The Fire of the Lonely Mountain

I don't own Fallout.

Swat stared down his binoculars, gazing at the town that was quite honestly pulled straight out of the old western vids. There were a handful of NCR troopers patrolling, not rangers of course… but elite troopers.

They had to be elite because they were out here and there was a very good chance they knew Swat was coming for them… One. Two. Three… he spotted Seven: two in front of the bar, 4 on patrol, and one camped in one of a fresher-looking building. He imagined there were more… however, his gaze stopped on the bar… whatever it had been called before had been changed. On the board above it written in white paint so fresh, it was dripping three newly painted words…

'The Lonely Mountain'…

He lowered his binoculars… realizing the reference... and he recently realized that inside was 'treasure' and 'danger'. She was calling him out."…Alright then…" he got to his feet and patted his dogs on the head. "…Wait for me…" he said… and started walking as Raid yawned, briefly chased his tail, and curled up under some shade as Midnight watched him. Was it Swat? Or was she glaring at Raid.

Sgt. Amos Franks put his last and freshest cigarette to his lips. He took a puff, he had just marched to the end of the row of buildings that made up the town… when a bullet broke his cigarette. "Mother fucker!" he raised his rifle but another bullet shot it from his hands and he froze. Cursing to himself…

Swat walked towards him, "…Morning." he said calmly as Amos cringed, but glared Swat down as the other three soldiers on patrol aimed at him from different locations of the empty town, two on the street, one on the roof. Swat was already holding a sequoia on Amos, and he opened his coat to reveal not only another sequoia (a recently acquired Ranger Raven's) but one-half of Jack's twin revolvers, and a hint of a combat shotgun. "…Are you boys really up to this?"

"Stop." Swat glanced at the bar, a hand raised out and waved between the guards at the front door. "…Let him in." Virginia Wolfe's voice was clear as a bell. Swat, still holding his Sequioa, lowered it and walked towards the bar. The guards stepped aside, but kept their rifles on him as he entered… It was moderately clean for the wasteland, several tables and chairs, there were a few bottles of unnamed alcohol behind the bar… along with Virginia Wolfe.

There was a radio playing... Bing Crosby.

I love those dear hearts and gentle people

Who live in my home town

She was singing along, rather well as she absently tended to the bar behind the counter. Occasionally, she suppress a cough, but still sang/

Because those dear hearts and gentle people

Will never ever let you down

She turned back around set a pair of very clean shot-glasses on the counter and smiled serenely at him. "…Have a drink." She said, as he opened his coat, and holstered the sequoia, but stood rigidly at the door, his hand over the hilt. She chuckled, sniffed indignantly and poured herself a glass of whiskey. "COUGH…Come on. Don't be shy…"

"No thank you." Replied Swat, cold, and unnerving.

"…Well, you haven't shot me yet…" she said calmly, taking a calming breath as she took the glass and drank. "And my Sequoia is WAY over there…" she said as she pulled the glass, the gun a good foot away out of her reach on the counter… "Why haven't you shot me yet?"

Swat stared at her furiously, his fingers struggling to grab the Sequoia as two very different parental guidances fought with him. he finally sniffed. "…I haven't killed the rest of your team yet." She had been taking another sip from her glass and spluttered, actually surprising Swat as it sprayed across the bar with furious coughing mixture with raucous LAUGHTER.

A legitimately amused laugh.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!" she smiled fondly at him. "…I LIKE you. I really do!" She said slamming the glass down and pouring herself another. "Son-of-a-BITCH I wish I didn't hate your parents." She said almost enviously. "…Seriously. Come here and have a drink with me." She said kindly, already pouring a shot for him, "I want to have a drink with you before we try and kill each other!"

…Swat wasn't sure why, but he approached standing in front of her as she pushed the glass towards him. He took it, chugged it down, then immediately pulled his Sequoia out of its holster (Karlson's sequoia) and shot a vodka bottle warningly behind it. Immediately the two guards were pointing their guns into the door.

"It's alright…" Virginia said, completely unaffected, in fact seemingly calmer than ever. She didn't even flinch as glass flecked just over her coat. "Just a little misfire… happens with all young men." She smiled sweetly as the guards glanced at each other, "OUT." She repeated, staring into Swat's eyes… and they slowly they backed away. Swat sniffed angrily, holding the gun on her as she drank. "…What am I going to do with you?"

"Die of old age before I shoot you?" Swat replied as she chuckled. But looked at him pityingly

"…You killed Karlson. And I assume you've killed Raven…" she frowned and sighed sadly, "They knew what they were in for when I told them what I was going to do and they volunteered regardless… but It is a FUCKING shame that I need to kill you… Oh Bard…" she sighed like a disappointed mother, shaking her head. "…How about… instead. You calm down, and you join the NCR?"

Swat stared at her… like she was a fucking moron. "…What?"

"Well… you'd have to serve some time… a year or two. Maybe even fake your death?" she noted almost whimsically. "YOu wouldn't be the first murderer the NCR enlisted, and you are significantly more reasonable. We'd turn you into a proper ranger… my Granddaughter's still single." the hammer of his sequoia pulled it back and she sighed again. "COUGH. Yeah, I didn't think so…"

"I'm going to kill your team… then I'm going to kill you. Don't give me any of this 'join me' bullshit…" he growled.

"Oh Bard…" she shook her head, looking him in the eyes. "…A lot of trouble would be saved if you shot me now… what's stopping you? Poetic vengeance? Really?... I thought you were PRACTICAL!" the gun barrel pointed between her eyes, but she was unphased, in fact she looked BORED.

"You shot my father in front of my mother's grave in COLD BLOOD." Swat declared as she rolled her eyes.

"Yes? I Did. But so what? Welcome to the wasteland! I'm not getting any younger!"

Swat burned with cold fury… "You honestly… deserve something better than me gunning you down right now. "…Pick up your Sequoia… and let's do this the way my father would have liked me too…"

She chuckled good-naturedly and sighed. "…That's why I really do LIKE you Bard. You get it… you would be a GREAT ranger…" she grabbed her Sequoia, his mother's sequoia, then walked around the counter as she holstered it. "Lady's first?" she asked, walking towards the front door. However, just as she walked outside… a wall of steel walked in front of the door and walked INSIDE.

"SWAT." Came the reverberated voice of Jefferson in the NCR painted power armor… he hefted the mini-gun as Virginia sighed reluctantly behind him.

"Spoil my fun."

The gun revved up just as Swat leapt over the counter. the tavern exploded in a hail of gunfire… then ACTUALLY exploded, rattling as a pair of missiles howled and slammed into the building. A collection of molotovs were hurled through the windows and everything was on fire as the building started to fall apart, frag mines sealing the doorways as Jefferson continued to blast the counter, wood and stone peppered with bullets, glass shattering with vodka and whiskey flying everywhere.

And Good old Bing was still singing from the currently undamaged radio

-(Got a dream house) a dreamin' dream house

I'll build there one day

With picket fence and ramblin' rows

I feel so welcome each time that I return

That my happy heart keeps laughing like a clown

I love the dear hearts and gentle people

Who live and love in my home town

"What is the point of setting a trap if you walk him out of it!" C.J. moaned dejectedly, staring sadly at the burning saloon, 'The Lonely Mountain' paint chipping as it was heated… to be honest with herself… she wanted her grandmother to walk him out, but Jefferson gave the early signal, the remaining team of Rangers watching as the saloon burned, the NCR troopers patrolling calmly, watching the building light up with licks of flame… like an awakening dragon.

Virginia stood with her hand on the hilt of her Sequoia. "…That's a damn shame…" she said coldly.

"They can rebuild." Replied a reverberating Jefferson as Virginia continued to stare at the raging fire.

"…Not remotely what I meant John." She said sadly, looking legitimately disappointed.

"…So…" Maxine interrupted, smiling nervously, "…Can I shoot more missiles into it?" hefting her requisitioned Missile launcher, as their explosives specialist, it was kind of her thing... even if the NCR tended not to give her rocket-propelled explosives.

"…Give it a second." Virginia said forlornly, and after a moment of silence, raised a hand and silently waved it to the building as Maxine raised the missile launcher with a grin on her face and fired.

They were blown back as the missile went off earlier. SOMETHING, or someone fired at that exact second making it explode halfway towards the crumbling bar as Swat, his coat on fire and dripping with water leapt from the front door, both sequoia's drawn. Fire raised from his back as he aimed both at Virginia.

"Well- COUGH-fuck me." She breathed with a half smile as Jefferson stood in front of her, taking the bullets on his armored back. "No!" Virginia moved aside pulling up her sequoia and firing just as Swat darted into a nearby building. "He's not going to kill me yet!" she demanded. "Stay together!" she ordered as the troopers surrounded the house.

Amos and another trooper smashed open another window, standing on either side before turning and firing blindly into the building as Jefferson, and Virginia approached, the walking tank smashed through the front door holding the minigun, then paused.


One of the frag mines they had used to trap Swat in the bar… had apparently been disarmed and replaced…

"Out!" he shoved Virginia back and she was caught by Wuu, Jefferson stumbled out with the blast. "Aaagh!"

"You alright?" Virginia asked concernedly as Jefferson scowled under the helmet.

"…My armorer is not going to like me but nothing a mechanic can't fix." He snarled. "Little SHIT…"

"Stop. Everyone Stop." Virginia ordered, "…Get out of the open."

"Ma'am we have this building surrounded!" declared Amos, "He's not-!" Amos took a bullet in the side of his head and he fell, Swat standing at the edge of Town, holding a bloody deathclaw knife in one hand and a sequoia in the other.

"Cover!" Virginia repeated as Maxine and Wuu dove into a nearby building just as Swat fired right at Wuu's head. Virginia scowled quietly as the troopers took cover. "…Well fuck." She grumbled, taking a breath. "…Okay…do NOT. Follow me." She said firmly, before turning to catch Maxine's attention. She made a series of hand gestures that silently came down to.

I'm a distraction. Get around. BLOW HIM UP.

Maxine nodded before returning an affirmative and quickly crawling away.

Virginia suddenly lunged out of her cover, and stared down the open road to see Swat. She smiled, trusting her LUCK… Swat lowered his gun, and sniffed aagain glaring her down as his fingers coiled around the deathclaw knife he had traded to Jack, then had taken back… briefly debating on killing Virginia now…

"Swat." He suddenly turned his attention to C.J. Casey… she had taken cover as well, but had stepped out of it as Virginia snarled concernedly at her.

"Get back into cover!"

"Swat." She continued calmly, "Stop. Alright? Just stop." she pleaded. And his hesitation encouraged her

Swat eyed her curiously… then straight up ignored her. Casey took a breath as Virginia grabbed her coat, trying to use her own body to protect her grandchild. "Get back into cover!"

"He's not after me." Casey replied. Virginia blinked at her surprised but Casey pushed Virginia away and stood in front of her. "Swat… Bard. Stop."

Swat tilted his head, his gaze was cold and his mouth was set in a grim line. "…Who the fuck are you?" he asked, HARSHLY.

"Casey." she said almost reluctantly.

"No you're not." He sneered viciously before he raised his sequoia quickly and shot at her feet. "As far as I'm concerned Casey is dead…" he drew back the hammer, aiming at her. "Move. Or I'll kill you." He said firmly, as Virginia, seeing Jefferson about to move, waved him subtly down.

"…No." Casey said sternly, "Bard. This isn't between us it was between Her, and Jack… it's DONE." She said trying to calm him. "…Take the guns, take your dogs and leave…" she said, trying to be reasonable. Karlson and Raven was tragic, but it's not worth the havoc Swat and his dogs of war were going to keep causing. "We won't chase you!"

which was true as far as she was concerned. The president wanted him to stop by any means. if Swat stopped this wouldn't be a problem anymore.

"Move. Or I'll kill you." Swat repeated same tone, same viciousness but Virginia heard the hesitation in his cold voice.

Realizing that. No. He won't.

Unfortunately… whether or not Casey could do SOMETHING to get Swat to stop, won't be decided here.

Maxine had gotten behind Swat, she had raised the missile launcher, quiet as an ex-raider like her could be. She aimed, there was no way she was going to miss. And half a second later, she fired… with a vicious grin on her face.

Unfortunately… Raid and Midnight barked just before. Maxine stared in awe as the big massive wolves hung a good distance behind her, she had briefly wondered why they had bothered to bark… but then she wasn't wondering anything after that… as her head was flying off in another direction.

Swat had shot the missile half a second after she fired and she was GONE in a splattered pulp of gore…


Wuu, Jefferson and the remaining troopers drew their guns and opened fire as Swat charged past Maxine's smoking chucked body and off into town.

"ASSHOLE!" roared Wuu madly, darting away after him.

"WUU! WUU get your ass back here!" Virginia screamed.

Swat whistled dashing out of town as Midnight and Raid quickly slipped into cover, he was almost out of the town borders before he was hit out of nowhere… "Ha-ha!" he laughed insanely as the sequoia spiraled out of his hand, Wuu's boot kicked him across the face as he drew his officer sword and a combat knife in one fluid movement. Duel wielding both weapons as he slashed at Swat.

But Swat deflected the first attack with the deathclaw knife before drawing his own combat one… holding them at the ready, one in a reverse grip as he glared Wuu down. There were no words… Swat knew that Wuu was the deadliest in close combat… which was why killing him as such was going to feel the BEST.

What felt like hours of staring each other down was only seconds, Wuu's sword abruptly lashing out, using its length to his advantage as Swat blocked and closed the distance to slash at the man's face only to be deterred by Wuu's own combat knife before the clashing of blades and claws echoed.

Clang! Scape! SWISH SWISH!

"I'm going to kill you!" snarled Wuu coldly.

"Get some new material." Swat replied harshly before kicking out at Wuu's feet, then darting back into a large building, possibly the inn. Seconds after he rushed in the door, Swat hurled his combat knife at Wuu who AMAZINGLY slashed it out of their air as it spiraled under a table. He was angry, he was careless, he was STILL good at what he did. He quickly got in close, swinging his sword expertly and deflecting Swat's deathclaw knife.

Swat hurled a chair at him that he dodge, and hissed in pain as Swat raked the claw-knife across his cheek. "Ngh!" Wuu stepped back, gaining some distance as Swat sniffed and charged at him. Wuu kicked a table over, before lashing out suddenly with the sword as Swat was distracted and got him in the shoulder.

"Aagh!" but he quickly shook it off, grabbing another chair and swinging it down at Wuu as it smashed apart in his hands on a table, grabbing one of the spiraling legs he hurled it at Wuu who again deflected. Swat dove in, catching Wuu around the middle, and shanking the man under the arm.

"Aaargh!!" Swat let go of the deathclaw knife, holding Wuu's sword arm in one hand and stealing the combat knife with the other he reversed grip and brought it down on Wuu's shoulder who raised his wounded arm and JUST barely stopped Swat from ending his life before he lunged forward and SLAMMED his head into Swat's nose.

Swat stumbled back, blood leaking down his face as Wuu, trembled leaning against the check-in counter. He took a breath, grabbing the knife buried under his upper arm and yanked it out. "NGh!" clenching his teeth he reached into his coat… and hissed as the familiar sound of a stimpak echoed. He grinned, picking up his sword, an flourishing it in some sort of traditional 'Wu-shu' stance.

"…Did that sting?" Asked Swat breathlessly, reaching down, and picking up his previously fallen combat knife. "…Round two?"

"Aaagh!" Wuu roared.

Swat was at a serious disadvantage as Wuu rained blow after blow at him, what he couldn't dodge he parried. And what he couldn't parry he BARELY dodged, taking several slashes on his coat and cheek. He rolled around the room as he was pressed with his back against the counter, Wuu pushing the sword closer and closer to Swat's face as he glared venomously at him, the sharp edge of the officer's sword inches from Swat's green eye.

"Wuu!" Casey was suddenly in the room as Wuu's attention broke.


Wuu took a knee to the balls as Swat cut his losses, rolling on the floor, grabbing the deathclaw knife, and leaping out the window. "Damn it!" snarled Wuu glaring daggers at Casey. "Why didn't you shoot him!" he demanded angrily as Casey glared at him in disbelief.

"I have an assault rifle! I'd hit you!" she replied frankly and just as angry as Wuu seethed furiously but couldn't justify yelling at her for not killing them both, no matter how much contempt and hatred he felt at the moment.

"He's dead!" he yelled angrily at Casey who trembled at the normally composed Ranger's change in attitude. "He's FUCKING DEAD!" he spat at her feet and stroked his bleeding face. "If you can't FUCKING kill him." he declared jamming a bloody finger on her impressive chest. "Then stay out of the fucking way." He marched towards the door with a bitter. "FUCKING DEAD!"

Casey stared around at the ruined inn, slashes everywhere, broken tables and chairs, even a broken bottle that had been hurled across the room. She clung determinedly to her assault rifle, staring at the window Swat had escaped from… but her grip loosened, and her face fell… and she was quiet for a very. Very long time…

Swat, in a small hovel in the middle of nowhere, checked his face in a cracked mirror and sighed, sticking himself with a stimpak as he whistled, the two big dogs entered the hovel… and he smiled, sitting down and stroking them both as the sun fell over the wasteland. He sighed, and curled up with the two furballs, going to sleep…

Three down. Three to go.
