Bad Stuffs

"you can't do this Ryan, you said you were attracted to me that you loved me tell them that you love me." She clutched Ryan's clothes helplessly but Ryan pushed away farther from him. "I don't love you I was only attracted to your face and your body that's it Rayla would be my wife and there's nothing you will do about that."

 Evie woke up gasping loudly for air trying hard to fill her lungs with air and also trying to reduce the fast beating of heart. She was holding her clothes tightly feeling the frantic beating of her heart. She shakes her head then slowing sat upright in her bed. Her clothes were drenched with her sweat.

 Wiping the beads of sweat on her forehead she put her feet in the ground dragging her legs towards the bathroom. She wished her face. Her mind went back to the way she was begging Ryan. "I would never do such a pathetic thing oh my goodness why did I have that dream."

 After washing up and wearing her uniform she checked the length of hair. Sigh "I need to cut the tip soon." She walked downstairs quickly. "Good morning mom, Good morning dad, I'm on my way to school already." "Won't you have breakfast with us." "I'll have it in the cafe in my school." Evie was packing her books into her bag. "But still...." "If she said she will have it in school then leave it there by the ways how was your outing in the Reign's house."

 Evie stilled in her movements

 What should she say she didn't think of what she would tell her parents yesterday. "It was fine Mrs Reign is kind and very caring." She zipped up her bag then switching her slippers for the shoe the maid had brought out. "I'll be on my way." She blew them a kiss then walked to the car that would be taking her to school.

 Evie called Danny then added lana to the call. "Let's have breakfast in the cafe in school I have something to tell you guys." "And what could that be." Lana said rushing to get her shoes. She picked up her bag that was on the couch then stuffed the book anyhow inside. "I can't say it over the phone." "Then it's best if we talk this out face to face is it serious." "I don't know how to put it." Evie said. "Guys let me call back I can't find my science book I was sure I left it in the library after I was done doing my homework."

 "You never keep your stuffs in one place."

 Danny said laughing. He was doing press ups. He stood up to get his towel to wipe his face. "I'll be in school in the next forty minutes." He said dropping the towel. "I'll be in school in the next twenty minutes." Evie shakes her head. "You should learn to be waking on time in the next ten minutes I'll be there." They hunged up.

 " So what was so important that you had to tell us." "Get your breakfast first." Lana and Danny walked towards the counter to order.

 When they settled she broke the news. "Ryan has a unborn child." Lana eyes widened as she drank her coffee while Danny spit the water out of his mouth. Coughing he wiped his mouth with the back of his palm. "Since when?" "Just found out yesterday." Lana looked at Danny. "So what did Ryan do?" "Tell us everything."

 Evie took her time to say everything that happened yesterday.

 "Woah the ball was literally thrown into your court." Lana said taking a sip of her coffee. "It must have been a tough decision." Danny said placing his hands on Evie's hands. "It was and I couldn't beat to separate him from his child." "From what you said just now I think he was hardly bothered about his child." Lana said "Lana don't say that." Danny chided her.

 But she only rolled her eyes at him sticking out her tongue at him like a child. "Ryan and I kissed yesterday." Evie said whispering the words but they heard it.


 Lana steamed everyone turned their face towards their table. "You mean aside from the drama going on you and Ryan were still making out." Lana said with disbelief. "He said he attracted to me and I couldn't just pull away from the fucking kiss it was like he being dominant with the kiss." Evie's face flushed.

 Lana's mouth was opened wildly. "But that's not the point my parents don't know and I couldn't tell them besides I and Ryan made the decision breaking the marriage could mean bad stuffs happening to our happy family and also the companies." 

 "It's alright don't tell them for now I mean until it's acknowledge the child is not for Ryan." Danny said. "You are bloody strong Evie I would literally be throwing tantrums asking to break the marriage." "I still can't be believe she was his sex buddy." Danny said taking his donut. "Yeah I mean she was literally selling her body for his dick." "Lana." Evie shouted. "What she like a what the best description yes she's like a whore wanting to be thoroughly fucked up."

 "Oh my goodness stop with the indecent talk please." Danny said pretending to attempt to close his ears.

"Time for classes". They left for classes.

After school.

"So what should we do now." Danny asked. "Have a sleep over in Lana house." Evie said wearing her coat properly. The three were wearing the same coat but different colours. "Ah nice idea but Dylan is coming in tomorrow." "Really well then it means sleepover in your house." Lana said smiling.

"Let's go." Danny said puting his arms around the both of them engulfing them in his embrace. Suddenly Evie's phone ranged. "Yes, Ryan how did you get my phone number." Danny and Lana exchanged looks. "From your dad." "My dad? Is my dad there right now." "Yes we need you Danny and and Lana to be here right now their with you right?" Evie was getting scared. "Yeah any thing the problem." "No not that much of a problem anyways I'm going to hang up now be here in time."

 Evie cut the call then looked at them. "Ryan wants us in his family mansion." "What like right now." Evie nodded. They got into the car in less than a hour they went standing in Ryan's family house.

 Evie met Rayla sitting leisurely. Evie,Lana and Danny's parents were also assembled. "This is quite serious." Lana said. "You tell." Danny said looking around. "That is Rayla over there guys." Lana and Evie eyes whipped towards Rayla. The bad stuff just got badder was the thought that rang in Evie's hear.