Wedding preparations

 You are associated with someone like Rayla. And you are getting married to me." She paused a bit. "What your point?" Ryan asked with a little bit of impatience. "We are getting married----" Ryan cut into her sentence. "Are you desperate to marry me now?" "What no eww, I would rather be desperate for the dumbest person in my school than you., but that's not my point, you need to work this out.My life Is in danger." "I'm working on it. Don't worry if ryala pulls another of her tricks on you she will leave immediately with her baby besides you can always get pregnant with my child."

 Evie looked at him,no glared at him. "From her life being in danger to giving birth to your child that's so random bro." Izabelle said standing up to get herself a glass of water. "That's not the point I'm trying to make can't you be serious." "Well I am serious right now you don't see me laughing and jumping around do you." 

 "Good let's be on the same page." "Like I said I'm working on it." "Working on what?" Rayla asked as she walked gently on the stairs. "If it isn't the bitch Rayla." Lana said trying to stand up but was stopped by Danny. "Why do you like getting into a arguments with her?" He whispered. "Uh I can't stand the sight of her." She stood up to stand Infront of Rayla. 

 "How many times have I told you to stop calling me a bitch." "I can call you whatever want,and I know you were the one who tripped my sister." "Yeah and so?" Rayla said nonchanlantly. Lana rushed to grab her but was held back by Kyle. He had his left arm around her waist. "Leave me alone so I can deal with this slut." "She's not worth your time." Dylan said. Allt his while Evie sat down there thinking while Ryan watched her as her conflicting thoughts jumbled up together.

 "Fine let's get married with a week you and I first,lana and Kyle next,then Elle and Danny." "Are you serious.?" Ryan and Rayla asked together with shock. "Did I stutter or blink?" Rayla felt scared. "Are you okay with the new update?" Izabelle asked Lana. "Yeah I mean I don't have beef with your brother so all should be good. Do you have a problem with this Danny." Danny looked at Izabelle and found her staring deeply at him. "Yeah I guess so." He answered simply because he couldn't find the right words.

 Izabelle didn't like his answer but gave a little smile. "So wedding preparations will be done before the due dates. You do things well from your sides we do things well on our part." Dylan said and shocked hands with Ryan and Kyle. "Let's go." Danny said holding Lana hands who was still glaring at Rayla. "Got my eyes on you girl." She put her two fingers towards her eyes then towards Rayla. Rayla snickered at her.

 "What was that about Ryan." "What was what?" Izabelle and Kyle left the place to go to their rooms. "Everything." "Look Rayla I'm really stressed out because of you so let me be." "Let you be, Ryan I'm carrying your child,you can't treat me like this." "You and I know fully well that the child you are carrying doesn't belong to me, look I'll give you 5 million to leave and never return." 

 "I am carrying your child Ryan." "Stop bullshiting your self Rayla, take the money while you still can, I'm about to get married my focus will be on my wife not you." Rayla stared at him with disbelief. "After everything we've been through." "We've been through nothing,I've been through a lot so don't act like saint it's doesn't really suit you."