I Mean Friends

 When the two finally broke apart from the kiss Evie was breathing hard clutching unto Ryan's clothes her breath uneven as she breathed fast. "Ok but I can't promise you I'll return the feelings I'm just going to go with the flow for my family sake." She said releasing his clothes from her clutches. Ryan smiled at her and was about to kiss her again but she turned her face to the other side signalling that she didn't want to be kissed. Ryan gave a small laugh at her. "I think I'm going to be addicted to your lips and also is this your first kiss."

 Evie's face flushed a little. How could she say that she had still not had her first kiss at this age. Ryan noticed her blush then smiled. "Good to know that I'm first guy she would share a kiss with." "We have to go your parents must be waiting for our decision." Ryan nodded then they both exited the room. Evie stood father away from Ryan. "We've decided that Rayla and the unborn child would be looked after by Mrs. Reign that is if she doesn't mean mind and we will also go along with the wedding. After Rayla gives birth a DNA test would be taken."

 "Oh that's a nice decision." "But why can't a DNA sequence be taken on the child whilst still in her womb." "I wouldn't want anything to risk her child." Evie said calmly. A bit of Rayla was jealous at how Evie seemed calm in this storm when Ryan told her straightly that it was over between them she panicked hard real hard. "I wouldn't have agreed either the baby in me is so precious." "How do we even know you're pregnant, coming in here with no proof or evidence like a test result." Kyle said looking at Rayla. 

 " I have the test results with me I even ran a test before coming here and I confirmed it was true." Mrs. Reign said. "Alright since this has been settled nice and easy surprisingly because due to Ryan's attitude towards well news he doesn't like he would have blown off but I guess Evie's coincidental meeting was helpful." Mr Reign stood up holding his wife hands. "It's time to retire for the night so I suggest you all do the same, Rayla will have a room that is two room apart from Ryan I don't want any fight so that's why." He took his wife and led her to their bedroom. 

 "So how did you meet Ryan." Evie asked Rayla facing her with her arms crossed. "Ah I remember our first meeting clearly Ryan was going into the studio to record some music and the studio room was close to the shooting room I was in so we bumped into each other." "And then?" Izabelle asked. "Why are you asking me see Ryan over there tsk tsk anyways I asked him if he would be friends with me and when I mean friends I mean friends." She said smiling. "You mean sex buddy friend like relationship."

 Rayla clapped her hands. "Bingo." "Uh." Izabelle turned to Kyle and Ryan. "I'm going to bed seeing her disgusts me further." "Disgusts you oh my don't tell me you are untainted just like Ryan little birde over there." "Shut the fuck up you don't have to talk about the both of them like that." Kyle shouted his possessive and protective brother side coming out. "And I don't see how it matters to you if we are untainted." Evie said backing Kyle up.

 "Are you angry with the fact that I'm carrying Ryan Reign child's in my tummy." Evie looked at her with sharp eyes. "I don't have romantic feelings for Ryan what he does and who he is dating has nothing to do with me our marriage is a marriage of convenience." She said looking at Ryan. A cold look was all he granted to her sentence. Rayla was trying to push Evie's button but she was so damm calm. Seeing Ryan future wife she thought the show just got messier she thought Evie would break the marriage at that moment.

 "There's no way that I'll let Ryan be taken from me." Rayla said to herself. "Well that's too bad, to be chained in a marriage of no love worse it's a till death do us apart thing so literally both you you life just started getting miserable." Evie looked at Ryan and he stared back at her. "I need to get going time is far gone I'm going to school tomorrow." "Will Danny be also going to school." Izabelle asked anxiously. "He never misses school, even though he is actually done with school he still fools around staying in school because basically I and Lana are still in school he his older than us. staying in a class that's meant for your junior does seem a little bit off but he practically doesn't mind."

 "Ah he's a devoted friend then." Rayla commented. They ignored her her comments. "If you want I can take you home." "No need you can send a driver instead to take me home Ryan it's fine." "Then I'll go inform him." Izabelle said then left. "How is Lana doing." Kyle asked. "She's doing well I suppose." Evie said.

 At Lana place 

 "I just wanna leave this terrible fucking mistake I've found myself in, just want to escape this reality tand go somewhere far away, just wanna rest." Lana sang to the sad heart breaking song. She was tormented everyday about the thought of marriage. She was getting helpless each day and her anxiousness wasn't helping her situation. Kyle was good looking and had a decent character and all that but she didn't want a marriage that she would be bound to with vows.

 She sang for a few hours then decided to go for a stroll. It was already late but she wanted fresh air so she went to her mom's garden. "Ah this feels good." She said inhaling the scent of fresh air and fresh flowers. The hair whipped her hair on her face. Her phone ranged seeing the I'd caller she picked it up. "Yes Danny." "Have you heard from Evie yet." "No I guess she's also taking a quality rest." If only they knew the dilemma she faced. "So don't disturb her I'm taking a breather in my mom's garden It is refreshing to do that and it's also calming."

 "I don't like the smell of freshly cut grass." Lana laughed. "I didn't say go to your lawn I said go to a garden." "I would still imagine the scent of freshly cut grass there." "What if Izabelle asked you to take on her date to the gardens imagine her shock when you tell her that you don'tike the smell of freshly cut grass." Danny didn't answer for a long time. "I'll just tell her to choose another location that doesn't have to do with grass." 

"We should sleep now we've got school tomorrow." They hanged the call then went to their room. Evie, Lana and Danny stared at the ceiling for a long time before sleeping. "She's with a boy we don't need her any longer I say we throw her out of the mansion and keep Rayla in."