Ch 110: The deep Dungeon - Part 1

"Ugh, this is so annoying! Just when I thought I had that monster cornered, I decided to be a coward and run away. Is there nothing we can do to kill it?'

Horus asked as she looked around, but Lucas had an answer to her question.

"I have an idea. But first, we need to go to an open space where nothing can fall on us and injure us. Can you flatten this area for us?"

Lucas asked, and Horus looked at him suspiciously. But she did not have time to think about his request and why he asked her something like this.

Horus gathered her powers, and she hit the ground hard. It caused it to split apart but also flattened at the same time. 

Now, there was no obstacle in the place she had flattened out, and Lucas made his way down into that clearing.

"I did as you asked. Now, what do we do?"

Horus asked with an impatient look on her face.