System: Origin of Divinity

Rex took a few steps backwards with a shocking expression on his face. From birth, he had never seen someone beat so many people single handedly, without even sweating a bit.

Luke teleported and appeared in front of Rex.

" Don't come near me! Go away from me!" Rex screamed from fear.

" Why are you asking me to go away? I just want to hit you just once. Just once, okay? And it will all go away! Don't worry."

" You fucker." Rex clattered his teeth. A burst of rainbow coloured energy covered him and formed a cosmic energy shield all over his body. His eyes had become rainbow coloured and the aura of magic spread to all the directions as if to own the whole area.

" You think, I will just wait for you to beat me? In your dreams! This shield of mine is the most powerful of all the shields in the entire world. Until now, no one had the luck to break this shield! Want to try your luck?" Rex laughed like a maniac. Even though this was his last way of defence, it was his ultimate trump card to survive. Earlier he had thought to use it against Arnold when he comes in to finals, but now it seemed he had no other way to survive.

' Fuck! What is he? Why is he so much powerful?' This thought was going crazy inside his head.

" Alright! So it's my chance to try my luck, right?" Luke calmly said before touching his right wrist with his left hand.

And then he put a casual punch against the barrier. At first nothing happened.

Rex watched the scene and immediately became happy after seeing that he failed to break his shield.

" You think some weak punch like that would damage my invincible shield."

" Is that so." Luke looked at Rex.

His look was as if , ' How pathetic you are!' type look.

By seeing Luke's expression he felt danger. His all sensory nervous system began to scream in danger.

' Something isn't right!'

And a sound of glass breaking appeared. A small crack emerged in the barrier where luke had punched casually. The small crack began to enlarge and spread through the entire shield.

" How could you-"

" Find the eye of your shield? That was too easy for me!" Luke smiled wickedly.

The eye of a shield was the most important part of a magical shield. It was the core that held the magical power function in the way that the user wanted. If the eye is destroyed there is no way to hold the shield up and running unless the user cast another shield.

" Mon- monster! You are a monster!" Rex's eyes had now become bloodshot.

Rex had no strength or will to cast another shield. And he knew there was no use for it even. The person who was in front of him wasn't something he could handle. Perhaps, Hecate would be able to defeat him. Unless a god appears and defeat him, he knew there was no way any human could defeat him! Even Arnold was no exception.

Luke put his hand in front of Rex's forehead and flicked his middle finger. And then Rex for the first time in his life, felt the feeling of flying like a bird in the sky.

When Luke's finger crashed on his forehead, Rex felt as if his head was going to blast. Pain was so much that he almost fainted. In an instant he crashed to the wall of the waiting area. A dent was formed in the wall where Rex had clashed. A few cracks appeared on the entire wall and even on the roof.

" Oh I guess that was too much" Luke sighed.

Rex fell on to the ground with a loud thud. His face was full of blood and it seemed all parts of his body were dissembled.

" Am I going to disqualify?" Luke sighed in frustration.


All conditions for the initiation of the system have been met.

Completed conditions:-

1) Dying one time and resurrecting.

2) Attain human soul body.

3) Using a bit of power of origin in a fight

Completion rate:- 100%"

Suddenly a gold coloured notification panel appeared in front of him.

" The fuck?"

" Do you want to proceed?


Another notification popped up.

This was something new to Luke. He had never hear something like this before. But what type of person was Luke?

He didn't like to live with unsolved mysteries. And now if he chose no, something inside told him that he would never find out what was this all about, for the rest of his life.

" Yes." Luke replied with determination.

" Initiation System, Origin of Divinity."





Installation completed."

" System information:-

Name:- Origin of Divinity

System type:- Evil

Technology:- Reality merging with unlimited guidance.

Uptime:- 2 secs"

" User information:-

Name:- Luke Whitestone

Age:- 34 years

Species:- Human soul state( Race change strongly recommended)

Power:- Rule of Origin( contamination detected, full clean up strongly recommended)

Rank:- God( Has the potential to become Overlord Rank)


Suitable for the recommended upgrades...

Starting process 1/2..."

Suddenly an almost unbearable throbbing pain began to spread all over his body. He felt as if his insides were being torn apart. His eyes became bloodshot and hot and wram blood began to leak out from his nose and mouth. Blood was gurgling out like a waterfall.

He lost strength in his legs, and with a loud thud, he fell on the floor.

" What.. the ...fuck?" He groaned in pain.

" Process:- Cleaning the power of origin..

Completed:- 21%..."

When the completion rate went higher, he began to feel more pain. He felt he was drained out of blood from his body.

" Completed:- 75%

Initiating process 2/2

Process:- Race upgrade.

Analyzing the most suitable...

Brahnian Race has been selected.

Race upgrade initiating..

The user might feel extreme pain. So, get your ass together!"

" You motherfucker! Extreme pain? Is there any more pain than this?" Luke wailed in his head.

' Shit, why did I select yes? And what is this day?'

Before he could think more, another wave of pain hit him. This time, it was so hard that he shrieked out of pain.

" Arrrrrghhhhhhhhh,"

For the first time in his life, he screamed so loud that he never thought he could scream so loud up until then.

In the race upgrading process, all of his organs would be replaced by another race's. Imagine the pain of removing your organs one by one and inserting another at the same time without having any anaesthesia? That's the exact pain he felt at that time.

He soon felt he could do it no more, and he felt his vision becoming dark and blurry, and then he felt unconscious.


In the VIP observation room.

" Boss!" Sasha jumped out from her seat.

On the screen, they show looking falling in a pool of blood and then his screaming.

" Humph! It's as I thought! He used some forbidden technique to increase his strength! And now he is suffering from the side effects! There is no way a chosen from Athena's faction can be that strong!" Kamel laughed sarcastically.

" This isn't good! Tell them to stop the competition!" Sasha banged her right fist into the table.

" Wait! What? You said we should stop the competition? Why? Because your so-called Saint is dying out there?" Kamel broke into another huge maniacal laugh.

" Something is wrong! I feel it!" Sasha grunted.

The moment Luke fell on the floor, she felt weak as if all of her cosmic energy had drained out from her body. No, it was more like she felt her connection to her power had completely cut off!

" Yes, of course! You should feel something is wrong! Your Saint is dying ! There is ' something off' you know!" Kamel roared at Sasha.

Sasha looked at Kamel with full of hatred. Her eyes were bloodshot with anger, and veins were popping on her forehead. She tried to summon her cosmic energy out from her body, but as she guessed earlier, she couldn't.

" What? Do you want to fight with me?Here? Fine bring it on, bitch! I was always hoping to beat that proud face of yours into a pulp until you beg me for forgiveness while crawling!" Kamel bellowed.

A blast of cosmic energy burst out from his body. Unlike other gods, the cosmic energy of Ares was chaotic. It had no colour that one can only feel it. They could never see the amount of cosmic energy, a chosen from Ares was wielding.

Like right now, Kamel was inside a flame of colourless cosmic energy, but no one could see it. This made warriors from Ares's faction more dangerous in battles.

Before Kamel could land an attack on Sasha, another more powerful, more ancient, and more chaotic cosmic energy burst out from another corner of the room.

" No one fights here!" Arnold bellowed. His whole body had covered from crackling sparks of lightning, and the oppressive aura of the power of a God King put an enormous pressure on all of the people who were in that room.

Everyone shrinked under that immense power, including Kemal and also Sasha. Since she had no access to cosmic power, she suffered most from that pressure.

She groaned and coughed up a mouthful of blood. Still, she didn't take her eyes away from the screen, which displayed almost dead Luke, lying on the floor.

Author's note:- Finally, the system is here! Hope you all will enjoy and give me some support!