Chapter 13

To read the fully translated 200 chapters,

"…Oh, I'm dying here."

"How does he manage to hit every spot that hurts? Is he a torture expert or something?"

Crollin and Mork groaned as they lay awkwardly on their beds, complaining.

"I told you we should stop and leave, but no…"

"Sol, stop repeating yourself. You've said that over ten times already."

"Anyway… Ahhh!"

"Stop moving and just stay still. Moving makes it worse."

At Crollin's advice, Sol grabbed his buttocks in pain, then sighed deeply.

"Sigh, damn it. We're really in a tight spot now. I'm terrified of what that madman might make us do next."

"How does that guy even know all that stuff? It makes sense he knows about Sol since you told him before, but Mork…"

"What? It's not human trafficking. I just captured some barbarians and sold them as slaves. Is that so wrong?"

"…Legally, it is."


Sol continued, his voice filled with dread.

"He must have prepared beforehand. Otherwise, there's no way he could know such details."

The others nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, if it's Kamon Vade, that crazy bastard, it's possible."

Mork tilted his head, looking puzzled.

"But isn't it strange?"

"What now?"

"Kamon, that guy. He always used to be lazy about everything, using people or magic for even the smallest tasks. But recently, he hasn't shown any of those behaviors."

"Maybe he's changed after being kicked out of his family."

Crollin dismissed it as nothing, but Mork shook his head vigorously.

"No, no way. People don't change that drastically overnight. Just look at today. Would the Kamon Vade we knew have beaten us up with his fists?"


"The Kamon Vade I knew would have burnt us to ashes with fire magic. But he didn't use any magic today, just his fists. Something's off."

"Come on, what nonsense. Are you saying the almighty Kamon Vade can't use magic anymore?"

"Well, no, but…"

Sol muttered in a meaningful tone.

"He probably didn't want to leave any evidence."


"What do you mean?"

"Think about it. You're in pain all over, but do you have any bruises or injuries? No. But if he had used magic?"

"…There would be traces."

"Exactly. That cunning bastard thought it through and beat us up without leaving any marks."

Crollin and Mork, contemplating Sol's words, looked impressed.

"So, what do we do now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do we just follow Kamon's orders from now on, like before?"

"…Are you telling me to obey a commoner's orders?"

Mork's outburst made Crollin shrug and mutter cynically.

"What's your alternative? Rebel and risk him reporting us to the authorities?"

"That's true, but still."

Sol, as their leader, spoke again, his voice somber.

"For now, let's just keep quiet and stay out of his way. Don't attract his attention."

"Can we do that?"

"…We have to try."

Despite Sol's confident words, Crollin and Mork couldn't hide their unease.


"Ah, I feel so refreshed."

Beating up those punks had surprisingly lifted my spirits, clearing the frustration that had been building up inside me.



"I can't be satisfied with just this."

Pulling the chair up to the desk, I sat down and stared at my notebook with determined eyes.

"Even if I can't use magic, there's still something I can do."

Teaching those three a lesson made me realize something important.

I had been complaining about the unfairness of my situation and cursing my inability to use magic, but…

'My thinking was too narrow.'

Scritch, scratch.

I started writing in my notebook, my pen moving rapidly across the paper.

"Not missing a single detail."

Fortunately, thanks to possessing Kamon Vade's body, my memory was now far superior to what it used to be.

'I can remember everything, down to the smallest details of who Kyle met and what he ate at what age.'

Scribble, scribble!

"I know everything already."

I was like a living book containing all the knowledge of this world.

As a reader of the original novel.


Scribble, scribble!

I recorded everything Kyle did in the novel, the monsters he faced, the traps he encountered.

And most importantly, the reason he could achieve the highest score in the Dungeon Studies final exam.

Scritch, scratch!

"Who needs cheats?"

I didn't have a status window, save and load, a dragon heart, a holy sword, or any ridiculously powerful talent or strength.

But I had one thing.

'I know the future.'

That's a power and ability unique to me in this world.

"So I don't need to cling to anything else."

What if I can't sense mana?

So what if I can't use magic?

"All done."

I finished summarizing the episode where Kyle played a key role.

Every detail recorded perfectly in my notebook.

"Nothing missing, right?"

I reviewed the notes to ensure nothing was left out.

One clear pattern emerged.

"Wow, author. This is excessive."

Most of my notes revolved around one thing:

[How Kyle dealt with the monster, the Grey Werewolf.]

"…He just decapitated it with his sword."

[The solution to the trap, the Dense Darkness Swamp Hell.]

"He just powered through it."

[The giant monster, the Mountain Giant Cave Snake.]

"He suddenly awakened and split it in two."

With his sword, stamina, body, and sudden awakenings, Kyle would decapitate, behead, leap over, and break through everything.

"Even for a power fantasy, this is too much. The protagonist is a one-trick pony. Where's the fun in that?"

So, how am I supposed to emulate Kyle's actions without his extraordinary strength and talent?

'Why would I try to emulate him?'

I'm not Kyle, I'm Kang Hyunsoo in the body of Kamon Vade.

"There's no need to follow the same path as that third-rate author."

I'll solve these problems in my own way.


"The Dungeon Monster Encyclopedia, 101 Rare Monsters, Capturing the Ultimate Hunter Monsters, Strategies! Dungeon Traps and Monsters. Are you planning to borrow all these books?"


"Um, but these books…"

The female librarian, with round glasses, murmured hesitantly as she pushed the books toward me.

"These are… for nobles only. Kamon, you're a commoner, so you can't borrow them."

What? There's a separate category for noble-exclusive books too?

What nonsense. Well, let's see how this goes.

"So, I can't borrow them?"

"If you have a noble friend, you can borrow them under their name. So, if you could…"

"No, that's fine."



I sat down right there at the library desk.

"I'll just read them here."

"What are you doing?"

"Can't you see? If I can't borrow them, I'll read them here."

"No, that's not…"

The librarian, visibly flustered, glanced around nervously. Naturally, other students were looking at me with puzzled expressions.

"There's a line behind you. If you want to read, please find another seat…"

"What? Is this seat also for nobles only?"

"No, that's not what I meant."

"Then it's fine. I'll stay here."

Seeing me stubbornly refusing to move, the librarian sighed deeply and finally spoke.

"…I'll lend them to you under my name."

After borrowing the books and returning to my room, I immediately started my research.

To solve this problem my own way and achieve the highest score in the final exam.

And after some time…


I closed the borrowed book and muttered briefly.

"I need money."

To tackle the dungeon, I needed various supplies. And to get those supplies, I needed quite a bit of money.

"But I don't have any money right now."

So, what should I do?

"Damn, I should have extorted some money from those three idiots…"

Muttering to myself, I scratched my head and said quietly.

"…I may not have money, but I'm Kamon Vade, aren't I?"

With that, I left my room without hesitation.



Chelsea sighed deeply, pressing her forehead with one hand. Soon, her siblings would enter the academy, and she wondered how she could find a way.

"What way? I'm struggling too."

It was always the same, repetitive story about how the estate was in trouble and they had no choice but to rely on scholarships.

And this time…

He said that getting a knight title is easier now than before. Speaking of which, a friend in the same year was granted the title of a knight. Are you close to that person?


Chelsea unconsciously crushed the letter in her hand.

What? Close?

What difference would it make if I were close?

Chelsea, you're always the best, strong, and excellent. You know how much your parents believe in you, right?

Believe in what?

'I'm strong and excellent?'

Don't make me laugh.

You don't know anything and just keep talking…



As soon as she heard the familiar voice, Chelsea quickly shoved the letter into her bag.

"Yeah, Mellin."

"Hmm? What's with your face? Did something happen?"

"No, nothing happened."

"…Is it because of that guy?"

Seeing Mellin lower her voice and ask, Chelsea quickly shook her head.

"No, it's not that. I've just been a bit stressed lately."

"Stressed? Why, what happened?"

Elaine, who was beside her, asked urgently. Chelsea waved her hand dismissively and changed the subject.

"It's nothing. How's everyone's preparation going?"

"Preparation? Well, I'm just getting by."

"Yeah, Chelsea, I got some old materials from a senior."

Mellin answered with an uncertain expression while Elaine responded cheerfully. Chelsea smiled warmly at them.

Top of the class.

It was a position she had to maintain at all costs.

'Especially since it comes with a scholarship and prize money.'


'Can I keep it?'

If it were simply a matter of personal effort, she wouldn't worry so much. She was confident in her skills, studies, and grades.


"Let's go in."



Inside, quite a few people had already arrived.

"Chelsea, you're here?"

"Yeah, I see everyone's on time."

This was a meeting for the group project in Dungeon Studies, part of the final exam.


'He's annoying.'

One face kept bothering her.

With arrogant eyes, acting as if he ignored the world.

"Kamon, you're here early."

Even at Elaine's friendly greeting, he merely nodded slightly.

'There's nothing likable about him.'

Being flunked and getting an F in the magic class was the worst experience she had ever had.

'Although, it did teach me that no matter how hard I try alone, some things are impossible.'

Fine, there's no need to dwell on it.

Nothing would change anyway.

As long as he didn't interfere, getting back on track with grades and everything else shouldn't be too difficult.


'I hate being in the same space with him.'

But what could she do?

She had already confirmed that there was no official way to exclude him.

"Has everyone done their research?"

"Yes, here! Senior Nathan gave me last year's materials. The dungeon for last year's exam was a cave maze."

Elaine handed over a thick stack of papers in response to her question. Following that…

"…Here, I found materials from the library for the exams two and three years ago. Two years ago, it was an open-type dungeon, and three years ago, it was a temple-type dungeon."

"My sister said there's a high chance of a random dungeon this time. Though the form is random, there's a pattern…"

Everyone started discussing the materials they had gathered.


Living at the academy and attending classes taught her one thing…

Two heads are better than one, and three are better than two.

Especially when working with people who share the same goal, the power is amplified.

'Like these guys.'

Mellin, Elaine, Lois, and Claire.

A team she carefully selected and formed herself.

Of course, there was the unwelcome addition of Kamon, but well…

'At least he promised not to be a hindrance in this exam.'

Although she didn't fully trust him, she had no choice but to believe for now.

Hopefully, he had a sense of conscience and would keep his promise, just this once…

At that moment.

"Do you guys want to get the highest score in this exam?"


Chelsea couldn't believe her ears at Kamon's sudden question.

"W-what are you talking about, Kamon?"

Elaine asked with a trembling voice. Kamon twisted his lips into a smirk and raised his hand.

Then he formed a circle with his fingers.


Chelsea instantly realized what that gesture meant.


But she shook her head slightly and muttered inwardly.

'No, it can't be.'

For the first time in her life, Chelsea wanted to pray sincerely to any deity that might exist.

If there is a god, please.

'Please don't let him say what I think he's going to say…'

"Give me money if you want to get the highest score in the exam."

…God is dead.

To read the fully translated 200 chapters,