Round One

Everyone in the waiting room looked at each other. That was not a look a friend would look at another friend. It was a look that emanated pure evil. Earlier friends were now thinking about the other's strengths and weaknesses.

And suddenly, the hall began to shrink. The walls of the halls began to move towards the centre of the hall in a slow yet' not so slow' speed.

As a quick-witted person, it didn't take much time for Luke to understand what was going on.

" They are limiting the space!"

The reason was just to make them close enough to fight with each other and to clear the 'hidden' areas in the hall.

Suddenly, a voice reverberated through the entire hall.

" Luke, I think you should just surrender! You yourself know that you have no strength to fight in such a battle, right? I mean, Athena's powers are not for these types of battles, right?"

Rex walked up to him in a relaxed manner.

" After all, in a bloody battle like this, anyone could die, you know?" Rex smiled wickedly.

Luke knew what Rex was up to.

As Athena's faction had been deemed as the weakest of all the factions, everyone thought people who were chosen by Athena were the weakest among the chosen.

And in a situation like this, where everyone tries to own a spot to pass the test, many tend to target weak people. If there was a contestant from Athena's faction, it was natural that almost all the others would target that person. All because they thought they were weak.

And Rex was using those people as his weapons to disqualify him from the contest, or may be he wanted Luke dead?

" He said that person was from Athena's faction, right?"

" Yeah!"

" So, it means free points, right?"

" Hahahaha, we are lucky. At least, there are easy 10 points here!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other.

In an instant, at least 200 people surrounded Luke from every direction.

Seeing this, Rex slowly retreated, wearing a mocking smile at Luke.

' Bastard, let's see your face after getting beaten up by 200' That was the thoughts he had.

Luke sighed again for the fourth time.

" Well, I think level 1 should be enough to deal with them, right?" Luke muttered while looking at the people who surrounded him.

" What is he saying? Has he gone crazy?"

" Well, crazy or not, it doesn't matter! I will go and get my points!" Another one screamed.

" Or is it too much?" Luke muttered again.

" Yeah, who the fuck cares!" In that moment 200 chosen warriors jumped at Luke at once.


In the spectators' area.

" Bastard, look what will I do to you after you come out, you fucking son of a bitch!" Sasha slammed her fists to the wall.

Sasha was inside the VIP spectating room with other generals of each faction.

" Sasha, calm down! A warrior should be ready to face any condition he meets. After all, he is an Athena's chosen. So, you don't have to worry!"

" Damn it, Kemal! Aren't you tired of mocking me and my faction." Sasha bellowed.

Kemal Laurington was the Saint of the Ares's faction. As Ares was the god of war and strength, his faction was ranking fourth in the faction ranking list. So among the Saints, he held an important position.

" Yes, I'm sick of seeing you here, general Sasha. Until you leave this place once and forever, I will continue, " Kemal laughed maniacally.

" You-"

" You what? Can't you see the condition you are in? No one cares about you, your contestant , your faction or your whore of a goddess!"

Even though Athena's 'way of controlling' was a secret to the common people and low ranking warriors it was no secret to these high ranking saints of other factions.

" What the hell is that he is wearing?"

Everyone's attention was back again to the screen.

" Sasha, do you know what it is?"

Arnold, who was silent all the time, looked at Luke with great interest.

" No, I don't." Sasha shook her head.


Back to the waiting room 14.

When the 200 hundred hunters were just about to land on him, a beam of white energy shot from the heavens towards him, pushing back all the 200 hundred away from him. Some were pushed so hard that they crashed to the walls, vomiting blood from their mouths.

For a moment, Luke disappeared in that beam of white energy. Waves of cosmic energy spread through the entire hall at an astonishing speed. Rex, who had been waiting to see him half dead, was now watching this scene with his mouth opened by half.

After a few brief seconds, the dust began to settle, and the beam of white energy began to diminish rapidly.

And the being who emerged from all of these chaos made them gasp.

Luke was wearing a complete white armour, which covered almost all the body parts of him. On his back, there was a wheel made of white cosmic energy rotating slowly and parts of wings made of mysterious material. He was wearing a white helmet, and his eyes were coloured by golden white energy. The armour had decorations made by gold, and his chest area bore the symbol of god of origin, the infinity mark in a triangle. And more importantly, he was wearing a crown, the crown of the God of Origin, his divine emblem.

He looked like an angel who descended from the heavens.

The aura and the ancient energy that was swirling around him made this idea more logical to the onlookers.

Luke checked his wrists calmly and looked at the people who had been observing him with half opened mouths.

" Then, shall we start?"

" What are you?" One of the 200 asked him.

" What? Is that even a question? I'm a human, of course!"

" Are you really a chosen of Athena?" Another one from 200 hundred asked. No, the count had increased up to 500 hundred. All the contestants in waiting room 14 stopped all their fighting and looked at him.

" Yes, of course! Why?Ohhh, I guess up until now you haven't seen the strength of Athena, am I right? Is that why all of you are surprised by my appearance?"

" No, Athena can't be that powerful!"

" Yeah, you are right! Athena isn't that strong! It seems they have used some forbidden technique to raise their strength temporarily! Fellow hunters don't be discouraged. He is not as strong as he shows! Soon, he will become exhausted!" This time again, it was Rex.

Luke was very much impressed by his talent for using words. He knew what words at what time he should use. He was cunning more than a fox, and Luke understood his strength was meticulous planning.

" Yeah, that makes sense!"

" No matter which technique he used to increase his strength, he is still from Athena's faction!"

Those words from Rex helped them collect their thoughts and gather up to attack again.

Bursts of various types of cosmic energy from various gods appeared and swirled around each hunter. The entire hall became so oppressive, and even the walls of the hall began to get damaged just from the pressure alone!

And then all of them once again, jumped at him.

Luke calmly observed the oncoming attack. He could see everyone's attack pattern from his divine eyes. All of their overall strength, the path of attacking the thoughts which were in their minds, all of them, appeared in front of him. He saw everything. Yes, everything, everyone was naked in front of him.

For a moment, he was lost in a world of soft and ample breasts in various colours and different body curves and, of course different different vaginas. He could even understand that every vulva was different and unique with their shape and scent. The fuck? How can he smell? Well, I don't know, right!

Luke quickly gathered his thoughts. Everything happened just in a few milliseconds.

' Even a god can be lost! Shit!' Luke cursed.

And then he clashed with them. He closed his eyes and countless copies of him appeared all over the hall. Each clone moved in a speed which was little higher than the speed of light.

A choatic ball of cosmic energy appeared surrounding the attackers and the Luke because of the impact created by the clash of energies. And in that energy vortex, suddenly countless white slashes appeared, just after a few seconds from the clash.

And then the energy vortex blasted emitting a blinding light.

After the dust settled, every spectator gasped in surprise. The scene they saw was quite unbelievable for them.

Luke with this shining bright white armour was levitating in the sky unscathed. On the ground all of the attackers were lying with bleeding from various slashes in various areas on their bodies. Although all of them were non fatal those slashes were enough to destroy their fighting spirirts.


" What the fuck?" This time Kamel slammed his fists to the table. Everyone at the table who witnessed that scene continued to look at the screen dumbfounded.

" Oh Kamel! Why are you getting so worked up! Athena is just thw weakest faction! You don't have to worry!" Sasha softly laughed.

' That's my boss for you, you dumb fucks!'

That was her thoughts.