Ch 43: Lend a helping hand - part 2

Megan dared not speak up even as he stared at his boss's face. That handprint was far too distracting for him not to comment upon.

And yet, he was sure that he would be in a world of pain if he opened his mouth and spoke about it.

He kept his cool and did not say much during his shift. He also did not look at his boss pulling double shifts (as if he had ever done his first one) with a happy smile.

"Boss, are you not going to sleep?"

Megan asked with an awkward expression when the night was almost over. He even felt tired because he had not slept enough and had only covered a single shift.

The look Zayne gave him made it clear that it was foolish to ask him this question. Megan quickly closed his mouth and looked away.

If his boss wanted him to keep quiet, then that was what he would do. He was a subordinate who tried to live a long life.