Forget your place

Ryan stared at Evie as she mentioned having space in between them. "For the hell does she mean by space,the fuck." He said to himself. Clearing his throat "If you need space then I'll gladly give it to you I'm also fine as long you also give me my required space." He said with clenched jaws. "That shouldn't be a problem." Evie said wondering why Ryan stared at her hard while talking.

 "So problem settled everyone time to go home." Danny said taking a step forward. "Already." Izabelle said looking at him. "Yeah we only came for testing that sounded exaggeratingly important we are going to have a sleepover at my place." Evie said. 

 "Yeah and we also have to prepare for Dylan, Evie's brother to return today." Lana said walking to meet Danny. "It's alright you guys can actually go the important things has been said and heard and we've reached a conclusion so it's alright." Kyle said.

 "Let's go guys."

 Evie tried to leave but was blocked by Rayla. "Are you guys normal or even have a hearing issue, I'm going to say this again no DNA test will be taken on my child before he is born." "Then I see you have a mental issue." Ryan said.

 "This child will have a DNA test taken. You say he is my child right so I every right to him as much as you do right get that into your head." Ryan faced her. "But you can't conclude just like that." "Whose house how you living in right now Rayla." "Your dad's house." "Exactly, you are just a tenant living freely so don't forget your place." 

 "It's your dad house Kyle." She said nonchalantly. "My dad house not yours okay." Kyle said forcefully. "We will be leaving now bye." They left after telling the Mr Reign bye. Lana and Danny went to pack their things for the sleepover.

 Dylan pov

 Walking with Harry behind him he walked briskly and calmly. "Welcome Mr Dylan." Natlie said. After they left from the restaurant they had their blind date after that incident she had been addressing him formally. "Thank you Miss Natlie."

 "Would you like a glass of champagne." He flashed her a smile. "No but thank you I'll be boarding a plane after our meeting to head home so I can't really drink." A look of suprise showed in her face. "Then we should wrap up as soon as possible so your time won't be wasted." "I'm in no rush Natlie." He called her name without adding miss to it wanting to see her reaction. 

 She looked at him with her lips parted. "Okay." She gave him some files. "These were the flies you asked for." "How were you able to get the files together." "I had to pull an all nighter for it it was quite hard getting the statistics in the right places because they didn't match but after a few hours I managed to get through it."

 Dylan looked impressed.

 "The selling rate and the reviews on the product drastically went up I'm predicting companies in foreign countries might want a deal with us." "But the product can't be sold directly to them it's under our company." "That's why our company would suggest the company which we think is appropriate to sign a deal with to you and you get it signed up with terms and conditions closely like the one you have us." She explained.

 "That's smart." He said assessing the files. "What do you need them for?" Natlie asked when she noticed he was scrolling through the files as if looking for something. "What thing." "The files." "I need them for report when I go back home." "Then you could have said that and I would have put it in a more better condition." "It's okay with this one." He closed the files and kept it onto he table. 

 "Sadly our business comes to an end today." Looked around the office. "Yeah it was nice working with you and partnering up with your company to work on a project together." "I should get someone to clear my office." While working with Natlie she had also provided him a office that was slightly wider than hers.

 "Already done I'll get someone to do it for right now." She spoke like a genie. Picking the office telephone she failed her assistant number. In a minute her assistant was standing Infront of them. "Get someone to clear up Mr Dylan's office." "Yes ma'am." Just turning about to leave Dylan stopped her. "Wait I would actually prefer if she and harry could do it together I don't trust anyone with my stuffs and the work will be too much in Harry anyways so."

 "Sure." The assistant said and went to do her job. "About that night." Dylan started. "Yes." "You don't have to ask formal with me Natlie yes I did say that I didn't mix business with pleasure but you calling me sir makes me feel old and it's quite heartbreaking for me." "I'm sorry I didn't know how to address you that's why, are you okay, are you hurting or sad, does your heart still feel burdened or sad?" 

 Natlie couldn't help but feel guilty.

To ease her guilt she asked about his feelings. Dylan smiled at her reaction. "It's alright I'm alright okay just stop addressing me as Mr." "But how should address you without disrespecting you." "Just call me Dylan." "Ok" Dylan stood up and did his coat. "Sadly our meetings come to end here I hope we can do more business in the future."

 She stood up. "Same here." Dylan gave her a quick smile as he walked outside while Natlie watched his leaving figure. She would miss working with him. "When does my plane leaves." "In the next one hour sir and from here to the airport takes at least thirty minutes." Dylan got into the car and told the driver to take a tour of the city before going to the airports. He could buy some things for Evie Lana and Danny.

 Evie's house.

Evie opened the door so Lana and Danny could come in.