A Year’s Promise

"Cloud Fairy, we have searched for you everywhere," the young man in white said with a faint smile.

Yang Fan's heart tightened, and he immediately activated his "Withered Wood" and "Transformation" techniques to their peak.

This young man, clad in white, was blessed with a handsome face and an air of elegance. In terms of sheer appearance, he might even surpass Yang Fan by a slight margin. But it wasn't the youth's charm that startled Yang Fan—it was his identity.

He was none other than Yang Yu, the young master of the Yang family from the capital.

On that day, at the "Wen Tian Conference" held at Yang Fortress, Yang Yu, with his Condensed Spirit-level cultivation, had stood above all the younger generation of the southern branch of the Yang family. At just sixteen years of age, he had ascended to such heights, casting a shadow over the rest of the family's youth with his brilliance. 

Together with him had been the mysterious Mr. Xu. Their visit to Yang Fortress had left many questions, especially when they had specifically inquired about Yang Fan.

Yang Fan hadn't expected to cross paths with Yang Yu again here at Xiuyu Pavilion.

"Yang Gongzi, have you managed to gather all the materials?" Cloud Fairy—her tone distant, yet polite—replied without much warmth, as though there was an invisible wall between them.

Yang Yu's eyes flickered with curiosity as they landed on the young man standing by Cloud Fairy's side.

**A local cultivator at the early Qi Condensation stage?** Yang Yu dismissed him without a second thought. 

He didn't recognize Yang Fan at all. After all, the last time they'd met, Yang Fan had appeared much older, his hair white and weathered. Now, Yang Fan's height had increased, his appearance subtly altered, and his overall aura transformed. With such a drastic change, it was no wonder that Yang Yu failed to connect the dots.

"The materials have been secured. Lin Miss has them," Yang Yu said with a smile, trying to appear as gentle as possible, hoping to impress Cloud Fairy. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that her attitude had cooled since his arrival, though he couldn't fathom why.

Then, his eyes shifted back to Yang Fan. "Who might this be? I don't recall seeing him before," he asked, his curiosity piqued.

"I am but a humble local guide from this area," Yang Fan quickly responded, "I was merely showing the fairy a scenic spot."

"Oh?" Yang Yu's suspicion deepened. A mere Qi Condensation cultivator, standing so close to Cloud Fairy in a pavilion surrounded by water? How had he managed to arrive at such a place?

Cloud Fairy's serene eyes flashed with a hint of concern. She glanced at Yang Fan, her expression unreadable, before softly replying, "Yes, he guided me here."

Grateful for her subtle cooperation, Yang Fan felt some relief. He knew that now was not the time to draw attention to himself.

"Little sister! The materials are ready. We need to leave soon!" 

From across the water, Lin Yu's voice echoed from a distant pavilion, urging them to depart.

"I'll be right there," Cloud Fairy called back to her senior sister. She turned toward Yang Fan, offering him a smile, her voice gentle, "Thank you, kind sir, for showing me the way."

For a brief moment, their gazes locked—an unspoken connection passed between them, a silent farewell heavy with unspoken feelings.

Then, with a light movement, Cloud Fairy ascended into the air. A soft green glow enveloped her like a delicate mist, enhancing her ethereal beauty, as if she were a celestial being descended from the heavens.

The lake's surface rippled softly, and beneath her feet, the fish leapt in joyous arcs, their silvery forms cutting through the water, adding life and vitality to the tranquil scene.

Both Yang Fan and Yang Yu watched in awe, their expressions momentarily frozen. Yang Fan's eyes held admiration, a hint of longing, and a touch of regret. Meanwhile, Yang Yu's gaze, for the briefest of moments, betrayed something far more base: desire. Yet, he quickly masked his emotions with a practiced facade.

Cloud Fairy drifted further away, but Yang Yu remained standing in the pavilion, his attention shifting back to Yang Fan. "What is your name?" he asked, his tone casual, though there was an undeniable weight to the question.

Yang Fan felt the subtle pressure emanating from Yang Yu, though he remained calm. With a faint smile, he replied, "My name is Zhang Yu."

The inclusion of the name "Yu" was a deliberate choice—a small ploy to divert Yang Yu's suspicions.

"Zhang Yu?" Yang Yu paused for a moment, slightly caught off guard by the name's similarity to his own.

"Well then, Zhang Yu, how exactly did you come to know Cloud Fairy? Where else have you taken her? And whom else have you encountered along the way?" Yang Yu's tone was light, but the underlying interrogation was clear.

Just as Yang Fan was about to respond, Lin Yu's voice echoed again from across the water: "Young Master Yang, we're ready to leave."

"I'll be right there," Yang Yu called back, not daring to keep the ladies waiting any longer.

Before he left, he glanced at Yang Fan one last time, sending a mental transmission: "Stay right where you are. Once I escort Cloud Fairy and her sister away, I will return for you. Answer my questions well, and I might even reward you with a high-quality magical artifact."

"Safe travels, young master," Yang Fan replied with a smile, his tone polite. He cast a final glance toward Cloud Fairy across the water. Their eyes met once more, a fleeting exchange of silent promises before they both turned away, careful not to arouse suspicion.

"Take care, my lord. A year from now, let's meet again at Cold Distant Mountain," Cloud Fairy's soft voice echoed in his mind through her spiritual transmission.

Yang Fan responded, his spiritual power concealed yet potent, "You too, Rainy. One day, I shall stand before you openly."

Cloud Fairy's surprise was palpable. She had not expected his spiritual sense to be at the peak of Condensed Spirit. This newfound revelation filled her heart with joy and hope.

Yang Fan smiled confidently, his calm presence reflecting his inner strength. Even from afar, his noble aura was unmistakable.

"Be cautious of that young master," Cloud Fairy warned, her tone laced with concern.

"Fear not," Yang Fan reassured her. "A year from now, we shall meet again."

With that, their final goodbye was said, and Yang Fan, fully aware of Yang Yu's scheming, began to prepare for the inevitable confrontation.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Yang Yu quietly instruct two of his guards—Qi Condensation cultivators like himself—to keep an eye on him. As the trio disappeared into the distance, Yang Fan felt both a sense of loss and anticipation.

Loss, because of the distance between him and Cloud Fairy. Anticipation, because a year from now, they would reunite. 

With the trio out of sight, Yang Fan moved quickly and silently. He activated his "Omniscient Mode," extending his awareness to encompass everything within a radius of two hundred meters. His form was as light as a feather as he leapt towards the massive leaves floating on the lake.

The two guards, however, were not about to let him go unnoticed. Their sharp gazes locked onto him instantly, as piercing as blades.