The Council

Chapter 17

The dim corridors of the Council headquarters felt both imposing and familiar, their walls lined with ancient relics and books from eras long past. Each step they took seemed to echo with the weight of history. Evelyn couldn't shake the feeling that every corner held a secret, every relic a story waiting to be uncovered, but right now, those secrets would have to wait. Seraphine moved ahead, her pace quick and purposeful as she led them deeper into the heart of the building.

Marcus glanced around warily, "do you think the Council knows we're coming?" he asked, his voice low, as though he feared disturbing the quiet of the ancient halls.

"They must," Evelyn replied, her eyes scanning the relics as they passed. One, in particular, caught her attention—a rusted sword, its blade faintly glowing, as though still charged with magic long after its wielder had passed. "They don't seem like the kind of people who are caught off guard."

Her thoughts lingered on the Council—how much they knew, and how much they were willing to share. After everything that had happened, trust was a luxury she wasn't sure she could afford.

Seraphine finally stopped in front of an intricately carved door, a worn sigil barely visible in the wood. "They're expecting us," she said over her shoulder, her gaze settling briefly on Evelyn. "But remember, this is only a debrief. Don't give away more than you need to."

The door creaked open, and they stepped into a dimly lit chamber. It was more austere than Evelyn had imagined. Instead of grand decor, the room was simple—just a long wooden table, several high-backed chairs, and a few Council members already seated. The air was thick with the scent of old parchment and candle wax.

At the head of the table sat Master Theron, an elder with sharp eyes and a severe expression. His gray hair was pulled back tightly, and every movement he made seemed deliberate, measured. Beside him sat three others, each one carrying the same look of quiet authority, though there was something else, too—something darker, more uncertain.

"Seraphine," Master Theron's voice cut through the stillness, cold and precise. "You've brought the outsiders." His gaze swept over Evelyn and Marcus, lingering on them as if sizing them up, weighing their worth.

Seraphine gave a short nod. "Yes, Master. These are the ones who survived the wraith attack and are tied to the coin."

Theron's eyes narrowed slightly, his fingers steepling in front of him. "We'll need a full account of what happened."

Evelyn stepped forward, feeling Marcus shift uneasily beside her. "It started when we found the coin," she began, recounting the events with clarity. As she spoke, the Council listened closely, their faces unreadable, though their eyes betrayed something—concern, perhaps, or fear. She described the wraiths, the relentless pursuit, and their desperate escape into the woods. When she finished, the room fell into a thick, uncomfortable silence.

Master Theron's fingers tapped lightly against the table, his eyes locked on hers. "You've brought us something dangerous," he said slowly, his tone carrying an edge. "And you've disrupted something very old, something that has been in balance for longer than you can imagine."

Evelyn clenched her fists, resisting the urge to argue. "We didn't know," she said simply, her voice tight. "We were just trying to survive."

"The coin," he murmured, leaning forward slightly. "Where is it now?"

The weight of it seemed to pull at Evelyn, heavier than before. Slowly, she reached into her pocket and pulled the ancient relic from her jacket, placing it on the table. The coin gleamed faintly in the low light, its surface covered in strange symbols that seemed to shift and pulse.

Theron's gaze hardened, and for a brief moment, Evelyn saw something close to fear flash in his eyes. "This is not just an artifact," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "It's part of something much larger. You are now connected to this world in ways you may not yet understand." He glanced at the other Council members, their faces tense. "We will need to investigate its origins further. But for now, you will remain within Council supervision."

Marcus, who had remained quiet throughout the exchange, shifted uneasily, finally spoke up, his voice uncertain. "And the wraiths... are they still... after us?"

Master Theron's gaze shifted to Marcus, sharp and unyielding. "The wraiths are a symptom, not the cause. Their appearance signals a disturbance, but they are not the true threat. The coin's power has drawn them, and as long as you carry it, you will be pursued."

Marcus glanced at Evelyn, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. "So... what do we do? Hide?"

Seraphine stepped forward before Theron could respond. "Hardly. The Council will offer protection and training. You're not in this alone anymore. But you'll need to stay here and learn. This is not a fight you can win without understanding."

Theron nodded, his expression severe. "You both must prepare. The more we uncover about this coin and its connection to you, the more dangerous things will become."

Evelyn ran her fingers over the coin, its surface cold and smooth, the coin wasn't just cold to the touch, it seemed to drain warmth from the air around it as though it devoured life itself, yet it seemed to hum with an otherworldly energy. "Training? You think we can fight them?"

Theron's eyes gleamed as he leaned forward. "Not fight. Not yet. But you will need to understand what's at stake. And for that, you'll need knowledge—and strength."

The weight of the unknown pressed down harder than ever, the gravity of the situation fully dawning on Evelyn. They weren't just surviving anymore—they were part of something much larger, something far more dangerous. She glanced at Marcus, who gave her a tentative nod, silently agreeing with the path that lay ahead.

Master Theron gestured toward the door. "You will be shown to your quarters. Rest tonight. Tomorrow, your training begins."

As they turned to leave, Evelyn hesitated, her thoughts racing. "What is the Council's role in all of this?" she asked, her voice quiet but firm. "Why haven't you dealt with these threats before?"

For the first time, Theron's expression darkened, a shadow passing over his features. "The Council has been keeping the balance in Grimvale for centuries. We are not omnipotent. There are forces at work older than us, stronger than us. But we stand as the shield against them. And now, with this coin, you are part of that fight."

Evelyn's chest tightened as Master Theron spoke. What had they really gotten themselves into? The weight of the coin in her pocket was nothing compared to the burden now pressing down on her mind.

Evelyn swallowed hard, absorbing the weight of his words. "I understand."Marcus leaned in close, his voice barely above a whisper. "Do you really?"

Evelyn gave a small, tired smile. "No. But we'll figure it out."

As they left, Evelyn caught sight of one Council member, lips pressed into a thin line, murmuring something to his colleague—his eyes never leaving her.

From the shadows, a figure watched them leave the chamber, their face obscured but the faint glow of their eyes catching the dim light.

Seraphine led them down a quiet hallway, the faint echo of their footsteps the only sound in the vast, empty space. They stopped in front of two small rooms. "Get some rest," Seraphine said softly, her eyes serious. "Tomorrow, we start getting answers. But remember, not everyone in the Council trusts you. Stay on your guard."

Evelyn nodded, watching as Seraphine disappeared down the corridor. The silence of the Council halls was unsettling, and the feeling of being watched lingered in the air.

"Sleep well," Marcus murmured, though the uncertainty in his voice was hard to miss.

Evelyn smirked, trying to mask her unease. "You too."

But as she lay down in the small, unfamiliar bed, the weight of the coin in her pocket felt heavier than ever. Sleep would not come easily tonight.