Ch 9: LOVE

After leaving Evelyn there,in the kitchen and doing his job he was immersed in his thoughts about what he should do and how to reciprocate her feelings as he is in tough situation he has to make multiple girls fall in love with him which is basically Polygamy , he doesn't want to betray her ,and even thought that if her feelings for him real or just system produced .

As he was immersed in his thoughts , the system chimed in with a warning, Dave froze in his tracks.

[Warning, host: The system does not make girls fall in love with you. System does not affect girl's emotions like some game. It only enhances your charm and skills, making it easier to attract their attention. From there, it's up to you to build real connections. Play your cards right, and they'll naturally fall for you. So the love they feel for you is Real and is not because system forces it on them .]

The words echoed in his mind, causing a sudden shift in his thinking. This wasn't some dating simulator where girls were just background characters, pre-programmed to fall in love based on a few stats. This was the real world, with real people. Each person, each girl—Evelyn included—had her own story, her own emotions, her own desires. They weren't tools for him to manipulate.

As Dave stood there, staring at the wall his work paused, something stirred inside him—his conscience. He couldn't treat her like a means to an end, someone to just gain points from and discard. If Evelyn genuinely started to fall for him, it wouldn't be because of a system or some artificial charm. It would be because of who he was and how he treated her.

He felt a wave of responsibility settle on his shoulders. If he played with her emotions, only to abandon her later, the consequences could be real and painful—for both of us.

Dave sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "This is real life," he thought. "I need to be careful, not just with Evelyn but with everyone I interact with. They're not just there for my story; they have their own."

With that realization, Dave decided that if he was going to use the system, he would do so responsibly. If Evelyn was going to fall for him, he'd make sure it was genuine, and he'd treat her with the respect she deserved.

He firmed his decision to come clear with her at the garden after work.As he finished his work and reached the garden and waited for Evelyn its almost sunset .

The sun dips low on the horizon, casting a fading golden light . Shadows stretch long across the ground , and the once vibrant flowers seem to droop, their colors muted in the deeming light. The sky, streaked with hues of orange, pink, and violet, reflects a somber beauty, as if mourning the day's end . A gentle breeze stirs the leaves, making a rustling sound even this feels like a whisper of farewell.

{Evelyn pov}

Evelyn's heart had been racing ever since Dave had asked her to meet him in the garden. His words echoed in her mind over and over, each time sending a fresh wave of nervous energy through her. What did he mean by it? Was he going to confess his feelings? Did he even have feelings for her?

She finished her chores in a daze, her hands shaking slightly as she washed up, unable to focus on anything except what was about to happen. A million thoughts ran through her head as she dried her hands on her apron and quickly smoothed her dress. She felt both excited and terrified. What if he didn't feel the same way? What if he was just being polite? Or worse—what if he rejected her?

The moment she stepped out into the cool evening air, the quiet of the garden seemed to amplify her emotions. The world felt still, almost too still, as if holding its breath for what was about to happen. The garden was peaceful, the fading sunlight casting a warm, golden glow over the flowers and trees, but her heart was anything but calm. It pounded against her chest like a drum, and her hands trembled as she walked toward the spot where she knew Dave would be waiting.

As she drew closer, doubt began to creep in. What if this is all just a misunderstanding? Her cheeks flushed at the thought, and she slowed her steps, suddenly unsure if she was brave enough to face him.

But then she saw him, standing near the large oak tree, his silhouette framed by the soft evening light. He looked so calm, so composed as his hair was slowly flowing with the wind and a sea of tenderness in his enchanting blue eyes. A stark contrast to the whirlwind of emotions storming inside her. Her breath hitched as she took a step closer, every muscle in her body tense with anticipation. She tried to calm herself, to steady her racing heart, but it was no use. Seeing him standing there, waiting for her, made everything feel so real.

What does he want to say?

Her stomach twisted into knots as she approached. She could hardly breathe, let alone think straight. The butterflies in her stomach seemed to multiply with every step she took toward him. Would he finally say what she had been longing to hear? Or would he crush the fragile hope she had been holding on to for so long?

When she finally reached him, she couldn't bring herself to speak first. Her mouth felt dry, and her hands fidgeted nervously at her sides. She looked down at her feet, afraid to meet his gaze. Afraid of what she might see in his eyes.

"Evelyn," Dave said softly, his voice cutting through the silence like a warm breeze.

She forced herself to look up at him, her heart pounding in her ears. He was looking at her differently now, his expression soft but serious. It made her chest tighten, but there was also something else—a flicker of hope.

He took a step closer, closing the distance between them, and she felt her breath catch in her throat. This is it, she thought, her pulse quickening. He's going to say something—something important.

Her emotions swirled in a confusing mess of fear, hope, excitement, and doubt. She had been waiting for this moment for so long, but now that it was here, she wasn't sure if she was ready. What if things didn't go the way she hoped? What if everything changed after this? Could she handle that?

Then she steeled her heart for the worst , she determined to confess her feelings regardless of acceptance and rejection .

She stood there, nervously clutching the edge of her skirt, her heart pounding so loud she wondered if he could hear it . The soft light framed her face, casting a golden glow on her cheeks as she took a shaky breath.

She took courage and looked at his eyes, her lips trembled as she opened her mouth again. "I….I think I-"