Chapter 14: Kamar-Taj

Finney often heard people say, "The world keeps spinning, no matter who leaves."

But now, he couldn't shake the feeling that the Ancient One's words implied that if he left, the world might stop spinning altogether.

Her evaluation both surprised and filled him with pride. Yes, pride. Not everyone is willing to remain ordinary. He could choose to be ordinary, but he refused to only be ordinary.

"I believe I can make this world a better place," Finney said, taking a deep breath as he met the Ancient One's gaze. "Like you said, the future can't be controlled, but each person can choose their future."

"I don't know your reasons for limiting my power, but I believe it's for the good of the world. So, if my abilities truly endanger the world, I'm willing to give them up—at least temporarily."

Finney didn't fully understand why the Ancient One wanted to suppress his use of the Golden Great Evolution Technique, but he wasn't overly concerned. The technique wasn't particularly powerful at the moment anyway. Plus, with the system, he was sure he could eventually draw something even stronger. For now, he needed to focus on the present.

The Ancient One remained silent, her eyes deep and thoughtful, before she finally began to explain, "Your magic modifies the fundamental rules of reality. To the Earth, this is a foreign, invasive power. The responsibility of a sorcerer is to protect the Earth from such invasions. As long as the three Sanctums stand, they will inherently suppress your magic."

With that, Finney finally understood why his proficiency in making Golden Chicken Wraps had grown rapidly, while his progress with the Golden Great Evolution Technique had been so slow.

It wasn't that he had a talent for cooking—it was simply that his environment was holding back his magic.

"So, if I'm not on Earth, I can use my powers freely?" Finney asked curiously.

The Ancient One shook her head. "Not necessarily. If there's no opposing force, your magic will indeed be easier to use. But whether it works or not still depends on you. In places where there are stronger opposing forces, it might be even harder to use than on Earth."

After a brief pause, she continued, "Unless you have enough energy and willpower to push through those obstacles."

Of course, it still came down to personal strength.

Hearing this, Finney was once again reminded of how weak he was.

"I've always been curious, though... what is this magic called?"

Now that she had said what needed to be said, the Ancient One's demeanor returned to its usual calm. There was a touch of curiosity in her tone as she asked the question.

"It's called the Golden Great Evolution Technique. It's a magic I've known since birth, a power that allows me to alter reality according to my will." Finney trusted the Ancient One, so he didn't hide anything about the technique that could be shared.

"A truly remarkable power," the Ancient One remarked, her eyes reflecting only curiosity and restraint, without a hint of envy or fear.

"Master, I..." Finney was about to ask if he could stay and learn magic when the Ancient One, knowing his intentions, interrupted him.

"The magic of Kamar-Taj isn't well-suited to you. If you do choose to learn it, you'll also have to take on the responsibilities of being a sorcerer. Are you ready for that?"

Technically, one didn't have to take on such responsibilities just to learn Kamar-Taj's magic—it could be taught to outsiders, like those in need of help.

But Finney? While he saw himself as someone who needed help, the Ancient One clearly didn't think so. That's why she insisted that if Finney wanted to learn, he had to commit to the duties of a Kamar-Taj sorcerer as well.

Luckily, Finney didn't mind this. In his view, the sorcerers' biggest enemy right now was Dormammu, and that guy was a threat to everyone on Earth anyway. So without hesitation, Finney agreed, "I'm ready to join!"

With that, Finney officially became the Ancient One's disciple. Inside, he felt a surge of excitement, and his true personality started to show through.

"Master, I came here in such a rush that I didn't bring a gift. How about I treat you to one of my special Golden Chicken Wraps?"

With a grin, Finney summoned a Golden Chicken Wrap and handed it to the Ancient One. After all, they would be spending a lot of time together, and there was no point in hiding his abilities. Besides, the Ancient One had probably known about his food-summoning trick all along.

"What a fascinating ability," the Ancient One remarked, unsurprised, as she took the chicken wrap and took a bite. Her face lit up in pleasure as she commented, "It's truly delicious!"

Kamar-Taj was a beautiful place, especially at night when it exuded an air of peace and tranquility. The Ancient One gave Finney a brief tour and introduced him to some of the other sorcerers.

With that, he officially became a member of the mystic arts, even though he had yet to learn any spells.

As night fell, Finney bid farewell, intending to go home and inform his family before returning to begin his training. Just as he was about to leave, he hesitated, then finally voiced the question that had been nagging him.

"Master, aren't you curious how I knew about you?"

The Ancient One smiled knowingly, her eyes holding a hint of something deeper. "Everyone has their secrets, don't they?"

"And sometimes, not knowing everything makes life a little more interesting."

Finney wasn't entirely sure what to make of her answer. Did she think he knew too much and was deliberately leaving some mysteries unsolved to keep things exciting?

With those thoughts swirling in his mind, Finney left Kamar-Taj and returned to the New York Sanctum.

The dark night suddenly gave way to the brightness of day as he stepped out. Heading home, he began to contemplate how he would explain his upcoming departure to his family.

Time passed quietly, and soon evening arrived in New York.

After dinner, Finney gathered his family and announced, "I've been thinking lately... I'd like to go out and explore the world for a while. I'll be back before the university term starts. Is that okay?"

"Why are you suddenly leaving?"

"Where are you planning to go?"

"I'll go with you!"

His family's reactions varied. His mother didn't want him to leave, his father wanted to know where he was going, and Skye simply wanted to tag along.

"I'm thinking of heading to the Himalayas," Finney replied. Since Kamar-Taj was located in that region, it wasn't technically a lie. As for Skye wanting to come along, he figured he'd talk to her privately later.

Having been a good and well-behaved son all his life, his mother eventually relented, albeit reluctantly. His father, on the other hand, gave him advice on staying safe and asked when he planned to leave.

When Finney said he would be leaving in a few days, they were surprised. Skye, sensing something unusual, quieted down and stopped insisting on going with him.

Later that night, after his parents had gone to bed, Finney went to Skye's room. He planned to explain everything about Kamar-Taj to her.


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