Ch 11: Rewards

Dave's arms tightened around Evelyn, their breaths mingling in the cool air. The tension between them vanished as his lips found hers, soft and searching at first, testing the waters. But as soon as their lips connected, the kiss deepened, a spark igniting between them that had been smoldering for years. He kissed her like he was afraid that she might vanish, as though the weight of all his emotions-the love, the guilt, the desire -had finally found release.

Evelyn responded in kind, her hands slipping up to his hair, fingers tangling in the dark strands as she pulled him closer.

Every thing faded in the background for her . The world outside the curse, the unknown women all disappeared at this moment Dave was only hers.

Dave pulled back slightly, his forehead against hers their breath's uneven.

" Evelyn…" he whispered, his voice thick with emotion."I need you to show you a place in the castle which only I know"

"Will you meet me outside maids dormitories after dinner before going to bed and don't let your room mates know."

Evelyn nodded happily as it could be a place where they would meet away from the world.

Then they parted ways.

{Dave pov}

After saying bye to Evelyn he began to check all the unchecked notifications of the system

[ congratulations! For increasing the favorability to 8]

[ congratulations! For increasing the favorability to 9]

[First kiss reward+Evelyn's First kiss reward crit ]

[Rewards: 1500 lp ,3000 lp, sub-skill card, A upgrade token and sp x 12 , a enhanced original serum (Evelyn exclusive), intermediate spins x 10, Full recovery potion.]

"hey system are you discriminating against me, why is the serum exclusive to Evelyn"

[Host, system doesn't discriminate it was only the compulsory reward for host's love interest for when the favorability reaches 9 hearts .]

Dave thought it's good I can use Evelyn's blood and turn myself into vampire.

So I have to make Evelyn take this serum .

"system show description for upgrade token and original serum"

[upgrade token: able to upgrade a item under rare quality.

Enhanced Original serum : This is the serum which turns a person into a enhanced original vampire Alaric Saltzman version who can not be killed unless one kills the linked person .

Full-Recovery potion(Rare): eliminates all negative stats and full health recovery.]

"System can the upgrade token be used on the serum and health potion"

[Negative, Original serum is a legendary item and health potion is a rare item. It can only enhance items under rare quality like daylight ring and moonlight ring.]

"so is this serum bound to elena like Alaric did"

[To bind a person to the serum one needs to mix a drop of their blood into the serum before using the serum.]

[System recommends host uses his blood to link so as long as host lives the hostess won't die.]

"That's good". Lets deal with other rewards later.

He approached the secret corridor a abandoned room is at the end of corridor which no one visits which the original Dave found when he got lost on the first day of his service.

"system open shop"

[ Total lp: 5300]

[bread loaf : 2lp

Cookies:2 lp


As he was scrolling he found some interesting items like

[Blood apple: 500lp

Discription: once eaten by vampire satiates a vampire for a year

It grows only on a special apple tree groomed from a seed to a tree only with doppleganger blood.]

[Sniper bullets made of white oak wood x 1: 100lp ]

After seeing the store he was happy same as the system said there is everything even enchantments .

"System I want this room to be a secret den for me recommend something"

[System recommends the banishing enchantment which will make others ignore this place subconsciously and no one can enter without your permission lasts a year.

Banishing charm: 300lp]

Yes buy it Dave looked at the powdered chalk in his palms and according to instructions its to be spread at the door and the corners of the room .

Dave then quickly cleaned the room and decorated it with items bought from system such as a carpet some decorations a bed and sheets blanket and closet etc.

[Total cost: 50lp.

Remaining lp: 4950]

Now to receive Evelyn here and convince her to take the serum.