Marriage won't go on

Ryan face flashed with shock for a moment. Mr Reign walked in with Evie. "What is this I'm hearing." Mr Reign said. "Calm down dad,mom just came back you should at least say hello to her." Izabelle said, Mr. Reign always known for his sarcasm since when he was little faced Mrs. Reign. "Hello Leila." He said then faced Ryan. "Now I'm sure you don't mind telling me what is going on." Leila smiled at her husband. "Thank you Rasmus for that rather enthusiastic greeting, Rayla was in the same plane with me and she told of her dealings with Ryan."

 Evie looked at Ryan and he was staring at Rayla. She looked at Rayla then but her lips, she had home this Sunday because she didn't want any coincidental events leading her to see Ryan. "What dealings." Leila gave a tight smile at her husband thick-headness. "They were indulging in eachother company." Evie couldn't take it any longer,she couldn't pinpoint her anger exactly the fact that he indulge in other ladies company or the fact he has a unborn baby before their wedding.

 "Why am I sad I should be celebrating, finally I can leave this set up wedding." She said cheering herself up. Everyone was staring at her as if they wanted to know her opinions. "Well, if Mr. Ryan Reign has a unborn child he should look after his unborn child well because that his successor and the child is your grandchild Mr and Mrs Reign." She said hoping to convince them in that tome. "I don't want to marry her." Ryan said with a tight voice. "I can be your mistress if it pleases you." Rayla said smiling kindly. "It will please me more to have him all to myself and to avoid future, issues your child shouldn't be born out of wedding lock." 

 Evie had to cut in quickly before the whole family agreed to have her as his mistress so she couldn't help but use such extremes. "I don't have time to think of what Ryan must think of me." She said justifying her actions. "I also don't want Rayla to be my mistress or my wife." Leila looked at her husband who seemed baffled about the situation. "How about we allow Ryan and Evelyn to settle this problem." Izabelle nodded her head. "I agree."

 "We'll talk in my room." Ryan said not giving Evie a chance to retaliate. Evie looked at Izabelle who have a tight nod to her beside her Kyle stayed unmoved. Ryan roughly opened the door of his room and closed it with a loud bang. "What is wrong with you." Ryan shouted. "Oh I didn't know I was the one with a unborn child few weeks to their wedding." Evie said and scoffed. "Don't pretend to care about my child."

 "Woo finally someone is caring about their unborn child or even better acknowledging it for the first time." Ryan yanked her to him. Her hands were resting on his chest they fit together liked a puzzle. "Don't use that tone with me." "Then don't talk to me like that." His breath was tickling her ears so she blushed a little. Ryan fingers traced her blush. He nibbled a little on her left ear. Drawing her closer to himself with his left hands with his right hands he grabbed her soft creamy hips.

 Evie suddenly felt herself going really hot she pressed herself on Ryan to realise the heat in her. She thought she misread but she didn't when she heard Ryan groan again. Ryan was trying to stop himself from moaning when Evie pressed herself on him making him feel her soft breasts. But the stiffed moan came out as a groan. Evie bit her lips hard trying to stop herself from moaning. Her lips turned red when she realised it, Ryan eyes flashed to her lips and he got enticed by it no longer able to bear it he kissed her hotly full of passion.

 Ryan moaned into her mouth drowning Evie into a intoxicated pleasure. He pushed Evie to the wall then hooked her left legs on his waist. Evie thought she was going crazy for allowing this to happen. Ryan cupped her bottom then started massaging it feeling the softness against his hands. "Ahhh." Evie moaned loudly into Ryan's mouth. Ryan explored every side of her lips. He sucked her tongue then probed himself deeply into her mouth.

 Evie was clutching unto him like he was her dear life. Ryan pulled away for a moment allowing Evie to catch her breath. Then he started licking the upper seams of her lips. He trailed his kisses to her collarbone sucking it wildly. Evie gasped at the pleasure. "This is wrong." She managed to rasp out. Ryan licked her collarbone forming a hickey on her neck. "What is wrong about this, we are about to be married." 

 Evie managed to get her rationality, she slightly pushed Ryan away then removed her legs that was wrapped around his waist. After straightening her clothes she turned her back to him. "You have a unborn child in another woman's womb I can't be your wife I would be unfair to the poor unborn child because he knows nothing I don't want to steal away the love he would get from his father."

 "So are you suggesting that I marry her, can't you feel this attraction between us." "I'm only attracted to your beauty and honestly I don't think I'm in love with you." She said slowly. "For all we know Rayla could be lying." "What do you mean." "I mean let's go ahead with the wedding I would put Rayla in my mom's care then later on when the child is born ill carry out a DNA test." "Why are you doing this I'm mean for all we know this marriage won't work out well."

 "For all I know I'm attracted to you and I like you Evielyn I really like you." Evie was stunned at his confession. "And I also want you to love me back." "But.." Evie sentence was cut short as Ryan kissed her with passion.