She swallowed hard, the words trembling on her lips before she took a deep breath and blurted out, "I love you!"

For a moment, time seemed to stop. Dave's smile froze, surprise flashing in his eyes as he didn't think Evelyn could muster up the courage to say it up front.

Evelyn's heart pounded painfully in her chest as she stared up at him, waiting—hoping—for some sign of reciprocation.

"I have loved you for as long as I can remember," she continued in a rush, her voice desperate and breathless. "Ever since we were children. You were always so kind to me, always looking out for me, even when no one else did. I know I'm just a maid, but… I can't keep these feelings inside anymore. Please… say something."

Dave's gaze softened as he looked down at her. He reached out, gently cupping her cheek with a calloused hand, his thumb brushing away a tear that had escaped down her face. Her skin was warm and soft under his touch, and the sincerity in her eyes made his heart tighten.

"Evelyn," he murmured, his voice low and filled with something akin to regret. "Your words… they touch me more deeply than you know. I love you too, …. but ."

As he said it.

Her affection meter flashed in his vision – 8 hearts.

[The character is in love with Dave. Their relationship is emotionally intimate, and they

would sacrifice a lot to be with him. Trust and emotional dependence are high.

Congratulations! Host for gaining you first love milestone

First love bonus applied the rewards multiplied

Rewards: 1500 lp, A free sub-skill card ,An upgrade token and Stat points 12


Dave ignored the system notification he as a more important matter on hand

She was happy and about to say something when she ,flinched at the word, her expression crumbling. "But…?"

Dave took a deep breath, choosing his next words carefully. He knew he shouldn't lie to her, She deserved the truth, but he simply can not tell her about the system and transmigration no matter how painful it might be, not the truth so he has to make up a mix of lies and truths.

"I am a man with many shortcomings," he said quietly, his gaze never leaving hers. "There are things about me—about my life—that you don't know. I am not… free to love as a normal man would. My path is different.

Evelyn blinked up at him, confusion and hurt warring in her eyes. "What do you mean?" .

Dave took a deep breath and proceeded to tell as he sighed softly and released her, taking a step back as if putting distance between them could somehow lessen the blow of his next words.

"do you believe in magic and witches and supernaturals" he asked.

Evelyn was confused as why does it matter if she belived or not ,

Yes she has heard about the existence of witches and wolves and gods but what does it have to do with in this situation she thought.

Evelyn while under confusion still nodded and answered yes.

Dave said "listen closely Evelyn this may come as a shock but I have a curse of some sorts placed on me"

Curse what curse Evelyn asked anxiously almost shouting

Dave said "If I do not form multiple romantic bonds—if I do not allow others into my life, into my heart—I will die. It's not a choice, Evelyn. It's a fate that was forced upon me."

Her eyes widened, shock and disbelief flashing across her face. "You… you're saying that you have to be with… with other women?" Her voice trembled, the words barely more than a strangled whisper. "Even if you… even if you care for me?"

"Yes," he admitted softly, his gaze steady. "But caring for them does not diminish what I feel for you. You would be no less special to me. No less important. If anything, your presence would be what keeps me grounded—what keeps me from losing myself completely."

Evelyn stared at him, her lower lip trembling. "But… but why? Why does it have to be this way? Why can't it just be us?"

"I wish it could be,"Dave said gently, stepping forward again and taking both her hands in his. He held them between his own, his touch warm and steady. "But the reality is… it can't. This is the burden I carry. If I refuse, if I try to deny it, I'll wither away. And you'll lose me forever."

Tears welled up in her eyes, spilling down her cheeks in hot, silent streams.Dave's heart ached as he watched her struggle with the truth, her dreams of a simple, pure love shattering before her eyes. But he couldn't let her fall into despair—not when he needed her so desperately.

"I'm asking you to be strong, Evelyn," he murmured, leaning down until his forehead nearly touched hers. "To believe in me, in us. You were my friend long before we were anything more. You were always there, even when no one else was. I need that now more than ever. I need you by my side, to remind me of who I am."

Evelyn's breath hitched, a sob catching in her throat. "I… I don't want to lose you," she whispered brokenly. "I don't want to share you, but… if it means you'll stay… if it means you'll live…"

words echoed in her mind. I have to share him. The realization hit her like a crashing wave, and she felt her chest tighten painfully, as if her heart itself was being split apart. She had confessed her love to him, bared her soul in the hopes of finally finding the happiness she had dreamed of since they were children. But now, that dream was shattering before her eyes.

The soft breeze that had once felt comforting now felt like a cruel whisper, carrying away the simplicity of the love she had hoped to have. A love that would belong to her alone. She had envisioned them together, just the two of them, building a life where they could be happy without the burdens of others. And now… she was being asked to accept a love that was not just hers, to shareDave's heart with others she didn't even know.

Evelyn's legs felt weak, and she stumbled back, gripping the edge of the garden's stone bench for support. The moonlight bathed her in a silvery glow, casting long shadows around her, but all she could feel was the cold creeping into her heart. She had knownDave her whole life, and the affection she had held for him had blossomed into something deep and undeniable. But this—this was something she hadn't anticipated.

"How… how am I supposed to do this?" she whispered to herself, her voice trembling with the weight of her emotions. Her mind raced, trying to process everything Dave had told her. A curse… one that forces him to be with other women? The very thought made her stomach churn. She had always imagined love as something pure, something that bound two people together in an unbreakable bond. But now, that bond was frayed, stretched thin by forces she couldn't understand.

Her eyes, swollen from the tears she had shed, darted toward Dave. He stood a few paces away, his expression pained and conflicted. He had asked her to be strong, to stay by his side even though it would mean sharing him with others. But the more she thought about it, the more it hurt. The idea of watching him with someone else—seeing the same tenderness in his eyes that he had shown her—it tore at her insides like a cruel, invisible hand.

Would he touch them the same way he touched me? Would he tell them he loved them too? The questions plagued her mind, fueling the fire of jealousy that had ignited in her chest. She wanted to scream, to lash out at the injustice of it all. Why did love have to be so complicated? Why couldn't he just be hers?

But no matter how much the anger surged within her, Evelyn couldn't deny the deep ache of love that still resided in her heart. She loved Dave. She had loved him for as long as she could remember. She had seen him at his best and at his worst, had stood by him through everything. And now, despite the pain, despite the heartbreak, that love remained, steady and unwavering, pulling her back to him like a magnet.

But will that be enough? she wondered bitterly. Can I really live with this?

Tears streamed down her cheeks once more, and she angrily wiped them away with the back of her hand. She had always been strong—stronger than most gave her credit for. She had endured so much in her life already. But this… this felt different. The emotional turmoil swirling inside her was unlike anything she had ever experienced. It was as if her heart was being torn in two—one half wanting to hold onto the love she had for Dave, while the other half wanted to run far away, to protect herself from the inevitable pain of watching him with others.

"Evelyn…"Dave's voice was soft, filled with concern as he stepped toward her, his hands reaching out. He could see the war raging inside her, the battle between love and heartbreak that played out in her tear-filled eyes.

She flinched at the sound of his voice, her body tensing as she looked up at him. For a brief moment, she considered running, leaving him behind before the pain could grow any worse. But then, as she met his gaze, she saw the sorrow there, the regret and the longing. He didn't want this any more than she did. The curse was as much a burden to him as it was to her.

"I… I don't know if I can do this," she admitted, her voice breaking. "I love you,Dave, but the thought of sharing you… it hurts. It hurts so much."

Dave's face fell, and he knelt beside her, his hands gently cradling hers. "I know," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "I never wanted this for us, Evelyn. But I can't change what's been forced upon me. All I can do is try to make it work, to ensure that you remain the most important person in my life. I need you… more than you know."

His words, though sincere, did little to soothe the anguish that twisted inside her. But even as her heart bled, Evelyn couldn't ignore the pull she felt toward him. The love that had been growing between them for years was still there, alive and fragile. She knew that if she left now, she would regret it forever. She would always wonder what could have been, what they might have shared despite the curse that hung over him.

But staying… staying would mean enduring a pain she had never known. It would mean watching him be with others, knowing that his heart would never belong to her alone. Could she really handle that? Could she bear the weight of it?

As she sat there, her mind racing, Evelyn realized that there was no easy answer. Love had never been easy, and hers was now bound to a man whose fate was entwined with something far beyond their control.

"I… I'll try," she finally whispered, her voice barely audible. "I'll try to stay, to be strong for you. But I won't lie,Dave… it's going to hurt. Every time I see you with someone else, it's going to hurt."

Dave's eyes softened, and he pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly against his chest. "I know," he murmured into her hair. "But I promise you, Evelyn, I will do everything in my power to protect you, to make sure you never feel less important than anyone else. You are my first love … and that will never change."

Evelyn clung to him, her tears soaking into his shirt as the weight of their situation pressed down on her. She had chosen to stay, but the emotional turmoil within her had only just begun.

Her affection meter flashed in his vision – 9 hearts.

[The character is deeply, unconditionally in love with Dave. They trust him completely and

would follow him anywhere. This is a powerful bond, and they would do anything to protect him.]

"Thank you, Evelyn. You don't know what this means to me."

She shook her head slowly, tears still streaming down her face. "I'm doing it because… because I love you. Even if I have to share… even if it hurts… I love you,Dave."

"I love you too," he murmured softly. "And I promise… I will make this work. I'll find a way to protect you, to keep you close. You'll always be my first. My special one."

Evelyn's sobs quieted, her shoulders trembling as she looked up at him with eyes full of pain—and love. Slowly, hesitantly, she nodded, her expression one of fragile acceptance.

"Then… then I'll stay," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I'll stay by your side… no matter what."

Dave's smile widened, warm and genuine. He reached up, cupping her face once more as he looked into her eyes with all the tenderness and sincerity he could muster.

"Thank you," he breathed. "You have no idea how much that means to me."

Dave gently lifted Evelyn's face, his thumb brushing away her tears on her cheeks . Their eyes met , the world around fade away.

The pain the uncertainty, the overwhelming burden of the curse-they all vanished from the heart of Evelyn,s heart leaving only the two of them in the garden as their shadow's stretched long in the sunset, as their lips met.