Welcome Back

I don't own Fallout or anything fallout related or adjacent

…Swat felt… heavy… His eyes opened and stared into a pair of brilliant blue ones, Galoria's beautiful face stretched into a smile as she gazed down at him. Straddling his lap as she held his wrists in her hands, firmly pinning him to the crappy bed he had been using. In the dead of night they had found a moderately intact house, only had to shoot one feral, and no skeletons with multiple bedrooms. So not looking a gift brahmin in the mouth they all spent the night.

"Good morning husband!" Galoria smiled down at Swat as he sighed and tried to go back to sleep. But that certainly wasn't happening.

"Didn't I leave Raid on guard?" he mumbled, opening his eyes again to check the door to find Raid on his back, tongue lolling from his mouth, and legs kicking the air as he chased whatever he chased in his dreams. To be fair Raid normally WAS on guard, his keen canine senses would feel a hostile presence coming from a mile away… Unfortunately for Swat, Raid likes Galoria. "…Yeah that figures. OOF!" Galoria rested her big heavy breasts on his chest as she smiled cat-like at him. "…Yes?" he asked curiously, knowing full well what she was doing.

"It has been some time husband." She said, in a sultry voice completely different from her usual, joyous yelling, she felt his manhood harden between her legs as she wiggled her large backside upon his lap. "Ah… I see you are more than ready…" she purred, licking her lips sexily as she shook out her shiny blonde hair. "I'll let go of the fact that you have been laying with other women and remind you that you. Prefer. Me." She purred as Swat sighed, thinking thoughtfully at that.

"Where are Jack and Casey?"

"They are hunting for a morning meal. Plenty of time for you and I to get intimate." She suddenly tightly gripped his pinned arms to the bed, grinning over him as she pressed her surprisingly soft lips to his, kissing him firmly as he moaned slightly into her mouth, unable to contain his arousal as his erection bulged against her crotch, grinding against it while she straddled his lap.

"Hmm… there we are." She sat up, tossing back her mane of blonde hair seductively as she easily removed her 'clothes', her large round breasts wobbled free as she bounced them together with her arms, "Now then…" she tugged a string at her waist as her bottoms fell apart, and she was naked. Barely five seconds, a new record.

"Okay. Fine. I accept the fact that we are going to have sex, but at least let me be-" but suddenly she was standing above him her hands gripped his underwear, (he was technically sleeping in only his underwear) and yanked them free as she grabbed his erection in her hand.

"Just as magnificent as I remember!" she praised as he couldn't help but smile.

"Okay. That's flattering Galoria but seriously I-" she was suddenly on him, her tight muscular pussy engulfing his length tightly as she moaned, her head rolling back as he flinched again, "F-Fuck." He growled, his hands instinctively slapping to her waist as she rolled her hips back and forth, letting his manhood explore her insides once more. Letting the familiar feeling of his cock rub against her tunnel walls as her breasts caressed his muscled, scarred chest. She giggled as her tongue slithered from her lips to lick his, prying them open with little effort (and little resistance from Swat) as she slid it around his mouth, already lifting her wide hips to slam herself back down on his cock.

The bed creaked dangerously as Swat groaned, his toes curling on the mattress as he writhed beneath the Champion Gator Gal of Bourbon Street. She might have multiple titles to her name but there was one that many of the young men bestowed upon her. Conqueror of the Bedroom.

"Uh! Uh! Uh!" she rode Swat like an equestrian of old, her wide shapely backside slamming up and down on his cock as his hips struggled to thrust up into her. But her strength, her pace, and her body quickly tamed the wasteland wanderer into compliance. Her silky, womanly folds stroked his length with controlled care and skill as her hands tightened almost painfully around his wrists.

"Galoria! Ugh!" he clenched his teeth, his hands, and bared it but there was a simple fact that he wouldn't want to admit to: Galoria was GREAT in bed… the problem however is that the bed itself was old, creaky, and slightly uncomfortable… and honestly. It started to hurt.

"Ha… Ahhhh…" she sat up, her whole muscular body clenching as Swat groaned, his cock trembling in eagerness as it felt her tunnel clench around him, her grip loosening on his wrists as her mouth opened and she gasped, sucking in air through her surprisingly white teeth as she came. He got out of her grip as her hands went to his chest, keeping him in place as she grinned sweetly at him. "MMm… it's not nearly as good as our first-time husband. But I greatly enjoyed myself."

Swat glared at her; his pride briefly insulted. "We had an entire CASE of bourbon!" he said indignantly but the damage was done. He was bruised in more ways than one and he hadn't cum yet. He grabbed her hips and pumped his hips up into her tightened pussy as she yelped delightedly.

"Ooh! Swat! So eager now!" she grinned, bouncing on his lap as she clutched to her big breasts, squeezing them as they tried to bounce wildly on her chest with his constant steady pumping. Soon however she was joining him, slamming down on his lap as she rode him again, the bed creaking and groaning with their motions as Swat sunk his fingers into her muscled waist.

"Ugh…" he grit his teeth as she dropped down harder and harder, her pussy clenching tightly as he squeezed him relentlessly.

"Yes! Yes! Give it to me! AH!!" she slammed down he pushed up and the bed fell apart, they hit the floor forcefully with a grunt as Swat's load shot up into her trembling body. Her breasts squeezed tightly together as she moaned, rubbing them with her hands as her head rolled back and she breathed heavily through her nose, occasionally twitching before giving out a noise that sounded suspiciously like a purr. "MMMn… Better…" she cooed.

Swat, enjoying his release to some extent, could not help but desperately wish for a stimpack. As he was pretty sure his hips were broken, it did not help when Galoria decided to cuddle either, dropping onto him and wrapping her arms around his body as she nuzzled her blonde head against his. "Galoria…" he hissed, feeling her breasts rub his chest as she almost immediately began to doze. "Galor-fuck. Raid." He whistled and Raid was up, his tongue lolling as he smiled at him. "…A little help buddy?"

Raid pawed over to Swat, sat down beside him, and gave his face a firm lick. Before lying down next to them, his head on Galoria's back before he began to happily snooze again. His leg thumped the floor as he sneezed slightly. "…Thanks buddy." Swat mumbled bitterly, lightly slapping Galoria's muscled, trembling body but getting no response."

About thirty minutes away, Casey lay prone between a pair of burned-out cars as Jack stood beside her, looking through half a binocular with his good eye as Casey looked down the barrel of his Winchester rifle. "Alright… wind's pretty low… so rise it up a degree." He said as she glanced up at him with a smirk.

"I have done this before you know…" she said casually as Jack continued to stare at their target, a lone half-starved-looking radstag. But it was the only target they've found so it was better than nothing.

"I bet." Jack replied, "But you can still learn something from an old ghoul. Now Take the wind into account."

"A pervy old Ghoul." She said, returning her attention to the radstag as one of its heads sniffed around and the other kept watch. "…Quit looking at my ass." She said casually as Jack rolled his good eye, resting a hand on his hat as the wind picked up.

"I only pinched it once, and that was before I found out you were an NCR loyalist."

"…Don't like the NCR Jack?" she asked, coldly. But Jack shrugged it off.

"I prefer them over the legion. They have some good folk... had. But they're really just a step down from the Brotherhood, barely tolerating us ghouls, and only using us until they 'don't need us'. I got a few friends from Camp Searchlight who have a similar opinion but got nowhere else to go." He then eyed her, "Quit talking politics. Not like you'd drop your pants for an old man like me anyway…" he then grinned, "Nah… you like them young, dashing, and crack shots… I'm only two out of the three."

Casey could not help but smile at that, but said nothing… but then she frowned as an echo of a gunshot rattled out over the air and the radstag fell over writhing slowly in pain.

"Good shot." Jack said but Casey looked up at him surprised.

"That wasn't me." Jack frowned, and immediately ducked lower behind the car seconds before a small pack of hounds darted across the wasteland towards the radstag and sunk their teeth into the thing, tearing and thrashing at it until it went very still…

Then, what was clearly a small group of legionaries in their armor and masked helmets appeared seemingly from nowhere, "Fuck." Casey snarled as they approached the pack of slathering, yelping, snarling dogs.

"There goes breakfast." Jack mumbled, more annoyed than anything as the group began to kick, yell and whack the pack of dogs into cowing before them as they began to tend to their kill.

"Fuckers." Casey said, already taking aim again before Jack snatched the Winchester from her grip and she glared at him.

"We are not here for them." He said, glancing between the cars. "…Where the hell did they come from? I thought we left their territory when Galoria found that banner?" at that moment however one of them took a javelin from his quiver, unrolled a banner, and stabbed it deep into the corpse of the radstag as they packed up its meat. Leading the hounds along as they left it wagging in the breeze. "…Well that ain't good."

"Well… if we're not killing them for that meat then we might as well get back." Casey said bitterly, "…We could've taken them."

"Yeah but they had a pack of half a dozen dogs… I didn't like our odds." He said frowning, "…I know they use dogs but a whole group like that? and the ones Galoria fought?"

"I wouldn't put it past them." Casey scowled, holding her assault rifle at the ready. "Come on let's head back." Jack watched the banner flap in the breeze for half a minute longer before raising his Winchester to his eye, judging the range, and the wind, before firing.

The Javelin snapped at the middle and fell over, the banner draping over the corpse like a shawl before he shouldered his rifle and followed Casey. His eyes were mainly on her very nice ass the whole way back.

They returned to their camp seconds before Swat stumbled out of the house, his legs wobbling as he leaned on the wall. Dressed in his Swat body armor but no coat or hat, Sequoia ever-present at his waist in its holster.

Jack, fully away of Galoria's intentions once they left could not help but ask. "So how do you feel?" Jack smiled as Swat leaned on the wall, his legs shaking slightly.

"Sore. I think she broke something this time and I don't just mean the bed." He groaned, stretching out his legs as he stood beside Jack. "And considering it's at least half a day to get to Riverside I'm not looking forward to it."

"Riverside?" Casey asked curiously as Swat frowned.

"Oh. Right… you haven't been this far east before right? Well, Riverside is essentially the last safe spot from here to the North."

"High walls, watchtowers, relatively fresh water." Jack noted, "And a lot of good shots more than willing to protect it. Been there once or twice but I'm sure all the folks I know are long buried."

"We're going to rest up, stock up, get the lay of the land… it's a good place to do it before we hit the Land of Corn."

"And I'd normally agree with you." Jack said, whispering conspiratorially as if afraid someone somewhere would overhear him. "But Casey and I found a few of those 'lost legion' planting banners… I think they're marking territory."

"Good for them." Swat said with a slight spat to his voice. "Lost or found if they mess with us we have plenty of bullets." Jack grinned and shook his head, giving Swat a shoulder to lean on as he regained the unfortunate feeling in his leg.

"Good boy." He flinched slightly as Swat leaned on him a little too hard. "…you know it won't kill you to pop a stim."

"Shut it. Where's breakfast?"

"The legion took it." Jack replied, "Found some canned food last night if you're desperate." Swat groaned, flinching slightly.

"…Let's just screw it and keep going then. Let me get dressed." He began as Galoria stretched her muscled arms wide as she stepped out of the house, fully 'dressed' in her usual clothes and her steel oar strapped to her back.

"Welcome back!" she grinned as Raid trotted outside and found a burned-out tree to claim. "Did you bring food?"

"No." Jack noted as she frowned, Swat heading inside to get dressed.

They marched on through the wasteland until not too far away they noticed a settlement, high wooden towers circled the town, four in total and facing each major direction. The walls were made of cars, steel, tires, whatever could be found… through the middle of the town ran a river, once upon a time it was considered a damn, but it had long ago been mostly destroyed. Now a sluice gate allowed it to run freely through the town as they approached it.

A large armored vehicle, the only piece of the wall fully intact, stood in as a gate that they pulled open and close. A man walked onto it, Sitting on the edge of it facing them, a face full of a bright red beard he glared down at them, his long dirty red hair hung around his face as his leather jacket was worn tight around his muscular body, armored with a few obvious steel plates sewn onto it for some sort of added protection. On the back of the jacket was a bright red orb, underneath that was stitched, 'Red Dawn', under that was a crudely patched 'Guard Captain'.

He reminded Jack of a Viking warrior in an old holotape he once watched, Grognak meets Erak the Blonde.

"Let me do the talking." Swat said, his eyes glaring at the man as he sat on the armored car. Glaring at them.

He approached, Jack's hand on one of his revolvers as he watched. Raid at Swat's side as the red-bearded man glared at him. He leaped down from the armored car, towering over Swat, only Galoria matched his size and height. At his waist were a pair of sawed-off shotguns and he rested his hand on the right one, its handle said the word 'Wrath' engraved upon it. The other one had 'Ruin'. And he glared down at Swat.

"Well well well… if it ain't Swat the Wanderer…" he fingers curled on the shotgun handle, but Swat smirked at him. "I believe I told you what would happen if I ever saw you again."

Swat seemed to think about it, then his smirk widened. "…I think you said drinks were on you Elroy."

Elroy's eye twitched, then his beard. Then he punched Swat lightly in the arm, laughing. His booming voice echoed as some of the guards on the palisade began to laugh. "Damn right I did! Welcome back kid! Open the gate we got guests!" he wrapped an arm around Swat as Raid happily walked alongside them and they entered into the town together laughing, followed closely by the rest of them.

"Welcome to Riverside!" Elroy said, waving his free arm to the bustling town as they joined up with him and Swat. "Finest town south of the Land of Corn!" he grinned at Swat, "What brings you back here kid?"

Swat smiled and patted a satchel at his waist, "…Visiting mom." He said as Elroy's beaming face frowned and he stroked his beard.

"…Eh… now… might not be a good time to head north Swat." He said, waving for them to follow him. "…Been hearing things about the Corn." He said suspiciously as Jack chuckled.

"You say that like corn is scary." Elroy shrugged and lead them to a small ramshackle building built sturdier than the rest. Some of it was concrete.

"Well the Corn itself isn't, well not so much... but…"

"Did those fucking kids come back?" Swat asked sounding annoyed as Elroy nodded slowly.

"…People have gone missing from the settlements around there. We warned them but that's a LOT of food the wastelanders aren't touching, not many could resist." He shrugged, scratching his head, "But hell I don't know much about it. We got another wanderer; said he came that way, talk to him." Before adding under his breath, "Says a LOT actually. I got to get back to the wall. The fucking legion has been getting bold. Demanding food, water and women."

Casey snarled as Swat sighed, "We've found a few of their banners on the way. Is it serious?"

"It's a real big group from what I understand and they're practically at the gate. Had one of their speakers telling us to surrender or die. They want Riverside, strong fortifications and water access? No way they were going to ignore us."

Swat eyed Jack for a moment, as Elroy shrugged again and smiled, "But that's for later! Come on in and enjoy Riverside's hospitality!"

"You said something about another wanderer? Swat asked as Jack, Casey, and Galoria all entered the inn, Elroy rubbed his beard frowning. "Where's he at?"

"At the bar." Elroy frowned, "He rented a room there. But I've never even seen him sleep! He just sits at the counter with his damn eyebot and talks and talks and talks, he never shuts up! People are starting to get antsy. Old man Bargin's mostly deaf but he was banging his head on the counter after ten minutes! I don't really want to tangle with him, he's wearing power armor, looks like he can use it too."

Swat stared at him for a minute, rubbed his eyes in exasperation… "…An eyebot you said? Power armor? Likes to talk?"

Elroy nodded, "Yeah I said all of that. What me to point him out to you?"

Swat smirked, rolled his eyes and waved Elroy off, "Nah. We've met…" and off he went with Raid right behind.

End of Chapter.