dusting it off lightly before putting it back on his stringy-haired head "…Did you sleep at all?"

"…A Little bit." Swat replied swiftly, walking into what used to be his room to get the rest of his gear. Raid yawned broadly as he followed Swat out, wearing a wide and happy smile on his doggy face as Swat went to wake the girls.

"…You stayed up all night on watch?" Jack grumbled with a sarcastic roll of his good eye. "Great."

"I heard something." Swat said, entering the girl's room to shake Galoria and Casey. "I'm just being cautious." Galoria. Apparently, a nude sleeper, sat up as her big round breasts bounced and she stretched, retrieving her clothes as Swat shook her off to find Itsame.

"Cautious about what Husband?" she asked, putting on what she normally wore as clothing.

Swat kicked a low cabinet as Itsame crawled out yawning, remaining low on the floor. "There's something in here with us. In the vault."

"Brat you aren't following your own advice." Jack said gesturing to a rather normal-looking Raid as the big white wolf cooed at Casey's morning affections. "If the dog isn't freaking out, you shouldn't be." Swat's eye twitched a little, but seeing Raid's leg thump happily on the floor as Casey scratched his chin, a wave of calm washed over him… and he took a deep breath…

"…You're right." He said, tossing on his coat and hat as he sighed heavily. "You're right. I guess I'm just edgy."

Itsame sniffed the floor like a dog, crawling across it as his stumpy nose twitched awkwardly. "…Foul… bad." He said, "Leave now. Find a new way." He said as they all stared at him oddly. "Follow. Come. Follow quick."

"What?" Jack said suddenly just as Galoria unbarricaded the door. Itsame opened it and rushed out. Crawling quickly outside as everyone else grabbed their gear to quickly follow. "Wait you little creeper!" Jack shouted as they broke into a full run. Galoria and Jack were just behind Itsame as Casey, Raid and Swat made up the rear.

Left, left, right, straight, right, straight, straight, straight, straight, right, right, right, straight…

"What the hell-are you leading us in circles?!" Jack shouted angrily, gripping the crawling ghoul tightly by the arm as Itsame hissed like a nightstalker at him, his jaw snapping angrily before Jack pulled a revolver out of its holster and held it at his missing nose. "Slow. The fuck. DOWN." He hissed as Itsame's partially mad eyes glared down the dark barrel of the gun.

Everyone was breathing heavily except for Galoria, who only seemed a little winded, her large chest was moving up and down rapidly but she seemed mostly unaffected. "What's going on Itsame?" Swat said warningly, pushing past the gorgeous amazon to stare coolly at their guide.

Itsame was breathing heavily too, but not from exhaustion, he was clearly nervous. His maddened eyes darting around the dark corridors of the silent vault "…Need a new way through. Must go down deep to go up. Must follow." He pointed hesitantly towards the right. "…Hole that way… deep into the dark."

"Hole?" Jack asked releasing the ghoul as he scampered at a slower pace in the direction he pointed. "What hole?"

It took them merely a moment to find a deep spiraling chasm where there were no vault lights. They could see the vault itself continuing up ahead. But the path led down into the pit one way and up on the other side. And there was no way to jump it... without plummeting of course.

"What the hell is this even for!?" Jack shouted, his voice echoing down, down into the dark and around the vault as they stared into the abyss…


"Jack.Shut up." Swat hissed as Jack's voice echoed all around them. Itsame slowly crawling down the spiraling ramp.

"…Follow…" he hissed softly, as they all moved behind him in step. "…Do not fall…" he added as Casey glanced over the side deep into the pit.

"…Good idea." She mumbled softly as they hugged the wall of the pit. Following the ghoul down deeper and deeper, his glowing mossy light was their only guiding way.

"…Accident…" Itsame mumbled suddenly under his breath partway down. . "Not my fault."

Jack's hand rested on his revolver, and briefly eyed Swat who could only shrug.

"Told him not to run ahead. Told him to wait. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!" he hissed to himself as if the others couldn't clearly hear him. After what seemed like an hour of walking. They reached the bottom of the pit…

The first noticeable thing was the old bones clad in a uniform similar to Itsame's. However. As if he couldn't see it or outright ignored it. the ghoul passed right by to the other side. The old bones were broken in several places, obviously from a very long fall. Swat kicked it over briefly, the word 'Luigi' was on the chest pocket, like Itsame's, obviously the dead scout's name. There was also heavy machining equipment from the Dunwich Borer company, drills, and power shovels but they looked old and far out of use. And they were broken as well, heavily damaged... considering their angles and positioning it seemed they had been pushed over the top edges of the pit to crash into the dirt haphazardly.

"Follow quick." Itsame said, already climbing up the other side as the others quickly followed his. Leaving Jack, and Swat as Raid sniffed the old bones.

"…Friend of his?" Jack asked as Swat shook his head, following quickly.

"No idea." He said, as Raid abruptly sneezed before snarling at the far wall, clear of damaged equipment before he followed after the others. Pointedly ignoring the supernatural whispers and sounds coming from behind the mass of solid rock and unshifted dirt… They finally got out of the pit, Itsame crawling on the floor and sniffing like a hunting dog. "…Better. No bad smell." He waved to them, giving them a rather cheery grin completely different from his previously sour and unsettling demeanor. "Follow! This way! follow!"

Jack snorted, "He's perked up." He said as Raid sniffed the floor absently.

"Don't lose sight of him or we'll never get out of here." Casey said, waving them on before following behind the crawling ghoul.

"How long have we been down here anyway?" Jack replied, his prosthetic leg clanking on the floor with each hasty step. "Anyone care to guess?"

"At least a day." Galoria replied with a smile, "We must be on our way out."

However, after a couple of hours of movement, Itsame stopped at a crossroad, sniffing the air and the ground… looking very… concerned. His eyes crossed as he seemed to be thinking, everyone watching him as he seemed to crawl in a circle, hesitating at each path except the one they just came from. Then… finally after a half-hour of deliberating, he sat down and stared at them blankly.

"…Itsame lost."

They all just... continued to stare at the maddened Ghoul.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN LOST?" Swat growled, approaching him as he quickly scampered away.

"Smell everywhere!" Itsame said whimpering as he scrambled up against the wall with nowhere to go to escape. "Too strong!" he pointed at the other four directions. "All over! Can't find right way."

Swat rubbed his head as Jack and Casey paced in exasperation. Galoria, completely unperturbed, absently scratched Raid's head as the big dog… suddenly began to fidget. "Oh don't worry boy I'm sure the guide will find the right way.

Immediately Jack and Swat turned to look at Raid, eyes widening as they realize the big wolf was fidgeting.


Out of nowhere a massive hulk of meat and rotten smell wearing scraps of metal armor, charged from the darkened right path. Its head was covered in a rotten brahmin skin with empty eyes and a slacked gaping mouth, tiny flies swirling around it as the creature raised its super sledgehammer in one hand. The thing was a giant, easily as big or bigger than Galoria and just as broad and powerful. Itsame screamed, scampering up the middle path so quickly his glowing moss vanished in record time. Swat, taken aback by the smell and the shock, reached for his sequoia only to have a thick powerful arm catch him beneath his jaw. Lifting him up off the floor and carrying him up the left path.

"SWAT!" Casey shouted as Raid, snarling angrily, charged immediately behind the rampaging figure.

"Killeatkilleatkilleat!" it chanted as it stopped running, tossing Swat ahead. Swat rolled on the floor, drawing his sequoia and immediately firing at the thing.

Amazingly it dodge the first shot, darting to the side as it lifted it's sledge in both hands, bringing it down on Swat as he quickly rolled aside. Starring, to his horror, as it smashed into the metal vault floor, the paneling crumpled under the blow. That strength was nothing to sneeze at: on a scale of 1 to 10 it was probably a 10+15.

"Fuck." Swat said before unloading his sequoia rounds into its metal-clad chest. It stumbled back against the wall as four heavy bullets slammed into it. It stood hazily, wobbling slightly before a muscular gnarled hand reached up and pushed the ruined armor away. To reveal more armor beneath. Swat's eyes widened as he quickly realized this thing was wearing multiple layers of heavy metal… "Shit." He hissed, instinctively flipping open his sequoia to reload. Only to find the creature's hand wrapped around his neck and squeezing, lifting him from the floor and slamming him against the wall, roaring into his face through the rotten brahmin mask.

"Kill it!" Roared Jack suddenly as he and Casey unloaded on him.

"What the fuck!?" Swat shouted as the monster dropped him. He immediately curled into a ball as the hail of bullets slammed rapidly into the monster. "I'm still here!" he roared over the noise as it ceased, he heard several clicks. But the monster was still standing. His arms and legs were bleeding, but the thing's armor held. Swat glanced up at it as it stood still, stunned or confused "…How did you miss its head?!" he shouted as the monster began to rumble darkly.

"It's dark!" Jack shouted back indignantly, immediately opening a revolver to reload as Casey ejected her mag. However as they reloaded simultaneously Galoria and Raid darted down the hall. Raid's teeth sunk deep into the monster's arm, yanking and ripping as the hulking creature glared at him with empty eyes. Galoria's serrated oar slammed into its shoulder but didn't pierce the armor. She blinked at it curiously, apparently, that has never happened to her before.

The monster knocked the oar away with his sledge before swinging Raid hard into Galoria…

Raid's painful yelp echoed up and down the tunnel as Galoria hit the wall. Raid whimpered against her as she rubbed her head, looking more annoyed than hurt…


"MOTHER-FUCKER!!!" Swat roared out angrily, in one fluid movement his combat shotgun was out, and unloading rapidly into the creature. "DON'T HURT MY DOG!!" he roared angrily as he punctured a hole in the creature's heavily damaged armor, it crumpled to the floor as the hole leaked fresh blood. He jammed the gunbarrel into the brahmin's open mouth, and fired…

Blood and brain matter splattered onto the wall as the monstrous creature fell over. Headless.

Swat breathed heavily, as he ran a bloody hand through his hair. Raid and Galoria slowly got to their feet as Jack and Casey ran down the hall. "Anyone hurt bad?" asked Casey as Swat immediately began to check on his loyal friend. Sticking him immediately with a stimpak regardless. Soon the big wolf was walking straighter.

"None the worse for wear!" Galoria cried out happily as she examined the crumpled mass of meat and metal. "I do think it is dead!" she cheered as they all stared at her.

"Yeah. It's dead. And our little guide has run off." Jack noted, gesturing back up the hall with a revolver, "…Don't suppose you know the way out?" he asked sarcastically to Swat as he continued to stroke Raid's furry back.

"No… but I can probably ask someone." Swat replied just as sarcastically before patting the big wolf between his pointed ears. "Find the troll buddy." He said fondly as immediately the big wolf began to sniff the ground, following up the hall as they followed behind. Casey, getting one last look at the monster corpse and recognizing Legion colors and designs… shot it in the chest one last time with her rifle before scampering off behind them.

Alone in the dark, the whispers of the unknown fell on dead ears, speaking to the dead thing before finally, as it wasn't responding, the whispers drifted off… back down the dark hole. Waiting to summon another. It was patient. It could wait…. and wait... and wait...

East of the Great Rocks: In the Camp of the Lost Legion.

Legionaries and slaves moved throughout the former summer camp as dozens of legion mongrels snarled and barked in cages. Its cabins, rebuilt and cleaned out of dead and the rot, were now fortified by makeshift scrap walls, broken timber, and junk. Although it probably wouldn't survive a firm assault from the NCR. The local tribes and settlements would stand no chance.

"Ah! Uh!! OOHH!!!" a dark-skinned Nubian woman bounce on the lap of a heavily armored Legionary. The cabin they were using was located at the exact center of camp and heavily fortified. Her neck wore a thick leather collar, she was a slave from one of the neighboring tribes. 'Donated' as a tribute to his new legion.

He gave the surrounding wastelanders a choice: Food or water was obvious. But they could also pay in bodies, alive or dead, they will have slaves or blood. They will all give a stipend to the Lost Legion.

He gripped her long dark hair and yanked it back as she whimpered, tightening around him as he thrust up into her beautiful nubile body. He would of course only take the best stock, another tribe had offered him the ugliest, most worthless old woman as tribute. He killed the men and women and took the young. He made an example of them.

His other hand cupped her large round breast, squeezing it painfully as she shuddered. "A-ah!!" she hissed as he thrust faster inside her, yanking her hair hard. "It… hurts!" she growled, only to be thrown forward onto the wooden floor. She grunted as she hit the floor before he crawled behind her, resting a hand on her back as he thrust back into her, pinning her to the ground as she grunted with his force. It was rare to find such pristine breeding stock in the wasteland, but he always considered himself lucky. He grabbed her hair again, yanking her back and up as she growled in pain. His other hand tightly gripped her waist, pulling her roughly back down his cock.

"Come on whore." He growled in a deep, animal-like voice as he sped up, tugging her upright by the hair as her hands tried to relieve the pain, flailing to grab his arm to support herself. "Come on!" he sped up, her breasts bouncing in the air as her supple brown ass jiggled against his thrusts.

"Uh! Uh! OW!! UGH!!! S-shit!!" she whimpered, unable to hide her pleasure but equally unable to ignore the pain. He stopped and she took a breath before she was bodily lifted from the floor and slammed roughly against the wall. "FUCK!!" she shrieked painfully as it shook from the blow, her breasts rubbing against the wall as he continued to fuck her standing up, on her tip-toes as his cock rammed deep into her body.

"Tribal whore." He said degradingly as she glared at him, he snorted, grabbing a fistful of her dark hair and shaking her head as she flinched. "You like this whore? You're so tight." he said, she bit her lip tightly. Almost drawing blood. She knew better than to talk back to the Commander of the Lost Legion. He gripped her head in both hands as his cock ravaged her insides, ramming against her womb as it pulsed excitedly.

He growled like a legion mongrel about to eat a live brahmin. She sucked in air through clenched teeth as she felt his seed rush into her unprotected womb. This was her place in the world now, breeding stock for the lost legion. Her tribe would be protected but now she would suffer the indignity of forced impregnation for the rest of her young life. Her fingers clawed the wall in silent frustration as he slid out of her supple body, his seed dripping between her legs onto the floor as his thick cock swayed in the air. He chuckled, and his hand clapped loudly on her dark-skinned ass cheek.

"Good." He said degradingly, as she shuddered, dropping to her knees and keeping her head low so he wouldn't see her cry. "We will go again when I have rested." He said lazily, she just sat kneeling against the wall, her pussy still dripping his load.

He scratched his dark beard and ran a hand through his long black hair, scanning a map of the state on a low table. It had been crudely drawn on, with little house or circles with houses. Signifying locations of the area. Many had been 'painted' red in legion colors. There were however still a few locations not sending tribute to his forces.

"Commander Lupus." A soldier entered and ignoring the beautiful naked woman and the fact that his 'commander' had his admittedly large dick hanging out, he saluted. He waited for permission to continue. Commander Lupus waved a hand to do so, glancing at the map further before giving the soldier his attention. "The Redeyes have surrendered and will join our ranks." He said proudly as the commander nodded twice.

"Good. Good. What are their numbers?"

"8 men and five women sir." He said as Commander Lupus scowled.

"Weren't there more?"

"Sir. Centurion Remus offered them leniency, but they chose to fire on him. He sustained a minor wound. Centurion Romulus gave them no such chance and ordered his men to attack until they surrendered."

"…Damn." Commander Lupus noted before taking a small brush of paint on his table and painting over a skull; skulls represented raiders. "Well, no matter. Conscript the men. Enslave the women." He said practically, "And break out the beers for the assault troops." He added, "Tell them good work."

The soldier smiled, saluted, and immediately marched out as Commander Lupus sat on his chair again. "Whore. Come." He ordered as his cock twitched slowly back to life. Suppressing her desire to curse him out she kept her head low and began to stand up. "Crawl." He ordered. She hesitated, and dropped down to the floor, slowly crawling over to him as he gently brushed her dark hair out of her pretty Nubian face.

He gripped his cock in one hand, still soaked with her fluids, and smacked it wetly against her face. She scowled, but opened her mouth, he slipped it in. Sighing softly as he slid her head slowly up and down his shaft. She moaned, slurped, and sucked, but it was for him not for her, to get him off faster as he throbbed between her lips. He rested his head on his other hand as he guided her head up and down, gazing at her beautiful features as she serviced him orally. "Suck." He ordered as she glared up at him with angry, fire-filled eyes, he gripped tightly into her hair as she flinched before rapidly sliding her stretched mouth up and down.

Faster and faster, she gagged and gulped his cock, slamming to the root of his length before pushing all the way to his tip to repeat, her eyes spun as he went even faster. She gagged and spluttered around his shaft as she struggled for air…

He slammed deep into her throat, casually watching as he pusheda load of seed into her spasming, struggling body, her hands slapping his thighs as she begged silently for air, daring not to use teeth. Her mouth oozed his seed as she quivered, dribbling onto the ground as he finally, finally, let her go. She slid off his cock, coughing and wheezing onto the floor with a spat of saliva and cum. Coughing roughly.

He debated briefly on whether or not to keep her as one of his personal harem; he had a handful, some were even with child. This was simply about him tasting the tribute before releasing her to the rest of the legion. If she became heavy with child, then all the better. He then remembered he had an 'opening' for a new girl.

One of his newer ones tried to run away… she couldn't outrun his dogs…

He gripped her dark hair, lifting her head to look at him as she continued to cough and splutter, he slapped his thick meaty legion dick against her puffy lips, before roughly sliding back into her throat… listening to her gag he decided to think on that later. He had more tributes on the way regardless…

End of chapter.

Nameless Slavegirl= Diamond Jackson