The Chase and the Plot

The two guards in green, their gazes cold and unyielding, watched Yang Fan intently as he moved with a grace that seemed almost ethereal. He stepped lightly from one large leaf to another, as though weightless, and finally landed on the shore. This unexpected display caused the two guards from the prestigious Yang family of the capital to exchange brief glances, momentarily taken aback.

Inside, life energy swirled endlessly within Yang Fan, circulating with a mystical rhythm as he crossed the water, his body rising and falling in delicate harmony with each leaf. His movements surpassed ordinary martial arts, reaching a level where he appeared in tune with the very essence of nature, transcending worldly techniques like walking on water.

Yang Fan maintained his "omniscient mode," his awareness extending over a radius of two hundred meters. He perceived every rustle of leaves, every shift in the breeze, his heart as calm as a still lake. His mind, sharp and composed, quickly formulated a plan. Despite facing two opponents who were at the peak of the Qi Refining stage, he remained unfazed, calculating his next steps.

The two guards, with their piercing gazes and auras tinged with the scent of battle-hardened experience, clearly weren't ordinary Qi Refining cultivators. They had undergone rigorous training, their murderous intent honed in the fires of conflict. Yang Fan could tell that these two were far more formidable than most cultivators of the same level.

Feigning indifference, Yang Fan strolled along a wooden walkway leading into one of the far corners of Xiuyu Pavilion. Now that the situation had become urgent, he had to abandon his original intention of purchasing spirit herb seeds and disguise-related items. What mattered now was how to evade these two formidable guards. 

Resorting to flight on a sword would expose his hidden abilities and make his strength known. "If I can't shake them off through conventional means," he mused, "then I'll have to eliminate them." A glimmer of cold determination arose in his heart. If push came to shove, he wouldn't hesitate to silence them. When it came to matters of life and death, when secrets were at stake, Yang Fan had no room for mercy.

He hadn't taken more than a few steps when the two guards blocked his path.

"Hold on there, friend," one of them said, his voice laden with authority.

"What can I do for you two?" Yang Fan asked, his tone nonchalant, as if they were strangers who had never met.

"Our young master has instructed that you wait here for him. You are not to leave until he returns," said one guard, arrogance lacing his words.

Yang Fan chuckled softly, a glint of mockery in his eyes. "And what? Has Xiuyu Pavilion become part of your family's property? I agreed to wait for your master, but only within the pavilion. I intend to take a stroll now, perhaps admire the scenery. Are you planning to stop me?"

The guards hesitated, clearly unprepared for such a strong reaction from someone they deemed insignificant.

Yang Fan raised his voice, deliberately drawing the attention of nearby cultivators. Xiuyu Pavilion was a vast trading hub, and the forces behind it were powerful, far beyond what even the prestigious Yang family could afford to provoke.

"Please calm down, friend," the guard responded, his tone softening slightly. "We are merely carrying out our duty."

"I will walk around Xiuyu Pavilion as I see fit. You may follow if you wish, but if you try to restrict my freedom... well." Yang Fan let his words hang in the air, the threat implicit but clear. Without waiting for a reply, he turned and continued walking.

The two guards exchanged looks but reluctantly followed. Within Xiuyu Pavilion, no matter how bold they were, they wouldn't dare use force.

Yang Fan couldn't help but smirk to himself as he walked leisurely toward the exit. He surmised that Yun Yuxi would try to stall for time, keeping Yang Yu occupied for as long as possible. As long as it was only the two Qi Refining guards chasing him, Yang Fan felt confident. His true strength was far beyond theirs.

A few steps behind him, the two guards whispered to each other.

"This brat is trying to slip away," one muttered. "But we can't touch him here. What should we do?"

The other guard frowned. "Maybe we should use a 'Spirit Communication Talisman' to inform the young master."

"Idiot! Do you want to cause a scene in Xiuyu Pavilion? The young master is with that Yun lady right now. If we interrupt them, we might face punishment ourselves. Besides, those talismans aren't cheap. They're meant for emergencies, not trivial matters like this. Using one could alert all of the Yang family's forces within hundreds of miles."

"Then what should we do? Let him walk out of here?"

"I have an idea. We let him leave the pavilion. Once outside, we can take him down however we want."

The other guard's eyes lit up. "Ah, I see. Once he's outside, we'll deal with him. We're both seasoned fighters—taking down a greenhorn like him will be child's play."

The two guards grinned at each other, satisfied with their plan. Little did they know that every word, every thought, had already been detected by Yang Fan.

In his "omniscient mode," Yang Fan knew their intentions before they even formed a complete plan. He quickened his pace, inwardly laughing at their naïveté. 

In no time, he reached the edge of Xiuyu Pavilion. Before him stretched treacherous mountains and dangerous waters, a harsh wilderness that few dared to venture into. Near the water, several large ships were anchored, catering to the passing flow of cultivators.

"Not yet," one of the guards whispered to the other. "There are too many people here."

They exercised restraint, knowing it wasn't yet the time to strike. Yang Fan, fully expecting their patience, continued onward, his pace increasing subtly, leading them deeper into the wilderness.

Once they had traveled four or five miles into the dense forest, Yang Fan's casual stride became a light jog. The time for confrontation was nearing.

"Now, we strike!" one guard whispered. "Quickly and quietly."

The two guards' eyes gleamed with a predatory light as they prepared to pounce. But just as they gathered their energy, Yang Fan's body shot forward in a sudden burst of speed, like a startled deer bounding through the forest. He gained several meters in an instant, breaking into a full sprint.

"What the—"

The guards stood frozen for a split second, taken aback by Yang Fan's swift escape. He had chosen the perfect moment—right when they were ready to release their attack.

"After him!" they roared, fury blazing in their eyes. They gave chase, their forms blurring as they pushed their Qi to the limit.

But Yang Fan, his heart steady, mused to himself. "It's still too close to Xiuyu Pavilion to kill them cleanly. A bit further, and then I'll act." His legs pumped harder, his speed increasing as he dashed deeper into the wilds.