Goddess of Wisdom's Divine throne of Power

" Holy shit! She killed Athena?"

People began to scream in shock.

" She can't be dead, right? After all Sasha is a human, there is no way she could kill a goddess?"

" Well, are you sure she is a human? Am I the only one who see her as a monster?"

The cab's door was opened and Luke calmly stepped out from it.

" Well done, Sasha. I expected nothing less from you." He clapped with a grin on his face.

Sasha turned and faced to him. She disappeared from her earlier location and appeared in front of him, and knelt on one leg while one of her fists slammed to the earth.

" Boss, I completed the mission you allocated for me. How was my performance?" Sasha asked still bowing to him.

Luke looked at the Athena's core which was in Sasha's hands.

Sasha immediately understood his intensions and held the core with both of her hands and presented it to him.

" Huh? Who is he? Why is General Sasha acting so much respectful to him?"

" I think he should be the Demon Lord who gave her that evil strength to kill our goddess."

The onlookers became restless.

" That makes sense! Wait does that mean we all have to become underlings of The Demon Lord?"

" I would rather die than becoming an underling of such low level creatures. I'm sure other gods won't stand back and let this devil run amok in the world!"

" Will they really help us?"

The more the talk began to proceed the more people became panicked and restless.

" Sasha, I don't need these formal greetings and all these bull shit. Just get up and keep your back straight, no one is controlling you here. I'm not a person who like to own someone's freedom just because I gave power to him. As I told you, I want you to help me with something. Your life it's up to you how you spend. Don't you ever dare to bow to anyone while wielding my power, got it?"

Sasha slowly raised her head and met with Luke's gaze. These words were so much touching to her that she immediately fell in love with him. I will never leave this man! I will give all of me to him. From today my everything will belong to you, my lord! Even though, you forbid me to call you 'Lord' you will always be my lord in my world, forever. That was what she was thinking while looking at Luke's face.

Naturally, Luke knew what she was thinking, but he didn't want to give a damn about it.

' If not for the reason that I want to raise your trust and loyalty to me, I would never tell something like that, you fool!' Luke smirked inside.

After knowing everything about the universe, his emotional intelligence also became very high to a level that he understood that no woman can be trusted easily. He saw how kingdoms, planets and even great warriors got destroyed because of women. It's not that he hated women.

He knew so many kingdoms, planets and warriors becoming strong because of women too. But he knew women should be managed with extreme care. With just one wrong step a prosperous kingdom would become a reflection of the Hell, a great warrior would become a devil. It's all because of emotions. Too much emotions destroy great things. So he knew as women being highly emotional meant they are danger.

Actually Luke was afraid of women.

Of course, all of these things didn't apply to his wife, Nyx. Due to some strange reason he felt as if she was no danger for him. He felt as if he can lower his guard and be carefree around her. He felt she was the only person whom he could trust with his own life.

" As for the core, I don't want that. Before the Divine water of Life in it gets more evaporated, it's better if you consume it."

" Boss, you want me to drink it?"

" Yes, I have no use for it. But it will be very much useful for you. Her power and her memories will be a strength for you in the future."

A core of a god contained the power of Life, one of the ancient primordial rules in the universe. The divine water of Life was the essence of a god which kept him or her immortal for thousands and millions of years. Every god who were born after life was established in the universe had a core filled with this divine water.

So what about the other gods who were there before the birth of life?

They didn't have a core. The reason was they were just an appearance of a specific power in the universe. For an example, as Luke wielded the power of origin he didn't have a core, the reason was he was just an appearance of the power of Origin. Same went for Nyx. Then what about Zeus and Sasha? Yes, they both had cores.

And that was the reason that he was not interested of Athena's core. Consuming a core of a god was beneficial to only who had a core inside them. This would help the consumer's core to become more strong and powerful and as the divine water had the ability to store memory and knowledge, the consumer could receive all memories of its previous owner.

Sasha looked at the core for a moment and drank the whole fluid with just one gulp.

The moment she consumed the fluid, a burst of red energy burst from her body. Waves of chaotic cosmic energy began to spread.

" Demons!" one resident of the Athena's base screamed.

" They are demons! Let's run away!"

All began to run for different directions. Chaos began to appear in the base.

" It seems I have to clean up this mess, right?"

" Well, she would take some time, you know?" Nyx walked up to his side.

Luke sighed.

In a moment his eyes became white coloured. A heaven crushing pressure crashed down all the living beings inside the base. Almost all of them spat blood after falling on their knees on the ground unable to bear the immense power of Origin. But unlike Sasha, his power only suppressed the living beings not on the inanimate things. That was how precise his control over his power was.

" No one can leave this place alive without my permission." Luke's voice reverberated through the entire camp.

He flicked his hand a wave of power swept through the whole base. This wave was not an attack to kill but for another purpose.

Wherever the wave touched it just restored everything. The broken buildings blood stains and even the wounds on the soldiers' body began to repair and heal. In just few seconds everything was as it was before.

" Alright then. Now forget everything happened here. Just remember your goddess is still alive and doing well and me as the new Saint of Athena."

And after a moment he retracted his power.

And with that everything went back normal. Everyone began to do their own work as if they had remembered them suddenly.

Those words of Luke's weren't just normal words. The words of oblivion. A power that only who mastered the power of origin can execute. These words of him held the utmost authority over all the living beings in the entire universe, including even the gods.

" Hmm, it's done. Everything is under my control."

" So, from the beginning you wanted Athena's base?"

" You can say so."

" But why are you interested in keeping it instead of destroying it. You know, you can just make them forget there was a goddess for wisdom, isn't it?"

" It isn't that easy. If I did something like that, what do you think about the balance?"

" Oh, so it's because of that"

" No one can mess with balance, you out of all there should know better than me, right?"

" Hmph" Nyx scoffed.

" Ah, I almost forgot. Just one more thing to do."

" What's it?" Nyx asked.

" I need to destroy Athena's Throne of Power! Will you come with me? I want your help."

" My help? For what?"

" You will see, just follow me." With that Luke turned around and went.

" You aren't even considering my opinion? You bastard"

She began to follow him after stomping her feet for a few times.

" Luke can you tell me, what are we doing inside a female washroom?"

" Because, her throne is here?"

" So, you are telling me the goddess of wisdom placed her divine throne in a public washroom?"

" Yeah."


" Well, I don't know, may be she liked reading in a toilet while sitting on the toilet bed? I also wondered why. Ah here it is!"

After saying that he put his hand forward and touch the toilet bowl and in an instant a surge of blue energy erupted from it.

" Holy shit! It really is her throne! God damn it!" Nyx shrieked.

" I told you!"