Business with pleasure

Dylan looked at the lady in front of him. Natasha eyes blinked at Dylan who was suppose to be her business partner and now blind date. She wondered if her her grand parents did it on purpose so she could be close with him. "What a suprise I didn't know that you were the on meant to be my blind date." "Why do you say so." Natasha narrowed her eyes at his collectiveness. "I didn't want to you to think I did it on purpose." "So you value my opinion."

 Natasha got irritated by his response. She didn't want to play the cat and rat game with him. "If you want to leave it's totally fine." She said on a impulse saying it harshly. She softened after she immediately realised she what did. She didn't like the fact her blind date was her future business partner, but has fate would have it she was already here . She might as well make the most of it by asking him to pretend to be her boyfriend so she can get her grandparents off her back.

 She shifted in her chair under Dylan's scrutiny. "How about this, you pretend to be my boyfriend and then we call this blind date thing off we both say it's a pretty good choice you're in need of a girlfriend and I'm in need of getting my grandparents off my back why don't we call this a win win situation." She said calmly looking expectantly at him. Dylan looked her with a cautious look. "You want to be my fake girlfriend and still be my business partner, aren't you collecting too much merit."

 Natasha rolled her eyes at him, Dylan looked at her weirdly. "This guy is such....uh." Natasha said to her said. She took a deep breath. "It's fine if he doesn't pretend to your boyfriend Natlie but you can't lose this company." She collected her self together. "Aren't you giving yourself too much credits Mr Dylan." "I'm a young man full of youth and I certainly don't need this youth to go to waste." Natasha smirked at him. "Aren't you such a narcissist Mr Dylan." "If you think I am a narcissist then think whatever you like fine by me oh and please stop calling me Mr Dylan it's make me look older than my normal age."

 Dylan gave a rueful smile while Natasha gave a noticeable forced smile. "If that pleases you sure why not, and I I'll ask again are you going to think about my offer." Dylan crossed his arms. "Sorry I don't mix business with pleasure." Natasha seemed confused and she stated it. "I'm confused here, I asked if you'll be my fake boyfriend not a actual one I don't see the how that has got to do with anything in pleasure." Dylan gave a cool smile.

 "I don't have any plans on having a business partner to be my girlfriend, business and moreover a fake partner I will definitely not take pleasure in having you as a fake girlfriend." Natasha tried to mask her shock and managed to do so. "Then there is no need for us to be here it's going to be a waste of time for both us anyway." Natasha tried to grab her purse. "I hope you find your boyfriend soon to end your misery faster."

 Dylan said standing up. Natasha was also on her feet. "Thank you I look forward to working with you." Natasha wanted to shook hands with him but that would be too formal for a blind date so she gave him a smile then left. Dylan checked the time of his watch it was all ready so late. "How is a lady going to get home at this hour." He wondered to himself. He wanted to be a gentle man and run after her to offer to take her home but then again he refused to be her fake boyfriend so it's best to cancel any thoughts that would contradict his words.

 Danny walked to his car and left a voice not for Evie saying that he missed thoroughly. He left the restaurant quickly to take a rest in already booked hotel. Dylan actually thought of buying a penthouse since he was going to be staying long but Natasha had booked for a him a private suite that actually filled a whole floor so he had no decided to stay in the hotel anyways.

 Walking into the hotel, he met his assistant waiting for him at the reception. His assistant still waited for him despite knowing he would be very late he shakes his head at the extent of his assistant loyalty. "You can go have your rest now Harry." Dylan said when Harry was close enough. "Okay sir." Dylan enter the elevator to go to his suite. Walking into his room he removed his jacket tiredly. "Ah,mom is literally going to kill me one day with this anonymous blind dates." 

 Dylan didn't know this was a arranged meeting for him and Natasha by his mom and Natasha's grandparents. He changed into his sleep wear and climbed into his bed. He thought about Natasha and her confidence with her beautiful face she didn't appear to vulnerable he liked that about her. Still thinking of her he soon fell asleep.

 Ryan woke up to see the mansion full of activity. "What's going on." He asked the head butler. "Mrs. Reign is coming back today." "Oh." That was all he said. He literally forgot his mom had been away for three months and will be coming back today. He didn't like the noise so he went back upstairs. He initially thought his dad wanted him to stay in the family mansion because of the marriage issue he had forgotten his dad also wanted him to be there when he's mom arrived.

 Ryan had his bath and wore fresh clothes. After putting on his deodorant and some perfumes and lingering oils on his body he went out. He saw how maids ogled at his beauty he smiled but he stopped smiling when he realised Evie had only stared at him once and that was it and it was only during their first meeting. Every other times she could look at him without blushing heavily or won't even blush at all he wondered if he didn't affect her as much as he did to the other girls.

 Izabelle and Kyle strolled into the parlour at the same time. "Who's excited to see mom." Izabelle asked enthusiastically. "I am happy she's home just not as excited as you are." Kyle said dryly. "Come on bro you haven't seen her like in three months and this is your reaction." She shakes her head. "What of you Ryan." She said facing him. Before he could ay something his eyes caught someone and his eyes