Balance, brother of Origin

The blue energy which burst from the toilet bowl began to get sucked in to Luke's extended hand.

After a few moments blue cosmic energy began to diminish and finally there was nothing left. By that time Luke's eyes had become pure white and a blast of cosmic energy erupted from it.

Although the core of a god wasn't useful for him, the power of a god which was attached to that specific god's divine throne was very much useful for him. As divinity was also originated from the power of origin, he had the authority to consume another god's cosmic energy.

All this time Nyx stood guard in front of the door to the washroom, to protect Luke; no to protect girls from Luke. According to her that made sense to her.

The door opened and Luke came out.

" Alright, let's go."

" Whoa wait, it's just that I can't ignore this feeling."

" What feeling?"

" Have I become a servant of yours? This thought haunts me over and over again."

" Yes, if you are not my wife. Then I will take you as my servant."

" Come again?" Dark purple energy began to burst out of her body and her eye colour also became dark purple. Shadows began to thicken and the bright day sky began to darken. Her hair and her clothes began to float in the wind which was produced by her cosmic energy. And Luke could swore that he saw a crescent moon up in the sky just next to the sun.

" Whoa, calm down, your Majesty. I was just joking. Just don't show the outside world that you are out of your prison and having fun in the Athena's base."

She quickly understood that she had done something wrong. She quickly retracted her power and everything became same as before.

" *Sigh, you are same as before. Can't control your feelings!" Luke sighed.

" How do you know? Oh goddamn it. I hate your power!" Nyx roared.

Luke ignored her and looked at Sasha who was calmly waiting for his return. When she was him, she rushed her steps towards him.

" Boss, you are here!"

" Yes. How are you feeling now?"

" I feel so much strong for the first time of my life. And regarding Athena's memories I have something to tell you what I saw. I don't know whether if it is important to you or not. But I still thought it should be better if I tell you."

" Hey you don't have to worry about if something is important to me or not. If you feel like it's important just report it to me. I'm in all ears."

" It's just that-"

" Luke! You bastard you ignored me again!" At that time Nyx jumped in to the conversation.

" Oh is there some secret exchanging happening here?" Nyx asked after seeing their facial expressions.

" It's okay, Sasha, you can continue. She is one of my trusted." Luke reassured Sasha with a confident bright smile. This unexpected attack was too much for her. Her cheeks became immediately brighten with red colour and it took all her courage to collect her thoughts.

" What I saw was something related to a goddess named Nyx. It seemed like they wanted to absorb her power in to some kind of spear and make it the most powerful weapon in the universe."

Nyx's eyes got widened after hearing this. She immediately jumped towards Sasha.

" Who are they? Did they tell you how they were planning to do that?"

Sasha looked at Luke's face, confused.

In response to her gaze, he nodded.

" They were Zeus and Erobos. Erobos told that he had already extracted about 90% of Nyx's power. And the rest 10% would soon be extracted from her and then the spear would become ready."

" Bastards!! It was them! I knew it! Fuck! I want to kill him! I want to kill everyone!" She roared.

Sasha once again looked at Luke's face.

" Yes, Sasha. She is Nyx."

" My power! You fuckers! Wait until I come for you, your motherfuckers!" The whole conversation had to be stopped due to Nyx's uncontrollable cursing.

" So you are saying that you can't get back your power, even though you collected it? Why is the reason for that?" Luke asked from Nyx.

After a great effort which had been exerted by both him and Sasha to calm her down, they could make her sit on a chair.

" I don't know! I felt my power being drawn away but I couldn't find out how they did it!"

" So that's the reason of the balance being broken in the universe."

" Yeah, I also think so."

Luke's face was grim. The power of balance going to wrong hands? That was the worst nightmare he could ever dream of!

The power of balance was the ultimate power of the universe. Even the power of origin was under the power of balance. Balance was the ultimate rule of the entire universe.

Suddenly he was not there. Yes, it meant literally that. He was not with Nyx and Sasha. But with just one look he knew where he was. It was the end and the beginning of everything! The Origin!

He saw countless stars and galaxies and planets clashing with each other before reducing to balls of pure white origin power.

" Now you know, what is your mission." He heard a melodious yet authoritative voice of a female. Luke slowly turned towards the source of the voice. As expected, it was her.

" Hello, again , Luke. I guess you just found out what was going on there, am I right?"

A white haired woman wearing a white dress was walking towards him. She had a bright and warm smile which made all of Luke's worries disappear just in a second.

" So, Nyx had lost her powers?"

" Yeah, it seems. I told my brother not to choose her as his keeper!"

" So, you and Balance are siblings?"

The woman once again smiled and nodded.

" I lost my connection with him, after a few thousand years from the day she was imprisoned. I tried every method I know to communicate with him, but everything was futile! That's how I understood something had gone wrong. And when I was desperate, and right at the same time I felt that you have been awakened."

" So you also don't know about what happened?"

" Well as you see" She shrugged.

" So as you may have figured out, your mission is to find out what had happened to my brother and retrieve that foolish girl's power and establish balance in the universe."

" But, Nyx said she can't get back her power again even if she tried absorbing it?"

" Of course, it should be. One can't just absorb the power of balance. They need something as a mediator. As an example your power. The power of origin, is the best mediator someone could find to absorb the power of balance except that power."

" What power?"

The woman looked at Luke for a moment and then replied, " You will know that with time. Even it's name is a jinx." She sighed.

" For now you just have to find out what's going on."

Luke pondered for a moment and then slowly nodded.

" Alright best of luck! My owner!"

The imaginary world began to disappear in a wave of dreams.

" By the way my name is Origo. Hope to hear from you soon."

And again Luke was at the desk with Nyx and Sasha. By looking at the surroundings he understood not even a second has passed in the Earth.

" So what are we going to do, Luke. I hate to admit that I have no idea about what to do and I even more hate to admit that I need your help!" Nyx grunted.

" Oh then that's fine by me. I won't help you!"

" You! As my husband you should help, me your wife! It's the basics of a marriage."

" But it doesn't mean that I should help my haters, right?"

When hearing the word, 'husband' from Nyx's mouth, Luke saw how Sasha shivered from surprise.

He could see red warning messages floating all around him.

' Fuck that's why I always fear women! Shit I have to resolve this quickly.'

Luke took a note about this and labelled it as ' For immediate action'.

" Well, I know a way to find out." Luke got up with a smile on his face.

Both Nyx and Sasha looked at him curiously.

" Don't tell me it's a shitty idea like going to a washroom." Nyx prayed.

" Annual Hunters' Competition."

Nyx and Sasha got some time to process the idea. Soon bright smiles appeared on their faces.

" So you target to infiltrate? Now that's a nice idea." Nyx smiled.

" Yeah, the competition is in two months time and you already have a faction to represent. Not to mention your strength."

" Yeah, it will be a peace of cake!"

Author's note:- Dear readers, I would appreciate it very much if you put some good review about my work. After all, a writer's strength is his readers. Without your encouragement, I find it very difficult to keep myself motivated. Will you motivate with reviews and powerstones. And don't forget to add my book to your collection ;)