The Underground Market

Chapter 16

The air grew thicker the deeper they ventured into the Undermarket. The eerie glow of the dimly lit lanterns reflected off the stone walls, casting long, jagged shadows. Seraphine led the way, her steps confident despite the tense atmosphere. Evelyn and Marcus followed, their eyes scanning the crowd as they navigated the twisting maze of merchants and vagabonds.

"Feels like everyone here is watching us," Marcus muttered, his grip on the metal pipe tighter than ever.

"They probably are," Seraphine replied, without looking back. "But down here, eyes don't matter. Deals do."

They approached a stall tucked into one of the market's far corners. It was unassuming, nothing like the glittering displays of stolen artifacts and enchanted trinkets scattered elsewhere. The man behind it—Zorin, their contact—looked just as understated. His dark hood hid most of his face, save for sharp eyes that glinted with a knowing intelligence.

"You're looking for something to disappear, aren't you?" Zorin's voice was low, almost a whisper, but it carried clearly through the air between them.

"We need to evade our pursuers," Seraphine said. "Wraiths are after us, and it's only a matter of time before they track us down again."

Zorin's gaze flickered over Marcus and Evelyn. "Wraiths. Nasty creatures, that lot." His lips twitched into a half-smile. "Lucky for you, I specialize in making problems disappear—if the price is right."

Evelyn stepped forward. "What do you have that can help?"

Zorin reached beneath the table and pulled out a small, unremarkable box. He set it down with an air of importance, flicking the latch open to reveal a polished obsidian stone. The surface shimmered in the faint light of the Undermarket, pulsing with a strange energy.

"This is an old artifact. It disrupts the magical traces left by living things," Zorin explained. "With this, you'll become invisible to wraiths and other magic-sensitive creatures. It won't last forever, but it'll give you enough time to find cover."

Seraphine's eyes narrowed, skeptical. "How does it work?"

Zorin chuckled. "Hold it when you're running, and it absorbs the magic trail you leave behind. Think of it like… scrambling your scent for a tracker."

Evelyn's heart beat faster as she studied the stone. It wasn't much to look at, but the way it thrummed with energy made her believe Zorin's claim. Marcus, standing beside her, leaned in for a better look.

"Seems like exactly what we need," Marcus said. "What's the catch?"

Zorin's smile widened. "There's no catch, friend. Just a cost. Information in exchange for this little treasure."

"Information?" Evelyn crossed her arms, frowning. "What kind of information?"

Zorin's eyes gleamed. "Grimvale is a city built on secrets. You, Detective, know this better than most. I need a few of those secrets uncovered—names, locations. Let's call it… an ongoing arrangement."

Seraphine shot Zorin a cold look. "No games, Zorin. We're not looking for deals that come back to haunt us."

Zorin shrugged. "This is the Undermarket. Everything comes with strings attached. But trust me, you'll need friends down here if you want to survive the nights ahead. And my deal is a better bargain than what's coming for you."

Evelyn exchanged a look with Seraphine. She didn't like the terms, but they had little choice. The wraiths would catch up eventually, and this artifact might be their only chance to stay hidden long enough to regroup.

"Fine," Evelyn said. "We'll take it."

Zorin's smile softened, pleased. He closed the box and slid it across the table. "Good choice, Detective. I'll be in touch."

Seraphine tucked the box away, and without another word, the trio turned to leave. The crowd parted as they made their way back through the twisting maze of stalls. As they climbed the steps back to the surface, Evelyn couldn't help but feel the weight of Zorin's deal. Whatever price they'd just agreed to, it was bound to catch up with them sooner or later.

Back on the streets of Grimvale, the cold air hit them hard. Marcus adjusted his grip on the pipe, his breath visible in the frosty night.

"This will buy us time," Seraphine said, looking down at the box in her hand. "But it's not a permanent solution. We need to get back to the Council and figure out our next move."

Evelyn nodded, her mind already racing ahead. They'd been running since the night began. It was time to regroup, to get back on the offensive.


The Council's headquarters loomed over the skyline of Grimvale, its presence felt more than seen, hidden by ancient enchantments. By the time Evelyn, Marcus, and Seraphine arrived, the first light of dawn was creeping across the city. The guards at the entrance, dressed in dark robes embroidered with intricate symbols, stepped aside, allowing them entry without a word.

Inside, the grand hall was bathed in the soft glow of dimly lit orbs, casting long shadows across the stone walls. The air carried the scent of old parchment and lingering magic. Seraphine led them through a series of narrow corridors, twisting deeper into the heart of the Council's domain until they reached a secluded room.

The door closed behind them with a low thud, sealing them in. Evelyn slumped into a chair, the exhaustion of the past days weighing heavily on her shoulders. Marcus leaned against the wall, still gripping the knife he had kept since their escape, his knuckles white from the tension.

"We can't keep doing this," Evelyn said, her voice cutting through the silence. "Running. Hiding. We need answers—now."

Seraphine's gaze flickered over them both. "And we will get them. But we have to be careful. The Council holds more than just knowledge. There are politics involved, and not everyone will be willing to help."

Marcus let out a slow breath. "So, what? We're supposed to play their game now?"

Evelyn shot him a look, her frustration mounting. "We don't have a choice, Marcus. We need the Council's resources. Without them, we're blind."

Seraphine stepped forward, her voice calm but firm. "I'll arrange a meeting with the Councilmasters. There are records, old cases that detail similar attacks—creatures like the wraiths. We'll dig through them and find out what's really going on." She paused, her gaze sharp. "But this goes beyond just fighting off wraiths. There's something larger at play here, and we need to prepare for it."

Evelyn nodded, glancing at Marcus. "Think you're ready for something bigger than running from shadows?"

Marcus managed a faint smile. "I'm ready for anything that means we get to hit back."

Seraphine's expression softened, though her focus remained sharp. "Then we train. We learn everything we can. The Council's resources are vast, but we need to earn their trust before they reveal everything to us."

With that, Seraphine opened the door, motioning for them to follow. "We start now."

Evelyn and Marcus exchanged a look—one of mutual understanding. They weren't just pawns anymore. They had the chance to uncover the truth, to take control of their fates.