
Ryan eyes darkened futher as the lady walked closer to them with his mom. Mrs. Reign walked closer to them when she was close enough Izabelle excitedly hugged her mum. "Welcome mum." She said smiling from ear to ear. "Oh you cleared your schedules for me how sweet." "Of course we haven't seen like in forever." Kyle said enveloping her and Izabelle in a big hug. "It's just three months." Mrs Reign said. Ryan was still staring at the lady standing beside his mum.

 "Oh Ryan this is Rayla." "I know her." Ryan said with a closed jaw. "Ah then we have a very important discussion but after I have a taken a rest." Mrs. Reign said going upstairs. "Please no commotion." She said smiling at Ryan. "What are you doing here." Ryan asked angrily. "Don't be rude i picked up your mum from the airport." "Where's my driver." Kyle said calmly. Rayla walked towards the couch. "Ah." She said as if remembering something. "He's having a peaceful sleep."

 Izabelle shrieked in fear. "He's dead." "Nah, knocked him out made him unconscious for a day." Rayla sat comfortably ont the chair. "Ryan is getting married soon he doesn't need someone like you." Kyle said walking towards her. "Such a protective young brother, what did you, say someone like me,your brother did not seem to care much while he was thoroughly fucking me up." She said smiling seductively at Ryan. Izabelle felt sick from disgust at her shameless attitude. "You are so sick." Izabelle wishpered. 

 "If you don't get out this instant I'm going to call the guard to throw you out." Kyle said aggressively this time. "Wait." Ryan walked towards Rayla and dragged her to her feets harshly. "Come with me." He said coldly. Rayla didn't protest as he dragged her away. Ryan pushed Rayla inside the guest room. It was farther from his parents room. "Why are you freaking here?" He asked angrily. "You can't cut me out of your life like as if I don't mean anything to you." "What don't you get you were never a part of my life and I'm going to say this once you don't mean anything to me."

 "Keep telling yourself that." "I'm serious Rayla don't make me hurt you." "Ah your word only excites me are you going to punish me ah I feel so wet already." She pressed her body to him. Ryan hissed and pushed her away roughly. "You are a sick psycho, why can't you let me be." "Because there's no way on earth you are going to get married to that bitch, she doesn't even like you not to even think of loving you,she doesn't deserve you,he'll she's not even tainted." "That's why I'm going to be the one to taint her I'm going to make her so fucking happy she's going to burst in joy and then she's going to fall in love with me."

 Rayla stared at him with fear and anger in her eyes. "She can't handle you no body can except for me." Ryan scoffed. "Is that the motivation for your daily living if it so sorry to break your heart but only my bride can handle me." "You can't get married I love you I gave my heart to you." "And did I ever I accept it or even showed any signs of me accepting your heart." Rayla face went went when she realised he was saying the truth. "You always gave me your body and ofcourse I accepted it."

 "Still...." "Stop it Rayla I don't love you I don't have any feelings for you and I don't want to get anything to do with you I'm severing all ties with you understand that and don't ever look for me or call me to even disturb me if you do I promise you this I'll make you have a slow painful death." He said staring eye to eye. He turned his back on her to walk away when he heard her laugh.

"Too late Ryan you've done something that you can't reverse." "And what is that?" "Your mum will address the situation when she has woken up." "No matter what you do you still won't get with me." "Don't get so sure yet." She kissed him on the lips before leaving smiling as she walked away. Ryan shaked his head as he left the room.

 Izabelle was pacing the floor. "Why are you so worried?" Kyle said irritated her her worrying over a grown man. "I don't know i just feel like she is up to no good." Izabelle stoped pacing and looked at him. "Ryan can handle his problems so don't go about worrying about him it's best if you stay away from his problems or life." "I don't get you and Ryan you guys barely help each other even when in trouble." "Glad you used barely we RARELY have issues that we can't handle." He said stressing and emphasizing the word rarely.

 Izabelle humped at him. she sat down and kept crossing her legs and un-crossing them. "They've been there for a long time you don't think they are actually...." Her sentence was cut short as Ryan and Rayla walked downstairs. Ryan had poker face as he walked downstairs. "She's going to stay in right here until mom wakes up." Ryan said as he crossed over to Kyle.

 "Make sure no one is here when mom says what she wants say." Kyle didn't ask why only giving Ryan a tight nod.

 It was already in the evening 

 Mrs. Reign walked downstairs. "Now did everyone have a nice Sunday." Izabelle nodded her head. "Ofcourse." "Mum can we like go straight to the point why is Rayla here?" Ryan asked impatiently. "Oh yes to the matter at hand, how do you know Rayla Ryan." Ryan was puzzled. "We met in a bar and then got familiar as we met regularly." "Oh so you do know her well enough." Rayla smiled at him "He's knows me in and out." She said shamelessly, Mrs. Reign ignored what she said.

 "Can we like speed this up whatever it is." Ryan urged his mom. "Yeah mom lets go faster your beating round the bush." Kyle said. "This suspense is killing." "Okay." She breathed in and out. "Rayla here said something that was very shocking and I thought I would bring her here when I would say it. Rayla claims she pregnant for Ryan." "What." Another voice boomed out. Ryan face flashed with shock for a minute.