Down in the dark

I don't own fallout

....He picked up the leather-bound book. It was a rather undistinguished small thing, but obviously an old journal. He opened it up and read the first page.

Day 1

Our mission is to map Vault 55 to serve as a secret, and expedient route through the Great Rocks. 15 in number by order of Centurion, now commander Lupus Rex.

We entered the mountain after threatening the lesser creature. We are to mark our paths with painted arrows after establishing a forward camp.

Many of the pages were missing or jusy torn out, however, when it starts up again the writing was clearly written by a different hand…

Day 14

We lost Anthony and Gaius. We found Anthony at the bottom of a set of spiraling stairs, his neck was twisted and broken. Decanus Octavius says that it was an accident and he must have tripped but I have my suspicions. After Nero died and I took his journal we went from 15 to 10 in two weeks. The only one I trust completely is Taurus but that's because the big oaf is too simple to do anything wrong. He just tends to the packbeast and carries everything else.

I mentioned we lost Gaius. because I mean that; Gaius is lost. His gear is gone and there's no sign of him. We assumed he ran for it. This place is unnerving. It plays tricks on the mind. I could swear our markings are being changed, or wrong, or… something. We find ourselves walking in circles and spirals.

We're going to run out of food in a few days and will have to get out of the vault eventually.

He turns the page. It's blank except for several splattered dots of ink… then simply written.

Down to 9

So he turns the page again.

Day 16

Down to 7. Decanus Octavius killed Marcus for hoarding food. But I wouldn't want the food Marcus had. I wouldn't eat anything we find in this hell hole. There's something here, something in the dark. Whether ghosts or bad spirits or… something from the Old World. My grandma used to tell me ghost stories when I was young. Before I was legion. About these Wendigos or something, Cannibals.

I've been sleeping near Taurus at night. I have grown to appreciate his simple, silent demeanor. But I've noticed him staring into the darkness lately. Still as a statue as if listening to unspoken words. Occasionally he nods his head.

Day 17

Octavious is getting paranoid and I'm beginning to agree with him. We found our markings altered, pointing in two directions. He raged at us, what was left of us. I could tell that Pompey and Mark were getting tired of Octavious, none of us wanted to be here anymore. This was an impossible task.

If we don't find a way out. We're going to starve. We need to leave.

Day 19

Octavious is dead. He got into a fight with Pompey and tried to shoot him. Mark hit him from behind. Like scavengers we took his food and water, leaving him where he lay. We're getting the hell out. Even if we have to abandon the new legion.

Day 21

The writing is off as if the owner's hand was shaking.

We…we've been walking in circles and it doesn't make sense! We found Octavious' body but we left that back a day ago! Mark and Pompey are arguing like mad and now Lucius and Remus are acting strange. The only one not acting any different is Taurus.

Good old Taurus.

The next few pages are stained with blood.

Day 24

Pompey killed the packbeast today, and left most of our munitions and other tools behind as we ate. Taurus didn't touch his food. Hasn't said a word. He was really close to that Brahmin, but we needed food. There was nothing else for it.

Day 25

I caught Taurus eating Pompey's flesh… burning a few of the pages from this fucking book. I think he trusts me. I think he killed the rest of the guys… he's been mumbling in his sleep now. Words and languages I've never heard before. I think he's fucking nuts. I need to get the hell out of here. Fuck Remus and Lucius. Let them mumble too. Fuck this fucking Fuck-

It ends abruptly there. So he turns the page.


"It just goes on like that for a while." Swat said abruptly, dropping the logbook onto the ground as if it burned him

"That's fucking distressing," Jack replied sarcastically, staring at the dead body of the legionnaire that Swat had taken the book from. His arms and legs twisted at odd angles, clearly broken, and his neck twisted so badly that he was looking down at his own back.

Itsame had led them into the open area, the body was clearly mangled beyond belief. But it had sustained bruises and wounds from something else, a heavy object like a bumper sword or rebar club maybe. Swat turned to glare at Itsame. "There are Legion here?" he asked as Itsame shrugged dismissively.

"…Maybes. I leaves them alone. They gets lost… Scream in the dark…" his voice went low and ominous. "Bad things work in the dark. Don't listen."

"…That's really fucking distressing!" Jack replied pointing at Itsame, it would've been funny if he didn't sound legitimately terrified. Galoria, the only one not even slightly unnerved by the mad log grinned at them all.

"Nonsense! Clearly the legion are dead, and we have the guide! There is nothing to worry about!" Itsame nodded his head, apparently agreeing with the beautiful blonde amazon.

Casey kicked the dead body, a look of disgust on her face. "Couldn't happen to nicer assholes. Let's get going." Raid, however, yawned broadly shaking his head as he lay down on his paws. Swat toed the big dog gently in his furry side and he stood back up.

"…I think we should rest." He said, suddenly oddly nervous and his hand resting on his sequoia using it like a security blanket. "…Itsame find us a room." He then paused, "A big one for all of us." Jack eyed Swat for a moment as Itsame smiled, waving them along.

"Yes yes! Follow! Know a place. Good place. Safe. Follow!" He then crawled away Galoria close behind as Casey and a sleepy Raid followed.

"…You never liked scary stories." Jack said with a toothy grin, but Swat scowled at him, saying nothing. He certainly didn't have a stomach for scary stories, especially when they feel very real.

Itsame opened a door into a large apartment-like room with a couch and two bedrooms, obviously for a small family. "Come! Come in and restes!" he crawled into the room as everyone scampered in. Swat shut the door and secured it. He was feeling… unnerved. Closing the shutters of all the windows as well.

"Paranoid Brat?" Jack asked, but he kept his voice low as the rest of the group entered the kitchen-like area, preparing a meager dinner as Raid sat beside Casey begging for scraps.

Swat paused for a minute, shaking his head as he took a deep breath. "No light. Nothing." He said to Jack as the ghoul eyed him curiously. "…Remember that place in the Capital Wastes? The one you and mom gave a wide birth to when I was 8?"

Jack frowned. He was an old ghoul and he had trouble remembering everything and everyplace he'd ever been. But he did remember the building Swat was talking about, hard to forget it "…Vaguely. Dunwich something? What about it?"

"…It gave me a bad feeling." Swat replied stubbornly, making sure the door was locked. "…Like right now. Maybe it's nothing maybe I'm just tired." He walked away to join the others in the kitchen, Jack eyed the door thoughtfully, then seemingly out of nowhere.

"Hey Galoria." He said as the beautiful blonde approached him eating brahmin jerky.

"Yes Father-in-law?" Jack opened his mouth, blinked at her curiously, and shook his head with a small chuckle. Moving on.

"See that desk there?" he asked as she looked at the heavy-looking desk beside the door.

"Yes I do!" she replied cheerily.

"Pick it up and put it in front of the door. Block it."

"Alright!" she replied, handing him her jerky and easily lifting the desk and standing it up in front of the door. Barricading it as best she could in such circumstances. "…why did I do that?" she asked, looking at him sweetly.

Jack thought about it for a moment and decided that telling her to give Swat some peace of mind would be out of character for him. "Just humor an old ghoul, alright?"

Galoria seemed to think about it for a moment, then smiled again. "Very well!"

They spent a little time eating, and some maintenance on their weapons. Then they went to bed. Itsame curled up beneath the kitchen table like a dog, snoring loudly as he caressed a small golden locket he had in his pocket. Jack, having Galoria turn the couch so it was facing away from the door. Lied down on the surprisingly comfortable thing and covered his eyes with his hat, quietly dozing as his feet (well, foot and prosthetic leg) were raised on the far end of the couch on the arm. Galoria and Casey had taken the large room. Both agreed to share the large double bed. And that left Swat with the tinier child's room that Raid, sensing his best friend/master was feeling 'spooked' leaped into the bed with him. Using his furry warmth to silently comfort him …

…Unfortunately, that meant the dog took up most of the bed, so Swat was less than comfortable… but appreciative regardless. He pushed a second child bed next to the first and functionally made a bigger one for him and Raid to share. His hand gently stroked his big wolf's head as they both dozed. His hand reflexively continued long after he went to sleep.

He woke up as he felt himself get kicked in the side. He sat up, Raid's legs were rapidly pawing against his side. Raid himself was still asleep, chasing something in his dreams as a rather smug doggy smile stretched on his hackles. Swat sighed, sitting up and getting off the bed as Raid shifted onto the other, still chasing whatever he was chasing. Swat adjusted his furry companion so that he wouldn't crawl all the way off. It wouldn't be the first time.

Swat stepped out of the room to stretch his legs a little, heading into the kitchen to find Casey at the table absently writing in a tiny logbook. "Hey. Couldn't sleep?"

She looked up and closed the book with a shrug. "Yeah. Figured I'd write in my own 'crazy book' in case we go mad and kill each other. Swat looked around, Itsame had been sleeping under the table so he wondered where he had gone. Casey, apparently sensing his question gestured to one of the large kitchen cabinets. "He's in there. Apparently, he fits into most compartments. Sleeping like a baby."

Swat opened their supply packs, taking a strip of the dried meat as he began to chew, sitting at the table with her. she watched him for a while, then rather lazily she asked. "So I couldn't help but notice you called Jack 'Ben' the other day what's that about?" she asked, apparently trying to find something to say as Swat chewed the rations.

"It's his real name, I think. Mom used to call him that when he really pissed her off…" Swat shrugged dismissively, "Back when the bombs fell, he ran a small community of survivors, did a pretty good job until he started to go ghoul-y. Then they kicked him out. I never really asked more than that. Never cared. He's always been One-Eyed Jack to me, as long as I've known him. Sounds better than 'Ben'-whatever the heck his last name is…"

"You got me there." Casey replied lying on the kitchen table and sighing sadly. They were quiet for a very long time, before she sighed again, tugging at her shirt collar, her deep cleavage flashing Swat as he glanced at it. "…I'd literally stab someone for a clean shower right now."

Swat blinked at her, finishing his dried meat, and then, rather conversationally said, "Well… you know this vault was never really used. So most of the inner workings still function." He then shrugged with a half-smile, "The water still works." She blinked at Swat for a second, her lips twitching in a smile.

"Oh… Let's go see." She said, standing from the table and leaning forward. Her heavy breasts swayed as she stepped away and quickly found the bathroom just off the kitchen. Swat blinked for a moment before following her into the bathroom as she reached toward the facets.

One-quarter circle turn later and clean bath water hissed from the nozzle head into the tub. "Oh wow… I haven't seen one like this since I was last in the NCR." Casey grinned and, unashamedly, took off her shirt. Resting her hands on her waist, shimmying them down to the floor as naked she stepped into the tub. Cooing as the warm water cascaded down her body.

She glanced at Swat with a soft smile, "You know we should conserve as much of this as possible…"

Swat's eyes went up and down her soft, shapely body for a second. Then he began to take off his shirt…

She moaned into his mouth as he pressed her against the wall, his tongue down her throat as she opened wide to receive him. Their hands explored each other once more as he gripped her smooth round ass cheeks. "Mmwah… mmn… ah!" she gasped as he pulled away, one hand already on her big, soapy wet breast as she moaned. "Ooh… don't get too rough now you'll wake your wife…"

She grinned smugly at the look of annoyance on his face. he gripped the side of her head and pulled her back into a forceful kiss as she felt his erection rub between her legs, grazing against her crotch as she shifted her waist back and forth, sliding up and down his shaft.

"MMn… you don't happen to have one of those 'gloves' Jack was talking about do you?" she giggled, as he kissed her between words.

"No… but you have other holes, right?" he replied just as smug as she stuck out her tongue at him… before dropping to her knees, his dick rubbing against her stomach, between her breasts, and he felt it slide between her lips as she deepthroated it abruptly. "Oh fuck." He hissed, his hand resting on her black hair as she slid up and down rapidly, slurping loudly as the shower water soaked her body.

She hilted him in her throat, gazing up at him smugly as water flowed down her back like a waterfall, her tongue sliding out to dancing against his balls before she slid up and back down again, her throat making a gulping sound as she inhaled his scent.

"I don't know where you learned to do this…" he hissed, his cock pulsing in her throat as it rammed in and out. Her tongue swirled like a coiling serpent as she did. "But you could give the other girls lessons!" he throat seemed to massage his length, as she hilted him in her throat again, gazing almost lovingly up at him as she gasped in pleasure. "Don't stop. Almost there!" he declared as her head became a blur on his length, her gagging noises echoing over the water around the bathroom as her lips pressed against the root of his cock again and again. "Fuck!" he fell back against the wall, hands on her head as her arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him deeper as his load deposited directly into her stomach. Her throat expertly gulping down every last drop.

"Fuck me…" he sighed as she moaned, slowly sliding up and down his shaft as she made sure to get every drop of his load out. His cock slipped from her lips as she ran her tongue up and down it, giggling as she gazed up at him.

"Mwah…" she kissed it, a talented hand stroking it as she stood up. "That was mean making me swallow…" she stood up, pressing her body to the wall as her rear jutted out, wagging slightly. "…You better return the favor." She grinned as Swat, gazing at her wet lower body, shrugged and knelt behind her. "Hey what are-MMnn!" she covered her mouth as Swat spread her ass cheeks, slipping his tongue into her pussy as she twitched. His hand rapped loudly on her right cheek, "Ah!" then her left, "AH!" he buried his face inside her, she squeaked and fidgeted as his tongue swirled in her tunnel. His hands regularly smacked on her ass as she shivered.

"Oh shit! Oh shit! Oooh!" she slid further up the wall to try and escape the rather foreign but pleasant feeling of being eaten out. "Deeper! Ah!" his hand smacked her ass. "DEEPER! AHH!" he smacked her ass again, but obeyed, his tongue going as deep as it would go as her ass became red with hand prints.

His hand prints.

"Ah! AHhhhhhh!" her voice echoed around the shower as she shivered, tightening around his tongue he pulled out. She climaxed heavily, shaking her ass like a Gomorrah stripper. Silently begging for more of his tongue. His fingers sunk into her reddened, supple, ass flesh as he stood up, pulling her quivering cheeks apart as his hardened erection probed her familiar, tight little asshole. She had half a second of cognitive thought before she smirked rather acceptingly as his cock plunged into her anal depths. Her voice echoed around the room in pleasure before one hand clasped over her mouth and the other slipped down her toned stomach to rub her clit as he pumped in and out.

"You let me know when you're going to cum." He cooed, pressing her firmly against the wall as her nipples ran up and down it with his deep, forceful thrusts. "Be a good girl and let me know that, would you?" he hissed, her ass tightening around his cock as he stretched her. "Fuck that's tight. Feels so good." He praised, her eyes rolling up into her head as a tiny orgasm surged through her at the praise.

He pulled her away from the wall, her head resting on his shoulder now as he fully supported her, letting gravity help pull her up and down his cock as his balls slapped against her, swinging wildly as he continued to go faster and faster. Suddenly her pussy twitched, a torrent or squirt shooting onto his hand and mixing with the water as it flooded down the drain.

"Naughty." He cooed, nibbling her ear as his fingers stretched her pussy, sliding in and out as she moaned into his hand.

…She's been with a few people before. Men, women. It got lonely out on the wastes. And while she wouldn't say she loved them, or Swat for that matter; Love was a bad word for caravaneers, and well, people in general in the wasteland.

She was really starting to like him…

She screamed into his hand as the orgasm hit her hard. Shaking wildly on him as he hissed at the sudden tightness. He pinned her against the wall with his body, thrusting his hips against her as his hands slid from her mouth and pussy to grope at her big supple breasts, not nearly as big as Satsuki's (well let's be honest nobody in this story is going to be as big as Satsuki) but a rare, and wonderful size for the wasteland none the less. She panted heavily as he quivered inside her, his seed rushing up her bowels as she gasped. That was going to be annoying later… she thought, but as she wiggled her hips, subtly stroking out the last drops, she decided she could deal with it.

Still inside her but thoroughly drained he pulled her away from the wall, facing the water as it rinsed them clean. "Mmn…" she cooed as he continued to caress her. "…Nothing like a good fuck to get you back to sleep…" she moaned as he kissed her neck, "Hey now. I'm done go bang your wife." She giggled as he growled.

"She's not my wife. She's my entrapment." He noted as she cooed at his touch.

"She's a sexy entrapment." She said unhelpfully.

"They're the worst kind." He noted slowly slipping from her ass as she shivered with a chuckle. His hand clapped on her ass cheek, still red with his handprints as she yelped, he gave it a firm squeeze.

She smacked his hand playfully but he kept it there, kissing her neck as she giggled. "You're so rough! I get it you like my ass but knock it off!"

"It's a smackable ass." He replied as she shoved him away, grinning.

"Knock it off. Or we aren't doing this again" She said as he shrugged, stepping out of the shower as she turned to spread her cheeks, letting the water wash away anything leaking. He dried off and put his clothes back on as she gargled some water, spat it out, and turned the shower off. Stretching naked as he handed her the towel. "Well… back to bed. There's an amazon taking up most of the space though."

"Better than a northern wolf chasing rabbits…" Swat replied as she put her clothes back on, bending forward to slip her legs into her pants. Only to feel his hand on her ass again.

"Hey what did I say!?" she said glaring mockingly at him as she pulled up her pants.

"You want to do this again." he noted as her cheeks went a little red and she smacked his chest with the back of her hand.

"Yeah. But not now." She replied smugly, turning and swaying her hips just a little more as she went back to her room. Swat sighed to himself, traveling with sex slaves apparently gave him an appetite… But between Casey and Galoria he at least had plenty to eat…

As he stepped back out into the living room to Jack's snores… something, deep in the dark… seemed to agree. Even in the room, even over Jack's snoring… something echoed far away.


Swat froze, it was like a moan and a scream, but it was an echo. Fuck knows where in the Vault it came from. Or maybe if it came at all, nobody else seemed to hear it. Maybe it was the vault playing tricks on him. The legionaries' logbook playing with his mind. His hand went to his waist and cursed silently that his sequoia wasn't there.

…There was only one thing for it…

He returned to his room, retrieved his sequoia, and walked back out, grabbing a chair from the kitchen he turned it to face the barricaded door, sitting down and staring at it as he rested his hand on his gun. Listening, and waiting…

Hoping it was really all in his head.


Something big, lumbering, and hungry, stomped slowly through the vault. Its head was a grotesque rotting brahmin mask with ever-staring empty eyes and tiny flies and gnats swirling around it as the rotten meat of its bloody face dripped off onto the floor. Its hands gripped tightly around a super sledgehammer as it stomped in a never-ending march around the endless twisting halls of the Vault. The voices echoing in his head…

Kill. Eat. Kill. Eat. Kill. Eat.

Sometimes in languages far too ancient for mortal men to know. Especially this creature now stomping through the vault.

Kill. Eat. Kill. Eat. Kill. Eat.

Unware that it itself was also saying the mad mantra as it soon found a lone blind molerat…

The hammer pulped it with insane speed, and it was on the dead creature before it even knew what it was doing. Shoving the raw meat into the gaping mouth of the dead brahmin mask as it fed horrifically on its kill.

"HUN-GRY…" it moaned as the voices echoed in his head, it cooed like a child. Before growling like an animal. Gripping its sledge and getting back to its feet. Lumbering on.

"Kill. Eat. Kill. Eat. KILL! EAT!"

The words echoing in its head, and the twisting turns of the vault.

End of Chapter