CH 17: Aurora de-martel

{Dave pov}


HE was anxiously waiting for the call from the Count as if his plan went well , he will be called in just a moment to discuss about teaching Aurora paintings and excieted as Aurora was a OG character and influential in the series she will provide him with more points than Evelyn.

Just when he was waiting a servant entered his room and informed him of Count's call And a smile crept up his lips.

AS he entered count's study he got System notification

[Congratulations! For raising Aurora to 3heart

Rewards: 500lp, Stat point 3 ]

{Aurora pov}

Evening the same day,

The evening sun dipped low in the sky, casting a warm golden hue over the castle gardens as the light filtered through the leaves. Aurora de Martel sat in her chamber, her mind racing with thoughts of the young servant she had just met.

Captivated by his striking blue eyes, the way his voice resonated with confidence, and the tantalizing hint of humor in their brief exchange, she found herself longing to know more about Dave.

With a curious determination, she called upon her maids, beckoning them to gather for a discreet conversation. While they tidied her chamber, she pressed them for information about Dave, intrigued by the rumors she had overheard. "What do you know of him?" she inquired, her tone casual, but her heart raced at the thought of what they might reveal.

The maids exchanged knowing glances, eager to share the latest gossip. One of them, a sprightly girl named Lila, leaned in conspiratorially. "They say he is not only skilled with a brush but also quite charming. Many of us have noticed the way he carries himself. And, his one look is enough to ensnare the hearts of any maiden."

Aurora felt her cheeks flush at the compliment, a playful smile tugging at her lips. But then, Lila added a remark that cut through her rising excitement: "But there's talk of him being enamored with another—a maid named Evelyn. They say she's the most beautiful of all."

The news hit Aurora like a cold wave, her heart twisting slightly. An annoyance flickered within her, but she pushed it aside, reminding herself that it was merely gossip. "Evelyn," she mused, trying to suppress the pang of jealousy. But her pride did not allow it "Well, it's no concern of mine." Still, a part of her yearned to understand the dynamics at play, and she couldn't shake the idea of them together.


Day of Lessons

The following day, the sun rose, casting light upon the castle once more. Aurora's anticipation was palpable as she prepared for the painting lessons with Dave. However, a semblance of irritation marred her excitement; her brother Tristan insisted on hovering nearby, his protective nature apparent.

Tristan, who stood with his arms crossed, looked on with an air of skepticism. He was troubled by the idea of Dave spending time alone with his sister. "I'm not sure it's wise for you to be alone with a servant," he said, his voice low, a warning lacing his words. "We don't know his intentions."

As they entered the makeshift studio—a sunlit room adorned with vibrant canvases—Aurora couldn't help but feel amused at Tristan's overprotectiveness. "Come now, brother," she replied playfully, a teasing smile on her lips. "I'm only learning to paint." But beneath her playful tone lay an unquenchable desire to escape her brother's watchful eye and dive into this new connection with Dave.

When Dave arrived, he greeted them with a cheerful disposition, his dark hair falling slightly over his forehead. "Good morning, Lady Aurora! Ready to unleash your inner artist?" He grinned, and Aurora felt her heart flutter in response.

As they began the lesson, Aurora found herself enchanted by the way he guided her through the strokes of the paintbrush. His fingers occasionally brushed against her hand or shoulder, sending a thrill through her. Somehow, amidst the instruction, there was an unspoken chemistry building between them. His laughter was infectious, and the more they painted, the easier it was for her to forget Tristan's watchful glare.


Tristan's Perspective

Tristan observed the interactions between Dave and Aurora with a critical eye. His sister's laughter rang through the room like music, and he could see her gradually losing the tension that often shadowed her. Yet, beneath the surface, he felt an unsettling mixture of jealousy and protectiveness.

Sure, Dave seemed charming, and he was relieved of his servant work and only needed to teach aurora and complete the portraits this all happened too fast.

Tristan couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the young man than met the eye. He had seen how enchanting Dave appeared to the maids, how their conversations burgeoned into intrigue and admiration. He wanted to shield Aurora from what he perceived as a potential distraction or worse, a heartbreak.

As he forced himself to resist the urge to interrupt, he clenched his jaw, determined to remain vigilant. But the more he watched, the more he recognized that the palpable connection between them was something he would need to address sooner rather than later.

27 days till the MIKAELSONS ARRIVE.



I am going to speed things up a bit in the next chapters aka speed run Aurora .