Chapter 2

You're kidding me. I thought. So what now? 

The young man stood up, keeping his eyes on me.

"Liam? Honey, did something happen?" Vallentina asked, surprised.

Liam didn't answer her. He just called out to his group, "Wait here," grabbed my hand and walked with me out of the room.

I followed him without resisting, wondering what he would do. We left the club through the back exit and I was immediately pushed against the wall. I looked at the man with menacing eyes.

"I know you don't know what this is about, but you will confirm my words and we will leave in peace. I don't need a useless human as my partner" He hissed.

Stellar, my wolf, growled menacingly. He doesn't deserve us. Do what he wants. She said, furious. I nodded in confirmation.

"What is your name?"

"Nova Alstar"

"I Liam Centil reject you Nova Alstar"

"I, Nova Alstar, accept your rejection, Liam Centil" After these words, great pain shot through our bodies.

Liam grabbed his chest and was breathing heavily, but I decided to fight and not show any weakness. I stood stubbornly, enduring the pain.

"If that's all, I'm going back to work" I said through my teeth and with great effort I went back inside, trying to look normal.

When I got to my locker room, I locked myself in the bathroom and grabbed my chest. It hurt like hell, but the rage and anger I felt towards him at that moment helped.

He wasn't worthy of us. One day he will regret his decision. Said Stellar.

"Let him repent or not. I hope I never meet him again. After a few minutes, I left the bathroom and went back to work, fighting the pain.

Fortunately, we finished at 3 a.m. and I could finally go home.

After returning, I immediately went into my room and threw myself on my bed, quickly falling asleep from exhaustion.

I woke up after 8 a.m. feeling much better. The pain was still there, but much less. I went to take a quick shower and then to the kitchen for breakfast.

There were sandwiches and a note from my aunt waiting for me on the table. "Have a nice day".

My aunt and I saw each other about two or three times a week only because her work interfered with my classes at university and my night job. My aunt took me in after my parents left me at her door when I was a baby.

They wrote a short letter asking to take care of me because something bad was happening in their pack and they were afraid that something bad would happen to me. After this whole incident, neither my aunt nor I heard a word from my parents.

When I was 17, I transformed for the first time in my room. Fortunately, my aunt was at work at the time. Then I met Stellar, my special wolf, who slowly explained to me what had happened and who I really was.

My aunt didn't know I was a wolf. She was my mother's old school friend and they kept in touch until I was abandoned at her door. She raised me as her own daughter but told me to call her Auntie, which is what I did.

I was very grateful to her for everything she did for me and I decided to help as soon as possible to relieve her financial burden at least a little. That's why I started working at the club, but at least I was able to pay for school and training with Stan.

I ate sandwiches, drank warm tea, packed my things for school and went to classes. The day passed peacefully until Vallentina and her entourage stood in my way. 

"Well, well. Who do my eyes see?" She grimaced.

It was a bit strange because she always made fun of me.

What was she talking about this time?

She approached me but it only increased her height difference. I looked down and saw how pissed she was. I wanted to burst out laughing, but I held back. I knew I wouldn't have a life if I did that.

"Keep your dirty, poor hands off my boyfriend. You come close to him again and I'll dig out those eyes for you, understand?" She growled. Looking at her in disbelief, I understood what was pissing her off.

"Look, I don't care about your boyfriend and I suspect it's mutual, so you don't have to worry about it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm in a hurry for the next lecture" I replied monotonously, showing a hint of disgust and irritation.

I walked past them, not listening to her further threats. In a bad mood for the rest of the class, I looked forward to the sparring session. As I entered the building, I immediately called out to Stan.

"I need to blow off some steam! Be ready when I come!"

I entered the locker room, quickly taking off my clothes and changing into my combat clothes. Stan, seeing how angry I was, just said a quiet "oh" and started to warm up.

I was struggling with anger, so I hit much harder but with less precision. After hitting the ground a few times, I regained my focus and, as Stan says, "with a terrible look on my face," I started sparring seriously. My eyes gently gleamed golden as I attacked the trainer with precision, when he was trying to stop all my attacks. Sweat dripped down our foreheads, but we fought non-stop. Finally, Stan raised his hand. 

"Enough! Enough for today. You still have a job, remember? Any longer and you'll be late" He said, catching his breath.

Hot and sweaty, I turned around and landed in the shower. With a short "See you tomorrow" I left and walked quickly to work.

In the changing room I greeted the other three waitresses and started working. To be honest, I lost some steam during training, but I felt that it wasn't enough yet. Like never before, I was just waiting for some idiot to start some unpleasant situation.

Well, you ask for it, you get it. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Sami, one of the waitresses, trying to push away some intruder who had started groping her.

"This man has had enough," I said to myself as I approached them. I grabbed his hand and twisted it threateningly in the other direction, hearing a pleasant moan coming from his nasty mouth. Sami quickly stood behind me.

"Our club's policy prohibits touching or using force on our staff. We have the right to ask you to leave or use some force against you if necessary. Please behave politely" I threatened gently, smiling ugly. 

"Let go, you stupid bitch. Do you know who I am?!" He shouted, trying to pull his hand away. Pulling harder and harder, I finally let go, causing him to fall beautifully to the ground. As he had just had a few deep drinks, when he got up he started to stagger on his feet.

"Youuu!" He pointed his finger at me and swung his fist at me.

Yep, this gentleman just made this day end with a nice memory. I quickly moved Sami behind me with my right hand, moving her away from the potential blow, and with my open left hand I quickly hit him in the throat, allowing him to fall once again. I grabbed Sami's hand and we walked to the bar.

"Self-defense. One customer had had enough. He needs to be taken out" I showed Tom the lying man trying to catch his breath, and then I went with the girl to our locker room. I let her sit down, crouching down in front of her.

"Are you okay? Did he do something to you?" I asked gently. The girl denied it, only shaking her head. She was shaking a bit, but there were no visible injuries.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure he doesn't come in here again" I comforted her, gently stroking her hand.

The situation, like many others, ended with a ban for the man. They knew the club's policy well and knew the dangers of bad behavior. The best thing was that they couldn't threaten anyone later, because the owner of this club was practically the biggest boss, probably in the whole country.

I've heard various stories about him, but honestly, practically no one has ever met him in person. Everything was handled through his intermediaries. He had dozens of such clubs, not to mention his other businesses. I wouldn't be surprised if he was some kind of mafia boss, but as long as he pays me, I don't care. He might even be president.

The rest of the job went smoothly. Like every day, I came home and fell asleep within seconds.

I woke up a little after eight and got out of bed with a bit of excitement. Today was the day Stan and I were going out of town. I couldn't wait to stretch my bones and let Stellar go. I ate a quick breakfast and went to class. By focusing my attention on the wolfs during breaks, I tried to avoid them. I didn't want anything or anyone to ruin my day. I only had three classes, so I quickly went to pick up Stan, who was only open until noon today, due to our trips. We got into his old van, played some music and headed out of town.