Roads go ever On and On

I don't own fallout

"This has gotten out of hand. This has gotten WAY out of hand!" declared President Alice Tanner, recently elected NCR president. Pacing in front of Virginia Wolfe as she stood at attention. "Three settlements burned down! Four depots! 25 dead NCR soldiers and two burned farms!" she glared at her. "This is Kimball's war all over again only now it's at home! Only there are far less civilian casualties!"

Virginia said nothing as Tanner continued to pace, running her hands through her quickly greying black hair. "He's killed three rangers. Three of YOUR rangers! and you've hardly done anything to him! Well?" she turned on her, "What do you have to say for yourself!?"

Virginia, oddly, seemed non-plus at her chewing out. "…Nothing."

"Nothing?..." Tanner breathed softly, "You… have NOTHING to say?!"

Virginia shrugged, turned around, and quickly shut the door to the president's office. "I'll be frank president. The 'we don't respond to terrorists' stick only works when the terrorists are inept and we have the metaphorical high ground. When they WANT something." She said, "YOU were the one who told me and my team to hang back when I wanted to go out, find him, and then if necessary shoot him with lots and LOTS of bullets."

"So you're saying it's MY fault!?" Alice snarled as Virginia took a breath.

"No. I'm saying it was the wrong call. As president of the most powerful country in the western wasteland, wrong calls are common and acceptable. You're allowed a couple. But you grossly misunderstood what Bard Bowman wants and what he is. He's NOT a terrorist. He doesn't want money, or a policy change, released prisoners, or even to burn this country to the ground. He just wants REVENGE." Virginia said calmly. "He wants a showdown. High noon, guns at twenty paces…" she stared into Alice Tanner's eyes, completely calm. "You cannot negotiate with someone like that… someone who has NOTHING and can take everything.

Alice Tanner fidgeted nervously in her chair. "…So what do we do? We CAN NOT let him continue burning his way through the NCR!" she slammed her hand flat on the table, "And we can't justify mobilizing the entire army for one man and his… mutts!"

Virginia nodded slowly. "…Maybe we should?" she said thoughtfully, before moving to a map of the NCR pinned to the president's off. Before pointing to a section in the northeast, and circling her finger around it. "Last I checked this was a contested area, loaded with tribals, gangs, and raiders."

Alice Tanner nodded slowly. "It… it is." She got to her feet, approaching the map and looking at it as if trying to see what Virginia saw. "We were going to send some squads in to recruit the negotiable and clear out the rest before… this trouble started."

"What if we still try?" Virginia declared softly, "It's not farmland up there its urban, plenty of places to hide and a lot of trouble. "…We know he's listening to our radios."

"We do?" Alice replied surprised as Virginia nodded.

"Well I would not put it past him, and I have ways of getting him to hear it. I told you he's not a typical terrorist, he's a man on a mission. To kill me… and he knows I'm more than willing to go out and shoot him… so." she tapped the map. "…Let's do it here. With the rest of my team, we can vanish in this urban jungle and then there are a lot of mutants, gangs, and angry animals to contest with. Let him waste his bullets, tire himself out. And when he's weak well put him down."

Of course... that wasn't Viginia Wolfe's plan at all. But whatever it took to get the president to agree. To many have died.

She stared almost forlornly at the map, "…It's a damn shame. A man like him could've made the NCR better…" she shrugged and turned to Tanner. "Have General Riggun order me and my team here, Bard will follow us… and one way or another this will all end."

Virginia Wolfe walked into the barracks after her meeting to find Wuu, Jefferson and C.J. waiting for her. Wuu with a perpetual scowl on his face continued to sharpen his Chinese saber to a dangerous sheen, a few drops of red blood fell onto the floor from his fingers wherein his anger he had sliced himself, but he seemingly ignored it… or just plain didn't care.

Jefferson eyed her stoically as C.J. sat down on a chair somewhat away from them, looking conflicted and fidgeting with her hands. "…We're going to the Sacramento wastes." Virginia declared. "…Or more specifically I am. I'm not going to ask you to come with me…"

"Bullshit ma'am. I'm coming." Declared Wuu with finality, still sharpening his saber. "…I'm going to carve their fucking names into his chest…" he mumbled as Jefferson eyed him concernedly, but he seemed to agree.

"We're in too deep." He agreed. "Power armor?"

"…Bring whatever you want, and whatever you think you'll need. We're going native, let him tire himself out-" she then began to give Jefferson and a somewhat inattentive Wuu her general plan… but C.J. wasn't really listening.

…She was becoming more and more conflicted… She couldn't condone what Swat had done. What he was doing… but she can't say that the Rangers didn't deserve it. They killed Jack in cold blood, and the more she tried to deny that fact the louder it screamed… the deeper it dug into her heart. She didn't want Swat to kill her grandmother… but she didn't want to kill Swat.

She subtly watched her Grandmother lay out her 'strategy' if you could call it that. The most this would do would lesson Swat's supply of Ammo and that's if he was too angry to think straight, Swat wasn't stupid, putting gangs of raiders between them and the mercenary was a time waster at most…

"This is dumb." C.J. declared suddenly as Virginia stopped talking, but Wuu looked… venomous.

"Shut up Traitor." He spat.

"Me? You're calling ME a traitor?!" she got to her feet as Jefferson stood between her and Wuu who brandished his sword, eager to test it.

"You should've killed him when you had the shot!"

"Enough!" Virgina shouted, "Enough… Wuu. Get a drink, get your kit. And you." She pointed to a disheveled C.J. "…Get what you need." She said. "Jefferson… come here." She ordered as C.J. and Wuu split apart, leaving Virginia with her second.

"…I'm not taking any chances… I'm putting him down this time and I need you to do what I say."

"…Of course ma'am." He replied loyally.

She nodded slowly, "…Then get as much C4 as the armory would let us have. And Jefferson... I MEAN I need you to do EXACTLY. As I say." Jefferson stared at her for a minute and her unwavering stare. Before he understood and nodded.

"Yes Ma'am."

3 days later.

The 'order' was sent, the message was intercepted, and the Mercenary known as Swat and his dogs Raid and Midnight, loyally followed behind as the sun slowly set behind his back. Swat's boots clopped over the broken bridge. What many years ago used to be the tower bridge. Staring into the ruined city with a grim determination on his face.

He could see campfires, and hear gunfire, the groans of ghouls, and the laughter of super mutants. The ruined buildings hanging high overhead, some still oddly intact, others collapsing on themselves, or hollow and empty… he ran his hand over Raid's head as he moaned happily. "…Come on boy." He said calmly, walking past the cars, over the wreckage, and drawing his borrowed Sequoia as a nearby group of raiders saw fresh meat and he made some.

Not too far away from the tower bridge, Virginia stood on the top floor of an old office building where she had made camp with her granddaughter, Jefferson, and Wuu. Looking out into the city, spying the odd roving pack of raiders, looking for a bit of evening fun with whatever they could find… usually a roving camp of unlucky tribals or ghouls. Jefferson checked his mini-gun nearby and C.J. quietly held her assault rifle, staring out the broken windows on the other side of the floor.

Wuu was several floors down. Last she checked, on the third floor… but Wuu has been increasingly becoming unstable. He and Maxine were particularly close… and the deaths of Raven and Karlson in such a short amount of time have driven him wrathful. So much so that he butchered a pack of raiders before she could even give him the orders to stop…

A part of her hoped that killing Bard would soothe his anger. But she wasn't stupid… that sort of madness doesn't go away with just revenge. She would know. "…Is it done, Jefferson?"

"Yes Ma'am." He said confidently. "...Are you sure?" he asked hesitantly.

Virginia turned to him, and patted his power armored chest with a smile, speaking in low, almost sensual whispers answering his question with her own. "…You know what to do?"

"…Yes." He nodded slowly. "It will be done."

"Don't let me down Jefferson." She replied as he nodded again, and saluted.

"…If the worse comes to worst ma'am. It's been an honor." She chuckled, checking her sequoia… Her grandfather's sequoia… Galadriel Bowman's sequoia. Swat's Sequoia… such an awful lot of trouble for one little god damn gun…

"Don't be stupid Jefferson I ran you ragged and almost got you killed dozens of times."

He nodded. "…Yes ma'am. Thank you ma'am." She glanced out at the city once more… darkness slowly growing… and gunfire quickly echoing. The snapping of teeth and the howling of wolves growing ever closer to their building. "…Get going. Say hello for me." She ordered as he nodded. "Casey." she said as her increasingly quiet granddaughter stared at her blankly. "...Go with him." she said with a sad smile as Jefferson Hefted the mini-gun and began moving to the stairs with C.J.

Swat shot, slashed, stabbed, and blasted his way through raiders and super mutants, following Raid and Midnight as they sniffed and tracked after the trial he hoped to find… he absently shot a raider with his sequoia who was sneaking up behind him… before opening and emptying the gun and quickly reloading. He yanked his father's deathclaw knife from another raider's throat as Raid barked…

Swat ran after his white dog with Midnight close behind… moving through the buildings and avoiding the other roving groups of raiders, mutants, hunters, and ghouls when he could... then…


Bullets rained down upon him and with one, sicking yelp his blood ran cold as Raid took a bullet in the leg. He got one quick view of a mini-gun bursting bullets toward him before grabbing his dog with a great burst of strength and hurling him into an old bookstore.

"No-no-no…" Swat breathed, taking one of his last stimpaks and jamming it into Raid. "You'll be okay buddy…" he hugged him tightly, "…You'll be okay…" he glanced outside the NCR Power armored mini-gunner vanishing into the 10-story building. "…You'll be okay." He declared, stroking his white fur.

Raid looked particularly chipper now, his tongue lolling from his mouth as Swat smiled, and hugged him. "…You'll be fine." Raid tried to get up but he put his hand on the handsome wolf. "…Stay." Raid blinked at him, confused… as Swat reached for Midnight petting her as she began nuzzling the white wolf. "…Stay with him." he said, getting up. "…I'll be right back." he declared with confidence...

Albeit unsurely.

Raid and Midnight their eyes bright with intelligence watched Swat walk out of the bookstore and towards the tall office building before him… glancing up at the faint glow of firelight flickering out from the top floor… and someone let their shadow cast out like a lighthouse.

Swat walked into the bottom floor of the office building, and quickly looked for stairs, or at least a collapsed roof. Finding an open door with a dead raider at the bottom, his body gruesomely carved by a bladed weapon and a fresh bloody arrow pointing up the stairs. It wouldn't be hard to figure out whose blood was on the wall.

Swat ignored the corpse and followed the bloody arrows and more sliced up dead raiders… until he reached the third floor.

'Welcome to hell Swat' was written crudely in blood outside the third-floor door as he pushed it open leading to an office space… numerous desks stood in several rows, seemingly untouched by the long dropped bombs.

He took several steps between them. He Waited, then began walking steadily towards the open door at the far end of the floor before he heard.

Sceeeeraape… the sound of someone running a whetstone down a bladed edge. "…Karlson. Maxine. Raven." Swat stopped and ducked behind a desk for cover, its computer was recently hacked to bits by a sword. "…Karlson. Maxine. Raven…" repeated the voice. "…I'm going to carve their names into your fucking chest you raider trash."

"…That you Wuu? You sound different… more crazed." Swat said coldly, "…Don't tell me the fact that I killed your friends got to you?" he added sarcastically as Wuu… laughed.


Years of training, practical application, and just a good old fashion chunk of luck saved Swat from Wuu's sword. He ducked as the man leaped onto the desk out of nowhere and swung down, Swat dropped to the floor as the sword sunk into the desk where his head had been just seconds before. He aimed up and fired twice but to his astonishment he missed.

Wuu, completely dressed in black, swayed backward out of the way of the bullets before yanking away his sword from the desk and vanishing again. "…Karlson… Maxine… RAVEN…" he repeated as it echoed through the dark room.

Swat grimaced, and moved quickly between the desks, rolling beneath a few and chancing a glance around the corner of his cover. "…You dodged bullets Wuu, are you magic now?"


A bottle labeled 'Original Buffout' bounced down the row just ahead of Swat as he became more alert. Great. Wuu's high. "Maxine was… she was in recovery. I found that in her trunk…" he said almost sorrowfully. "…I think… I think…" he breathed, "…I think I'll carve her name on you while you're still alive." He said practically. "I'm going to enjoy your screams."

"…Got to get me first." Swat declared, drawing out his father's deathclaw knife.

"I can seeeeee you!" Wuu declared playfully as Swat moved, getting to his feet and firing as a blur of black charged toward him, gripping the Chinese sword that glowed with the gunfire. The bullet pinged off the blade as it swung at him, he raised the claw knife slapping it away before chancing another bullet to the satisfying sound of it ripping through flesh as Wuu grunted, blood dripping from his thigh as he darted off into the dark floor again. Swat fired after him but missed once more. "

"Fuck!" he holstered that sequoia, Karlson's, and drew Raven's before holding it up only to feel it slashed from his hand and heard it bounce off a desk three desks away"NGHG!" he ducked down as he heard the sword swing at his neck, and quickly rolled under the desk as Wuu stabbed it deep into the floor after him.

"Will you Die!?" he declared leaping over the desk, the pain of his gunshot wound ignored or he was simply too high to feel it. "Die! Die already!"

Swish, swish, stab!

"Agh!" Swat felt the sword rip through his shirt and slice through his side, stabbing through the coat as he drew his other knife and swung at Wuu with both sharpened blades. Wuu dodged easily, he could see them coming a mile away, mostly because the buffjet seemed to slow down time for him… weird.

Was he tasting purple?


Wuu gut-checked Swat hard with the hilt of the saber, Swat gasped for breath as Wuu wobbled slightly on his feet. Swat stumbled away, clattering against the desk for balance as Wuu moved forward and rammed the sword tip into Swat's right leg.

"AARGH!" Wuu twisted the blade, standing far out of reach from Swat's swinging knives as he pushed Swat to his knees. "NNGh!"

"…Pain is something I'm very good with… see?…"

"NNGH!" Swat trembled as the sword point bit into his body. "Aargh!"

"I stabbed you in JUST the right spot… don't worry, you'll be awake for every moment… can't have you passing out before I'm done." He said sadistically soft. "Better put your hand on that…" he yanked the sword out as Swat dropped his knife to put pressure on it. "Don't want you to bleed out…" he scoffed as Swat took a knee, gripping the deathclaw knife in his hand. "…Don't know why you use knives… swords are LONGER…" he declared mockingly. "…Then again…" he drew his sequoia, "…I guess you shouldn't bring a knife to a gunfight."

"…Thought you were going to carve their names into my chest?" Swat replied through clenched teeth as Wuu seemed to hesitate.

"…I did say that didn't I?... I did say that." he nodded insanely then pulled back the hammer of his sequoia. "But I really-GUCK!" he froze, and wobbled slowly… the sword dropped from his hand and so did the sequoia, it hit the floor and sent off a round into the desk as Wuu raised his hand to his throat, feeling the deathclaw knife buried up to the hilt. the claw sticking out the back of his neck "…Guck?…" and he fell backward, smashing onto the desk before he finally hit the floor.

Swat grit his teeth and dropped his knife-throwing hand before ripping his pants, and tying a shitty bandage on his sword wound. He had no more stimpaks. He grabbed his other knife, and got to his feet… limping towards Wuu before grabbing the deathclaw knife and pulling it from Wuu's throat…

"I use knives. Because I can ALSO throw them…" he said coldly, and turning… he limped towards the other side of the room, finding the door… and going up some more. Leaving the maddened Wuu's corpse on the floor, and not noticing the blinking lights in several well-placed spots

It took him a little longer to climb the stairs than he would like, what with the stab wound in his leg. Finally reaching the top floor… he placed his hand on the broken doorknob, and turned it… the door swung slowly open as he held up the Sequoia, ready to fire as he limped into the room.

Virginia Wolfe sat on a lone desk in the middle of the room, the place looked far better off than the floors below, with was remarkable because the surrounding walls were glass and blown out ages ago by the bombs… she sighed, watching Swat limp towards her, gun drawn. "Well… you caught me." She said, holding up a small cylindrical device in her left hand, and resting her other hand on the holstered Sequoia at her hip…



The room lit up with numerous warning lights as Virginia smiled sadly at the young man, his eyes wandering around the room at the C4 planted in every corner. He stared at her, to his credit… he looked determined.

"This… is a dead man switch." She said calmly, "…Meaning if I die. Boom." She said softly as Swat kept his gun on her. "…Let's chat a little longer."

"I don't believe you'll blow yourself up…" Swat replied as she shrugged.

"…Let's chat a little longer." She repeated quietly, staring pityingly at him.

"…Where's Jefferson and the other one?" Swat replied looking around the empty office for a sign of the power armored man who shot his dog and C.J.

"…Well if everything went well, they're on their way back to the NCR." She said casually, "I bet Casey was… reluctant to go with him." Swat eyed her surprised. "…I had Jefferson leap down in that power armor of his around the time you were… probably. Killing Wuu…" she said, looking saddened. "…So… before we do this…" she added, calmly. "Do you know WHY, out of nowhere, I decided to come after you and Ben Parker? Did you ever think about that? How many years did that old ghoul live in New Vegas?" she asked as Swat snarled.

"…I don't care."

"Care a little." She said, softly. "…All of this… everything you've done for revenge? Was pointless… it should've just ended with Ben and we'd get on with our lives. You're a MERCENARY... he was an old Ghoul, talking about going feral I bet..."

"Is this the 'we're not so different speech?" he asked as she shook her head.

"This is the 'I'm Dying any! COUGH! way!..." she spluttered in annoyance, before adding "speech'…" she sighed, and appeared calm as the moment before a storm. "I went after you, and Jack for this gun…" she ran her finger along it. "…That's not a lie… but I will admit… seeing that old Ghoul alive and well, after everything he did, leaving my grandfather to die… they were friends… I honestly... Just wanted to hit him and leave, I truly. TRULY did..." she sighed sadly, gazing apologetically at him "…I'm dying anyway, only Jefferson knows and the doctors gave me a year." She shrugged, "That's not too bad… but when I saw him... to know that he was just going to keep living? For who knows how long? That infuriated me… and I lost myself…'

She took a deep breath, "…And for that Bard, I am so sorry…" she nodded sincerely "I am. But then… you started killing your way through the NCR and I thought… this is it. This is how I want it to end… if I could convince you to join up... that's great!" she smiled legitimately, "Someone to take over when I'm gone. Someone to walk beside my granddaughter and take the NCR across the wasteland…"

She looked around, "And… well… if not… I always wanted to go out fighting… but ha-ha…" she laughed lazily, "…I'm too lucky. I needed someone… who knows what he's doing… So… Swat the Mercenary… why don't you join the NCR?" she asked, with an almost insane smile on her face.

"…No…" the word had a very powerful finality to it.

She shrugged dismissively, "Well alright then. Holster your gun… and let's do this right.

Swat stared at her… and his heartbeat began to slow as he took off his coat, and holstered the sequoia. "…How do you want to do it? Count to three?"

Virginia drew a grenade from her pocket. "Five seconds." She said, "I'll toss this outside… and as soon as we hear the boom. Draw."

Swat braced himself, just in case she threw it at him. But she put the pin between her teeth, and tugged before hurling it casually out the window…


She rested her hand on her sequoia. Her face placid, but confident, there was no fear in her eyes. Of Swat, of Death... there was nothing.


Swat flexed his fingers, doing the same. A burning fury behind him, his hand twitching desperately to just draw and shoot.


Virginia took a breath. Staring the young man she was about to kill down.


Swat felt… something behind him, almost like an echo. 'You can do it Brat… breathe.' He took a breathhe relaxed as another familiar presence warned him


'You will be a great man one day Bard. But first, you must learn to shoot! Ha-ha-ha!'

BOOM. The grenade echoed outside the building, its ragged old foundations shaking.

Everything slowed as Swat drew his Sequoia at the same time as Virginia, she remained unperturbed as he aimed the Sequoia right at her heart…

'…My beautiful boy. We may not look alike. But I will always be proud of you. Now RUN!' The echo of his mother's last words to him stirred something inside.

Swat would have, could have, should have shot the old ranger in the heart and called it a job done… but he jerked his gun to her right hand and fired, before aiming down, and firing at her leg in almost half a second just before a bullet ripped into his stomach, one of the few tiny spots the old Swat armor vest couldn't protect him.


"HAA?!!" His first bullet went right through Virginia's wrist, and the second upper thigh as she fell. Clutching tightly to the dead man's switch as Swat. stumbled, gasping for breath and clutching at a hole in his gut… but still standing as his mother's sequoia spun out of reach of Virginia's hand as she lay back against the desk.

"Ha… ha-ha-ha…" she began laughing breathlessly. "You… MISSED?" she looked up at him in disbelief as he wobbled towards her. "You MISSED?! How did you MISS!?" she asked indignantly as he limped over to her. Clutching at the fresh hole in his side. "…God damn it! Still lucky…" she cursed, as he got closer, and closer… reaching down for his sequoia, tossing away Karlson's sequoia… or Raven's he didn't care, it wasn't important anymore.

He picked up his MOTHER's sequoia and breathed slowly… blood oozing from his fresh wound. "…I am. My father's son…" he grunted out. "…I am also my mother's…" he opened his reclaimed sequoia, and let the bullets clatter out, catching the ones that weren't fired, letting the empty shell hit the floor.

"…You killed Jack." He said, loading the first round. She watched him curiously, as he held up another bullet in his bloody fingers. "You… Killed. JACK." He repeated, loading it into the chamber. He sniffed, clenching his teeth to fight the pain. "You… KILLED… Jack…" he said, putting in another bullet. She laughed slightly as he held up another. "You…"

"Killed Jack?" she breathed softly rolling her eyes before pushing herself upright and gazing up at him.

"You Killed, My Dad." He declared coldly, loading the gun. Spinning it, and snapped it shut without looking as she raised an eyebrow.

"…Not going to make me play Russian roulette with a loaded gun?" she asked softly, half surprised at his 'fair play'.

"…My mother would still want me to give you a sporting chance…" he breathed. "Even if my Dad would just shoot you… but." He looked around at the blinking C4 charges. "…I'm not getting out of here anyway… I think."

Virginia sighed, smiled and pressed her head to the barrel of the Sequoia, as he pulled back the hammer. "…Welcome to the wasteland. Bard." She replied casually. "...I really did like you."


Casey James Wolfe ran back to the office building, leaving Jefferson where she shot him in the leg. Breathing heavily through the numerous buildings she gripped her assault rifle and paused as a grenade went off on the side of the tall tower where her grandmother and Swat obviously were.

"Damn it!" she cursed, running towards it quickly but halting as she saw a flash of white inside a nearby building… and blinked took a few steps back and stared at where she saw it. Approaching slowly. "…Raid?"

The handsome hound raised his head into view and panted happily at the sight of 'smokey lady'. Midnight lying beside him growled warningly as she approached, "What are you?…" but then saw the bloody spot on Raid's side and cooed. "…Oh Raid I'm so sorry." She breathed, approaching him and resting her hand on his side, petting him gently. "Don't worry… it'll be alright."

Although she sounded more concerned than he did. In fact, he looked positively delighted, swinging his tongue at her face and licking her repeatedly as she smiled. "…Well at least you forgive me-"

The echoing boom of the building reverberated across the urban ruins of Sacramento. It started on the top floor and soon it all came down in a great ball of deadly fire as Casey could do nothing but watch with the two giant northern wolves…


One year later

"Oh look at her! Look at her go!" cheered the beautiful blonde as the little toddler giggled merrily, running from the much bigger woman, lumbering awkwardly after her with a proud grin.

"Run run little Gladys! Or I will catch you!" cheered Galoria deliberately slow as the adorable girl giggled on, squealing delightedly as they wandered around outside Vault 69 where a flourishing town had grown out of the vault. Secured. Safe. Deadly. Galoria after a trip south-east brought some of her more loyal and powerful tribe members up north to assist in the matter as her sister had usurped her position back home. Galoria seemed uncaring of this, and if truth be told her sister was sort of furious that Galoria accepted so quickly.

"Indeed! Look at her! it won't be long before she joins my classroom!" smiled Shakespeare, passing by as he hauled a huge log of wood easily on his shoulder. "Galoria my dear, We need a hand fixing the right wall would you mind helping?"

"I am babysitting!" declared Galoria proudly as Sasuki sighed, walking out of her home armed with a powerful revolver on her shapely hip, ready for her own patrol on the wall.

"And if you don't keep it down you'll wake up Jack. I just put him down." She said, her milk-filled breasts were still swelling. "…Teething little prick." She pouted fondly as Mila smiled, picking up her daughter.

"I'm telling you, get a pacifier."

Sasuki sighed, smiling at her 'roommate' and started walking away. "I should just find him a bottle and milk myself."

She made her way to the wall around the settlement, climbing up to the parapet and gazing out at the empty wasteland-wait. Not so empty.

There was a weird mass in the distance, coming right for the village, she picked up a nearby sniper rifle, often used for scouting, and easy shots, looking through the eyeglass and freezing. "…No way.' She breathed, dropping the rifle in surprise.


Roads go ever ever on

Over rock and under tree

By caves where never sun has shone

By streams that never find the sea.

Two wanderers hummed the song surrounded by a pack of a dozen tiny dogs and two BIG ones. One black, and one white. The man limped along, his leg in an old brace, his body a little burned… but his duster swung in the breeze revealing a well cared for Sequoia on his hip as the woman, heavily pregnant, helped him along his way.

"…Think they'll be surprised to see me?" he asked nervously, his handsome face long healed of the fiery burns but they still were apparent.

"…Marginally." Replied the beautiful woman, "Oh… Mngh… I just hope this little fella stays in there long enough to GET there…" she smiled, "…I can feel him kicking." She chuckled, "…Have we decided on a name yet?" she asked as the gates to the settlement swung wide open, dozens of people waving at their arrival as the usually friendly great wolf puppies broke ranks and charged at the new friends… their mother barking furiously after them as their father just looked happy to be 'home'.

"…Jack if it's a boy, Galadriel if it's a girl."

"I am NOT naming my daughter Galadriel." Declared Casey. "Virginia if it's a girl."

"Hmph…" grunted Bard irately, not saying anything bad about the old ranger.

"…Bard." She declared scoldingly. "She let you live."

"...My MOTHER let her live..." he grumbled, technically he figured the blood from his wound getting into in his gun let her live... but destiny and luck are fickle. "She just let me get to the door before she let herself get nuked." but Casey continued to glare at him, he had gotten used to that glare after she dug him out of the rubble and nursed him back to health for months in a relative warzone. "…Fine. But only if she's ugly." He declared, eventually smiling again and humming more of his mother's song that he now remembered with perfect clarity as the smiling faces of Vault 69 greeted him.

The Road goes ever on and on,

Down from the door where it began.

Now far ahead the Road has gone,

And I must follow, if I can…

The End