Ch 18:Changes in tactics

After a day or two passed, Dave decided to adjust his tactics. He had noticed that Tristan had rarely left Aurora's side during the lessons, his watchful gaze always present. Though the Count had granted him the privilege of teaching Aurora, he understood that keeping her brother at bay wouldn't be easy.

To quell any doubts and to maintain a semblance of propriety, he decided to bring Evelyn along to the next session. Under the pretense of friendship, he introduced Evelyn to Aurora, hoping it would serve both as a distraction and as a means to demonstrate his affection for the lovely maid.

"Lady Aurora, I want you to meet Evelyn," Dave announced, a friendly grin gracing his features. "She's going to join us in our lessons today." He sensed the skepticism emanating from Tristan as the maid stepped forward, offering a warm smile that could light up even the darkest corners of the room.

Evelyn was indeed beautiful, with soft locks cascading down her back and an easy laugh that instantly captivated both Aurora and Tristan. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Aurora," she said, her tone genuine. "I heard you're quite talented!"

Aurora managed a polite smile, an annoyance simmering beneath her polite demeanor. "Yes, I'm merely learning," she replied, casting a glance at Dave. Yet, she couldn't dismiss the undeniable tension that hung in the air now that Evelyn was present.

As the lesson progressed, Aurora found herself trying to mask her frustration. Every light touch between Dave and Evelyn ignited an unfamiliar discomfort in her chest. Still, she couldn't turn away from the undeniable appeal of Dave. His passion for painting was infectious, and she found herself drawn to his upbeat demeanor even as jealousy bubbled underneath.

It has been 4 days since he began to teach Aurora and Tristan has left her side believing that I have Evelyn and Aurora will never be seduced by me now . but jokes on him , she has reached level 5hearts and got rewards

[Aurora: 5 hearts

Rewards: 1300 lp , skill level up card x 2 .]

He thought its about time to speed things up with Aurora by using Dream walk and walking into her dreams.

Shifting Realities The following week passed in a whirlwind of lessons and dreams for Aurora. Each night, as she drifted into slumber, she found herself in the magical garden where Dave awaited her with a warmth that set her heart ablaze. Their shared moments—filled with laughter, whispered secrets, and lingering kisses—began to blur the lines between her waking life and the dream world. In the morning light, she often caught herself blushing at the thought of him. Had she truly fallen for Dave Nightshade? Her heart raced at the idea, each memory of their intimate encounters flooding her with warmth and doubt.

Day by Day, Dream by Dream It had been nearly two weeks since he'd first entered her dreams, and the feelings she had developed for him became undeniable. Yet, lingering doubts clouded her heart. She found herself staring into the mirror, practicing what she might say if they met in the castle halls. Would she be able to keep her composure? "Do I really like him?" she muttered to herself, her cheeks flushed. "Am I just getting swept away in dreams?" As she prepared for another day of painting lessons with Dave, the question loomed large in her mind. But despite her apprehensions, excitement bubbled within her. She looked forward to seeing him again, to feeling the magnetic pull that drew her toward him like a moth to a flame. --- The Lesson Begins That afternoon, as they gathered in the sun-drenched courtyard, the vibrant hues of paint spread across the canvas felt almost like a reflection of her tumultuous emotions. "Good morning, Aurora," Dave greeted, his blue eyes sparkling as he approached, his presence commanding yet inviting. "Good morning, Dave," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper, her heart fluttering as she remembered their last dream together. "Are you ready to begin?"

he asked, gesturing toward the easels set up before them. "Yes," she said, trying to steady her voice, though her stomach fluttered with nerves. As they painted together, Dave guided her hands with gentle corrections, his fingers brushing against her skin as he demonstrated techniques. Each touch sent ripples of warmth through her, igniting memories of their dreams—the stolen kisses, the shared laughter, the whispers of affection. "Your technique is improving," he remarked, stepping back to admire her work.

"You have a natural talent, Aurora. I'm impressed." "Thank you," she said, her cheeks reddening under his praise. "I've been practicing." The more they spent time together in the waking world, the more Aurora found herself caught between reality and dreams. Sometimes, she could swear she saw his aura shimmering around him, a soft glow that made her heart skip a beat.

In those moments, she wondered if he could see the same light reflected in her. --- Nighttime Confessions That evening, as she lay in bed, Aurora's thoughts drifted back to the dreams they had shared. Each encounter felt increasingly vivid, almost like a continuation of the last. The lines between reality and fantasy had begun to blur, leaving her wondering if she could truly distinguish between the two. In one dream, Dave had taken her to the edge of a tranquil lake, where the water mirrored the night sky, stars twinkling like diamonds. They had shared a kiss beneath the moonlight, and Aurora remembered feeling weightless, as if she could float away with him into the cosmos. "Do you believe in fate?" Dave had whispered during that dream, his breath warm against her skin. "Maybe," she had replied, leaning into him, feeling as if their souls were intertwined. Now, as she lay in her bed, she could still feel the lingering warmth of his touch on her skin.

Had that moment really happened? Or was it just another figment of her imagination? Aurora bit her lip, feeling the familiar flutter of emotions swell in her chest. "I think I'm falling for him," she admitted to the shadows of her room. "But what if it's just the dreams?" --- The Moment of Truth Weeks passed, and the day of the Mikaelsons' arrival drew nearer. Aurora was both excited and terrified. The closer it came, the more her heart raced with confusion and longing for Dave.

One night, after another enchanting dream with Dave, she woke up breathless, her heart pounding. The vividness of their shared experiences made her realize she could no longer deny her feelings. The way he looked at her, the way he touched her in dreams—it was all too real, too intense. She lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling, contemplating her next move. "Enough," she said to herself, determination building within her. "I have to tell him how I feel." But as she prepared for bed that evening, she hesitated. What if he didn't feel the same way? What if he was simply playing with her heart, using her as a pawn in his game? The doubt gnawed at her, yet she resolved to take the risk. The dreams had opened her heart in ways she hadn't anticipated, and now she wanted to know the truth.