Chapter 34

Ryan and Allen shared a light laugh across the table.

Zhen Ai looked down, using her fork to pick up a piece of steak and bringing it to her mouth. The taste was delightful, and she unintentionally curved her lips into a smile.

After a moment, Allen resumed the conversation, "But everyone makes mistakes. S.A., where does your confidence come from?"

Yan Su's answer sounded like he was reciting from a textbook: "Confidence comes from the pursuit of correctness and the courage to not fear mistakes."

"And where does that courage to not fear mistakes come from?"

"Because I simply don't allow myself to make mistakes."

"Well, that's quite a roundabout answer."

Allen shrugged and laughed, using a proverb to counter him: "We are only human! We all make mistakes."

Yan Su smiled slightly. "You misunderstand what I'm saying."

Allen was puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Yes, we are only human. That's a perfectly good excuse, isn't it?" Yan Su set down his knife and fork, clasped his hands together on the table, his deep eyes serious. 

"I'm a truck driver; I might occasionally sleep late and get drunk. I'm a soldier; I might sometimes slack off while on watch. I'm a police officer; I might overlook details and evidence. I'm a doctor; I might miss a black spot on an X-ray... These things are normal because I'm just a human; I can make mistakes. So many times, I don't need to be resolute, I don't need to take responsibility, and I don't need to be strict with myself."

He looked at Allen calmly. "We are just human, and humans make mistakes. This phrase sounds like an excuse for the faults of 'humans.' But I believe that the characteristic of being 'human' is what distinguishes us from other higher animals in nature. Otherwise, it would be a waste of millions of years of evolution from our ancestors."

"So, do you understand what I'm saying?" Yan Su's words were resolute. "When I say I won't make mistakes, it's not arrogance; it's an attitude."

Zhen Ai gazed at his determined profile, feeling as if she had been profoundly shaken. 

Yes, he was never arrogant or reckless; he was simply intensely self-disciplined to the point of being ascetic. For him, not making mistakes wasn't pride; it was the result of a hard-won mental discipline.

Allen nodded in admiration. "I'm amazed by your attitude; it's truly striking. However, I still believe there's a possibility of being meticulous yet still making mistakes or subjective judgments. Take the case of little Parker; he died in the same manner as Laura, with the same pentagram and rumors, not to mention a clearly forged suicide note. So, Mr. Yan Su, why did you determine it was a suicide?"

Zhen Ai's hand paused slightly. She suddenly recalled Allen's sharp criticisms in his article.

She glanced at Yan Su with concern, but he remained unruffled, calmly stating, "I won't disclose the details of the case to you."

Allen shrugged. "Of course, that's your professional integrity. As a journalist, I must fairly reflect all voices in society and expose all darkness. So, I will continue to investigate any potential conspiracies behind this."

Zhen Ai felt her anger rising, perhaps from having consumed too much wine, her head swirling with heated frustration.

But to her surprise, Yan Su politely nodded. "I respect your opinion."

Zhen Ai felt as though she had been struck on the head; she was stunned. She truly heard respect in Yan Su's calm voice.

Yet strangely, in that moment, she felt a pang of sadness.

A mix of sorrow and pain surged within her!

Given his daily habit of gathering various pieces of information, he must have seen Allen's article, filled with pointed and aggressive words.

But he—

He was so upright and pure, respecting different opinions. So even when faced with Allen's rebuttals and questions, he accepted them calmly and fairly.


Zhen Ai felt her head growing heavy, and the knife and fork in her hand dropped onto her plate with a loud clatter.

Both Allen and Ryan looked up at her.

Yan Su turned his head to look at her, a flicker of surprise in his eyes before he settled down, asking softly, "What's wrong?"

Zhen Ai ignored him, her gaze cold as she glared at Allen with a hint of fierceness. "You say you want to reflect all voices in society fairly and justly. Ha," 

She let out a scoff, surprising the three men around her, who fell silent. 

"Excuse me, when the entire world thinks Parker was murdered, Yan Su believes it was suicide. As one of the few, no, as the only person, he doesn't count as one of those 'all voices' you're talking about, does he? Isn't that what they teach in journalism school? You can't ignore the voices of the minority. Mr. Allen, where is your fairness and justice?"

"It seems to me you're being contradictory!" 

"NO…" Allen started to argue, but Zhen Ai didn't give him a chance.

Her cheeks flushed red, perhaps from the wine, and her pent-up frustrations flowed out like a burst dam: 

"Unfortunately, I've read your article. The reasoning and questioning you presented regarding the case are all based on your subjective opinions, with no evidence from the police to support them. As a non-professional in detective work, speculating from a journalist's righteous standpoint, you're being ignorant and foolish. As a professional opinion leader, you only focus on showcasing your boldness and extreme viewpoint without considering how your article might mislead and influence your audience. Your rampant heroism is disturbingly obsessive."

Allen's face turned as red as a liver, and he slammed his knife and fork down. "Miss Zhen Ai, that's personal attack without basis."

Zhen Ai raised an eyebrow, unafraid as she smiled. "Oh? Now you know it hurts when the knife is turned on you? In that article, wasn't that exactly how you attacked Yan Su? So he—"

Zhen Ai suddenly choked up, wondering if when Yan Su saw that article, he brushed it off with a light smile or if he quietly dismissed a slight sting in his heart.

She didn't know because he never argued.

He never argued, so you all thought he didn't feel it. Didn't he have anyone who cared for him?

Her anger surged again after a brief pause, overwhelming her: "There's an old saying in China: 'Do not impose on others what you do not desire for yourself.' Mr. Allen, fairness and justice aren't just verbal claims; they must be practiced through action. Especially for a journalist."

Allen's expression darkened; it was as if the noble image he had painstakingly built had been shattered into pieces by Zhen Ai in just a few seconds.

Ryan's face also looked grim as he shot a discontented glance at Allen.

Allen felt cornered, stubbornly rebutting, "Miss Zhen Ai, your comments are overly subjective."

Zhen Ai smiled triumphantly, as if she had been waiting for him to say that, and she nodded emphatically. "I admit that my earlier criticism was filled with subjectivity. Allen, I apologize to you."

The sudden calmness from Zhen Ai only made Allen feel more uneasy, and the next second, she quickly shifted her tone: "So, I ask you to apologize to Yan Su for your subjective attack on him!"

The last four words were particularly loud, catching the attention of everyone at the table.

Allen froze, his face flushed as he struggled to find words.

Zhen Ai's eyes turned red, glaring at him, her words deliberate and sharp: "Allen! I want you to apologize. Don't force me…"

Yan Su quietly but firmly grasped her hand.

Her small fist had been pressed against the table in anger, but his broad palm enveloped hers completely, soothing her tense grip.

In an instant, Zhen Ai calmed down, as if a fierce little lion had been given a sedative, becoming pliant and gentle.

Though her face remained flushed, the anger that had startled Allen faded away as she turned to Yan Su, her expression clearing in that moment.

She stared at him in a daze, then lowered her gaze to their hands, feeling the warmth where his palm covered hers. All she could see was the smooth back of his hand, holding her gently yet firmly.

Raising her head again, she was confused, slightly slurring her words as she asked, "What's wrong?"

He met her bright gaze, intending to shake his head gently but instead smiled softly, saying, "It's nothing."

That brief distraction made Zhen Ai forget everything else. The tide of emotions receded, leaving her head feeling light and her body warm, especially where he held her hand.

Across the table, Allen sighed in relief.

But Ryan put down his knife and fork, silently looking at Allen.

Startled, Allen was about to speak when Ryan calmly interjected, "Allen, I think Zhen Ai is right. You should apologize to Yan Su."

Allen shifted uncomfortably, incredulous. "What did you just say?"

"I once thought you were brave to criticize the darkness. But on reflection, much of it stems from your subjectivity, stirring the emotions of the masses. Compared to being a journalist, you're a great orator. People like that can be truly frightening."

Caught off guard by Ryan's betrayal, Allen protested angrily, "You're being foolish—"

Before he could finish, Ryan splashed a glass of red wine over him.

The liquid streamed down Allen's front as those around them stared in shock. Ryan stood expressionless, unrepentant, declaring, "Madman!"

He then turned to Yan Su, admiration in his voice. "Your ability to remain calm and forgiving with someone as unhinged as him is commendable."

As he prepared to leave, he paused, a flush creeping onto his cheeks. "I'm officially breaking up with Allen. If you—"

Yan Su's gaze darkened slightly, carrying an ominous undertone.

"Just kidding," Ryan shrugged, walking toward the bewildered Zhen Ai. "I just wanted to say goodbye to Ai."

As he leaned in for a cheek kiss, he suddenly felt the chill radiating from Yan Su and stiffened, raising his hands in surrender and stepping back. "Let's just say goodbye verbally!"