Chapter One

His phone buzzed and he ignored it for the second time. He knew who it was as a matter of fact he was so sure about it he could bet his liver to be eaten by wild animals if he was wrong. He came out of his room and went to have breakfast with his family. It was too early to deal with Kylo's drama. He is a prince he should be a gentleman but he was acting like a dog being forced to let go of their favorite chew toy.

"You don't usually look this tired in the mornings." Luca slid some scrambled eggs on his plate, "here." Kai passes the juice.

"Well try being the only human in a Lycan pack a d see if one day you just don't lose your energy." He poured himself a drink.

"You have been a human in this pack for eighteen years." Apollo raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah and it's really starting to get on my nerves!" He exclaimed downing his juice and he walked back to his room. They all were left speechless as they watched him walk away.

School was the same, people were avoiding him. What they really wanted to do was bully him but because of his brothers no one dared to touch an inch of Dean's hair. Some have really tried trying to be the greatest of them all and they all ended up with broken something on their anatomy.  He walked to PE class, Lycans loved this class but he hated it because they went hard on the exercises and just because he was human they didn't go easy on him. The exercises were extreme and at times he would end up in the nurses office after passing out.

"Momo!" He heard his nickname being called. It wasn't a common one just one his family used to call him. He whipped his head in the direction of the noise and there was Luca calling him.

"What?" He was a little out of breath and annoyed.

"You didn't have breakfast this morning so I brought you something so that you have energy for the class." Luca started digging into the lunch bag and presenting what he had brought.

"You want me to eat it now?" That question was unnecessary because he knew his brothers and they didn't play when it came to him.

"Here." He gave him a protein bar, "that shouldn't be too hard to eat as quickly as possible."

There was no arguing, he was going to protest but he knew Luca would slap him into tomorrow if he refused.

"Drink some water." He handed him a bottle of water as he chewed on the bar.

As he was eating his phone chimed and he thought this time he should respond and block this motherf**ker who just won't listen to him.

With the protein bar held in his mouth between his teeth and his eyes glued to the screen the message that Kylo had sent this time was intriguing.

" Come see me one last time and I promise to let you go." He knew it was a lie so he was about to say no when another text came through. "It's my birthday and I want to taste heaven for the last time."

He had completely forgotten about Kylo's birthday and so a little bit of him felt like he had to go. He bit the protein bar one last time and put it into his brothers mouth with a little force, "thank you Luca." He kissed him on the cheek and ran.

He walked in slowly in the bathroom and cleared his throat. It was worn by comlete silence, he rolled his eyes thinking about this thing that Kylo does when he completely goes silent and spring out of nowhere to scare the bejesus out of him. Suddenly a hand pulled him in a stall and closed the door behind him. His back was against the door and he was looking up into his eyes.

"Happy birthday." He released a breath and Kylo smirked. "Would you have remembered if I didn't text you?" He tipped his head to the side. "Nope." He was honest.

Kylo began to play with the hem of his shirt before sliding his hand under. He went straight to his chest and pinched his nipples causing Dean to jerk up his upper body. Dean removed his hand from under his shirt.

"You promise this is the last time and you won't bother me again?" Kylo looked at him straight in the eyes and said nothing.

"Fine I'll leave!" He turned to open the door but Kylo shut the door immediately, trapping him between his arms. Now Dean was facing the door and Kylo breathed down on his neck as he said, "when you want me that is when I'll return. Until then you are free."

The hot breath hitting his neck made every hair on him stand up and he shut his eyes trying to keep his cool.

It wasn't helping that Kylo was caressing his shoulder, he moved down to his chest and lower until he reached his pants.  He dropped them in a second and as he knew without a doubt Dean wasn't wearing underwear.

He started stroking his d**k, uo and down he went in slow, rhythmic motion and Dean started to relax into him. His back colliding with Kylo's six pack, seeing him relaxed and enjoying himself, Kylo licked two of his fingers and then he inserted them into Dean.

A sweet moan escaped his mouth, keeping up the rhythm Kylo fingered Dean while stroking his d**k.

Dean took a hold of Kylo's hand and started increasing the speed that his fingers were going with.

"It's showtime baby!" Kylo exclaimed as he ceased all action, he sat on top of the toilet and ushered Dean to sit on top of him.

Legs spread apart and his back sliding against Kylo's chest, being lifted up then dropped down on Kylo's huge dong. He was writhing and screaming, almost like fighting for his life but this fight was the one he never wanted to end because it gave him a lot of pleasure.

Kylo balanced him well holding each leg on each arm and making sure to fit his entire d**k up there and there was nothing more satisfying to Kylo than knowing that Dean could barely take it but he wouldn't say no to him. They had never done it like this before, Kylo was usually considerate of Dean's a*s and he would only fit about thirty percent of his 7 inches uo there but today all of it went up there.

Dean could feel it up his guts and with each thrust he was losing energy to support himself,  he didn't know how much time he had before he went limp. He just hopes by that time Kylo would be done but he seemed to be more vigorous today and unwilling to finish their session.

"You're not going to leave me." Kylo suddenly voiced during their activity. Dean was too tired to argue, he was holding on for dear life.

"I'll make sure of it." He sounded very serious.  He started grazing Dean's neck with his fangs, he nipped him a little bit but Dean didn't feel it instead he screamed, "I'm close!!"

Kylo timed it right and just when Dean came he sunk his teeth right into his neck and marked him. Because of that they both came so hard that Kylo started seeing stars and Dean went limp and fainted.

After gaining his composure Kylo dressed up and saw how much he had messed up, he put clothes on limp Dean and punched him on the face to make it look like he was knocked out.