
 "What did she hit her head that bad on the floor. " Dylan said sounding sarcastic. "I don't know maybe she come and speak to her right now because I'm not in the right mind to speak to her so maybe you should just come as soon as possible." Lana said sounding tired. "You're tired so just call Danny and go and take a rest and maybe she'd come back then." 

 "Okay see you soon bye." Lana hung the calland went inside Evie's room. "Did you write this letter to me I just saw it here randomly." "Why would I write a letter to you when you are right beside me doesn't make sense." "Ok then who sent this letter." "I don't know let me see."Lana took the letter from Evie's hand. She looked at the letter. "Where did you find this from." "I want to use the toilet and when I came back I met this on the table beside the bed." 

 Just then Danny and Dylan came inside. "Woo that was fast." "We heard you just woke up so we immediately came." "Oh that's so sweet of you guys." Evie said smiling brightly. "Guys look what Evie found." Nana said worriedly giving Dylan the letter. "Where did you find this from." Danny said directing the question to Evie. "Met it on the table when I came back from the toilet." Evie said wondering why they looked alarmed. 

 "What's does it say?" Evie said peering into the letter but Dylan quickly put the letter in his pockets. "We'll get another ward for you now Evie." "What's wrong. I am not going into another ward and I don't want to stay into the hospital." Evie said looking at Dylan. "You want to go home fine." Dylan said. "Lana get her stuffs, Danny get her prescriptions." "I already have it, I picked it up when I was coming." 

 "Good Lana her stuffs." "Packed already." Evening watched as her brother fished out orders. "Can't you just tell me what In the letter." "No, you'll find out soon, let's go you can change when we get home." Evie looked at her clothes. She was still wearing the hospital custom made clothes for patients. "Ok at least help me get up." She beckoned to Danny to help lift her up. Danny helped her to get up.

 "Should t we check her out." Lana said as she placed Evie's one arm on her neck. "Danny get them to the car I will check out for her now." Danny nodded. "The car was parked this way." Evie gave Dylan a look first. 

 Ryan's place.

 "Shouldn't you go check up on Evie first before you go to your party." Leila said. "And let her see me smoking hot, she's going to pass her all over again." Ryan said buttoning the sleeves of his jacket. "You are such a narcissist." Izabelle said. "Or someone is worried about Evie." Kyle said whistling. "Don't you have any job to do." Ryan said looking at Kyle giving him the death stare. 

 Ryan picked up his phone and jacket. "I will see if I can visit her after the party." "Visiting hours would have ended." "Oooh too bad I can't visit her then." Ryan said ready to go. "Have you told them about the new update about your wedding." Leila asked stopping him in his tracks. "The fact it's an arranged wedding is crazy. The fact that the wedding is coming faster than it should be is even crazier." Ryan said looking at his mother straight on her eyes. "You and dad shouldn't push it too much."

 "Well when you were thrusting and pushing In your cum into Rayla you obviously didn't think about the consequences did you." Leila said getting up from her seat. "Be good and we will also be good to you." Leila walked away." You just had to ruin her mood." Izabelle said turning on the TV. 

 Evie's place

 "He wants to push the wedding forward. Isn't it bad enough the wedding is closer than it was supposed to be." "Evie you have people after you." Her dad thundered. "Oh who surprising put me in that position. Oh yeah how can I forget it was my dad." "Evie you need to calm down." Dylan. "Don't fucking tell me to calm down." Evie shouted surprising herself and the people around her. "I'm sorry I guess I'm just to overwhelmed by everything." 

 "You want to know what's in the letter." Danny asked stroking her back gently. "Let's go to the Reign's home then." "I cant be bothered putting up with the smug face of that Ryan guy." "You don't want to find out what was in the letter?" Lana asked. "I do." Evie blew out a loud sigh. "Ok then let's go." 

 They went to the reigns house. "What a pleasant suprise seeing you." Ryan said as he opened the doors. "Hmmph." Evie pushed him to the side. "Don't get too excited." She said as she walked in. "Where's your dad." Danny asked. "In his study." "We have something to discuss with your dad so go get him now." Evie hurriedly said. 

 Ryan call the maid to go get his dad. "So what was the important thing you wanted to say." Ryan said when Mr Reign got there. "I found anonymous letter in my room so I came here to discuss it." Evie said eyeing Ryan. "Why is she giving me that look." Ryan said. "What does he have to do with us." He asked. "Everything." She Evie said.