Commander Lupus Rex

I don't own Fallout things or references…

We return to Riverside... to the sound of talking... so. Much. Talking...

"-For instance, did you know that the Red Dawn town guard was originally a notorious biker gang that terrorized the old world when the bombs fell? Elroy himself is the last descendant of the original members who settled in Riverside ages ago. They spent a whole year doing whatever they pleased until local survivors and mutated horrors began to fight back. After losing over half their number a few of the brighter members of the gang decided to settle down in a fortified position and started inviting other less hostile tribes into their new settlement. And considering many of their members were efficient fighters and killers, they went from enforcers to town guards-"

Swat crawled on all fours out of the bar, Raid right next to him. Both dropped firmly onto the ground and covered their ears. Raid whined pitifully as Swat made a remarkably similar noise. "…Oh god it's so informative… but not remotely close to what I asked!!" he replied, cursing the sky as he rolled onto his back, he took a breath as Raid continued to whimper and he sighed, readying himself again for another go. "Okay… five minutes and I'll try again. How long has he been talking?"

"No idea but you've been missing for about a day." Came the familiar ghoulish growl of his father figure. Swat glanced up to see Jack looming over him. "The girls thought you found yourself a pretty hooker to spend the night with, I figured you got held up. I won the bet.

"The brothel is all the way on the other side of town, it's got a great view of the river." Swat groaned as Jack just smirked, not giving a retort or asking how exactly Swat knew that. "Sorry… sometimes he's really informative… but gets sidetracked easily. "Swat sat up, staring into the mostly empty bar, and grunted, "…Hasn't quite given me what I wanted yet."

"…Let me try." Jack said, passing Swat "I got a way with people." he quick-drew his right revolver


"Jack what the hell?!" Swat shouted angrily as the distinct sound of a bullet pinging off power armor echoed in his ears.

"I only shot his shoulder." Jack replied, holstering the revolver "He's wearing power armor, he's fine."

"You still shot me." said the suave-voiced man. Who, really, sounded more amused than insulted that he was just shot. His eyebot, floating nearby wiggled in the air angrily, giving off a violent warning sound. "It's alright Edna. No harm done."

"Yeah, whatever." Jack replied, resting his hand on the hilt of his revolver incase he needed it again. "What do you know about creepy kids around Nebraska?"

The empty gaze of the man's power armor leveled on Jack… then. "…An odd 'child' named Joeb has collected a small settlement of children in a beast worshiping cult, believing that nobody would be cold-hearted enough to shoot at them. And in some cases, he's right, the children in service to the cult have some otherworldly power to survive being shot, blown up, and stabbed. Seemingly immortal. Joeb himself however isn't much of a child at all, he preaches to his flock that his 'agelessness' is a 'gift' from their monstrous god, one of the many Giant worms that burrow under the massive rows of corn that populate the Land of Corn, or 'Nebraska' as you have called it. A few friends of mine in the followers believe that Joeb himself has a form of a glandular disorder that keeps him looking youthful but is actually much older than he appears. He hides behind his flock for protection, but perhaps if anyone were ever to expose his lies and deceit to the rest of the children, they may abandon him to his hungry gods…"

"Thank you." Jack said politely, stepping away, and taking a deep breath before mumbling to Swat. "…Okay you're right he really is long-winded…"

"Informative though." Swat replied he waved to the man, "Thanks a bunch buddy." He said, walking away.

"…What was his name?" Jack asked.

"It's-" but as Swat formed the words there was a heavy explosion from the front of the town. An alarm bell began ringing and immediately Swat, Jack and Raid ran towards the entrance.

The armored car had a massive dent in its outer side and had been knocked open. Two of the Red Dawn guard were being dragged away by helpful settlers, clearly injured. One more lay very still. It was then Swat heard the angry roar of Elroy.

"You cock sucking legion motherfuckers! Come over here! I dare you! COME ON!! WRATH AND RUIN AWAIT!!" he held up his duel sawed-off shotguns, then ducked down as a plethora of assault rifle fire hit his parapet.

"Elroy." Swat slid beside him, soon joined by a crawling Jack and Raid. "Situation?"

"Have a look." He grumbled as Swat checked, cursing silently.

Over forty Legion soldiers stood an arrows flight away, in four rows of ten. The entirety of the front row held leashes of over twenty legion mongrels, one legion held a rocket launcher that he casually tossed aside. Judging from his attire he was the leader of this assault. "…Shit, close the gate!" Swat shouted, realizing what was about to happen as half a dozen Red Dawn guards heaved against the heavy armored car. But it was firmly planted off its track, they'd have to move it back into position with a driver and they clearly didn't have the time for it…

Then the legion unleashed their mongrels and they dove quickly across the open ground, snapping snarling, and yipping as they strove towards the opening the rocket launcher had made. This was a shock tactic, it would do little more than cause chaos in the town but that would be enough for a more open assault.

"Put down the dogs!" Elroy shouted to his guards on the parapet. Standing up and ending one with Wrath, and another with Ruin. Before promptly holstering them and easily lifting a minigun from behind the parapet and opening fire…

…Swat had no desire to shoot dogs. Any dogs. Even legion mongrels… Elroy and his couple dozen parapet guardsmen had things well and hand… so he turned his attention to the rank and file legion… why weren't they moving? he stared, and stared, trying to fight the sun as they held firm, devotedly brave to the oncoming fire…

…Then he saw it… a long-barreled sniper rifle in the third rank, resting on the shoulders of the soldiers in front of it. this wasn't an assault. It was an assassination!

"Jack!" Swat shouted, even at this range with his sequoia there was a slim chance he could miss. But Jack? Oh… too easy.

Jack's Winchester leveled on the parapet as he knelt behind it on his good leg, staring down his sights, good eye squinting as he leveled his gaze in the direction where Swat pointed seconds before the last of the mongrels skidded dead to a stop.

It happened so instantaneously it could only be classified as an old-world miracle. Jack found, and aimed at the Legion sniper, blinked, then fired… the bullet struck the would-be assasin between the eyes seconds before his dead body pulled the trigger of the uplifted sniper rifle. The bullet flew across the field as the sniper fell into the rear ranks, dead. The sniper's round slid across Elroy's left jacketed arm, leaving barely a scratch, and 'harmlessly' flew off into the distance.

Confusion roared through the normally stoic ranks of the legion as they realized what had just happened. The commander was much smarter than he looked, he whirled his hand in the air and immediately the front ranks lifted assault rifles, firing at the town as the defenders dropped behind the parapet for protection. The commander promptly sounded the retreat and left the dead sniper splayed out in the sun, gazing blankly at empty the sky…

Elroy checked his jacket and cursed under his breath, but then nodded to Jack. "Great shot you old ghoul." He praised sincerely. Jack just gave him a wild grin.

"Who do you think taught the Brat?" he said knowingly, elbowing a cheerfully smiling Swat.

"…Yeah but don't expect them to be nice next time." Swat said, frowning. "…They tried to take out leadership, that always leads to a full-on attack, whether that assassination succeeds or not. Two, three days at most…" he glanced at a rather cheerful-looking Elroy. "Congratulations Elroy, they fear you the most."

Elroy just grinned. "Good…" he growled. Turning over the edge and shouting to the Red Dawn. "Get that door back on its hinges! And add some braces to it or something. Armor up! Reload! Let's go you pussies while I'm young!"

Jack and Swat left him to his commands as Swat frowned. "…Want to wait a couple of days before moving on?" he said under his breath, remarkably cold.

"…Do you?" Jack asked curiously as Swat glared at his father figure.

"That legion fucker just sent over twenty dogs to their deaths. I want to shoot him in the eyes…" Swat said coldly, stroking a rather content-looking, and clearly unimpressed Raid's head.

The Camp of Commander Lupus Rex: Late Evening.

"Commander. The assassination Failed." Anthony, the leader of the attack said. Bowing his head. "I take full responsibility.

"…Considering all we lost were some dogs and an unlucky sniper It's no great loss… more of a formality. You did as well as I expected you would Anthony, and you returned with a large portion of your cohort as opposed to charging the rest to their deaths foolishly like the leader of our Great Rocks Expedition." Commander Rex approached a small pile of recent 'tributes' from the nearby occupied settlements. Weapons, armor, food. And kneeling before all of that a trio of attractive women… An Asian woman, a brunette woman, and an ebony-skinned woman.

He grabbed the leather collar of the ebony-skinned woman, dragged her forward from the other two, and tossed her towards Anthony. "A gift Anthony. They were going to be added to our slave labor but we can spare her… and." He added as an afterthought, pulling a Chinese officer sword from the pile and tossing it to him. "I expect you to put that to good use in the oncoming battle. Now put that woman to good use and get some rest." He said with a cold grin.

Anthony openly groped the beautiful woman, only the best tributes were accepted. Her big breasts wrapped in a thin cloth were groped almost painfully as he smiled at his good fortune. "Thank you, sir. I will bring us to victory."

He shoved the woman into his cabin, one of the few still standing in the campgrounds they had taken as a forward base. She gasped in pain as her wavy dark hair was seized and she was forcefully kissed, "MMn mwah!!" she moaned, slovenly, desperate to get him as aroused and finished as quickly as possible. Her thin shirt was torn away revealing big wobbling breasts with pancake-sized areola, his hands wantonly groped them, feeling their pliable softness between his fingers as she hissed and moaned in his open mouth as he shoved his tongue against hers...

"Your lips feel good slave." He declared, pushing on her shoulders to kneel before him as he undid his armor. Her dark eyes widened as his thick, throbbing male organ pulsed to its full 9" of length, he pushed the tip to her pouty lips. "Suck on this…" he ordered, hand resting on her black hair.

"….Ah…" she purred, opening her mouth. Having no other option than to service, she slid her lips down his length as far as they would go, her soft pink tongue swirling around his shaft as he groaned in satisfaction. His fingers curled roughly in her hair as he guided her easily up and down his shaft.

"Ugh… Uuhh…" he groaned, enjoying the feeling of her mouth. She hummed and slurped loudly; the bare minimum of effort possible as she serviced him… but she didn't have to wait long to get a result. "Ugh!" he grabbed her head and pulled her down. She coughed and spluttered as his seed rushed into her mouth without warning… his cock pulsing between her lips as she gagged, he pulled his limp dick out and she tilted her head down, spitting his load onto the floor as she coughed. She took deep breaths as she drooled onto the floor. Stringy ropes of cum and spit dropping into a small puddle.

"Ugh!" she gasped, he shoved her forward onto her hands and knees as he tore away the rest of her clothes, her shapely bountiful rear on display as his hand smacked loudly upon it, "Ah!" she gasped as it jiggle pleasantly from the blow.

"I love that sound." He grinned, he didn't say it with a cruel tone… but as a slave to the legion, everything said to her was cruel. Smack!"



"AAH!!" she whimpered as his hands clapped onto her round, brown ass cheeks, jiggling from the painful stinging. "Urgh!" she felt his foot, rest between her shoulder blades, and pushed, she grunted as her cheek hit the floor, his hand still smacking her ass as she wiggled and fidgeted trying everything to alive the punishing cracks of his hand.

"Ah!" Smack! "Aah!!" SMACK. "Please stop!" she whimpered, her stinging rear unintentionally wiggling as she clawed the floor. SMACK!! "MMph!"

"But I don't want to stop." He said flatly, smirking as he rested his hand on her cheeks, rubbing the stinging soreness. "I like the sound your ass makes when I smack it… I like to watch it wiggle and jiggle like a whore in Gomorrah…"

"Ha…!" she gasped suddenly as his fingers slipped into her womanly folds, prodding and scraping her insides as she whimpered, shuddering as he molested her. "Hmm! MMn…" she shuddered as he fingered her.

"Beg me to fuck you slave…" he growled as she gasped, her pussy drooling arousal against her will. "Beg to take my seed." His fingers sped up inside her, her pussy sloshing arousingly around the cabin as she panted and moaned. Her ass jiggling as his hand plunged in and out.

"Ah! AH! AH! AH! Please fuck meee…" she begged, and he yanked his hand away, her ass shook and wiggled in the air as she gasped, an orgasm surging through her. "Urh…ugh-urhh…" his hand gripped her hair and he yanked her to her feet, "Ah! Aaaargh!" he sat on the bed, pulling her towards him.

"Sit slave." He ordered, his cock upright and throbbing as she obediently crawled over him, he grabbed her hips and roughly pulled her down his cock as she gasped, shuddering as his hands smacked onto her bouncy ass. "Wet and tight. Good slave." He grinned as she shuddered, not looking at him as he squeezed her ass cheeks, lifting her up with great strength as she moaned, legs wrapping around him as he pulled her down.

"Ha! Aah…" she gasped, as his hands clutched to her big round breast, he squeezed them roughly as she groaned, his hips thrusting up into her. she bounced lightly on his lap as he nibbled her nipples, licking her wide areola as he grunted and groaned.

"Come on." He grunted suddenly, her ass echoing another SMACK around the room as his hand gripped her cheek, "Come on!"

"HA! HA! Ah!! AH!!" she began to roll back, panting and grunting as he soon gripped her ass cheeks tightly in both hands, lifting and pulling her up and down his cock, "Uh! Ugh! Ugh!!"

"UGH!!" he suddenly grunted, she gasped, feeling his load rush up into her womb as he held her on his lap. "Uuugh!!" he growled, cock pulsing as she stared at the opposite wall. Eyes quivering as he inseminated her. his fingers sunk painfully into her ass flesh as he growled, filling her up as his cock finally stopped… then he began pumping his hips again, her violated but sensitive body instinctively sending surges of pleasure through her as he thrust up, again and again, using her body easily as she gasped…

Suddenly she fell back, hitting the floor with a grunt. But Anthony just grinned, still inside her he stood up, folding her legs open and over so her toes were on the floor, but her holes were in the air. She could do nothing but watch as he pounded down into her. Her big round breasts on her chin as she gazed helplessly up at him…

Her crotch oozed fluids as he plunged in and out of her, grunting and groaning in his own selfish satisfaction. She put her hands on her back, trying to alleviate the uncomfortable piledriver position as he ignored her grunts and continued, his downward thrusts.

"Uh. Ugh… yeah…" he praised, and sat on her, his cock pulsed as a load rushed down into her body as she moaned. "MMMn…" he pulled his cock from her body, and sprayed a rope of seed down across her stomach to pool under her breasts…

"Ah!!" she gasped as suddenly she was pushed, flipping over onto the floor before she felt his hand grab her hair again, dragging her roughly forward as he sat on the edge of the bed. He pulled her face directly against his cock, he rubbed his messy shaft against her cheeks and lips.

"Suck it. and you better swallow this time or your spending the rest of the night with the troops raising more than their morale..." She hesitated, then her soft pink tongue slid out and licked his shaft, "Yeah…" he groaned happily as she suckled his tip into her mouth, and she serviced him orally. Sucking and slurping until he deposited another load into her mouth. And as ordered she swallowed…

He had her suck his limp cock for another hour until he had given her another load to consume. Then, seemingly satisfied he stood up, and she wiped her lips with the back of her hand before he tossed her roughly face down onto the bed. He stretched her legs apart and lay on her back, groaning as he shoved his limp length into her pussy. "MMn… night slave." He said, lying fully on top and inside of her and quickly going to sleep. It took her much longer to do so…

....."MMMN!?" she awoke to a heavy shaking as he pounded roughly inside her, grunting and groaning as she moaned at the sudden awakening and shuddered in disgust as he sent his morning load deep inside her. Shaking and trembling as he pumped his spasming cock inside her as he grunted out his last few drops.

"Ah…" he sighed contentedly before yanking out of her spraying her dark-colored ass cheeks with a few remaining drops. "I missed having a hole to wake up to in the morning…" SMACK! went his hand on her ass "Get dressed woman and make me my food."

Commander Lupus Rex exited his cabin, currently now occupied with the remaining two tribute girls, satisfied… and a little violated at last night's heavy session with him. He grinned at his men as they went about camp, taking out a crude animal horn and blowing. It echoed around the camp as every slave and soldier glanced at him giving him their full attention. "Today we march on Riverside! Today! We claim a victory for the Lost Legion!" he roared, pointing to the banner above his cabin. "Today! We take what's ours! Weapons! Food! Women! All will be ours! As is our Right!" the men and even some of the women slaves cheered. "No more will we stretch our lines across this wasteland to civilize those fools in the west! No more will we struggle to keep ourselves fed! No more! We! WILL! TAKE!! RIVERSIDE!!!" he declared as the Lost Legion roared their inevitable triumph.

He smirked to himself and muttered "Veni. Vidi. Vici."

End of chapter

Anthony's slave girl was played by Jada Fire.

Special guest appearance by The Storyteller.

If you guys like fallout lore, check out Shoddycast's: The Storyteller series, it's really good and taught me a lot about the fallout universe in a creative way... and to be honest, I think I could get in trouble for using him without asking permission. But just in case the Storyteller is their creation, I don't own him, I'm just borrowing him for exposition. It's a shout-out, I'm a fan. I make no money. Etc etc. Please don't sue me.