Ch 109: Don't take your time - Part 2

Camelia pulled away from Helios as soon as she heard Zayne's voice. Alarm bells were ringing in her ears, and she wanted to give Zayne no more opportunity to say anything to her.

Helios made a disappointed noise when Camelia pushed him away, but he was not her main focus.

Camelia had not noticed it until now because of the dungeon's aura, but Zayne's condition was not as good as she had hoped. The aura of gloom around him made his complexion look paler and lifeless.

"Yeah, we are done for now. Helios, I know you have more to say, but we should discuss it once we get out of here. Clearing this dungeon should be our priority."

Camelia set boundaries as she stepped toward a more neutral position. She did not want to get caught in the middle of anyone.

Zayne stepped toward Camelia with a blank expression, and Camelia pretended she did not notice. Since she had not brought it up, no one else had the balls to bring it up.