Chapter 33

The next day marked the date for Zhen Ai's outing with Ryan, Allen, and Yan Su at Villa Pac.

As Zhen Ai and Yan Su stepped out of their respective rooms, they exchanged glances, both perplexed and frowning. 

"You're dressed like that?" 

"You're dressed like that?"

Yan Su donned a sleek black suit, exuding an air of confidence and arrogance, his features strikingly pale and handsome. He stood tall like a prince from an ancient castle.

Zhen Ai found herself momentarily lost in thought, stealing a few discreet glances at him.

He furrowed his brows, seeming to ponder while also looking slightly disdainful as he eyed Zhen Ai.

In contrast, Zhen Ai wore a simple white jacket and jeans.

"Are you dressed to be someone's chair warmer?" he remarked with clear disdain. "Oh, even the waitstaff looks better than you."

Zhen Ai rubbed her hands together. "Well, you can go alone then; we're not really a couple."

"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile playing on his lips. "Giving up already?"

"You're the one who's giving up!" Zhen Ai shot back.

To her surprise, Yan Su chuckled silently, walking over to gently pat her back, signaling her to step out.

As they entered the elevator, Zhen Ai caught their reflections in the mirror: he looked like a nobleman from the Middle Ages, while she appeared overly casual, feeling out of place beside him.

She turned her head away, embarrassed.

Yan Su kept his gaze forward, but when he noticed her sulking, a hint of a smile flickered at the corners of his mouth.

Their first stop was a Valentino store, which Zhen Ai had suspected had a dress code, so she wasn't too shocked.

She seldom bought clothes and felt overwhelmed by the array of elegant dresses, unsure where to start.

Yan Su glanced around and picked out a light green one-shoulder knee-length dress, a white trench coat, socks, and ankle boots. "This one combines the color with your skin tone, warmth, measurements, and aesthetics. It's the best choice."

The sales assistant looked conflicted, clearly struggling to follow.

Zhen Ai held the soft dress, glancing around. "What about that red one...?"

"Too seductive; looks like Tita Wantis," Yan Su replied dismissively.

"What about the yellow...?"

"Too revealing; reminds me of Britney," he shot back.

The sales assistant couldn't help but stifle a laugh.

"What about that V-neck...?"

"...Who are you trying to impress?" Yan Su narrowed his eyes. "Plus, your bust isn't enough."

Zhen Ai's cheeks flushed as she straightened her back, feigning confidence. 

Yan Su, oblivious, nodded approvingly. "Looks like my choice is the best after all."

Zhen Ai decided to stop arguing and went to try on the dress.

When she emerged, she felt transformed.

Yan Su turned to look at her, his calm eyes momentarily widening.

The outfit suited her perfectly, complementing her fair skin and looking both stylish and playful, enhancing her delicate features—refreshing for early spring.

Zhen Ai felt pleased with her appearance but couldn't shake thoughts of Ryan's boyfriend, Allen. The previous night's online discoveries left a cloud of worry hanging over her.

Lost in thought, she glanced at Yan Su, who was focused ahead, speaking monotonously, "Ninth time."

Zhen Ai blinked. "What?"

Yan Su didn't turn. "You've looked at me nine times now. What are you staring at? Finally figured out I'm an alien?"

How did he even notice? She thought he hadn't been paying attention.

Zhen Ai felt flustered, mumbling, "Uh..."

Yan Su then glanced down at her, seeming to be used to her delayed responses, and asked directly, "Do you have something you want to ask?"

"Um, I..."

"Is it about little Parker?"


"Are you asking about him or about me?"

Zhen Ai was left speechless.

You should at least give me a chance to speak!

Being honest, she said, "I want to know both."

Yan Su nodded. "Oh, so you enjoy stories." After a pause, he added, "Unfortunately, I'm not one to tell stories."

Zhen Ai felt exasperated, "Then why tell me all this random stuff?"

Yan Su walked through the evening shadows, a smirk gracing his lips. "I never imagined you had such a strong curiosity! Still thinking about yesterday, huh?"

Zhen Ai paused, a small smile tugging at her lips. She wasn't curious about the case; she was curious about him.

Why did she want to know even the smallest details about his past?

It felt like understanding his history would bring her closer to him.

How strange.

But if he chose not to share, that was fine. She just needed to trust him.

If he said Parker committed suicide, she would believe him.


Upon arriving at the venue, Ryan's eyes lit up when he saw Zhen Ai. "You look stunning!" he praised, giving her a warm cheek kiss. "Good evening, Ai!"

Yan Su stood nearby, frowning.

As they walked to their seats, Ryan and Allen led the way while Yan Su and Zhen Ai followed. Suddenly, Yan Su wrapped his arm around Zhen Ai's waist, pulling her close.

Caught off guard, Zhen Ai found herself in his embrace as he leaned down, close to her ear, and softly said, "Good evening, Ai."

Zhen Ai was taken aback by his warm cheek against hers. 

He mimicked Ryan's greeting but, unlike his usual detached tone, he pronounced her name with a lingering softness, like a gentle whisper from his deep voice.

Once he straightened up, he released her waist, maintaining his calm demeanor.

Zhen Ai had grown accustomed to his attempts to understand human behavior.

As they reached the table, he surprisingly pulled out her chair for her, displaying unexpected gentlemanly charm. This caught Zhen Ai off guard; she had assumed he was oblivious to such manners but realized he was detail-oriented when he put his mind to something.

Ryan caught this and winked at Zhen Ai, seemingly understanding, and smiled at her as if happy for his friend.

Zhen Ai took a sip from her glass, slightly flustered, and averted her gaze. 

Ryan was cheerful and lively, a stable friend for Zhen Ai. Although they often met in the lab, their conversations were typically minimal and focused on research.

During the evening, Ryan chatted animatedly with Zhen Ai, as if they were old friends reunited after years apart.

Allen, on the other hand, was more reserved, occasionally chiming in with a smile but saying little.

Meanwhile, Yan Su remained silent throughout, listening quietly... or perhaps not listening at all.

Later, when Ryan asked about their last meeting and how the concert went, Allen turned to Yan Su and asked, "How did you figure out I was a journalist that day?"

This piqued the curiosity of both Zhen Ai and Ryan, and they turned their attention to Yan Su.

Yan Su set his water glass down and replied in a flat tone, "Two pens in your jacket pocket: one's a recording pen, the other has a pinhole camera attached to the cap. You're holding a phone, and the first two shortcuts on the screen are for recording and taking photos. Your watch can also record video."

His conclusion was simple: "Either you're a perverted voyeur, or this is your profession."

The implication was clear—being a voyeur was part of his job.

Zhen Ai couldn't help but chuckle, "That's the gentlest comment he could make."

Yan Su shot her a sideways glance, a hint of protest in his eyes.

Allen took it in stride, joking, "I'm honored Mr. Yan Su didn't label me a pervert at first sight; I guess I don't look like one."

Yan Su paused for half a second before responding, "No, that's because there were other traits that led me to classify you as a journalist instead of a voyeur."


Zhen Ai couldn't hold back her laughter and stared at the ceiling.

Allen looked surprised but still asked, "What gave me away as a journalist?"

Yan Su replied succinctly, "Register!"

Allen blinked, then it clicked.

Zhen Ai and Ryan exchanged confused glances, prompting Yan Su to explain quickly.

"You eliminated many linking verbs in your speech, a common trait in headlines. Plus, your vocabulary—'start' becomes 'embark,' 'previous' instead of 'past,' 'dig' for 'gather information,' 'landmark' for 'important,' 'fence-mending' for 'make up,' and 'call the tune' for 'decide.' 

"In your seven sentences, which total sixty words, you used fifteen formal terms, nine jargon words, and sixteen vocabulary words above a third-grade reading level. Either you enjoy chewing on words, or you work in writing."

Allen and Ryan sat in stunned silence.

Even Zhen Ai was taken aback by how Yan Su analyzed the few casual remarks with such clarity, examining grammar, semantics, and linguistics. 

Allen nodded repeatedly, impressed.

Ryan's eyes sparkled with admiration as he asked excitedly, "So, do you know what I do for a living?"

Yan Su looked at him with an unchanging expression. "You work at the NCTR in the FDA."

Ryan's eyes widened. "How did you figure that out?"

Yan Su replied flatly, "I didn't. Zhen Ai told me."


As Allen sipped his wine, he casually asked, "S.A. is impressive, but have you ever made a mistake in your judgments?"

Zhen Ai felt a slight jolt of concern, realizing Allen's professional curiosity was showing. She glanced at Yan Su, who simply said, "No."

With that, he casually took Zhen Ai's plate and began cutting her steak for her.

Zhen Ai froze.

She struggled to control the knife and fork, initially worried, but then she was taken aback when he voluntarily helped her.

A warmth surged in her chest, but when she looked up to see Ryan's amused and surprised expression, her usually composed demeanor faltered.

Turning back to Yan Su, she saw him focused and serious, expertly cutting the steak into small pieces with graceful precision, like an artist at work.

Zhen Ai's heart raced, and her cheeks flushed as confusion filled her mind. She took a large sip of her wine.

After cutting the steak, Yan Su handed her the pieces. Noticing her tomato-red face, he studied her for a moment before asking, "Are you feeling unwell?"

Zhen Ai replied, "...I just had some wine."

"Why drink so much wine without eating? Your habits are... surprising," Yan Su said, frowning. "You're not the author of that book, are you?"

"What book?" she asked.

"*The Secrets to Dying Young!*"