He stepped closer , just enough to make her feel his presence but not enough to overwhelm her. "You've always worked so hard, Evelyn. I like and admire that about you ," he said softly reaching out to brush a strand of her hair behind her ear. His fingers tingled with ecstasy touch, sending a warm pleasant sensation through her as they made contact.

Evelyn's breath caught in her throat, her eyes flicking up to meet his for the briefest moment before dropping again. "Y-you've always been kind to me, Dave…. Since we were children," she whispered, her voice trembling.

"I've always cared about you, Evelyn I still do" Dave said his words true as it seems the previous Dave also seemed to like her.

Her affection meter flashed in his vision – 7 hearts.

[The character is openly attracted to Dave. They are emotionally invested and may start expressing their feelings in more direct ways, from flirting to physical affection.

Rewards: 600 lp, skill noble etiquette ]

Her hands trembled slightly as she set the knife down , looking up at him, her eyes filled with uncertainty and a growing hope.

"Dave …. are you saying ….?"

At this moment Dave hesitated to say anything his heart filled with complex emotions as he thought is it right to lie to her just to use her as a way to get points .

He looked at her in the eyes firmed his decision to delay his answer to think about it and asked her " when you get done with work could you meet me at the back garden in evening"

Evelyn's eye held a hint of fear of rejection and a strong hope for acceptance and calmed her besting heart and gave him a nod .

{Evelyn's pov}

Evelyn stood in the kitchen, her fingers gripping the knife a little too tightly as she chopped vegetables for the evening meal. Her mind wasn't really on the task, though. It had been wandering ever since she saw Dave earlier that day. Her heart would race whenever she thought about him—the boy she had grown up with, the one she had secretly loved for as long as she could remember.

She had never dared to tell him. How could she? She was just a servant, and though they had known each other since childhood, she had always been shy and unsure around him. He had always been kind to her, but she never allowed herself to believe he could feel the same. She was just a simple girl, and Dave… well, he was different now, somehow more confident, more commanding in his presence.

She sighed softly, shaking her head to clear the thoughts. What did it matter, anyway? Things like that didn't happen to girls like her.

Just as she was about to turn back to her work, she heard his voice, soft and warm behind her.


Her heart skipped a beat. She fumbled with the knife, almost dropping it. Spinning around, she met his gaze for the briefest moment before looking away, her cheeks burning. "Oh! Dave, I didn't hear you," she stammered, feeling the heat rise to her face.

He was standing closer than usual, his eyes warm and focused entirely on her. She could feel his presence in a way she hadn't before, like there was something more between them. Something… different.

"I didn't mean to startle you," he said, his voice gentle. "I just wanted to talk to you. We haven't really spoken much lately, and… well, I miss that."

Miss it? He missed talking to her?

Her heart fluttered at his words. She had to look away again, pretending to busy herself with the vegetables, even though her hands were shaking. "I-I'm fine, just busy with the chores," she managed to mumble, hoping her voice didn't sound as nervous as she felt.

Then, suddenly, she felt something. It was subtle, but undeniable—a warmth, a sense of comfort that seemed to fill the room. She felt her heart calm, the tightness in her chest easing. It was like being wrapped in a soft, warm blanket, and her usual nervousness began to melt away, replaced by a strange sense of peace.

She risked another glance at him, and this time, he was closer. His hand reached up, brushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear. The touch sent a shiver down her spine, but not in a bad way. It was… nice. Comforting. Her breath caught in her throat as her skin tingled where his fingers had grazed her.

"You've always worked so hard, Evelyn," he said softly. "I love and admire that about you."

Her mind struggled to process his words. He admires me? How could that be? She was just… her. Plain, quiet Evelyn. But the look in his eyes was genuine, and for a moment, she allowed herself to believe it. She dared to look up at him, her eyes wide and uncertain, searching his face for any hint of mockery. But there was none.

"T-thank you," she whispered, feeling her face heat up even more. She could hardly believe what was happening. This was like something out of a dream, but it felt so real. Too real.

Before she could stop herself, she spoke again, her voice soft and trembling. "You've always been kind to me, Dave… since we were children."

He stepped even closer, his body just inches from hers. Her pulse quickened as she felt the heat radiating off him. The scent of him filled her senses—earthy, clean, and undeniably him. It was overwhelming, but in the best way possible.

"I've always cared about you, Evelyn I still do," he murmured, his voice low and sincere

Her heart practically stopped. He cared about her? This was too much—her mind raced, trying to make sense of the moment. But deep down, she knew. She had always felt this way, and she had always hoped that maybe, just maybe, he felt something too. But hearing him say it…

Her hands trembled, and she set the knife down, her mind unable to focus on anything but him. "D-Dave... are you saying…?" She couldn't finish the sentence, too afraid to hope for what he might say next, her heart pounding in her chest. Her voice trembled as she searched his face, hoping for a response—any response—to her unspoken question.

Dave's eyes softened, but he didn't answer right away. Instead, he gazed at her for a long moment, something unreadable flickering in his expression. Evelyn held her breath, waiting, hoping. But instead of replying, he leaned in slightly and whispered, "could you Meet me in the garden after your shift, Evelyn."

Her heart skipped a beat. What did that mean? Was it a yes? Or was it… rejection?

He didn't give her any further explanation, simply turning and walking away, leaving her standing there, her mind spinning with confusion. He had never looked at her like that before. His eyes had held something—something deeper, something intense—but he hadn't given her the clarity she so desperately needed.

Evelyn stared after him, her pulse racing. Did he feel the same? Or was he about to break her heart?

As she resumed her work, her hands shaking slightly, the hours seemed to stretch on forever. Her thoughts were consumed by that one look, the way his gaze had lingered, and his mysterious invitation. What would happen in the garden? Would he finally tell her the truth?



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