Chapter 14

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"Hey, Kamon, are you crazy?" The expected reaction followed.

'But what choice do I have?'

Given the current situation, this was the best course of action.

'I really want to get the highest score on this exam too.'

That way, I won't be expelled, and I can live comfortably at the academy. It's the best win-win proposal.

So please, everyone, cooperate a bit.



At that moment, I felt that fiery gaze again. This time, it was laden with a palpable killing intent.

And then she spoke in a low, menacing voice.

"…So, why do you need the money?"

As expected of Chelsea, she was the kind of character who would sell her soul to the devil for the sake of good grades.

But at that moment, Mellin's sharp voice cut through the tension.

"Chelsea! We don't need to listen to his excuses. Let's just tell the professor and get him excluded."

"No, that's impossible. I already confirmed with the professor."

Chelsea's response was quicker and more resolute than ever, leaving everyone else dumbfounded.


"…The professor said the most important things in his class are teamwork and adaptability, and that moving with an unwanted team member is also part of the assessment."

"What kind of nonsense is that!"

"So, the professor said that, huh."

Various reactions emerged at Chelsea's explanation.

When did she even have time to ask the professor about this? Well, it doesn't matter.

"So? About the money? Are you giving it or not?"

Given that even the professor's intervention wouldn't work, could they refuse my proposal?

"Well, if you all want to fail, go ahead. It doesn't matter to me."

I stood my ground more firmly than ever. It was a bit of a bluff. Honestly, I was a bit, no, very nervous. But if I backed down here, it was all over.



What? She agreed so easily?

Chelsea nodded more quickly than I expected and then asked.

"So, how much do you need?"

"…About five gold coins?"

Everyone simultaneously glared at me as I made my demand.


"That's too much."

In the world of this novel, one gold coin was equivalent to the monthly expenses of an average family of four. In other words, I was asking for half a year's living expenses upfront.

'It's a bit excessive, but I need to start strong.'

The other kids looked at me and Chelsea as if they were about to lose their minds. But Chelsea's gaze didn't waver at all. Instead…

"Is that all?"


"Of course. That'll be enough."

What's going on?

Was Chelsea from a family rich enough to use five gold coins as pocket money?

I… don't think so.

"If I can ensure you won't interfere in my exam by paying you, then…"

Her voice was chilling.

"No matter how much it costs, I don't care."

Her words didn't convey simple anger, contempt, or a fiery rage. It was much colder than that.

It was more like cold fury.

'If you interfere with me again, you're dead. I'll make sure you die.'

…That's how it felt.


I felt a chill run down my spine, but I couldn't back down now.

"Is that so? Then that's good for me. So, the money?"

"I'll give you what you want. But swear right now that you won't interfere."


"Swear here and now that you won't disrupt my exam."

Chelsea continued, never breaking her gaze from me.


She stared at me with blazing eyes, while the other team members stood uncertainly, unsure of what to do.

I glanced at them and chuckled.

"Fine. I swear."

To get the highest score, I had to go all out. What's so hard about making a verbal pledge?

"I swear I'll do my best to ensure we get the highest score in this exam."




Suddenly, Chelsea drew her sword, and I was taken aback.

'What? Why is she drawing her sword?'




Without hesitation, Chelsea sliced her forearm.


Her red blood trickled down her pale skin onto the floor.


"What is this…"

"A blood oath. Swear with your blood."


Now she looked at me with a gaze that was not just chilling, but filled with a sinister aura.

"Don't you know a blood oath? It's a vow that, if broken, brings a lifelong curse."

Mellin muttered in frustration beside her.

"Chelsea, that's just a superstition. It's not a magical oath and doesn't have any real binding force…"

"Kamon Vade!"

But Chelsea ignored her, focusing solely on me.

I looked at the sword she was holding out toward me.

'Is she really this crazy?'

I knew she was obsessed with grades, but I didn't expect her to be this ruthless and insane.

But… I couldn't back down now.

'Just do it. It's not like it has any real binding force.'



I grabbed Chelsea's sword and, closing my eyes tightly, carefully nicked my fingertip…


'Damn, that hurts like hell.'

A tiny drop of blood welled up on my fingertip. I quickly let it fall toward the puddle of Chelsea's blood on the ground.


Seeing the blood drop mix, I looked up at Chelsea and asked, "Is this good enough?"

"…Don't you ever interfere with me again, Kamon."

With those final words, Chelsea turned her head away sharply.



"Transaction complete."

"You'll keep your promise…"

"Of course, of course. I have to, don't I?"

I waved reassuringly and nodded, trying to dispel any doubts. Chelsea watched me with a cold gaze as I hurried away with the pouch containing five gold coins.

"Will it be alright?" Elaine asked anxiously, her worry clear.

"It'll be fine," Mellin reassured, shaking her head firmly. "Even if something goes wrong, he can't prove it."

Chelsea, puzzled by their conversation, turned to them and asked, "What are you talking about? What's going to be fine?"

"Ah, well…"

"It's nothing. Just a little prank. That bastard Kamon needs to be taught a lesson," Mellin said with a twisted smile.

"A prank? What kind of prank?"

Concerned that there might be a problem she wasn't aware of, Chelsea pressed for details.

Mellin proudly explained, "I coated one of the gold coins with a mild laxative."

"A laxative?"

"Yes, it's a colorless, odorless laxative. I only coated one coin, so he'll only suffer for a day."

"But what if he finds out it was us?"

"He won't. The laxative is undetectable and only affects the first person who touches the coin. We'll never get caught, don't worry."

Mellin continued with a mischievous grin. "I hope he soils himself in public and gets known as Kamon the Crappy."

"Kamon the Crappy?"

Chelsea couldn't help but laugh at Mellin's blatant attempt to humiliate Kamon.

At least Mellin's prank was rooted in a desire for revenge for the hardships she and Elaine had suffered.

'Well, it's only fair.'

Imagining Kamon Vade suffering from the colorless, odorless laxative, Chelsea nodded.

"Let's go to our favorite café."

"A café? Sounds good."

"I want to try the new lemonade!"

The three friends laughed and headed toward the academy café.


Scritch, scratch!

As usual, Bren was diligently writing in his usual spot, feeling very content.

"…This is nice."

Bren's satisfaction was evident in his voice. His pen glided effortlessly across the notebook, feeling lighter and smoother than ever.

Is this what happiness feels like?


He couldn't help but hum a tune. Despite only a few days having passed, it had made him realize the value of ordinary life.

There's no need to express gratitude to Kamon for this experience.


On reflection, it was truly absurd.

"Asking me to teach him magic."

Even if someone set out to bully him, doing so in such an unreasonable manner was crossing the line.

Especially since Kamon was already known as a magical prodigy at the academy.


He did save me when I was caught by those bullies.

'Then again, he was the one who got me involved in the first place.'

Bren shook his head to clear his thoughts.

"Forget it, it's all in the past."

There was no need to dwell on it and cause himself more stress. Since then, neither Kamon nor the bullies had bothered him.

'Just a random incident, nothing more.'

So now, he could quietly focus on his final exams.

Once the exams were over, he'd enjoy a nice cup of tea and relish his peace.

He wondered if the new tea leaves would have a pleasant aroma.

With these thoughts, Bren focused back on his studies.

Then suddenly…



The usually quiet library. Everyone knew to be considerate and avoid loud noises.

But who was this maniac slamming the door…

'No way. It can't be…'

Bren quickly dismissed the worst-case scenario that flashed through his mind.

"Ugh, what a pointless thought. Let's just focus and get back to studying…"

Tap, tap, tap!

"There you are, Bren!"


This must be a hallucination.

He was hearing things due to the stress. Yes, that had to be it.



Suddenly, he felt a strong hand grab the back of his neck.

"Get up, Bren. We don't have time to waste here!"


'What the…'

Bren realized he was being dragged out of the library by someone.

"Oh, oh… ohhh?"

Why was this happening?

Was he about to face another trial?

Tap, tap, tap!

Without looking back, the person holding him ran forward, gripping him tightly.

That person was…


Bren turned his head to see the familiar face.

"Hey, Bren. I need your help with something. We don't have much time, so let's head to 'Bellium'!"

Kamon Vade spoke brightly, his voice carefree.


This had to be a dream.

It had to be.

A dream, a dream!

To read the fully translated 200 chapters,