The Counterattack of the Republic Chapter 1

At the entrance of the alley, a military Humvee was parked, and five fully armed soldiers jumped out. Four of them set up security lines at both ends of the alley, while another carefully checked the bodies on the ground, confirming that they were all dead. Afterward, he made a safe gesture to the Humvee, and a lieutenant colonel officer stepped out, adjusted his glasses with one hand, and looked at Wang Dahai with a teasing expression, saying, "Mr. Hai, long time no see?"

"Hai your *ss, my surname is Wang!"

Upon hearing the voice, Wang Dahai immediately recognized it as his comrade-in-arms, Yuan Qinyu, and cursed, "Why did it take you so long to get here? Can't the two balls in your crotch run? I'm about to be killed by these ancient people!"

Yuan Qinyu, a staff officer at the Southwest Theater Command, was one of the few friends Wang Dahai had in the army and was very familiar with his ruffian personality.

Ignoring his vulgar words, he took out a piece of paper from his military bag and read, "Order from the 13th Group Army of the Southwest Theater Command, Comrade Wang Dahai, cancel the leave, resume the rank of Second Lieutenant, and return to the original unit to wait for instructions immediately!"

"The original unit? Could it be..." A glimmer of light flashed in Wang Dahai's eyes.

"Don't think too much, it's your current company. Get in the car!" Yuan Qinyu pulled Wang Dahai onto the Humvee without any explanation and also took the little girl on the car.

At this time, the quick reaction force of the Southwest Theater Command had arrived near Tianfu Square and joined forces with the local police to counterattack this medieval army that rushed out of the stone gate.

The sound of dense gunfire came from the street, and the reconnaissance helicopter in the sky quickly located the direction of the medieval army's attack, assisting the ground forces in setting up interception points at several main intersections.

When the cavalry tried to break through the interception point aggressively, they found that they couldn't break through the dense line of fire at the interception point. Some knights were even confused by the sound of gunfire and stood still, not knowing what to do.

They couldn't understand why they fell to the ground bleeding profusely after hearing a series of strange noises like crackling before even coming into contact with the enemy. This must be magic, some kind of evil magic!

The monster lizards in the air caused a lot of trouble for the quick reaction force. The theater command soon dispatched armed helicopters for support. Under the fierce firepower of the armed helicopter WZ-10, these monsters in the air were shot down one after another.

Under the overwhelming modern weapons, these invaders from the other side of the stone gate were quickly defeated, leaving a trail of bodies and fleeing towards the stone gate in panic.

When they fled to Tianfu Square, they found that the square had been quickly occupied by the quick reaction force. In despair, they launched a suicidal charge.

However, all of this was futile. The huge gap in weaponry was almost insurmountable. In front of the precise modern automatic firepower, long swords and machetes were almost as useless as firewood sticks.

Soon, the invaders were defeated, but due to the large number of invaders, many people still desperately broke through the defense line of the quick reaction force and fled into the stone gate.

The battle ended in the morning, leaving only a few scattered soldiers fighting desperately. Under the suppression of the special police force proficient in urban anti-terrorism operations, these scattered soldiers were also eliminated quickly.

At the same time, the invasion incident at Tianfu Square shocked the world, and people speculated about where this medieval army came from.

Rumors about the huge stone gate were rampant. Some said that the stone gate was a masterpiece of the ancient gods, and the other side of the stone gate was heaven. Others said that this stone gate was the legendary interstellar gate used to connect another planet...

Speculations about the stone gate and the invaders have ignited the internet and major media, and the front-page news is all about various reports on the stone gate.

At this moment, the world's attention is focused on this ancient land of China, and governments of various countries have demanded an explanation from the Chinese government.

Led by the United States, several major countries even demanded that an investigation team be sent to China under the name of the United Nations. Of course, this unreasonable request was rejected by the spokesperson of the State Council of China on the grounds of interference in internal affairs.

Subsequently, these countries sent agents to China, but when they arrived at the stone gate, they were disappointed to find that the entire square had been tightly surrounded by the Chinese army, as solid as a fortress, and even a fly couldn't get in.

Then, when the whole world was in an uproar, the Chinese government remained unusually silent, which made the outside world more and more curious.

Many countries began to jointly exert pressure on the Chinese government, demanding that China disclose the truth about the stone gate to the outside world. However, all of this was rejected by the spokesperson on the grounds that the investigation was ongoing, the stone gate was a national secret, and no information could be provided. When the investigation results come out, they will be announced in due course.

After returning to the army, Wang Dahai quickly found that the atmosphere in the army was very different from usual. The whole army was fully armed, everyone's faces were full of tension, but also full of excitement.

Wang Dahai had only experienced this atmosphere during joint exercises of the whole army, but the equipment issued to everyone was different from that during the exercise. All soldiers were equipped with Type 95-1 improved automatic rifles, and the ammunition issued was live ammunition.

At the same time, all tanks and armored vehicles were urgently refueling and loading ammunition. What surprised Wang Dahai even more was that the individual load-bearing equipment issued to everyone was no longer the simple Type 03 combat vest used for training and exercises.

Instead, each soldier was equipped with the latest Type 06 multifunctional combat vest, including the Type 06 bulletproof vest and magazine pouch.

It should be noted that the Type 06 individual combat vest is the latest individual combat load-bearing equipment in the country, which is usually only equipped by foreign peacekeeping combat troops and special forces!

All these unusual signs made Wang Dahai feel that this is about to go to war!

Indeed, just after Wang Dahai put on all the equipment, an order came down from the command, and the whole army entered a state of first-level alert, ready for combat at any time.

At this moment, in the operations command center of the Southwest Theater Command in Sichuan Province, China, Commander Wang Chaoyang sat in the main seat, staring at the huge screen in front of him.

Other operations staff sat aside, not daring to breathe, while technicians were nervously operating the computer, constantly comparing and reporting various data changes.

What exactly is this stone gate that has shocked the world? This question is haunting everyone's mind at the moment.

Just after the army took control of the stone gate, the Southwest Theater Command formed an operations command group with Wang Chaoyang as the chief commander, and the commanders of the 13th and 15th Group Armies, Zhang Tianya and Lin Deyun, as deputy commanders.

After studying, the operations group sent two groups of reconnaissance robots into the stone gate at the first time. At the moment, the robots are slowly advancing inside the stone gate, constantly sending real-time images and various analysis data back to the command center.

Time ticked by, and the atmosphere in the command hall grew increasingly tense.

Just as Zhang Tianya picked up his teacup to take a sip and ease his nerves, the screen's image suddenly changed. The footage from the robots had been pitch black, but now a blinding light filled the frame. Everyone couldn't help but stand up, stretching their necks and watching intently without blinking.

Finally, the blinding light faded, and the scene revealed on the screen shocked everyone in the hall.

Zhang Tianya's hand holding the cup trembled, and he murmured, "As expected, as expected! This discovery could change the course of human history!"

Wang Chaoyang slammed the table and said, "Immediately report to the Central Military Commission, and alert the entire military to prepare for combat!"

As the world awaited news of the stone gate with bated breath, the Chinese government finally spoke.

However, it was not the spokesperson from the State Council's Information Office who appeared on TV and computer screens, but a more solemn face. Presidents of several major countries jumped out of their seats when they saw this face, because it was the highest leader of the Chinese nation speaking.

At this moment, the world held its breath, fearing to miss a single word.

"Today is a day of sorrow, as unlawful invaders have caused tremendous pain to our people. Here, let us observe a minute of silence to mourn our fellow citizens who perished on June 18th...

However, today is also a great day. For a long time, humanity has been pondering whether there is other life in this vast universe, whether we are the only intelligent life in the cosmos.

Since ancient times, our ancestors have been exploring and searching for answers in the universe. Today, the answer can finally be revealed. We are not alone, we are not the only ones..."

The speech by the highest leader of the nation caused an uproar worldwide. It turned out that behind the stone gate lay an entirely new world.

Humanity was in an uproar, and speculation about the stone gate reached a new climax. How did the stone gate appear, and what was the world behind the gate like? No one knew except the Chinese hierarchy.

For the common people, this was a moment to celebrate worldwide, but for politicians, it was the best opportunity to expand their interests.

The United States, Japan, Russia, and other major countries openly pressured China, demanding that China immediately disclose the research results of the stone gate and allow a UN investigation team to enter the gate for scientific research.

Some smaller countries near China were also secretly plotting, with several Southeast Asian countries already dispatching warships to the South China Sea.

The Philippines publicly stated that the stone gate belongs to all of humanity, and China's exclusive possession of the gate is a crime against all of humanity.

Some African countries even threatened that if China did not contribute the stone gate, they would send troops to China.

At the same time, the Information Office of the State Council once again issued a statement to the world, claiming that the stone gate appeared within Chinese territory, and China has indisputable sovereignty over it. Any provocation against China will be regarded as an act of war!

This was the most severe statement issued by China since its reform and opening up. At the same time, China's three major fleets formed an aircraft carrier task force and began to hold a grand military exercise in the South China Sea.

Although it was claimed to be a routine exercise, it was clear to all that this was a military deterrence against those troublemakers in Southeast Asia.

At the same time, Taiwan also immediately stood on China's side, claiming that the stone gate is a common precious asset of the Chinese nation, and no country or force has the right to interfere.

Two days later, as the world speculated on China's next move, China finally spoke, and the highest leader of the nation appeared on the screen again, and the sonorous voice came from the TV.

"In order to explore the new world, China has decided to send troops and technical personnel to the stone gate on behalf of all mankind for exploration. For the well-being of all mankind, China will announce all exploration results to the world at the first time."

The whole world was once again in an uproar, but they already knew that the stone gate had been firmly controlled by China, and unless the Third World War broke out, they could do nothing.

However, some countries remained tough on China, stating that if China continued to act unilaterally, it would bear the consequences of being isolated by the international community.

However, to everyone's surprise, the United States was the first to show goodwill to China, stating that if China needed it, they would provide any technical assistance at the first time, of course, the condition was that China could share the research results of the other world with them.

With the support of the United States, the pressure on China in the international community suddenly decreased a lot, as to what secret agreements were reached between the two countries' hierarchies, the outside world had no way to know.

These days, the troops where Wang Dahai was located had been impatient for a long time, and everyone was full of infinite curiosity about the world on the other side of the stone gate.

Although the final order has not yet come down, they are clear that they will be the first troops sent to the stone gate, which is an unparalleled glory.

As the first troops in the world to be able to step on another world, their deeds are enough to be recorded in the annals of human history. They have wiped their steel guns again and again, and counted the bullets again and again, just waiting to embark on the journey to another world.

Zhang Tianya didn't know how many times he had run to Wang Chaoyang's office: "Commander, has the order from the higher-ups come down yet? The young men under my hand are all eager to go to the other side to open a harem. If we wait any longer, I'm afraid they will..."

"Old Zhang, listen to yourself, does this sound like something a People's Liberation Army soldier should say?" Wang Chaoyang interrupted Zhang Tianya's complaint with a smile and scold: "Let them train hard, and when they are idle, let them all go out for training in full combat gear, this is all due to idleness!"

Just at this moment, the red phone on Wang Chaoyang's office desk rang, and Zhang Tianya subconsciously picked up the receiver, only to find Wang Chaoyang staring at him with wide eyes. He smiled and handed the receiver over handed the receiver over.

"Hello, sir, yes, yes, we are ready for combat, yes, we will ensure the mission is completed!"

Wang Chaoyang put down the receiver, looked at Zhang Tianya who was smirking on the side, shook his head helplessly, this Zhang Tianya, in order to get the first prize, these days in addition to blowing his beard and staring at Lin Deyun of the 15th Group Army, he almost burned incense for himself.

He called the secretary and said in a deep voice, "Pass on my military order, the 13th and 15th Group Armies will form a special task force and prepare to attack!"