Mikaelson’s Arrival

It's been 3 days till Aro's arrival and today's the day the Mikaelson's arrive . The gathering has begun and guests have started to arrive ,

I am currently heading to Aurora and Evelyn's rooms to escort them to the Gathering as I reach them Let's make a list of my current powers .

1.My stats are all at 200 which means I am as strong as a 10 year old vampire . and all my senses have been enhanced and will get stronger as I put points in my stats .

2. I am a witch with a great amount of raw magic power and great affinity to Expression magic .

3.I am now a psycic like Silas and Cade currently weak but will grow over time so I am pretty much immune to Compulsion and mind games and I also can compel and mind control ,when I get a little longer like silas who created illusions and mind control .

4. I have acquired white oak bullets around 2 whole magazine worth cost around 5000lp.

5. my soul is now immortal so If my physical body is killed by soul will still exist and is strong enough to resist the pull 0f the otherside and Hell. So all I have to do is to perform a sacrificial ritual to create a new body.

So no need to fear and Did I forget my 2 bodyguard Girlfriends , They are formidable as I have used Skill share to Share my Combat mastery .

Sometime later ,

Dave ,Aurora , Evelyn , Tristan , Aro and Celene were heading to the hall as a group and have become good friends.

Meanwhile at the gate of castle a carriage arrived and 5 people got off the carriage 4 men and a woman .

{3rd person pov}

The group of 6 people entered the great halls .

The person leading the people turned to people and gave them instructions.

Lucien: "There , you see the count de-martel you address him as Your grace all other nobles my lord and when you speak to the count you should speak of hunting he loves his hawks and his hounds and um bow deep lady Rebekah he also Relishes a Healthy Cleavage."

"For god's sake all of you stop looking up" as he went to rectify his clothes.

Kol: "Touch me again and I'll rip your hands Straight off"

Finn: "Behave kol or I'll bury you in the Ground to Rot"

Rebekah: " This isn't going to work is it ."

Lucien : "Just speak as we practiced and know that you look lovely mylady."

Klaus : " You worried brother."

Elijah : " we're placing our lives in the hands of a stranger Niklaus."

As they reached the count Lucien bowed Deeply to Count .

Count: "Lucien, You were sent to fetch the count teqees ."

Lucien: "Indisposed your grace…gout , may I present his children the Lords Finn ,Niklaus, Elijah, kol also the lovely lady Rebekah."

Count: " Your father never mentioned you to me in all our Dealings"


Elijah: "Yes , Your grace do forgive us Father was forever distant with his travels and uh we were largely raised by servants however I do know that father would consider it a glorius honor that we should be introduced to society by your Noble hands your Grace."

Klaus: "Your grace I look forward to hearing Tales of your hunting escapades , may I present our sister."

Rebekah came forward and bowed deep Showing her bountiful Cleavage as she introduced herself to the count.

Few moments later,

Music was playing in the hall as we could see Klaus and Lucien were talking.

Klaus: "You've proven to be an immense help"

Lucien: "of course my lord."

As Klaus was talking his Eyes fell on a painting on the wall across which was magnificent and incredibly detailed as he moved closer to the painting, intrigued he asked Lucien.

"who has created this painting this is magnificent ."

Now he looks around the hall its decorated with these paintings at least 5 he as a painter himself was eager to meet the person who created this marvelous piece.

Lucien: "I don't know my lord these were never there when I left."

Which made Klaus unhappy and just as he was admiring the paintings a noise interrupted him as he turned he saw 6 people walk in who were none other than Dave and the group.

Klaus immediately asked to Lucien as he looked at the group "who are they?"

Lucien answers hesitantly as he doesn't recognize anyone other than Tristan and Aurora "The first two are the count's children the lord Tristan and his sister the lady Aurora and other's are probably some other nobles."

Klaus's gaze was quickly attracted towards Celene "she is exquisite and he again asked who is she pointing at Celene "I don't know I have never seen her before" Lucien replied.

Klaus was incredibly disappointed as it seemed to him as Lucien was not as knowledgeable as he was claiming to be and might not be as much help as they thought.

Lucien didn't see klaus's emotions and continued to warn " I suggest you avoid them completely as Tristan is wicked to be in the same group as him will also be wicked."

{Dave pov}

We arrived at the hall and I immediately spotted Elijah speaking to the count , Klaus was standing by a painting and looking towards us.

It seems my plan of using paintings to befriend the big bad wolf will go well and I see him staring at celene as if his soul has been stolen.

We approach count De-martel who was talking to Elijah and as planned Aurora asked her father to introduce us to the other nobles.

Count first introduced us to Elijah , who introduced himself as son of count teqees and went to call for his sibling's for a formal introduction as he got the hint that we were important to be in the same group as count's children.

As Count was happy to introduce our group was roaming across the hall as count introduced to his every guests as we can see my paintings are Amazing call me Narcissist but you can't deny it seeing that most of the group were gathered below my paintings and all the ladies eyes are practically shining on me and Evelyn grabbed my hand tighter as if showing her claim on me.

Elijah on the other hand got to Kol, Finn and Rebekah and signaled Klaus to come over to him .


Mikaelsons have arrived at the castle give suggestions about what and how their interaction should go .