Chapter Two

Dean stretched out his body as he woke up. The light wasn't that bad on his eyes as it was evening but he felt sore all over his body. As soon as the pain reached it's maximum he suddenly jerked up and he was fully awake. He looked around and he was at the hospital, he sighed.

"Are you okay now?" A voice came from his right side and it scared him a bit causing him to jump.

"Who are you?" He looked at the guy showing him that he really didn't know him.

"I go to school with you." Dean looked at him blinking as the face was not ringing any bell to him.

"I'm Jeremy!" The guy seemed to be getting offended, but Dean didn't care as he continued to shake his head showing that he doesn't know this Jeremy.

"I sit two chairs behind you in class."

"Which class?" Dean asked.

"Lycanthropy!" He yelled and Dean snickered.

"It's not funny." Jeremy showed his annoyance.

"What am I doing here Jeremy?" Dean steered the conversation in another direction.

"Well I found you unconscious in the bathroom and I thought I should bring you to the hospital." Dean nodded along to his explanation.

"So who beat you up?" Jeremey asked. Dean gave him a questioning look because he didn't know what he was talking about.

"Somebody beat you up, who was it?" He asked.

"Jeremy just because I fainted doesn't mean I was beat up. I was just tired from PE class and I guess I couldn't handle it." He lied.

"Really?" Jeremy went through his bag and found a mirror then showed Dean his face.

"F*****ck!!" Dean screamed when he saw that he had a shiner.

"What else did he do because you smell really different." Jeremy asked getting Dean out of his dramatic state.

"What do you mean?" Dean furrowed his brows.

"You have a lycan smell all over you, were you fighting a lycan?" Jeremy absent mindedly asked, "but I wonder who would fight you considering your brothers." He shuddered at the mention of the Nyko brothers.

"If you don't shut your trap, Ill say you did." He threatened.

"Oh please no!" He begged putting his hands in a prayer like position. He knew the Nyko brothers wouldn't ask any questions, they wouldn't make sure that he wasn't lying. They would just attack.

"Get out ofmy room Jeremy." Dean instructed and Jeremy immediately took his stuff and on his way he went. "Thank you!" Dean yelled as he dissappeared from his sight.

Dean took a deep breath and thought about what happened a few hours ago. He was stressed, how was he going to hide this damn mark and what was he going to tell his family. If his brothers found out they won't care that Kylo is a prince they will still try to beat him up which might get them in trouble and himself.

As soon as Dean entered his house, he tried to sneak in but they were already waiting for him.

"Momo where have you bee-" Hunter stopped his sentence as soon as he saw his eye.

"Who did this to you?" He asked in his serious tone while examining Dean's face.

Dean pushed him away from him, "I don't know, whoever it was sneaked up on me." He answered unbothered.

"I'm going to kill them." Hunter gritted his teeth.

Dean sighed, "you don't even know who they are." He rolled his eyes.

"Momo you're late!" Kai came in holding a plate of food for him. "Wait a minute." He suddenly froze, he sniffed the air. "You smell different."

His other brothers also sniffed the air and in unison "mhmmed." to Kai's statement.

"Can everybody stop smelling me!" He yelled for them to stop.

"What's up with you?" Apollo walked in.

"Nothing, I'm going to sleep. Don't wake me up." He told them and they all looked at him like he had grown two heads.

"So you wanna be torn to shreds, is that it?" He looked at their shocked faces, "what?" He asked.

"Momo it's the full moon." Hunter answered him.

"Already!?" He sounded tired.

"Didn't your phone alarm go off?" Kai asked.

"Oh my god! I lost my phone!" He exclaimed.

"What time is it?" He asked. "You have two hours." Apollo looked at his watch.

"Give me the food." He snatched the plate of food from Kai and sat down then started eating. As he was eating he realised his energy was still pretty much low and he won't be able to last all night,  "get me more of this and some bread." He looked up to Kai and Kai immediately dissappeared to the kitchen to fetch him some more food.

"We're here! Where's Momo?" Luca and Azriel walked in.

"You're still eating?" Azriel asked. "Yeah I just got here." Dean's full mouth muffled his response.

"What happened to your face?" Azriel asked, he looked like he was about to explode.

"Nothing, can we all get over that?" Dean asked politely. Kai set up the food before him.

"Momo you can't eat so much with such little time left, you know what happened last time." Luca tried getting the food away from him but Dean stuck a knife through his hand.

"Ohh!" Everybody exclaimed in surprise. "I know what happened last time, I was the one who went through it and I'll go through it again if that means I get to eat in peace." He drew a smile on his face while looking at Luca straight in his eyes.

"Okay, get you knife out of me!" Luca helped him pull out the knife. "Don't be a baby, you'll heal." Dean threw the knife across the table and Apollo handed him a new one.

"Be safe." Luca hugged him after Dean made sure that his shoes were tied up.

"I always am." He winked at him.

"It's not a joke." Azriel pushed Luca away and hugged Dean. "I love you son." He held onto him so tight.

"Dad don't kill me yet, we have all night." He giggled.

"Momo!" They scolded all together.

"Fine, fine. You guys have no sense of humor." He rolled his eye. "Do I get a head start?" He looked at his father and asked.

"Well Micco isn't showing any signs yet and I would really like him not to find you this time, so please hide well." Dean smiled and nodded his head then he walked out of the house. "Enjoy your holy grounds!" he screamed waving his hand walking away.

"Do you think Micco won't find him today?" Kai asked with his eyes glued at the door.

"I hope so." Azriel sat down getting weak and his voice sounding hopeless.

Dean sat under the cave as it started to lightly rain but then the rain kept on getting heavier and he wondered maybe if Micco will have a hard time finding him. This was a new spot for him to hide and he didn't think Micco would think of it considering if you go deep into the cave you will find prisoners there. Lycans who have commited great sins that they just couldn't be kept at the palace dungeon.  If he had lycan hearing he could probably hear their screaming while their lycans are trapped and ripping them apart from inside trying to get out.

He was hugging his feet while slowly tapping them on the ground, looking at the full moon at it's most shiniest moment. All he was hoping for was that him and his father get through this.

Two hours passed and there was nothing,in that manner Dean knew he was safe where he was. He knew Micco must be going crazy looking for him in all the spots he usually hides at.

Dean was still tired from today and his body was still immensely weak so he decided to take a nap. He woke up and five hours had gone by, the pack was quite which means the hours by the holy ground were over, which means he made it through the night.

Dean jumped off the rock and slowly went down back to the pack and he walked without a care in the world. Suddenly he heard some rustling and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He stopped walking and took a look around but there was nothing so he continued walking even though his gut feeling told him that there was something following him. All he thought about was getting to his house as soon as possible so that he can be safe.

While focusing on his goal suddenly a huge Lycan jumped in front of him. His eyes almost popped out of his head, this wasn't supposed to happen. How come Micco was still here? The full moon was over, every Lycan now is resting as turning sometimes tires them out but the real reason they were tired was because of all the activities they do at the holy grounds.

"Micco, buddy.... stay!" His hands were up front stopping Micco from going anywhere near him and he was taking huge steps backwards. It wasn't helping at all considering how huge Micco was and how easily he could catch him.

When Micco growled loudly Dean threw himself into the bushes that Micco had just emerged from and he started running in the opposite direction. He ran like crazy and he was out running Micco somehow, but after all he spent every full moon since he was ten running from Micco so he had a couple of tricks. When he suddenly had to make a turn his foot slipped and he fell on his side. Micco immediately jumped on him and with his sharp claws he scratched his entire back. Dean put his hand on his mouth so that he didn't scream loudly because that tends to aggravate Micco and make him more hostile.

Micco grabbed Dean by his foot and had him hanging upside down. He looked at him closely before banging him across the tree, and that was painful but Dean couldn't cry because that also pisses Micco off. He played dead right by the tree and Micco came near him and started smelling him to make sure that he was dead, suddenly Micco stopped when he came close to his neck. He looked around and growled then he turned to leave.

Dean breathed out a sigh of relief but his body was screaming in pain and he suddenly spit out some blood. He hoisted his body up and bent forward like an old person heavy with hunchback and started walking to his house. He didn't have the energy to keep walking and his body gave out so he crawled all the way back home, making him dirty and scraping his knees, hands and a little bit of his chest and stomach. He came home, and he couldn't open the door so he collapsed in a pool of his own vomit mixed with blood in his front porch.