An Invasion from Another World

Wang Dahai crawled out from a pile of liquor bottles, patting his disheveled head, he let out a belch reeking of alcohol. Staggering to the bathroom, he filled a basin with cold water and doused himself from head to toe, cooling off his heated body.

Hmm, finally a bit more sober.

"You~ fu**ing idiot!" Wang Dahai muttered to himself in the mirror.

Last night, after receiving a breakup call from his girlfriend, he had stormed to a roadside food stall in a fit of anger, downing a kilogram of baijiu. In a drunken haze, he had picked a fight with several couples.

After a few rounds of punches and kicks, almost all the couples enjoying late-night snacks at the stall had been beaten up by him. The men lay on the ground wailing, while the terrified women stood by, watching him with fear.

Our comrade Wang Dahai, however, sat nonchalantly on a stool, gulping down more liquor and skewers, until the sound of police sirens in the distance made him bolt like a startled hare, leaving behind the heartbroken cries of the stall owner—

"You son of a bi***, may your ancestors rot! It's one thing to beat up my customers, and I won't say anything about you eating for free, but you thief, what's the meaning of taking a whole box of Luzhou Laojiao when you run?"

Wang Dahai was indeed a ruffian; he had completely blacked out what happened last night. He vaguely remembered drinking a lot and maybe getting into a fight. Now his whole body ached a bit, but how did all this happen?

Shaking his head, d*mn it, if it weren't for that little tramp, Xiaoqin, breaking up with him, he wouldn't have gone to the food stall to cause trouble after drinking.

Although he was a bit of a lout, he had always been caring towards Xiaoqin. Almost all his military allowances since enlisting had been spent on her, yet he hadn't even touched the girl's hand.

Right, Xiaoqin had been flirting with her boss's son at the company recently; it must have been those two having an affair and dumping him!

The allowances he had received over the years would have been enough for hundreds of times at the high-class brothels, but alas, like throwing meat buns to a dog, gone forever.

Mourning a little for his pitiful allowances, Wang Dahai spat a mouthful of thick phlegm on the ground. A real man doesn't worry about not having a wife; a ruffian has his advantages, like thick nerves that can withstand torment.

After a quick tidy up, Wang Dahai found his only savings under the bed and left the house. He had heard from the old lechers in his company that the Royal No.1 Club's full service was out of this world, making his heart itch.

He thought to himself, since I'm a single man now, I might as well go and experience it today, and lose the virginity hat I've been wearing for twenty-five years!

Out of the barracks, after a few bus rides and subway transfers, he finally arrived at the legendary Royal No.1 Club.

Looking at the resplendent gate, Wang Dahai's heart couldn't help but pound with excitement. This was the Royal No.1, the place where men spent money, the paradise of joy. It was said that the girls here were all model caliber; if you were willing to spend money, the madam could even arrange for minor TV stars. Just thinking about it was a little thrilling!

Suppressing his restless mood, Wang Dahai was about to step in when a deafening roar erupted from the Tianfu Square not far away, followed by a violent shaking of the earth, and the high-rise buildings on both sides of the street swayed violently, and the cars on the street collided with each other in an instant.

After a while, someone shouted, "Earthquake!" The stunned crowd finally reacted, screaming and fleeing in all directions.

Seeing his plan for a full service ruined, Wang Dahai cursed his bad luck and ran with the crowd. At this moment, another huge roar came from Tianfu Square, and what he saw next was unbelievable!

Something was emerging from the ground in the open square, accompanied by thunderous roars, slowly rising in the center of the square. The crowd on the street was stunned, even forgetting to escape.

Finally, the roar stopped, and in the dust, an enormous stone gate that defied description stood before people's eyes. They couldn't believe what was happening, it was simply inconceivable.

The stone gate slowly opened, like an ancient beast opening its bloody maw. The crowd around the square grew, everyone holding their breath, staring at the gate, wondering what would come out.

Wang Dahai felt an ominous premonition. Years of military training kept him alert, and he had a hunch that something bad was about to happen.

The stone gate was now fully open, dark as another world. Seeing nothing happening, the onlookers breathed a sigh of relief, taking out their phones, even some bold ones running to the gate for selfies, and occasionally checking their social media.

"You guys are asking for trouble, you won't know how you die!" Wang Dahai looked at these people who were busy showing off with selfies, feeling an increasingly strong sense of foreboding. It seemed like the calm before the storm.

Just as Wang Dahai was about to leave, he suddenly felt a slight vibration under his feet, initially very slight, but his innate sharp senses immediately picked up on it.

Ignoring the surprised looks of others, Wang Dahai put his ear to the ground, and sure enough, the subtle vibrations came in waves, getting stronger and stronger.

It was like... it was like an army on the march, and this wave of vibrations was coming from the direction of the stone gate!

"Danger, everyone run!"

Wang Dahai suddenly stood up and shouted to the crowd around the gate, but people just turned their heads and looked at him, as if he was the one making a big deal out of nothing, and continued to point and talk around the gate.

"D*mn you idiots!" Wang Dahai was anxious, running towards the gate while shouting: "Run, everyone run, there's danger here!"

Wang Dahai ran to the gate in one breath, shouting at those who were still taking selfies: "There's danger here, you run, or it will be too late!"

"What danger, you psycho! If you want to take a photo, line up at the back, don't spread rumors here!" A young man who was taking a photo glanced at Wang Dahai and continued to take photos.

"D*mn it!" Wang Dahai stamped his foot fiercely, and suddenly a roar that pierced the sky came from inside the gate. Before people could react, a dark figure burst out of the gate, followed by a flash of cold light, and the young man who was just accusing Wang Dahai had his head fall off, and blood gushed out of his neck like a fountain.

The onlookers were all scared silly, they couldn't believe that the young man who was still full of energy just now has become a headless corpse.

"What the hell is this thing?" Only Wang Dahai noticed the dark figure, which was a monster with an unknown name, like an ugly big lizard, flapping a pair of fleshy wings in the air.

And on the monster, there was also a... person? Wang Dahai rubbed his eyes hard, yes, it was indeed a person, wearing gray armor, and holding a strangely shaped big knife in his hand.

Someone shouted, "Murder, help!" The onlookers finally came to their senses, and in an instant, the crowd became a mess, fleeing in all directions.

At this moment, a large number of cavalry riding tall warhorses rushed out from the gate, and as soon as they saw the fleeing crowd, they immediately galloped towards them like sharks smelling blood, slashing at the people who were blocked by the gate and couldn't escape in time.

In the blink of an eye, several people were knocked to the ground by the cavalry, bleeding profusely. For a while, the square was full of wailing and crying for help, but this more stimulated the ferocity of the cavalry, and they continued to swing their butcher knives at the fleeing people.

Wang Dahai had already dodged the pursuit of several cavalry, and he wished he could slap himself a few times. D*mn it, I just ran out of the army to do a big treasure sword, how could I get involved in such a terrible and bizarre thing?

But what the hell is going on? Wang Dahai suddenly felt a chill on his back, and subconsciously rolled on the ground. A ghost-headed big knife swept past his head, d*mn it, it was a close call, almost beheaded.

But in the moment of rolling, his peripheral vision saw countless lizard monsters flying out of the gate.

At the same time, a large number of infantry holding various weapons and wearing a variety of armors came out of the gate one after another, and even siege vehicles that could only be seen in medieval movies came out. It seems that this is the main force of the attack, and the previous cavalry is just the vanguard.

As a professional soldier, Wang Dahai quickly realized that this was a long-planned invasion, but what does this mean for these guys who are waving whips, holding broadswords and spears, and blond-haired and blue-eyed?

Soon, this army holding collectible antique weapons occupied Tianfu Square and continued to attack in four directions centered on the square.

The knights riding strange lizards in the air took the lead, constantly pursuing the fleeing crowd, and the cavalry and infantry behind formed a neat and unified formation, and rushed towards the city fiercely!

Wang Dahai ran desperately, with continuous pursuers behind him, where is the army? Where are our troops?

He ran while cursing in his mouth, I have never been chased by people with big knives in my life, and there are thousands of people with big knives!

The pursuers behind him were getting closer and closer, and Wang Dahai could almost hear the heavy breathing of the pursuers. There was a small alley on the right in front of him, and he turned and ran towards the alley. The experience of fighting since he was a child told him that when he was chased and beaten by many people, it was best to run into the narrow alley, so that the pursuers could not take advantage of the number of people.

He thought it was beautiful, but suddenly someone rushed over from behind him and knocked him aside. Wang Dahai stumbled and almost fell to the ground. Looking up, he saw a strong man running into the alley from beside him and scolded: "Fool, don't block the way!"

D*mn it, if it weren't for the critical situation now, I would have killed you!

Wang Dahai cursed fiercely, but now it is important to escape. He followed the man into the alley, and a group of soldiers holding broadswords chased in, and they were about to catch up with them. However, the man in front suddenly stopped.

He was about to curse, but saw that in front of the man, a little girl was sitting on the ground crying, and she kept calling for her mother in her mouth. The man hesitated for a moment, picked up the little girl, and threw her towards the pursuers behind him.

"D*mn it, are you still human?" In a hurry, Wang Dahai quickly rolled back and held the little girl steadily in his arms.

"Hey, are you okay?" Wang Dahai asked.

The little girl seemed to have been scared silly and looked at Wang Dahai's back stupidly. Wang Dahai got up with a spirit and ran forward with the little girl in his arms. Seeing that the man in front was about to run out of the alley, he stopped again.

"D*mn it, have you finally found your conscience?"

Before Wang Dahai could finish speaking, he saw a sharp sword shining with cold light piercing the man's chest. Dozens of people had already surrounded the alley mouth, looking at Wang Dahai and the little girl fiercely.

This is really a wolf in front and a tiger behind. I am caught in a trap!

Looking at the little girl in his arms, Wang Dahai put her down and said, "Hey, I will hold them later, and you try to run away by yourself!"

But the little girl shook her head, holding Wang Dahai's clothes tightly with her small hand, and a trace of determination flashed through her smart big eyes.

This is the meaning of going to the netherworld with me?

I didn't expect that the person accompanying me before my death was a little girl who hadn't grown up yet. Wang Dahai showed a bitter smile on his face, goodbye to my full set of treasures, let's continue our relationship in the next life!

Wang Dahai shouted, picked up a stick at will, and roared, "Come on, you bastards, hurt each other, I have enough to kill one, and I have made a profit by killing two!"

I don't know whether the blond soldiers who were attacked by the front and back understood his rude words, and they all shouted and killed with their swords. At this moment, Wang Dahai heard a familiar voice coming from the alley mouth: "Lie down!"

Wang Dahai was alert, and he subconsciously lay on the ground, pulling the little girl down at the same time. At the same time, a crisp machine gun sound came from the alley mouth. The soldiers holding medieval weapons didn't react, and they were all harvested by the ruthless bullets.

Finally, the beloved People's Liberation Army came, and he couldn't help but burst into tears. It seems that my life is not destined to die, and there is still hope to go to the full set of treasures in this life!