First meeting

As the velvet draperies swayed gently in the candlelit hall, Elijah Mikaelson made his way through the throng of guests, a determined expression adorning his handsome features. Each step resonated with purpose as he signaled to his brother Klaus, summoning him with a gesture that demanded attention. The murmurs of laughter and clinking of goblets faded behind him as he beckoned his siblings to join him.

Kol, his irrepressible spirit on full display, broke the silence that engulfed the space. "Why have you called for us here, brother? I was enjoying the food," he remarked, a playful glint dancing in his eyes.

"Silence," Elijah commanded, his tone firm yet measured. "I called you all here because the Count wished for us to be introduced to his guests." He gestured toward a group in the corner, an air of intrigue surrounding them.

Klaus, Finn, Rebekah, and Kol turned their gazes toward the gathering of Dave's group, their expressions shifting from curiosity to mild fascination. "And behave, Kol," Elijah added pointedly. "Do not mess this up in front of them; they all seem rather important."

"Yes, they are quite important," Klaus echoed, a spark of excitement igniting within him. His eyes locked onto Celene, who, unbeknownst to him, also bore a gaze of interest toward him.

"I think so too; we should introduce ourselves to them," Rebekah chimed in, her eyes sweeping over the group, particularly the charming figure of Dave, who stood at the forefront.

Kol, ever the provocateur, smirked. "Oh, it seems my brother and little sister have been enchanted by someone," he teased, relishing the anticipation of their reactions.

"No… no, I said they are important because Lucien mentioned they are the Count's children, and the rest he doesn't know. So I think they hold significance," Klaus retorted, stubbornly avoiding the newcomer's gaze.

Elijah's brow furrowed slightly. "It appears Lucien has proven unhelpful once more."

"Indeed, he also lacks information about the origin of these artworks," Klaus added, disappointment flickering across his features, yet still lingering in the glow of intrigue.

With a determined stride, they advanced toward Dave's group.

{Dave POV}

[Congratulations! To increasing Favourability with Rebekah to 3 hearts.

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As the last rounds of introductions concluded, an elegant figure reappeared before us. Elijah Mikaelson, with his commanding presence, approached once more. "Please, forgive the inconvenience, your grace, but I brought my siblings to introduce them," he said, the gravity of his words resonating with respect.

The Count, regal and composed, waved away the apology. "No worries. You are all of similar age and will be residing in the castle for quite some time." I felt the air of anticipation swell as Klaus and Rebekah visibly brightened at the prospect of extended interaction.

"Allow me to introduce you," the Count began, gesturing with the grace of a practiced host. "This is my son, Tristan," he said, eluding to the young man standing beside him. "And my lovely daughter Aurora." Their countenances were illuminated by joy and hope.

The Count's eyes glimmered as he continued, pointing to us one by one. "This is Aro, my good friend's son, and his sister, Celene Voltera, who are here for an extended stay." Klaus's smile broadened, clearly captivated by Celene's presence.

"And this lovely lady," the Count continued, "is Evelyn Rosier from the south of France."

Finally, he turned to me, an unexpected pride in his voice: "This young man is Dave Nightshade, Aurora's fiancé and my would-be son-in-law, who is also a talented artist. All the paintings you see here were created by him." I caught the fleeting shadow crossing Rebekah's face, her smile faltering as the weight of my introduction settled in.

Elijah then introduced his siblings with a finesse I admired. "I am Elijah Teqees , and it is a privilege to be in your esteemed company." His voice conveyed not only respect but a sense of responsibility.

"Klaus Teqees," Klaus introduced himself with a charming grin that spoke of mischief and appeal. "I look forward to knowing all of you." His gaze lingered on Celene, the interest starkly evident.

"I am Finn Teqees, and I hope to see our families become intertwined during our stay," Finn stated, his tone more reserved yet earnest.

"Rebekah Teqees," she proclaimed, her spirit shimmering with determination. "I too am eager to engage with you all." The warmth of her words carried an invitation, despite the hints of rivalry that danced in her eyes.

Lastly Kol, unable to resist he proclaimed , "Kol teqees , the most handsome one." He said but glanced at Dave and said "among my Siblings."

We all laughed at his anatics and Aurora and Evelyn were proud.


Mikaelsons have arrived at the castle give suggestions about what and how their interaction should go .