Ch 42: Lend a helping hand - part 1

Layla noticed Zayne's pout as she ignored him. 

From her experience, she knew that Zayne tended to do something stupid when she ignored him. It was always small but drastic enough for Layla to look his way.

And this time, it was no different.

As soon as Layla turned her attention away, she noticed Zayne grabbed and looked at the ingredients he could use to mess up dinner.

Was it petty? Yes.

But was Zayne going to stop if Layla asked? Of course not! 

He would pretend to behave himself for some time before he would find another way to try and grab her attention. It was his common tactic by now.

"-No, you don't add sugar to it. Boss, no-!"

As soon as Layla noticed this, she grabbed the offending materials from Zayne's hands. 

She would not let him do anything to offend the food. That was her last straw.

"Zayne, sit back down and let me cook. I think you've had enough fun for the day."