Real Hard

Rayla winked at Danny. That didn't pass the notice of Lana and Evie. Lana opened her mouth in disbelief."Woo there he is going to get married soon you know." Rayla only smirked at her. "Fucking bitch." Lana cussed angrily. "I maybe plenty things but a bitch is not one of them." Lana scoffed. "Then I'm sure a deranged psycho is one of them." Danny said eyeing her coldly. "What?" Rayla said angry.

 "You heard him, you are pregnant with another man's baby but still flirting another man." Evie said folding her arms. "Have some shame geez." Lana said holding Danny's hand. She let go of his hands when she saw Kyle and walked towards him. "Where are our dad's?" She asked impatiently. "Calm down they are in my dad's study."

"Talking about what."

Danny cut in impatiently but Kyle only pointed towards Rayla. "You do know I can see you right." Rayla said glaring at him. "Oh I thought you were blind." Kyle and Lana sad together. Lana bit a smile as she blushed. Only the demon within Kyle knew how much he wanted to trace her blush.

"How about you guys take off your coat and follow me to the other parlour you can leave your coat on the chair the maid would come pick them up." They proceeded to do just that. "I'm not sure why they are having a meeting but I'm sure it's not that serious." "How do you know that."

 Lana asked Kyle. "Evie and Ryan already made the decision." Danny held Evie's shoulder. "Are you okay." Evie nodded her head slightly. "If this all to much you can stay outside a little longer." Lana said appearing concerned. "No I'm okay I'm just a little stressed out from worrying." Danny offered his shoulders to her but she refused him. When they got to the parlour they met Izabelle working on her laptop. Her hair was up in messy bun and she wore glasses, her outfit a top and shorts.

One of her legs was tucked under her legs. When she raised her head from her laptop her eyes met Danny's beautiful own.

 "Hey." She flashed a smile at the three of them. "Why are you here." Kyle said sitting beside her. "Rayla was starting to annoy me and I needed to leave there before I do something horrible." Lana gave a soft laugh. "She is annoying I'm not not going to lie." Lana said. "Did she annoy you to." "She attempted to flirt with Danny."

"What the actual fuck!" 

 Every one was surprised at Izabelle. Kyle made a sound sounding like tsk. He flicked her forehead a little painful. "What she needs to stay clear of guys that are not hers." She said a little angry. She looked at Danny and Danny was staring intensely at her.

 "She needs to keep her hands off." She mumbled to herself and Danny smiled she wondered if he heard her. "Where is Ryan?" Evie asked Kyle. "He is in with them." Evie only nodded her head.

 After ten minutes the dads came out from the study along with Ryan. "You are here already." Evie dad said giving the three of them a bear hug altogether. "Yeah we came as fast as we could because Ryan sounded pretty like hurrying up." "Sorry if you got any false alarm from my son's tone or choice of language." 

 "No need to apologise Mr Reign." Danny said quickly. "So what's this meeting all about." Lana said straight forwardly. Her dad gave a look that said calm down. "What I don't want to beat around the bush and I also don't like foreplay." Lana said justifying herself. "We have decided in making your weddings faster due to some issues we fear might arise."

 "I don't get it what do you mean what issues what do you mean when you say faster?" Evie asked rushing her sentence. "Calm down Evie what he meant was athe wedding days has been shifted." Danny's dad said. "Faster shifted explain in a better way." Izabelle asked standing up." "Our wedding day is closer his what he meant."

Ryan said. "But I'm still in school and Rayla she's pregnant with Ryan's child besides I don't want to get married now." "None of us want to actually." "Listen okay Rayla child will have a DNA test." "While in the womb." "Yes while in the womb so if you are too worried about finding out about whether she's telling the truth you all should be preparing for your wedding."

 Lana dad said. "I don't get how this is the best solution, Ryan and Evie found a solution which I think is the best option." "Are you saying we don't know what's best for you." Lana didn't answer the question. "We'll leave you you guys to ponder a little." Lana tugged on her hair as they left them. "Why do I think this is fucked up." Danny said sitting on the couch that was close to Izabelle.

 "This Is fucked up fucking hell." Lana said sitting on the chair anger written allover her face. Just then Rayla came up to them. "This seems like a fun group mind if I joined." She didn't wait for their response as she sat down. "Could hear your heated argument downstairs." "Your presence makes it more over bearing."

 Rayla choose to not listen Evie. "I really don't know what you all are worried about it's not like they would go ahead to do the DNA test without me after all the baby is in me and I won't succumb to do the test." She said proudly. "That would mean that you are hiding something like Ryan is bot the owner of your pregnancy." 

 Rayla looked at Evie. "You can just spare us the trouble because well your presence is not only disgusting it's infuriating." Izabelle said. "And sickening." Evie said. "Disturbing also." Ryan said lazily. "Listening to all your critiques it makes me wonder who really is in a dilemma."

 "Well what's the worst that could happen right it's just marriage and look at us here together." Izabelle said. They looked at eachother faces. "Ok then I'm too tired to be fighting my dad anyways I suggest Lana and Danny should do the same." "But Evie...." Lana said but was cut off.

 "My mind,body and soul is too exhausted so let's just say they won this time and it will be fine as long they is always a boundary between I amd Ryan I'm sure it's alright with him since he would definitely need space." Ryan only stared at her and he stared at her hard...real hard.